MINUTES - Special Council - 19681209MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONnAY, DECEMBER 9, 1968 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: Reeve D. J. Murray, Deputy Reeve J. Williamson, Councillors Buck, Corbett, Davis, Illingworth, Miller and Trent. K. B. Rodger, Clerk, called the meeting to order and requested thE members of Council present to appoint a Chairman in the Mayor's absence. Illingworth: "Resolved that Reeve Murray take the Chair." Corbett: CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Illingworth: Trent: "Resolved that ihe minutes of November 4th, 11th. & 14th. be adopted as printed and circulated." CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE Methale Develop- ments (Herskovits) Illingworth: Williamson: A letter from the Planning Board re recommending the change of zorting for theC,B.C. lands at Yonge Street arid Subwav Sideroad to Commercial for the front 500 feet and residential for the balance for the proposed development by Methale Developments Ltd. (Mrs. Herskovits). "Resolved that the Planning Board Report re the Hethale Developments Ltd. (formerly C.B.C. property) be accepted and that the Planning Board be requested, in conjunction with other departments, to prepare an amendment to the Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law insofar as land use and height restrictions are concerned and submit such amendments to the 1969 Council for further con- sideration and action." Deputy Reeve Williamson requested a recorded vote. Mayor C. F. Davis Reeve D. J. Murray Deputy Reeve J. Williamson Councillor E. Buck Councillor c. Corbett Councillor w. Davis Councillor R. Illingworth Councillor P. Hiller Councillor W. Trent NOTION DEFEATED Yea X X X X 4 absent Nay X X X X 4 === • ..... ·'c, Buck: Davis W: -2- "Resolved that the report ox the Planning Board be accepted as an interim report and that they be reques+ edl, in, con;lurtctidn with other departments (Epgineer) Fire Chief and Department of High~ays) to submit a tnbre complete report." Reeve Mtirray sta~ed tht this motion was not in order as a result of the defeat of the previous motion. Mrs. Herskovits Industry St. S. A lett~r from R. s. Back, ~olicitor tor·Mrs. Herskovits, re offer to purchase lots on Industry Street. Reeve Murray stated that he had authority td say that the proposed purchase was off as a result of Council's action on the Methale proposal. !:luck: "Resolved that the letter from Mr. Back be received and Miller: filed." Ontario Fire Fighters CiillRIED I A letter from 1homas Rank re The Corps of Canadtan (Overseas) Fire Fighters and requesting Council s supp6rt for a "long service medal" for Ontario Fire Fighters in the public service. Illingworth: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Honourable Buck: A. A. Wishart Q.c. advising that the Aurora Town Council supports the request for a "long service medal" for Ontario Fire Fighters and that copies of the letter be circulated to all municipalities in York County". CARlUED Rink Lights A letter from the Aurora Recreation Committee requesting the installation of a light that operates automatically with the street lights in Regency Acres and Aurora Heights Parks for the ice rinks. Miller: "Resolved that the Aurora Hydro Electric Commission be Buck: authorized to install the requested lights." Aurora Police Association CARRIED A letter from the Aurora Police Association re request for 1969 bargaining. Illingworth: "Resolved that the letter be received and referred to Trent: next year~s Council.'' CARRIED -3- Sauro Subdivision A letter frdm T, l4CPherson re Sauro .Subdivision. Mr. Sauro is Willing to pay $3,900.00 toward the cost of completing the roadway in return for a complete release of all claims. Williamson: "Resolved that we accept the contribution of Mr. Trent: Algonquin Crescent Davis W: Miller: Christmas Tree Burning Sauro of $3,900.00 to be used for the completion of the Highland Court roadway as outlined in the Town Engineer's report." CARRIED A letter from J. D. Reid re Algonquin Cres. road construction requesting Council's authority to finalize the contract. "Resolved that the final payment certificate be accepted and paid and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto •. " CARRIED A letter from the Aurora Parks & Recreation Committee re Christmas Tree burning in Town Park and requesting the Town to arrange for the pick-up of trees. Illingworth: "Resolved that the Services Committee contact York Sanitation and that the Town Superintendent be authorized to use such trucks as are available or to hire the necessary trucks to collect the trees for Miller: Illingworth: Davis W: Herskovits Watermain Yonge St. s. a Christmas Tree burning program in the Town Park and that the Recreation Committee and the Fire Department be advised." CARRIED "Resolved thtl. a sincere vote of thanks be given to the Services Committee and the girls in the Town Office in their effort for the very successful Santa Claus Parade." CARRIED A :.:.cj__...):•:··t from J. D. Reid re extension of watermain on Yonge Street southerly from l4urray Drive to the Herskovits property. Illingworth: "Resolved that the report be tabled until 1969". Buck: Cl'.RRIED ·......,.~,.., -~- REPORTS OF COMMITTE)!:S Planning Comm:l.tt"e :tleputy Reeve vliliiamson presented a report of . . ' '· ~-the Planning Comm~ttee in which the Committee respectfully sub- mitted the following: · A meeting of the Planning Committee .was held with Mr. Sam Kelner on November 5, 1968. Present were Deputy Reeve Williamson, Reeve Murray, A. E. jubb and Mr. S. Kelner and one his associates. 1. The general clean-up of Block "A;', Plan 517 on Wellington St. West was discussed. Mr. Kelner advised he is considering putting in a metal culvert to enclose the creek from McDonald Drive east past the shopping plaza. This vwuld be back filled totlhe approximate level of Wellington Street and would make Block "A" more valuable and provide more parking on Blocks "B" and "C" for the plaza. Mr. Kelner requested that we acquire the diameter of the culvert required from the Town Engineer. It appears as though they are going to develop Block "h" themselves, possibly building three apartment buildings at different angles and centered by a pool and fountain. 2. The site for the senior citizens' proposed apartm"nts on Block "C" was discussed. l>ir. Kelner advises that it is being drm:: up by the firm of Toronto Planning Consultants, Eglinton Avenue, and advises the Committee to check with Hr. John Sepejack re the progress of this proj"ct. Williamson: "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee Davis W: dated November 11, 1968 re Meeting with Sam Kelner be accepted." CARRIED Reeve Murray requested that the Engineer study the use of cement culverts rather than steel for enclosing the creek. PROPERTY COMMITTEE Councillor Corbett presented his own report, as chairman of the Property Committee. The actual conversion of the sewage treatment plant to an activated sludge removal process is now comple·ted. As your Chairman of this important project, it is indeed a pleasure for me to advise Council that this new concept in the treatment of sewage is working 100% and all indications point to the ultimate in future operations. Of Course, at this early stage, a problem concerning foaming does exist. However, our Town Engineer is aware of this matter and is pursuing same to a conclusion, pursuant to the provisions of Town of Aurora By-Law 1326. My term of office and also Chairman of the Sewage Treatment Plant is rapidly drawing to a close - I would like to say here and now ·· ~s- PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT CONT'D a heartfelt thanks to each and every member of Council, the Town Staff, the Town Engineer and especially Mr. Herb Gray - Project Engineer under Mr. J.D. Reid, and also to the dedicated employees of our Plant. Trent: Miller: Thank You. "Resolved that the report of Councillor Corbett be accepted." Ci'.RRIED FIRE COI/llliiTTEE Councillor Buck presented a report of the Fire Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: Councillor Buck, Davis, Reeve Burnett, Councillor Betty Van Nostrand of Whitchurch, Councillor Flinders and Reeve of King Township met in King Township Office on Wednesday, December 4, 1968 to discuss replacement of present tank truck. The group adjourned to Schomberg firehall to inspect a used tank truck which will be surplus to King Township when Schomberg Fire Department take possession of their rtew Fire Pumper. Prices will be obtained for putting this truck in first-class running order and a decision will be forthcoming at that time. Buck: "That the report of the Fire Committee dated December Davis W: 4, 1968 be accepted." Buck: Trent: Cli.RRIED "Resolved that the Firemen's stipends from June 1, 1968 to November 30th, 1968 in the amount of $6,086.25, be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS Industrial Committee "Resolved that the Industrial Committee submit periodic written reports to Council and that the reports be as a result of meetings of the whole committee rather than a verbal report from he Chairman. 11 Cli.RRIED """ 0 """""""""''"'' , ...... " .. " ......... --~-------------.,··-----~-~--""''"---·----""'"'"" ""''""''~----·~----,., ------· .............. __ _ -6- UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONT'D Works Employees Councillor Illingworth st2,ted that the Liaison Committee will meet with tho,Works Depnrtment Employees on Saturday, December 14 at 10 A.M. at the vJorks Department building. Flooding Haidv. Dr. Crosswalk Haida & Wellington Buck: "Resolved that White Strip -Construction Co. be Miller: requested to relieve the drainnge problem in thG back yard at 26 Haida Drive under the direction of the Tmvn EnginGer and Building Inspector." CARRIED Councillor Davis requested that a meeting be arranged with Mr. Rettie of Toronto and York Roads Commission re Crosswalk at Haida Drive and Wellington Street. Reeve Murray requested the Clerk to contact Mr. Rettie. BY-LAWS By-Law if1823 Miller: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law number 1452 and repeal By-LavlS numbGr 1534 and 1618 -Designating Through Highways -and that the same be now read a first time. Buck: Davis W: Williamson: CARRIED "That the By-Law nov1 before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the iJhole for that purpose." CARRIED Trent: "That the By-Law now before the Council Corbett: be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED Williamson: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as Illingworth: read." NEW BUSINESS Xmas Fowl Illingworth: Buck: CARRIED "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to order the Christmas Fowl for the Town Employees and that the order be placed with "Knowles Butchers" and the S0al of the Corpor- ation be attuched hereto." CARRIED I ~..:.~--' NEW BUSINESS CONT'D Crossing Guard Shelters Mil lui·: Williamson: -7- "Resolved that Works Superintel;ldent study the feasibility and cost of shel to:c: for the crossing guards be made with a report back to Council." CARRIED Police Buck: "Resolv0d that tho present Police Committee meet Trent: with the Police Chief to discuss the incident involving injuries to two police officers." CARRIED Councillor Trent requested that slow signs be erected on Edward Street and Cousins Drive and Harrison Avenue to warn drivers of the change of Through Highways. Figure Skating Illingworth: "Resolved that the vlee]( of December 9th. to 15th. bco declared "Figure Skating Week and that a full page ad bG taken out in the Figure Skating Club's program." Week Corbett: Williamson: Illingworth: li'/orks Dept. Emergency Equipment Cl~RRIED "Resolved that the next meeting of Council be held on December 30th, 1968." Illingworth: Davis W: CARRIED "Resolved that the Town Superintendent be authorized at times of emergency to hire or rent any equipment that he may need under the circumstances." Cl.RRIED Deputy Reeve Williamson gave a farewell speech and expressed his thanks and best wishes. Trent: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (9:55P.M.) Cl'UlRIED Pk-AA.M /~Lf4~ MAYOR " --CLERK v ~-' "'""' <-'"' o··"•••w•=•~,..-.-.--.-.-.--_, "''~--·-w·•~-··-· ~-~-~-~-·.---~--••••e••••••--·•···•----··---···----·-· -··-•-•~----~--~--~·--·--r-.