MINUTES - Special Council - 19671127.... :.,; \ ' MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOviN OF AURORA, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1967 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY-REEVE C OUNCILLORS C. F. DAVIS D. J. MURRAY J. WILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER AND TRENT Mayor Davis explained that this was a Special Meeting of Council called for the purpose of completing unfinished business and By-laws. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 1748 WHITE STRIP AGREEMENT BY•LAW NO. 1161 SALE OF LOT 9, PLAN 535 I NDUSTRY ST, COUNCILLOR MILLER IN THE CHAIR MILLER: TRENT: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day." CARRIED MAYOR DAVIS READ THE BY-LAW ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: MILLER: CORBETT: TRENT: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this By-law be held over until the next meeting of Council and copies of the final agreement be circu1ated and that a check be made with Mr. Walker concerning.Block A." CARRIED "That leave be given to introduce a By-law to sell Lot 9, Plan 535, to the Ontario Humane Society and to repeal By-law numbers 1671 and 1754 and that the same be now .read a first time." CARRIED "T)).at the By-law now before t)).e Council be read a second time and that t)).e Council resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for tlJ.at purpose. CARRIED ,, ,..,-,·; SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAW NO. 1761 CONT'D UNFINISHED BUSINESS GOLF GLEN LIAISON COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT Thursday, March 9, 1. MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: MILLER: -2-NOVEMBER 27, 1967 "That the second reading be taken as read." CARRIED " That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED "That the third reading be taken as read." CARRIED Councillor Buck requested that a copy of the Committee report and Builders letter be mailed to ~4r. Gunton and Mr. Costello, as specified in Council minutes of four weeks ago, because in talking to them, they had stated that they had not yet received a copy. 1~e Clerk stated that both parties had received a copy of the Council minutes per- taining to this matter which contained the report and letter verbatim. Photostat Copies of the Committee Report and Builders letter will be sent as requested. Councillor Illin~<orth presented a report of the Liaison Committee that had been tabled earlier in the year. The Committee respectfully submit the following. Councillors Buck, Davis and Illin~orth met at 7.30 P.M. 1967, ]v]ayor Davis and Councillor Corbett were in attendence. GENERAL TERH OF REFERENCE AND POLICY ---... rour ~Ommlooee reviewed the terms of.reference for the Committee as authorized by Council as reported in the minutes dated 13 th February, 1967. Prior to detailed discussion of duties, responsibilities, Job Classifications, etc. of the various Departments, it was felt necessary for Council to consider and approve the lines of Communication and the responsibility of the Department Heads in reporting for their Department, insofar as the respective ommittee and Council is concerned. Your Committee feels that in the past there has been no laid down policy and that this has .c9ntributed to misunderstandings, and lack of efficienty in carrying out the p,olicy. as determined by Council. , ... ~" ... SPECIAL COUNCIL INTERIM REPORT C ONT'D 1 I'' r·•.,.r, •.. .,...,., .. ,,;,r•1"''""~!l"l'l -'-__., November 27, 1967 Your Committee feels that Without restricting the useful- ness of the various standing and Special Committees, that their function should be primarily a fact finding body, responsible for studying questions, projects and other items pertaining to their respective Committee indepth and submitting their findings and recommendations to Council. It would the~ be the responsibility of Council to consider the findings and recommendations of the Committee and determine a policy to be followed. Once the policJ has been determined by Council, the policy is fonfarel.ed by the Clerk 1 s Office directly to the responsible Department Head for action as cy be required. The Department Head will then be responsible for C'arrying out Council's directive and will submit his report back to Council, through the Clerk's Office, as is the present system used by the Engineer and the Solicitor. Your Committee feels that in the past, some directives from Council have been relayed to the Department Head through the respective Committee and as a result the directive was not carried out according to the intent of Council, but as interpreted by the Committee. In addition, some reports from Department Heads are filtered by the Committee so that the report that reaches Council is a Committee Report and not the report of the Department Head. Therefore your Committee feels that a policy should be determined by Council that would apply to all Committees and all Department Heads. It should --rly understood that this would not effect the normal day to day routine and Liaison bet,;een the Committee and the Department Head, nor the action required in the event of an emergency, -·ten the possibly the Committee must take action. Hm<ever, such action should be reported at a subsequent Council Meeting and Council's policy would be determined as outlined above. Your Committee recommends action be taken as follm~ effective immediately: (a) All items concerning policy due to be studied by Respective Committee 'c ___ : and findings and recommendations submitted to Council. (b) Council will determine policy and a directive will be issued through the Clerk's Office to the responsible department head prior to 12 o'clock of the day following Council Meeting. (c) The Department Head will action directive as outlined and will submit his report to Council, through the Clerk's Office. (a). .. -·· That> Council assumes its responsibility in determining the Policy for the Town and that such Policy be $mplemented as approved. --i SPECIAL COUNCIL - 4 - NOVEMBER 27 , 1967 3 • ANNUAL REPORTS _ Following _e discussion in ments annual reports your Committee following; Council on March 6, 1967 regarding Depart- reviewed this subject and recommends the (a) All Department Heads are to prepare an annual report of the activities of their Department during the past year and their recommendations for the coming year. (b) The annual report will be submitted by the Department Head to Council, as arranged in the agenda. (c) Annual reports for all Department are to be prepared for the year 1 967 and following ;)'ears • 1. 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) PROPERTY COMMITTEE CARRIED DELETE "Prior to 12 o 1 clock of the day." and Amer· to read "As soon as possible follOwing the Council Meeting." Aii!ENTI to read "The Department Head will action directive as outlined and will submit his report to Council, if required, through the Clerk's Office, with a copy to the Committee Chai y·man. DELETED CARRIED CARRIED CARRIED ILLUIGHORTH : BUCK: "Resolved that items 1 and 3 be discussed item by item and approved as amended." CARRIED Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following. 1. PARKING LOT AT REAR OF POST OFFICE -Minutes of January 30, 1967 ( 3) a letter was received by Council, and referred to Property Committee, from Mr. R. S. Fonberg, District Manager, Property and Building Management, Branch of the Department of Public Works 1-ranting to kn01r if the Town was interested in purchasing the Post Office Building. A Delegation went to Otta-,ra in the Spring about acquiring this Building and the Town will be notified 1<hen the Building is for aale. 2 . STORM WINDO\<IS AT THE POLICE STATION -Minutes of January 30, 1967 ( 10) the Property Committee purchased electric heaters ratt. ',han spend money on the Building for aluminum storm wind01rs because if the Town purchases the Post Office Building, the Police may be moved from their present building. SPECIAL COUNCIL PROPERTY COMNITTEE CONT'D -5-NOVEI.ffiER 27, 1967 3. PROPOSED ADDITION TO FIRE HALL -Minutes of January 30, 1967 (12) This matter was referred to the Fire Committee and then to the Finance Committee at budget time. 4. Building Inspector draw up plans & price available ------June 26, 1967 (4). 5. Fire Chief draw up plans October 16, 1967 (8A) The Building Inspector, Councillor Corbett and the Fire Chief drew up tentative plans and obtained an estimated price of $16,000. from Model Builders, of Aurora. These plans were turned over to Councillor Buck of the Fire Committee. INDUSTRY ST. EXTENSION OUTDOOR RINKS CORBETT: DAVIS,C: MURRAY: ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Property Committee dated November 27, 1967, re Unfinished Business be accepted. 11 CAl"\RIED Whereas it is desirable that the property East of the C.N. Railway and North of Hellingt.on St. East be developed, and ><hereas it is necessary to acquire additional Land to permit the extension of Industry Street Northerly to provide access to this property. Resolved that , the '~o><n Solicitor be instructed to negotiate with R.F. Fry and Associated Ltd. the 01>mers of the said lands, a sale of sufficient land to permit the Northerly Extension of Industry St. approximately 900 Feet Northerly and to report back to Council as soon as possible. CARRIED Councillor Illingworth submitted the following report: Reference is made to the Minutes of Council dated 13th. November, 1967 (page 5 & 6) in which the To><n Clerk and the Town Superintendent ;<ere requested to provide estimated costs of erecting and maintaining outdoor rinks in the Town Park (two rinks -one hockey and one pleasure) and one rink each in 8onfederation Park and in Aurora Heights Park. r-·---------·------ SPECIAL COUNCIL -6 -NOVEMBER 27 , 1967 '-"'-"-"' OUTDOOR RINKS CONT'D ESTIMATED COSTS 1967-1968 HAULING AND PLACING RINK BOARDS TRUCK 2 DAYS AT $5.00 PER HOUR 2 ~~ 2 DAYS AT $2.60 PER HOUR TWO RINKS --TOHN PARK $ 80.00 83.20 DISMtL~TLING AND REMOVING RINK BOARDS TRUCK 2 DAYS AT $5.00 PER HOUR 2 MEN 2 DAYS AT $2 . 60 PER HOUR PREPARING RINKS FOR ICE 1 YillN (1 WEEK - 2 RINKS) FLOOD RINK -SEASON (2 RINKS EQUIPMENT CHARGES SEASONS -SNOW REMOVAL HEATING -STORAGE ROOM FLOODI,IGHTING LUMBER REPLACEMEi\'T, ETC ($50. -$100. $ 80.00 83.20 $ 201; .oo $ 900.00 $ 300.00 $ 60.00 75.00 2 TOvli'! PA.HK RINKS -TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 1,865.40 EST~·'1ATED INDIV1JAL -PLEASURE SKATING OUTDOOR RINKS (COST _ NO RINKS BOARDS REQUIRED NIL PREPAP.ATION OF P.ITIK FOR ICE $ 102.00 FLOODING FOR SEASON 500.00 EQUIPMENT CHG' S SHOV/ REMOVAL 150.00 NO HEATING NIL LIGHTING (NOT INCLUDED) NIL ESTIMATED COST FOR EACH $ 752.00 RINK (._. S PECIAL COUNCIL - 7 - NOVE~ffiER 27, 1967 OUTDOOR RINKS CONT'D PARKING SENIOR CITIZENS HOUs.·:~G PARKING SimiS CREEK PROPERTY The total estimated cost for the rinks would be $3,369.40 If it is Council's wish to authorize the erection and maint- enance of the outdoor rinks, it will be necessary for Co!L'lcil to transfer the necessary funds to the Parks 1 account and aL o to authorize the Parks' Foreman to hire such additional part- time help as may be required for the maintenance of the rinks on a regular basis. MILLER: \VILLIA.lviSml : "Resolved that this report be tabled until the next Council meeting." CARRIED Deputy-Reeve 1Hlliamson gave Notice of Motion to repeal By-la-,, 1670, re Parking Restrictions and that the By-law Committee will be requested to draw up a new By-la<T. ILLINm/ORTH: MURRAY: Reference is made to Minutes of Council, dated July I+, 1967 ( Page 4) in which Ma:·or Davis advised that a letter had been sent to the Ontario Housing Corporation and a meeting arranged for 17 July 1967. A meeting was held but not reported in Minutes as to action to be taken. It was suggested that the report was still being studied and that the results of the O.l!.C. survey would be received by Council. Councillor 'rrent stated that he would like to see any signs t:1at a:;. .... e in the 1-: ·-~1g location corrected~ but the signs that have been erected are there to protect motorists and pedestrians. Councillor Illingworth presented the following report. Reference is made to Hinutes of Council dated November 6, 1967 (Page 10) in ><hich it was rC>quested that a check be made as to the ownership of properties bordering on the creeks, especially ~ ·----·-'--on the east side of Edward St. between Cousins Drive and Royal Road. The Town Clerk's Report is as follows: Re: Creek Banks on East Side of Edw·ard St. Between Cousins Drive and Ro:_:.~l Rend We have checked the ownership of the banks in this area and wish to advise that the south banl< of the creek 1·70uld be owned by the Trustees- Aurora Congregation of Jehcy ah l'iitnessess, 169 Edward St. Aurora the second parcel would be mmed by Frank Caruso, Mary Caruso, Rose Caruso, present tenants are Christie's Bread, this property would be on the north side of the creek and on the east side of Edward St. and situated on the front part of the . ---·--~,, S PECIAL COUNCIL -8-NOVE!IIBFR 27, 1967 CREEK BANKS CONT'D B ODFISH ESTATE lot. At the rear part of the lot still on the north side of the creek it would appear that ::-.::ce:, Metal Craft Ltd. 95 Cousins Drive, Aurora would be the owners . I ;rish to drm< to your attention that about the middle of October I had a phone call from Nr. Hoodruff, Process Engineer of Excel Metal Craft Ltd. regarding the creek at the back of their property and he ;ras inquiring as to ;vhether they might put in a type of culvert and close this in at some future date. I referred the matter to Jack Reid and as yet have not had a report back from him regarding this. ILLINGVIORTH: MILLER: It is therefore moved that the To;rn Engineer, the To;vn Superintendent and the Building Inspector be named a Special Committee to survey, investigate, study and submit a report ;vith their recommendations on this and such other creek side properties c :·, ma.y be assigned." CARRIED Councillor Illingworth presented the follm<ing report. Reference is made to Minutes of Council dated September 5, 1967 (Page 3) in ><hich Mr. Thomas Manning appeared before Council regarding a Committee of Adjustment report granting consent for severance of lots pertaining to the Bodfish Estate. Mr. Manning ><as to contact Mr. Gill of the Holland 'lalley Conservation Authority for a report of the area and submit to Council's next meeting. A check of our minutes does not reveal receipt of such report. Ho;rever it was claimed at a H.V.C.A. meeting that >rhi.le the Authority would approve the formation of a lot south of the present building and above the high ;vater mark, the lot north of the present building could not be approved using the s~me high water mark. ILLING:10RTH: FILLIAr,1SON; '11 Reso1 ved that e. letter be >rri tten to tile H.V.C.A. requesting a written report dealing ;rith these properties. CARRIED ,_ ..... .... SPECIAL COUNCIL -9 -NOVEMBER 27, 1967 BY-LAW 1535 STREET LIGHTS HAIDA DR. AREA AROUND THE COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMUNITY CENTRE Reeve Murray requested that all members of Council study the distributed copies of By-Law No. 1535. Councillor Miller reported that the street lights on Haida Drive are quite dirty. Mayor Davis stated that he w·ill notify Mr. Copland at the Hydro Office. Councillor Illingworth presented the following report' Reference is made to a report of the Parks Committee as recorded in the Council lv!inutes dated September 5, 1967 (Page 7) in which it was recorded that the green area adjacent to the Community Centre be assigned to the Parks Department and the maintenance, and cost of such maintenance be charged to the Community Centre. ILLING1~0RTH: MURRAY: BUCK: \-IILLIAJviSON: "It is moved that this item of the report as approved by Council be pointed. out to the Community Centre Board." WITHDRAWN "Resolved that a Committee be set up of Council and the Community Centre Board to determine the area to be under the jurisdiction of the Community Centre." CARRIED Nayor Davis named the Parks Committee to meet with the Conrraunity Centre Board. Councillor Illingworth presented the following report: Reference is made to Minutes of Council dated October 30, 1967 (Page 4) , following passage of the By-lmr 1749 dealing with the appointment of a Community Centre Board. "Councillor Davis reported that the cement caps at the posts around the penalty boxes are not satisfactory and should be replaced with 1woden caps and Reeve Murray enquired 1<hether or not the centre ventilator still melted the ice at the centre of the rink. Mayor Davis stated that he would check on these matters." The Community Centre Board at its initial.meeting held November 9, 1967 passed a motion that a meeting be convened with the architect so that these and other matters could be discussed, and corrective action taken • ~-------·-----~~----··---------------- SPECIAL COUNCIL -10 -NOVEMBER 27, 1967 COMMUNITY CENTRE CONT'D ILLING\1/0RTH : MILLER: It is therefore moved that this matter be deleted from the unfinished business of Council and referred to Centre Board for action. the Community Councillor Miller suggested putting up signs that anyone caught defacing the Community Centre would be prosecuted. It was suggested that the Town Solicitor prepare a report on signs that can be enforced on the Com~unity Centre property. SMITH REPORT FUEL )IL TENDERS 1. NO PARKING signs in the driveway. 2. DEFACING PROPERTY·vrill be prosecuted. Councillor Illingworth brought to Council's attention that the members of Council 1cere to submit their ideas on the Smith Report on Taxation. BUCK: TRENT: "Resolved that since the County Council has made a study of the Smith Report. the Clerk be requested to obtain seven copies of the County CounciJ:s report. CARRIED Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property Cormnittee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following. Three Tenders were received for the supplying-of Fuel Oil and servicing of heating equipment in Municipal Buildings as follows; l. TAYLORS FUEL OIL 15.4 CENTS PER GAJJLO!I 2. PURDY FUELS (TEXACO) 14.7 CENTS PER GALLON 3. RA\VLINSO!I ( ESSO) 15.65 CENTS PER GALLON The Committee recommends that the Tender of Taylor's Fuels Ltd. at a cost of 15.4 Cents Per Gallon be Accepted. CORBETT: DAVIS: TRENT: "Resolved that the report of the Property Committee re tenders for Fuel Oil and Servicing of Heating Equipment in the Municipal Buildings from Taylors Fuels Ltd. at a Cost of 15.4 Cents per Gallon be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attach=d hereto. CARRIED Resolved that the meeting adjourn CARRIED ~.;yb~ MAYOR . - ~t. tt~/ CLERK f'