MINUTES - Special Council - 19680703MINUTES 0~' A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE CO\JNCIL CHAJ.ffiERS ON 'iiEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1968 A'r 5:30 P.M. PRESFJ)l~': MAYOR C , F'. DAVIS, REEVE D. ,T. MURRAY, DEPUTY REEVE J. WILLIAMSON, COUNCILLORS CORBErT, DAVIS, MILLER AND Tl:TE!<o'T. Mayor Davis stated the meeting was called to either award or reject the tenders submi'tted for the reconstruction of Yonge Street, Stage 1, Contract 68-13. R~~ 'lt('orltl3 Co!!Wd~ttee Co;.:m.zillor Da.vi.s presented a. :t.~epo:rt cf the ~~ro:rks Cornmittee in which the Committee submi ttea t.h~ follo1rtng ~ Tb.e ComnJ.ttee met on Friday, afte:ry_:~oon~ June 28tb~ :~ 1968 at :!,~30 P~M~ Present ;rere: Councillor Davis, Chairman; Mayor Davis, Member; Deputy Reeve Williamson; Comlcillors Buck, Miller and Trent. The bids received for the reconstruction of Yonge Street, Stage 1, Contract 68-13, were opened and the tender quotations reco.rded. as follows: · CONTRACT..Q!L 1. Warren Bituminous 2. Beamish Construction 3. Dagmar Construction 4 • Bruell Paving Ltd. 5. Covassin Construction ADDRESS Box 119, Do~sview. 7901 Bayview, Thornhill. 2085 Midland, Scarborqugh. 37 Shorncliffe Rd, Toronto. Box 227, Cooksville. TENDER QUOTATION .. SUBMITJ'ED $471,717.70 $430,~00.00 $387.571. 31 $497,329.92 $384.,299. 25 'Yne Committee "'equested the Enginee1~ to c:heck the tender. quote>tions submittet'i and to make a repO!'t on same. DAVIS W: "Resolved that the report of' the ·vrorks Col!lllli ttee, dated Jun,e 28th, IcfUHRAY: 1968, re const.<'Uction of Yonge Street, Stage 1, Contract 68--13, be accepted." CARRIED Mayor Da.-vis request-ed J. D. Reid to g:tve !:ds report on the tenders reee1.Yed. Su"bject ~ :::c::rxd\~r I\eC·~ .... ,:-·:·:.::-\~~.fJ.t.:'i.on. -Reecnstruction of Yonge Street, Stage 1 ~ Contract No. 68-13. He have carefully examined the Tender submitted as per the attached summary and would report as foll9ws: (a) ~~sin Construction Ltd. The Tender contained the following errors. ' ~· T'ae •-ritten amount of the Tender on Page 2-1 ($384,299.25)did not agree ;rith the amount stated on Page 3-7 ($385,789.25), .,-,, . ··-~···-·-. ; ...... -~~ L .... -... SPECIAL MEETING -2-JULY 3 1968~f. , -.. "" ,_. .(.<' (a) Covassin Construction Ltd. (Cont'd) 2. The Agreement to Bond Form (Page 4-1) was omitted from the Tender. 3. The Experience of Tenderer in Similar Work Form (Page 5-l) was not completed. Total Tender Price $385,789.25. (b) Dagmar Construction Co. No errors or omissions were found in this Tender. Total Tender Price $387 '571. 31. Recommendation: The Tender submitted by Covassin Construction Ltd. contains careless errors, along with omissions of pertinent information, and ;;re would therefore recommend that this Tender be considered informal and invalid and that the Tender submitted by Dagmar Construction Co. in the amovnt of $387,571.31 be accepted, subject to the approve.l of the D.H.O. and the O.M.B. J.D. Reid, P. Eng. SUMMARY OF TENDERS RECONSTRUCTION OF YONGE STREET STAGE 1 CONTRACT NO. 68-13 Tenderer Ad~~ Amount Bruell Paving Ltd. 37 Shorncliffe Road, Toronto, Ontario. $497,329.92 Warren Paving Ltd. Box 119, $471,717.70 Downsview, Ontario. K. J. Beamish Constrttction Ltd. 7901 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, Ontario. $430,500.00 Dagmar Construction Co. 2085 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario. $387.571. 31 Covassin Construction Ltd. 420 Dundas Hwy. W. , Cooksville, Ontario. $385,789.25 DAVIS W: MURRAY: DAVIS W: MURRAY: "Resolved that the Tender quotation of Dagmar Construction Limited, 2085 Midland Avenue, Scarborough, in the amount of $387,571.31 be accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of HighwS¥S of Ontario and the Ontario Municipal Board, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED "Resolved that the Clerk be authorized to make application to the Ontario Municipal Board in the total estimated amount of $531,280.00 for the reconstruction of Yonge Street from MurrS¥ Drive to Wellington Street and in accordance with the estimates as provided in the Execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs for the Agreement with ---··----· --·""·-~-~·-·~--------~~~ ~-.. _,. SPECIAL MEETING Cont'd 3-JULY 3, 1968 DAVIS W: "the Minister of Highways under By-Law No. 1794-68." MURRAY: CARRIED MURRAY: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." (6:00P.M.) CARRIED ~~?r:Nb-0~ 'J "-.) MAYurt CLERK y ......,"' ~;!~-~,-