MINUTES - Special Council - 19700309-c:"'
ON .. MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 AT 8:00P.M.
PRESENT: Mayor R. A. lllingwoz-th, Reeve E. Buck, Councillors Davis, Harris,
''Henderson, Miller, Simmons & Stewart.
:Ptirtage La Prairie-Red River Valley Cart-Manitoba Centennial Celebrations
Buck: "Resolved that the Mayor answer the letter and that further information
Davis: be obtained. "
Mr. Paul Kil.owles and Mr. Frank Caruso of the Community Centre Board presented
the Board's 1969 _Financial Statement and submitted the proposed Budget for 1970.
Mr. Kil.owles advised that the Board recommends that a full time Community
Centre Manager is required.
"Resolved that the report be accepted and referred to Council in
Committee and that the Community Centre Board be requested to submit
a report on 1969 operations and activities with recommendations for
. 1970. and .that the Board members be requested to attend the Council
. in Committee meeting."
SI?E!t:ial Joint Committee Report No. 155
Councillor Miller presented a report of the Special Joint Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting of the Special Joint Committee was held on Thursday, February 12, 1970
at the Aurora Municipal Offices.
Pr~~ent were: Aurora ••• R. A. Illingworth, Mayor; Deputy Reeve W. Trent,
Councillor P. Miller and Councillor R. Simmons.
Township of King: Councillors G. Rowe and K. McTaggart.
Township of Newmarket: Mayor T. Surgeoner, Reeve B. Eves, Councillor B. Forhan
Townshlp ofWhitchurch: Councillor B. Van Nostrand.
The meeting was called to determine what interest there might be for a Regional
Park to l>El· developed jointly ·by-the middle five municipalities of York County~
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Special Joint Committee Report No. 155 Cont 1 d
The Committee were generally in agreement that a regional park would be
desirable and that the property on the west side of Yonge Street, formerly,
York Manor, owned by the County of York and consisting of approximately
ninety-five acres, would make an ideal site.
Mayor T. Surgeoner and Mayor lllingworth are to request a meeting with the
Warden and Commissioners of York County to determine their feelings on the
possibility of acquiring the lands from the County.
A further meeting is to be held as soon as the information is available on the
possibility of using the York County lands.
Miller: "Resolved that the Report of the Special Joint Committee :tiro. 155
Stewart: dated March 2, 1970 re Regional Park be accepted."
July 1st. Committee Report No. 158
Councillor S' ~,mons presented a report of the July 1st. Committee in which
the Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting of the Committee was held on February 18th, 1970 with 11 members
Some of the events are now starting to take shape, although details have to be
worked out. The Committee are hoping to have Firemen 1 s competitions,
a teenage dance, as well as an outside dance on the Tuesday night, June 30th;
A Bobby Gimby dance on the evening of July lst, together with Children 1 s races in
the afternoon, along with entertainment features.
The Committee authorized one of their members to look after the availability
of the steam train.
The Secretary was requested to send letters to various dignitaries, including the
Prime Minister and Premier J. Roberts.
The Committee have also authorized 4, 000 promotion buttons to beordered and
also monogramed beer mugs, with the July 1st. symbol on them which will be
This report is for information and further details will be brought forward "'rhen
finalized following the next meeting or two.
"Resolved that the report of July 1st. Committee dated February 18,
1970 be accepted as information."
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Fire Committee Report No. 159
Councillor Henderson presented a report of the Fire Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following :
The Fire Committee met on Wednesday, March 3, 1970 at 8:00P.M.
Present were: Councillor Henderson, Chairman; Councillor Simmons, Vice
Chairman; and Member I. Harris, Councillor, and Fire Chief G. Burling.
1. The Fire Budget has been completed for 1970 and is now ready to be presented
to Council.
2. The Committee recommends that the number of firemen be raised from 24 to
3. The Committee recommends that R. Tulloch attend the Gravenhurst School
on March 16 to March 30th. to complete the course being taken, at an amount of
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 -Carried
Clause 3 -Carried
"Resolved that the Report of the Fil-e Committee No. 159 dated
March 3 , 19 70 re Various Items be accepted and the Seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto."
Reeve Buck in the Chair.
Council in Committee Report No. 157
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting was held with the Department of Education officials -Toronto, March 4,
Present were: Mr. L. M. Johnston, Assist. Deputy Minister of Education, Mr. N.
A. Cisco, Director of Applied Arts & Technology Branch, Dept. of Education;
Mr. H. Jackson, Assist. Director of Applied Arts and Technology, Branch and
Executive Secretary of Council of Regents.
Also present: our local M.L.A., Mr. Wm. Hodgson; Members of Council, Mayor
Illingworth, Reeve Buck, Deputy Reeve Trent, Councillors Harris & Stewart and
Clerk, K. B. Rodger.
Council in Committee Report No. 157 Cont'd
Mayor Illingworth made a presentation of the Town' s resolution supporting the
second campus of Seneca College to be built within the County of York in the
central area, and not as in North York as indicated in the brochure prepared by
Seneca College.
During the presentation, Mayor Illingworth stressed the importance of the
location to the future students of York County and indications were received from
Seneca College that.a Committee has been set up to study this rriatter of proposed
location, and that all areas would be given the opportunity to make representation
before they decide on a permanent campus site.
It was further indicated that when area 7 for the Community Colleges was set up,
our area was to include the Borough of North York and all of York County.
The delegation concluded that the Council resolution and delegatibrl were well
received at this meeting and that the Deputy Minister, and Director of the
Applied Arts and Technology Branch, and the Executive Secretary of the Council
of Regents, who all will have to deal with the second campus of Seneca College
later, are made aware of the County of York area municipalities concerned and
that the next step would be to make a presentation to the Board of Governors of
Seneca College.
Also presented during the delegatiorls appearance was the fact that the resolution
had been endorsed by the County of York and the Towns of f<urora, Newmarket
and Markham and Richmond Hill, the Village of Stouffville and the Townships of
Georgina, King and Whitchurch.
Subsequent to our meeting we have received endorsements from the TWPS• of
Markham and Vaughan endorsing the location within the County of York.
We further advise that at the date of writing that we have not heard from the
Village of Sutton and the Village of Woodbridge and the Township of East
Gwillimbury and the Township of North Gwillimbury.
Illingworth: "Resq~ved that the Committee Report Dated March 4, 1970, No.
Harris: 157, pertaining to meeting with Department of Education
officials re Seneca College be discussed item by item and accepted
as information, and further;
Resolved that a meeting be requested by the Council of the Town of
Aurora with the Board of Governors of Seneca College at their
earliest convenience."
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Council in Committee Report No. 156
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Council in Committee in which the
O:>mmittee respectfully submitted the following:
Council in Committee met with members of the Aurora Police Association on
Wednesdayi February 18, 1970 at 8:00p.m. _Mayor Illingworth, Reeve Buck,
Deputy Reeve Trent and Councillors Henderson, Stewart and Miller were present.
Sgt. Andrews and Const. Lowell McClenny represented the Aurora Police Assoc.
Prior to discussing the 1970 contract, items of the 1969 contract were discussed
as follows:
1. Life Insurance-The Town shall pay 2/3 of the premium of a life insurance
policy for a benefit of $10,000.00 for each member ,said policy to come into
effect no later than January 1, 1970.
The Association were advised that several insurance companies had been requested
to submit prices for life insurance coverage and in addition, pension and other
benefits. The information had just been received and was under study and it was
hoped that a report would be submitted to Council and the Association by March
2, 1970. A further report will be submitted.
2. Court Time -The Association requested classification of court time insofar
as it pertains to morning court, afternoon court and evening court. It was
recommended that the Association and the Chief of Police be advised that Court
time be defined as follows :
(a) Morning Court-From 10:00 A.M. until1:00 P.M. or until the luncheon
(b) Afternoon Court-From 2:00P.M. until 5:00P.M. or until the conclusion
of Court:
(c) Evening Court -Any session of Court that commences after 6 :00 p.m. and
to the conclusion of evening court.
3. Cleaning Allowance-Complaints were received from the Association regarding
the lengtmf time required for cleaning and the standard of cleaning. It is
recommended that the tender specifications be checked as to length of time for
cleaning, and a letter forwarded to Cadet Cleaners requesting that a better service
be arranged and als.o bringing t.o their attention the complaint regarding the
standard of cleaning.
As the cleaning allowance was to be effective October 15, 1969, but the contract
not awarded until last January 1970, it is recommended that all personnel covered
by the contract be granted an allowance of $6.00 to cover cleaning expenses during
the interim period.
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Council in Committee Report No. 156 Cont'd
4. Police Secretary-The J,ssociation requested that the Police Secretary be
considered a member of the Police Associeltion. It is recommended that a letter
go to the Police Association, Chief of Police, and Mrs. Trafford stating Council's
policy that only Police Officers and Police Dispatchers are considered under the
Police Act, and members of the Association, and that clerical personnel are
Town employees and subject to transfer between departments. If this is not
satisfactory to Mrs. Trafford she is entitled to submit her grievances as outlined
in Staff Policy #2.
5. Letter 4-14 dated February 6 0Jrom the Chief of Police referring to Section 15
of the 1967 Police Contract was di~cussed, which stated: "When outside the
municipality on duty, each member shall be allowed a meal allowance of up to
$2.50 per meal, and such allowance shall be paid to the member forthwith upon
submission of the proper claim sheet."
"our Committee recommends that the Chief of Police be advised that the 1969
Contract was in effect on January 5, 1970 when the verbal agreement was made with
Constable Fordham, and also that as the contract in c.n agreement between the
Association and Council that ohly mutual agreement between these two bodies can
amend the Agreement. Therefore, the verbal agreement is null and void.
It is also recommended that the Chief of Police be advised that all correspondence
is to be addressed to the Town Clerk.
6. The representatives of the Association presented their 1970 contract request
and it was discussed item by item in general terms. The Committee presented
their proposal of a wage increase of e.pprol<:imately 7'/o with no change in other
· allowances except that the payment of home telephone bills be discontinued.
As this was a preliminary meeting, it was agreed that each body would discuss
the submissions and meet again in the near future.
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 -Carried
Clause 3 -Carried
Clause 4 -Carried
Clause 5 -Carried
Clause 6 -Carried
"Resolved that the report .of Council in Committee dated
February 18, 1970 re meeting with Police Associ.ction be dis-
cussed item by item and accepted."
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
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Buck: "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign
Stewart: the Agreement with the Ontario Humane Society."
Stewart: "Resolved that a notice be sent to all residents advising that dogs are
Simmons: not permitted to run at large and advising of the telephone number of
the Humane Society and that the Clerk be authorized to select the
best method of sending the notices. 11
Janitor Services
Police Dept.
Henderson: "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized
Davis: to sign the Agreement with Barton 1 s Building
Maintenance for the supply of janitor services
at the Auror.a Police Department building."
Janitor Services Henderson: "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to
sign the Agreement with Barton 1 s Building Mainten-
ance for the supply of janitor services at Victoria
Agreement -Stewart:
Victoria Hall
Buck: "Resolved that a by-law be prepared for the removal
Henderson: of overhanging signs within three years."
"Go North" Henderson: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Department of
Davis: Go-Transit requesting information on action taken to-date
on the Go North Commuter Service."
No Parking Davis:
Church St. Simmons:
"Resolved that No Parking on the South Side of Church
Street -Anytime -be added to the Traffic By-Law
1867 prior to third reading."
Davis: "Amendment: delete word "South" anci insert "North"
Miller : side. "
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Official Plan
Amendment No. 1
"Resolved that the Council concurs with the modi-
fication by the Minister to the Official Plan Amendmc ..
Number 1, which will designate the watercourses as
Conservation, within the industrial and commercial
designations. "
Fire Tank
Henderson: "Whereas the Fire Committee of the Town of Aurora did
Harris: meet with the representatives of King Township and Whit-
church Township on November 26, 1969;
And whereas the Township representatives did agree to
provide funds in their 1970 Budget for a new truck chassis
for the Water Tank Truck;
And whereas the Council did instruct our Clerk to write
the s2id Townships (and which was done on December 11th)
advising that an amount sufficient to purchase a new chassis
should be provided in the 19 70 Budget and that the Fire
Committee would review this mc.tter prior to Aprillst,
And whereas, we have not received a confirmation, as
yet, from the said Townships that the sums have been
placed in their 1970 Budget;
Now the Clerk write the Township of King and Township of
lt/hitchurch and request confirmation that the necessary
sum, for the purchase of a new chassis is included in
the 1970 Budget and further that this confirmation be re-
ceived by Aprillst, 1970 by the Townships."
"Resolved that a letter be sent to Mr. Wiedman thanking him for his
invitation and hospitality."
Reeve Buck in the Chair.
"Resolved that a copy of the Town solicitor's letter regarding the
legality of the occupancy of the Rental Building, being used as a
residence by the owners, be sent to Mrs. Hobson in order to enable
the owners to carry out the requirements of tl:E Fire Chief. "
Harris: " Amendment: that the motion be tabled until the next meeting of
Stewart : Council. "
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Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
No. 1876-71
Buck: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to establish a
Davii>: petty cash fund and that the same be now read a first time."
Stewart: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and
Henderson: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for
that purpose."
Second reading of the By-Law approved in Open Council.
By-Law Buck:
No. 1877-70 Davis:
"That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to appoint a
Lottery Licencing Officer and that the same be now read a
first time."
Simmons: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and
Harris: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that
Second reading of the By-Law approved in Open Council.
Miller: "Resolved that the third reading be presented for consideration. "
Miller: "Resolved that the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time
Harris: this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that
Simmons: "That the reading of the By-Law be taken as read. 11
S¢ewart: "Resolved that an appropriate advertisement be placed in the local
Henderson: newspaper."
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Figure Skating ClUb
Stewart: "Restllved that a 1/2 page advertisement be authorized in the Figure
Henderson: Skating Club's programme."
Miller: "ResolVed that William J. Langman, Chief of Police, be authorized to
Stewart: attend the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Convention at
Kenora, Ontario, from June 22nd to 24th, 1970 and that the normal
expenses be allowed and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached
Councillor Stewart gave Notice of Motion re: Student Summer Work Programme.
Stewart: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." ( 10:50 P.M.)