MINUTES - Special Council - 19691208-----
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1969 AT 8:00P.M. "
PRESENT: Mayor R. A. Illingworth, Reeve E. Buck, Deputy Reeve W. Trent,
Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson, Miller and Stewart.
Councillor Henderson in the Chair.
Liaison Committee Report No. 127 (b)
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Liaison Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
Fire Department
1. Vehicles -In general, the present equipment is satisfactory but planning
should be carried out to replace equipment as it becomes 10 years old. It
is recommended that the Treasurer prepare a report as to the advisability
of setting up a capital fund with sums of money set aside each year for
replacement purposes. ·
2. Radio -In general, the present radio equipment will be complete when one
more portable radio is delivered. It is understood that this radio has been
ordered and it is recommended that the Purchasing Agent look into this matter
and report.
3. Staff -The Committee was advised that on some occasions during the day
the number of men available for fire duty was below normal requirements and
that some consideration should be given to increasing the number of men
available. It is recommended that a letter be forwarded to all Aurora
industry to ascertain if it is possible for selected personnel to be relieved
of their normal duties for volunteer fire duties. If this does not produce the
desired result, it is recommended that the Fire Committee make a study as to
full time firemen and report to Council.
4. Building -The Committee was advised that some maintsnanae and painting
is required for the fire hall. It is recommended that the Fire Committee
study this matter and submit a report.
5. Petty Cash -During the discussion with the Chief of Police and Fire Chief
it appeared as though many minor items could be obtained through a Petty Cash
Fund, rather than submitting an account for small purchases. It is recolmnended
that the Treasurer prepare a report on this time to cover all Town Departments.
General -Terms of reference for the above referenced positions are being
prepared and will be submitted to Council in Committee when complete.
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 & 3 -"Amendment: that clauses 2 and 3 be referred to the Fire Committe.s
for further consideration."
Clause 4 -Carried
Clause 5 -Carried
General -Carried
Illingworth: "Resolved that the report of the Liaison Committee dated November
Trent: 2, 1969 be discussed item by item and accepted as amended .. ~'
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Mayor Illingworth·in the Chair.
Fire Connnittee Report No. 129·
Councillor Henderson presented 4 report of the Fire Connnittee in which the
Connnittee respectfully submitted the following:
A Committee meeting was hQld November 26, 1969 at King Township Municipal
Office regarding the futute of the Fite Tank Truck.
Present were: Councillor Henderson, Harris and Sinnnons and Fire Chief Burling
from Aurora, Deputy Reeve L. Hennessy from Whitchurch Council and Councillors
Flinders and Rowe from King Township Council.
After much discussion it was mutually agreed th~t after more repairs were made
to the newer tank truck it would be delivered to Aui.'ora Fire Department and
used temporarily until it is found unsafe to use.
King and Whitchurch would then be in a poei.tiortto supply a new chassis to
carry the newer tank which is in reasonable condition.
Each Township agreed to include in the 1970 Budget the necessary funds to
take care of this truck.
Henderson: "That the report of the Fire Committee dated November 26, 1969
Harris: re Fire Tank Truck be accepted."
Henderson: "Amendment: and that the Fire Connnittee is to review this matter
Harris: in April 1970."
Councillor Henderson irt the Chair.
Finance Committee Report No. 130
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Finance Committee in which the
Commlttee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting of the Finance Committee was held at 8:30P.M., Wednesday, December
3, with all members present. Councillors Harris and Stewart were in attendance.
The following items were discussed.
1. Snow Ploughing of Sidewalks
Item 1 of Works report 124 was referred to the Finance Committee for con-
·aideration. After considering both alternatives submitted by the Works
Department and information about other municipalities as report in "Civic
Administration", your Committee recommends the purchase of a Bombadier S W
Plough with sanding attachment at an approximate cost of $6,500. and that the
cost of such equipment be charged against the Capital Reserve account.
Report Noo 130 Cont'd
It is also recommended that the Town Superirttelldent prepare· a plan for the
ploughing of all Town sidewalks on a prio'fii,ybasis taking into consideration
the requirements of students, senior citizens·. a~<;l the business communi tyo
It is estimated that all Town sidewalks cab, be ploughed in less than a day
at an approximate cost of $5o75 per hout Whidh includes all operating costso
2o Community Centre Parking Lot
It is Reference is made to the Engineer's report dated November 10, 1969o
recommended that the cost of approximately $4,000o for extra paving
against the Capital Reserve Accounto
be charged
,. :~. ·: '
It is also recommended that the.Aurt>ra liy#o be requested to install flood
lights on the poles in the parking lot arid to be controlled as street lightingo
3o Newspaper Boxes
Reference is made to Ao Merkur and Sons Ltdo lehters dated November 14, 1969o
Prior to receiving this letter some members of Council on a recent tour
experienced concern about the haphazard placing of newspaper boxes and
the apparent lack of controlo Your Committee recommends that a letter be
mailed to the Toronto Star, Toronto Telegram, Toronto Globe and Mail,
Aurora Banner and Newmarket Era, requesting that their local representatives
meet with the Finance Committee to discuss a plan for the placing and control
of newspaper boxeso
4o Extension of Storm Sewer
Reference is made to George Wimpey's letter dated November 26, 1969o Your
Committee recommends the payment of $1,600o for the extension of the storm
sewer as previously approved by Council and cost charged to the Wimpey Capital
Levy Accounto
5o Insurance Claim
Reference is made to Morden & Helwig Ltdo, letter dated November 13 regarding
the claim for damage submitted by Mrs. Scott, 17 Irwin Avenue, due to back
up of storm sewer during the heavy rain storm in Augusto Your Committee
does not concur with the recommendation of the Insurance Adjuster and
recommends settlement of the claim in the amount of $55o25o
Your Committee also recommends a meeting with a representative of the Insurance
Company and the Finance Committee to ascertain just what coverage the Town
may expect for its insurance premiums.
6. Renovations to Council Chambers
A study is still being carried out as to the most suitable heating to be
installed and a report is expected in the near future. A further report and
recommendation will be submittedo
Report No. 130 Cont'd
7. Sterling Drugs
As Sterling Drugs are now completing their 50th. year Anntversary and their
lOth. year in Aurora, your Committee recommends that a suitable advertisement
be placed in the local press and a floral basket be sent as a token of our
mutual growth.
8. Allocation of Expenditures
As the Town Superintendent spends approximately 20% of his time providing
supervisory and other service to the Water Depar~ent, your Committee recommends
that 20 ~. of his salary and expenses be charged to the Water Depar~ent.
Your Committee also recommends that the Water Resources Committee consider
the possibility of assigning a member df tHe ~ater Depar~ent ~o read all
commercial and industrial water meters and submitting reading to the
Hydro for collection.
This would enable the Water Committee to have up-to-date knowledge of the water
consumption of major users, but more important, ensure that meters are operating
effi,ciently at all times.
9. Accounting Procedures
The Treasurer reports that the Town Auditor has purchased a computer and
installation is expected by December 15, 1969. This installation will
definitely enhance and alleviate our account requisites, with sufficient
opportunity for future expansion. Your Committee recommends that the
Treasurer maintain liaison with the Auditor in the investigations of new
programs that will assist in a more efficient operation and submit reports as
to his findings and recommendations as required.
10. Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast
The five year capital expenditure forecast for 1970-1974 was submitted for
consideration. Your committee wishes to investigate this item further and
will report at a later date.
11. Ontario Good Roads Association
Reference is made to the Ontario Good Roads Association letter dated September
26, 2969 which was referred to the Finance Committee. Your Committee recommends
that the Clerk be authorized to obtain suitable accomodation at the Royal
York Hotel for the period Monday February 23 to Wednesday February 25, 1970
and the Town Superintendent submit a report to the Finance Committee as to
estimated costs for the conference.
12. BudgetarydControl
Your Committee is concerned about the present method of budgetary controls for
the various departl!lef\:ts and recommends that the Treasurer be authorized to
prepare a code system',for each depar~ent so that all items purchased or
services provided can be charged to the proper allocation of the Budget. This
is the system used by most government agencies, and it would provide the
Finance Committee and Council with more accurate and up-to-date information
as to the status of each Budget.
Report No. 130 Cont'd
Your Committee also recommends t~at all purchases fot all Town Departments
and all capital expenditures of ±own appointed bodies be made through the
Purchasing Agent and that a poiicy directive as to purchasing be prepared.
13. Staff Holidays
Your Committee discussed the necessity of establishing a policy re staff
holidays so that some control could be maintained as to when holidays
should be taken. Your Committee recommends that all holidays accrued in one
calendar year must be taken prior to April 30 of the following year and that
a 30 day period be required betwpen holidays, except under special
circumstances and with prior authority of Council.
It is further recommended that a policy directiVe be prepared re Staff Holidays.
14. Personnel Appointments
Mrs. Marlene Trafford was appointed to probatiortary staff April 9, 1969 and
completed the required 6 month probationary period bctober 9, B69. Your
Committee recommends that Mrs. Trafford be confirmed to a permanent position
effective October 9, 1969.
Your Committee also recommends that Mrs. Trafford and the Chief of Police
be advised that all Clerical positions are Town positions and clerical
personnel are assigned duties in various departments and may be re-assigned
as conditions require, and also that the clerk assigned to the Police
Department is not required or expected to carry out dispatching, matron or
other police duties.
In addition, your Committee recommends that no comparison should be made
between the duties of a clerk and a dispatcher, as the dispatcher is a member
of the Police Department and subject to the Police Act.
Your Committee also recommends that a policy directive be prepared pertaining
to clerical positions, duties and salaries.
15. Working Capital Account
The Treasurer reports that a funded reserve, such as the Working Capital Account
may be reduced in an amount of 10% during one calendar year to allow available
funds for extraneous expenditures. Due to the extra expenditures required
by the Police Agreement and associated fringe benefits, plus other unexpected
items, e.g. extra overtime due to construction, etc., your Committee recommends
that the Treasurer be authorized to use up to 10% of the Working Capital
Account to pay for extra expenditures as outlined.
16. Trial Period -Amalgamation Parks & Recreation
As the trial period of the amalgamation of Parks and Recreation is now just
about over, your Committee recommends that a meeting be convened between the
Recreation Committee and Council in Committee to discuss this item.
Finance Committee Report N0 • 130 Cont 1 d
Clause 1 -Carried
Clause 2 -Carried
Clause 3 -Carried
Clause 4 -Carried
Clause 5 -Was withdrawn at the request of the Committee.
Clause 6 -Carried
Clause 7 -Carried
Clause 8 -Carried
Clause 9 -Carried
Clause 10 -Carried
Clause 11 -Carried
Clause 12 -Carried
Clause 13 -Carried
Clause 14 -Carried
Clause 15 -Carried
Clause 16 -Carried
"Resolved that the report of the Finance Committee, dated
December l, 1969 re several items be discussed item by
item and ace~pted, end the Seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto."
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
Police Committee Report No. 131
Councillor Miller presented a report of the Police Committee in which the
Committee respectfully submitted the following:
A meeting was held on Friday, December 5, 1969 at 7:00 P.M.
Present were: Councillors Miller and Stewart, Chief of Police Wm. Langman,
P. c. Lougheed -Member of the two delegations and a member of the Snow Mobile
The meeting was called at the·request of Council, regarding the use of
Snow Mobiles in the Town Parks.
The Chairman of the Police Committee explained to those present that, acting
on the advice of the Town Solicitor, Snow Mobiles are to be banned in all
Town Parks and the necessary by•laws are to be prepared.
Miller: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee dated December
Stewart: 5, 1969 re Snowmobiles be accepted."
Reeve Buck in the Chair.
Committee of the Whole Report ~o. 132
Mayor Illingworth presented a report of the Committee of the Whole in which
the Committee respectfully sub!nitted the following:
A meeting was held on Tuesday, DecE!IIlbe·r 2, .1969 at 8:00 P.M. re the
proposed extension of McDonald Drive so~therly.
Present from Council: Mayor Illingworth, Reeve Buck, Deputy Reeve Trent,
Councillors Davis, Harris, Henderson, Miller and Stewart.
Present from the Developers: Angelo Del Zotto of Del-Zotto Homes Ltd.,
Jorn Neilson, architect and Dennis Seward.
Present from York County Board of Education: George Ford, Stan Baker, Ron
McNight, Keith Nisbet and Marvin Hunter.
(a) The meeting was called to discuss and make formal plans for the planning
and development of the southerly extensibri of McDonald Drive from Wellington
Street West, and which will serve as ah arterial roadway and as an access
road for the proposed new high school and the undeveloped lands lying east
of the proposed road.ray.
After considerable discussion it was decided as follo.rs:
(1) To request the York County Board of Education to dedicate to the
Town of Aurora 53 feet of property along the entire depth of their property
for a road allowance.
(2) To request the devaloper, Mr. A. DelZotto, to dedicate to the Town of
Aurora 33 feet of property along the entire deP,th of their property for
road allowance.
(3) That this would then establish an 86 foot width of property for a
road allowance as called for and specified in the Town of Aurora Official Plan.
(4) That we request the Developer and the York County Board of Education to
meet and decide on a cost sharing formula for road improvements and servicing,
or to further request the Town to convene a meeting in conjunction with
both parties to try to arrive at a mutually agreeable basis for road construction
and servicing costs for the proposed roadway.
(b) Council in Committee authorized the temporary placing of wooden shelters
over the ice flooding outlets at Aurora Heights Park and Confederation Park.
Thiswork to be carried out by the Parks Foreman.
"Resolved that the Report of the Council in Committee dated
December 2, 1969 re Extension of McDonald Drive be discussed
item by item and accepted."
Mayor Illingworth in the Chair.
By-Law #1865-69 Buck: "That the By-Law rtow before the Council be read a
Davis: third time this day.•i
The third reading of the By-law was approved.
By-Law # 1866-69 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By-La~1 to
Stewart: amend By~ta# humber 1532 as amended by By-Law
Number 1548 to pt6hibit or regulate the posting
of notices arid that the same be now read a first
timeo 11
"That the By-Law now before the Council be read a
second time and that the Council resolve itself
into n Committee of the Whole for that purpose."
The Second reading of the By-Law was appioved in Open Council.
Davis: "Resolved that the third rending of the By-Law be presented for
Stewart: consideration."
Henderson: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this
Harris: day and that Rule 22 ofBy-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that
Stewart: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as read."
By-Law 1864-69 Miller: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
Stewart: time this day."
The third reading of the By-law was approved.
By-Law 1869-69 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to amend
Stewart: By-Law #1644-65 being a By-law to prohibit vehicles
from being in or upon certain places and that the
same be now read a first time."
Henderson: "That the by-Law now before the Council be read a second time
Harris: and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the
Whole for that purpose."
The Second reading of the By-law was approved in Open Council.
"Resolved that the third reading of the By-lm1 be presented for
consideratioho if
Buck: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this
Trent: day and that Rule 2~ df By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that
Trent: "That the third reading of the By-1aw be taken as read."
1867-69 Miller: "That leave be given tq introduce e B)'-Law for
Stewart: the Regulation of Traffic and that the same be now
read a. first time."
Henderson: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and
Harris: that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole
for that purpose."
Reeve Buckstated that the Committee rises and reports some progress.
New Business
Taxi Driver's
Miller: "Resolved that a taxi driver's licence be approved
Stewart: for Charles E. Terry."
Fi:.remen·' s
Henderson: "Resolved that the Firemen's stipends for the period
Harris: from June 1, 1969 to November 30, 1969 in the amount
of $5,989.00 be pajd and the Seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto."
Humane Society
Mayor Illingworth advised that the letter from the Ontario
Humane Society and new agreement is tabled until the next
meeting of the Council.
Miller: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (10:50 P.M.)
MAYOR CLERK ' ~ ---~