MINUTES - Special Council - 19680527' ; - MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY 1 MAY 27 1 1968 AT 8:00P.M. Pil.ES.EllT.: Mayor C. F, Davis 1 Reeve D. J. Murray 1 Deputy Reeve J. Williamson, Councillors Buck, Corbett, Davis, Illingworth, Miller and Trent. Hayor Davis stated that the meeting was called to complete some lHJ.finished business and By-Lawa. J3Y=I..AlV~ By··Lalv #1802-·68 MILLER: "That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day." BUCK: MILLER: "Resolved that a delegation be heard and TRENT: that the 72 hour notice be waived." CARni:kD .D.f:LEQ:,&.TI 0 N Mr, Jv[oore acted as spokesman and expressed their concern that the h.otnos in the second phase of Golf Glen may not be comparable to their homes in phase one unless provisions are made in the agreement to guarantee it. \"ELI,IAMSON: "Resolved that the Subdivision Agreement be amended to TRENT: include that the construction of the homes in Phase 2 of Golf Glen shall be of equivalent standard or better than the houses in Phase 1 of Golf Glen." CAMIED Third reading of the By-Law·Carried. ' •·· 1tJII,LIAMSON: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as read. " NURHAY: CARRIED BY-L.iUv #1800-68 MILLER: "That leave be given to introduce a By-Lc:v, BUCK: to open the one foot reserves at the vreste~·ly ends of Stoddart Drive and Fairway Drive, Plan 550, and that the same be now read a first time." CARR1ED ILLINGWORTH: "That the By-Law now before the Council CORBETT: be fead a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committoe of the Whole for that purpose." CARRIED DAVIS W: "That the By-Law now before the CouncE. vHLLIAMSON: be r?ad: a third time this day and the, t Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose. CARRlH:D ---.-~~' "'''' •-• •~··~· ••'•<·o··••-'>"'""""""•"h"'''~e" -.. -=•>• 0-•~·-~-'~""·~·'n• . , , '" ••~··· .. , ""', , ,., , , . , , , , .-.-,-.. ------=="""'""--·--·-·-·------~---- '"-···-' -2-MAY 27, 1968 . SPECIAL MEETING BY-.tAW #1800-68 COf!T 1 D WILLIAMSON: "That the third reading of the By-Law DAVIS W: be taken as read." CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS ...----- WORKS FOREMAN: Councillor Davis stated that the Works Committee and Town Superintendent had prepared an advertisement foe.· a Works Foreman and asked which Committee is to interview the applicants. POLICE CELL: Mayor Davis stated that the Works Committee is to do the interviews; ILLINGifORTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the use of the Police CeL be discontinued immediately and that alternative arrangements be made until the necessary repairs and alterations have been made to the cell". Motion tabled for two weeks. BUCK: "Resolved that tl:ll'c e copies of the Police MILLER: Act be obtained and distributed to the Polir. Committee". CARRIED TOWN SOLICITOR: Councillor Illingworth asked when a meeting is to be held with the Town Solicitor. Mayor Davis stated that a meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. FIREWORKS: Councillor Miller gave Notice of Motion that he will request that consideration be given to amending the By-Laws regulating the sale of fireworks to minors. COMMITTEE REPORTS POLICE COHMITTEE Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: A meeting was held on Thursday, May 23rd. 1968 at 8:00P.M. Present: Councillor Trent, Chairman Member, Deputy Reeve J. Williamson and Mayor C.F. Davis. 1. The Committee recommends the purchase of Police uniforms as quoted from Sainthill-Levine & Co. Ltd., dated May 13th., 1968 in the total amount of $1,382.04 and as detailed on purchase order number 697. 1,, ...... ,, .................. , •• ~~""··· . .... .. ... ~ SPECIAL MEETING -3-MAY 27 { 1 968 . -POLICE COMMITTEE CONT 1 D 2. As the Police Safety Vehicle has been taken off therohd, and after lllUCh discUE3ion, the Cpmmittee would recolnni.end that it be authorized to investigate the replacement of this vehi<:!le. TRENT: 11 Resolved that·the Report of the Police Colnmittee, WILLIAMSON: dated May 24, 1968, 're: Safety Vehicle and the purchase of uniforms from Sainthill-Levine Co. in the total amount of $1,382.04 be approved and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto.11 CLAUSE 1 -CARRIED CLAUSE. 2 -CARRiED MOTION CARRIED LIAISON COMMITTEE Councillor Illingwor-0i:.. presented a report of' the Liaison Committee in which the Committee respedtfully submitted the following: The Liaison Committee met on April 20, 1968 at 11:30 A.M. with all ~embers present. The memo from the Municipal Clerk dated March 4, 1968 ~as reviewed, along with the various comments and suggestions from the Department Heads. It was agreed in principle that the policy of Central Purchasing be adopted anl that the following cohditions be accepted. 1. That the Purchasir1g Agent be the sole issuer of all purchase orders emanating from each department and approve said orders prior to any actual commitment to purchase. 2. That the Purchasing Agent be responsible for the verification of goods received (in good order); price extensions and calculations and strict budget control of all items ordered by departments. Also, the Purchasing Agent will report to the Treasurer any items required but not included in the current budget allocation, nor approved by resolution of Council. 3. The Purchasing Agent shall ensure that an inventory of all stoch is maintained to eliminate any over or under stocking of goods that might prove costly, and consider any quantity purchases that may prove warranted cost-1,rise. 4. The Purchasing Agent shall prepare tenders or invitational bids of various material when necessitated due to extensive quantity cost or service. This should apply to such items as office supplies, printing, servicing of .equipment and general property upkeep. and maintenance requirements. Where necessary, and especially for the purchase of major equipment, the Purchasing Agent shall consult with the respective department head prior to bids being requested. 5. In the event of an emergency, or where speed is a requirement, the Department Head may contact the Purchasing Agent and receive a purchase order number, sothat the necessary goods may be purchased at once, and the requisition follow in the natural manner. 5. Cont'd -lt- ~j· --.:?:: The Purchasing Agent shall report to the Treasurer if any department uses this procedure in oyh~r than an emergency. · '•"·" 6. Eac~;:d~~attment sh~J:'i~·~~ :f~stted a pett-j\·l:~~sh fldaf<6f l)ett.reeri $25.00 to $50.00 for the piirch&se of miscellaneous or petty items not exceeding a value of $15.00 per item. The Pu~chasihg A~ent sha1~ report to the Treasurer·· if ab.y ,qepartment uses this p:rocedure for other than miscellaneous mi> petty purchases 1 or for i terns which should have been purchased in the normal manner. 7. The Purthasing Agent shall be responsible for all goods j:)Urchase.- All orders. shall be rec6rdeq w:ith appropriate invoices and prepare the accounts accordingly for Councils 1 approval or otherwise, In this. wQ,Y} one. person as opposed '\iO several, will be ih a position to answer any pertinent question related tt> expenditures incurred. 8. The Purchasing Ageni:; Shall be hspohsible for saies tax exem~tion when applicable. 9. The Purchasing Agent shail b<il ±lespo.risible to the Treasurer for the performance of his duties. · Your Committee recommends that the position of Purchasing Agent as outlined above be adopted and put into effect as soon as possible, and not later than July 1, 1968. Your Committee also recommend that Mr. Cameron Duncan be authorized to perform the duties of Purchasing Agent in addition to such duties previously assigned, effective immediately. Your Committee also recommends that the Municipal Clerk, Treasurer and Purchasing Agent prepare in detail a pu~chasing system based on the foregoing, and arrange to have requisition forms and purchase orders printed, and advise all dej:ia:t'tment heads and Committee Chairman of the purchasing prot':edure. ILLINm~ORTH: DAVIS W: "Resolved that tb,e repdrtof the Liaison Committee dated May 27 1 1968, i'e~ Central Purchasing be considered in detail\ approved and actioned." CARRIED SERVICES COMMITTEE Councillor Miller stated that the Services Committee is holding a meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. in the Community Centre Auditorium to discuss the preparations for the First Annual Field Day to be held on the Labour Day Weekend and requested that as many of the Council members attend as possible. Deputy Reeve Williamson gave Notice of Motion that he intends to submit a resolution that Committee Reports be presented to the Chairman of the Council meeting for one reading only. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Parks Committee WILLIAMSON: Chairman be tabled until the next meeting of Council.'· CARRIED '-~--·· SPECIAL MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS -5-MAY 27' 1968~, ARMY CADETS: Councillor Davis brought to Councils' attention that . ttis krmy Cadets ;!laY:$ ,b~en using the. roadways for drill practise ih2r';ttiti.t<tne:t"e nave .be.eP, two nee.r. acCidents. · ·· · · ' · · · ·.. · TOW!'t & VILLAGE CONFERENCE: Councillor Illingworth stated that he will speak to the. Senior Officer' in cha:rge. ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: ,. '·'•-·-. ·- "Resolved that the report o:f: Councill'<ir. E. Iilingworth re attendance at Tbwn and , \Tillage Qbnference, Ajax1 May 10th. &,11 th., 1968; be accepted and the resolution No~, ll: (kj, r€lquesting the co-operation o::: the Department of Municipal Affairs and Depart,nietit .of Education in enacting legislat:i.ori'to effect standard election dates. be endorsed and our local member' of Pa:Hiaineht be so advised." CARRIED POST OFFICE: MILLER: "Resolved that ti:ie Property Committee be C.N.R. BUCK: authortzed .. tel make a study of the costs of alterations to the Post Office Building in order to make it suitable for a Municipal Building. II CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: "Resolve that the Municipality of the Town MURRAY: of Aurora cird1ilate a petition re the proposed closing of the Aurora Railway Station, in view of the economic hardship imposed on present and future industrial and commercial businesses and the possibility of a GO type commuter service which •rould benefit the citizens of Aurora and surrounding area." CARRIED Reeve Murray requested that a letter be sent to the Canadian National Railways advising them of the petition. Mayor Davis appointed the Services Committee to look after the preparation of the petition. HARRISON & EDWARD STREETS INTERSECTION: DAVIS W: "Resolved that the Town Engineer study and TRENT: make recommendations on improving the intersection of Harrison Avenue and Edward Street." CARRIED SPECIAL MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONT'D -6-Mli.Y 27 , 1 968 • FLOODING CLAIMS: Mr. K. B. Rodger, Clerk, stated that the Town Solicitor had spoken to him on the advisability of appointing Mr. Miller of Miller~Vowles Ltd. as appraiser of the flooding claims; -. . WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that Mr. Miller of Miller'-Vowles Limited DAVIS W: pe appoihted a$ appraiser to assess the flooding claims received by the Town of Aurora,11 ('' CARRIED L .. , PARKING LOT: Mayor Davis presented the letter from T, McPherson, ··\ ~_,_,...-,, -- re: parking lot behind Municipal Building, that had been tabled at the previous Council Meeting and stated that it be referred to the By-Law Committee. Mayor Davis stated that the Works and Parks Committees are to meet on Wednesday night and that also the proposed agreement for the swimming pool lands, and the area around the Community Centre, is to be discussed in the same evening. ILLINGvr:;TH: "Resolved that Reeve Hurray shall chair the CORBETT: Council Heetings during tho Mayor's absence for the next two weeks." CARRIED Councillor Illingworth brought to the attention of Council that Hiss Deanne North of Aurora, a Nurse at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. in Umuahia, Biafra, Africa, saved the life of a baby amid the Biafra massacre. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter be sent to Hrs. North commendin::; HILLER: her daughter for upholding the high standard of the Nursing profession." CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: •iResolved that the meeting be adjourned." (9:45 P.M.) CARRIED ~ HAYOR 7). Lf:'i:~ CLERK , --·--------~--~-=·-,.·~-------~~~=------------·-----------