MINUTES - Special Council - 19680624:...._,~ . ...: L.-.. ~~ .. -~-"~ .. ---- --., <if~ ,'- MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1968 at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR C. F. DAVIS, DEPUTY REEVE J. WILLIAMSON, COUNCILLORS BUCK, DAVIS ILLINGWORTH AND MILLER. Malfor Davis stated that the meeting was called to consider certain items that had been received. WIMPEY HOMES At the request of the Planning Committee, Mr. Dave Hill explained the reasons for the Planning Board's recommendation to approve Wimpey Homes' request for side yards ana minimum lot size amendments to By-Law 1051. In the opinion of the Planning Board, 6,000 sq. feet per lot minimum appears to be adequate for the proposed homes ana the side yards are also suitable. ILLINGWORTH: MILLER: COMMITTEE REPORTS "Mcvea that By-Law 1051 be amended insofar as the lot minimum is required ana that the Wimpey Subdivision on part Lot 83, Cone. 1, be set at 6,000 sq. feet ana that side yards be amended according to the Planning Committee report." CARRIED Planning Committee Deputy Reeve Williamson presented a report of the Plannin~ Committee in which the Committee respectfully submitted the following: Meeting held on Thursdalf, June 20th, 1968. Present: Deputy Reeve J. Williamson, Chairman; Reeve D. J. Murray, Vice Chairman; A. E. Jubb, Building Inspector; K. B. Rodger, Clerk. ··'' 1. The Committee consider.e'a the letters of objection from Mr. & Mrs. c. R. Keys; Mr. & Mrs. Costello a.n'dMr. & Mrs. Sanderson, regarding the proposed golf Glen Apartment Building ana Bt-Law #1791-68. The Committee respectfully recommend that the Clerk, as part of our application for approval of By-Law #1791-68, file the attached "position to be taken by the Town of Aurora to objections of By-Law #1791-68" on various matters which are alleged in the letters of objection. Some of the matters which are raised in the said letters of objection have nothing whatever to ao with' the proposed apartment building on Block "B" of Registered Plan 550, Town:Of Aurora. 2. We recommend that the Chai~an of the Planning Board attend the Council Meeting to explain the recommendation of 6·,000 sq. ft. minimum lot areas for the proposed Wimpey Homes Subdivision, ana that'if the Council agrees to this proposal that an amenamerit to By-Law #1051 be prepared. LErTER FROM C. R. KEYS: STATEMENT OF THE POSITION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA TO BE TAKEN IN VIEW OF THE OBJECTIONS RAISED BY RESIDENTS RE BY-LAW 1791-68 1. "Drive-In Hamburg Business" referred to is a recently constructed A. & W. Drive -In Restaurant located in an area which is zoned Commercial. It will have an access from Yonge Street and Brookland Avenue ana an egress on Brookland Avenue. "·-·· JUNE 24, 1968 ...._.i\s ~~t. SPECIAL MEETING -2- LETTER FROM C. R. KEYS CONT'D 2. Liquor Control Boara store has an ingress ana an egress on Brooklana Avenue ana not on Yonge Street. 3. The proposed apartment would have an ingress and egress on Brookland Avenue as shown on the site plan. 4. All of the examples of congestion and traffic suggested are existing situations and the proposed apartment project has been studied by the Town Engineer, the Aurora Planning Board, Planning Consultant -Conroy Dawson and has been recommended to the Town Council as meeting all criteria considered in good planning and an acceptable proposal for development. 5. The Block of land, from the time of the subdivision being registered, has always been intended for high density residential use and, in fact, under the existing land use By=Law 1051 and amendments thereto would permit apartments on this property now ii the height did not exceed 35 feet. 6. The playground area proposed has direct access from the apartment building site and will not be in any way "sandwiched .between four driveways" as suggested. This will be a private playground for the children from the apartment building and not from the streets • • .... .,. ... 1 ' (. The town of Aurora Council has not bioken faith with ~hy per~dh(s) who have bought ho~es in this stibdivisioh an~ as stated previouslJ have conside~ed proper planning aspects in the pfoposed apart~ent. i 8. The apartme:ht site does not face on~o the "hamburg stand" as stated in Mr. Keys' letter ar\d in the opinion of the Plahni.l)g Cohsu1tint and the Aurora Plartning Board is a good site fot such an apartment building. LETTER FROM MRS. MARGARET KEYS 9. The number of parking spaces calculated for the proposed apartment building follows the general planning recommendations and is deemed adequate. 10. The increase in traffic flow from the various developments and the completion of the subaivision development may, at some future date, merit the installation of a traffic signal device and this will be determined by a traffic study of the intersection by the Ontario Department of Transport, who are responsible for such recommendations. 11. The two facilities which faee on Yonge Street, namely the A. & W. Restaurant and the L.C.B.O. Retail Store, which have their ingress and egress on Brookland Avenue is in fact gooa planning, using a single access point to Yonge Street ana not several. 12. The school chilaren will still have a sidewalk along the south side of Brookland Avenue. There is no sidewalk on the north side of Brookland Avenue. LETTER FROM MR. EUGENE A. COSTELLO AND MRS. WANDA I. COSTELLO 13. (See No. 10 & 11). 14. The Aurora Fire Department were consulted by the Council when considering this By-Law and the Council have taken all precauti~~s to see that proper fire protection is provided in the building that will meet the requirements of the National Building Code and the Fire Marshall's Office . . ·:: ... [ SPECIAL MEETING -3-J\JlW 24, 1968 LETTER FROM MR. EUGENE A. COSTELLO AND MRS. WANDA I. COSTELLO CONT'D 15. The Council and the Develope~ have agreed to the proposed filling in of the area marked playground with a properly sized storm sewer which will be acceptable to the Council and the Town Engineer. The open drainage area which is presently carrying the water run-off must pass through a 48" culvert under Brookland Avenue and therefore would be of no further restriction to run-off or create any possi'ble increase in water back-up or flooding. 16. The parkland area shown need not necessarily be filled in or covered as it is designed as an open space, or green space suitable for the proposed apartment and to act as a buffer to the existing residential area. If this atea vere to be filled in, the same restrictions would apply, as the sizing of the 1·Tatercourse under Brookland Avenue would indicate the axnount of 1rater ·wi1ich can pass through or bad:-u:o in this area. LETTER FROM MR. R. C. SAl®ERSON AI® MRS. J. SA1mERSON 17. That the objections of Mr. R. C. Sanderson and !'irs. J. Sanderson be ruled out oi' order as their property is not 1rithin 400 feet Of the proposed apartment building lands, as specified by the rules of procedure of the O.M.B. No. 1 (a). CLAUSE 1 BUCK: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that paragraph 17 be amended to read "that the objections of Mr. R. C. Sanderson and Mrs. J. Sanderson are answered by the above mentioned statements and as their property is not with' a 400 feet of the proposed apartment building lands, as specified by the rules of procedure of the O.M.B. Jllo. 1 (a), the points are not commented on in cs much detail", and that copies of the statement be sent to the residents who filed objections." CARRIED CLAUSE 2 Mayor Davis stated that this item has been dealt with. WILLIAMSON: DAVIS W: ::::: ;,INGWORTH: lo/ILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee, dated June 2l~, 1968, be discussed and accepted as amended." CARRIED "Resolve a. that a letter be sent to the owner of the A. & H. Restaurant requesting him to take the necessary steps to erect a suitable buffer between the restaurant and the residential area as soon as possible." CARRIED Deputy Reeve ll'illiamson in the Chair. Council in Committee Mayor Davis presented a report of the Council in Committee in 1rhS.ch the Committee respectfully submitted the follmring: The Council in Committee met on Monday, June 24, 1968 at 7:45 p.m. to discuss the plans submi tted.by Mr. Lambert to be attached to the site plan By-Law for the Old Arena Site, a:nd to discuss with Mr. Lambert the revisions to the Co:mnercial part of t;-,c ~·;coject. l~. -~---~-.. ---·-·-----·-~ .......... _ :~---' ..... -~<' v, . ---·.' ,_/-~ SPECIAL MEETING -4-JUNE 24, 1968 Council in Committee Cont'd /t"~ The Committee recommends that since no one was here to reprl!sent the ,9-evelppe:t; ~ '---~ ~---... _.v -..~ .. ,_. .-.~ -·-~-.i. and explain the changes, that the Commercial part be held over until either Mr.-Lambert of his architect can meet with the Council in Committee. The Committee recommends the approval of the Residential part of thesite plans since the plans are t'.oe same as approved previously by Council. DAVIS C: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Council in Committee dated June 24, 1968 re: Proposed Development by Lambert be accepted." CARRIED Mayor Davis in the Chair. Councillor Illingworth stated that he attended the meeting at the Canadian National Exhibition sponsored by the Department of Tr·•·:_·ism and Hetropolitan Toronto. Four plans were prese~ted and_.it was very intert;sting. There appears to be a great potential for the development of tourism in the Metropolitan Toronto region and a study has been proposed for a joint tourism board. BUCK: DAVIS W: "Resolved that the Parks Committee be authorized to investigate the possibility of establishing an overnight camping area within the To;m." CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS i ' Councillor Hiller statedthat he attended the Conference on Community Centre Management. Several municipalities are considering amalgamation of their parks, arenas and _recreation under one board. Baseball Diamonds Councillor Hiller stated that there seems to be a problem concerning who is responsible for marking the baseball diamonds. MILLER: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that Mr. Weller be authorized to hire a part-time helper to rn.rk out the dimnonds and be responsible for the washrooms . 11 BUCK: DAVIS W: "Amendment: that Councillor Illingworth contact Mr. Keffer or Mr. Bookings and work out a solution to marking out the baseball diamonds and that if no answer can be found, then Mr. Weller be authorized to hire a part=time helper." CARRIED Traffic Light: BUCK: "Resolved that the Department of Transport 'lle requested to approve traffic lights for the intersection of Yonge Street and Aurora Heights Drive and that the Department be requested to send b.' duplicate set of the pla~s for the Cousins Drive & Yonge Street intereection and inform them that Council intends to re--open the question of making Irwin Avenue a one-way street." Yonge & Aurora MILLER: Heights CARRIED l_ ___ ~--------------------~-~~~~~---~ I -~,. ' ~~:- SPECIAL MEETING -5-JUNE 24, 1968 "rraffic Lights: WILLIAMSON: "Re.solved that the necessary action be taken Wellington.~ Haida MILLER: to do a survey for traffic lights at Wellington Street West and Haida Drive." CARRIED No Heavy Traffic ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Police Chic'? requesting the Police Department to enforce the no heavy traffic restrictipns on residential streets, especially on Cousins Drive." Yonge Street Reconstruction Tenders CORRESPONDENCE Drainage: Fleury Par'c DAVIS W: WI.LLIAMSON: BUCK: ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: CARRIED "Resolved that the Works Committee be authorized, under the direction of.the Town Engineer, to accept and submit the lowest or any tender to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval." CARRIED "Resolved that the Mayor be authorized to call a joint meeting of the Councils of the adjoining municipalities to obtain their feelings on amalgamating the police forces." CARRIED A letter from J, D. Reid re: extension of storm sewer in Fleury Park frqm the end of Huron Court, advising that the cost would be approximately $2100.00 and if programmed in 1969 may be eligible for 5o% subsidy by the Department of Highways. ILLINGWORTH: "Resol1!i!ed that the report of the Engineer be accepted and WILLIAMSON: included in the 1969 Budget." CARRIED A letter from J. D. Reid re: Aurora Heights Park Development (North Area), advising that when the Orchards Subdivision is constructed, that this area can be re-shaped. ILLINGHORTH: DAVIS 1¥: "Resolved that the report c:f the Engineer be accepted and that Mr. JULler, 10 :iXurora Heights Drive be advised that the matter is under consideration and corrective measures will be taken." CA_TlRIED Collis Leather A letter from Mr. E. Owram, President of Collis Leather re: apartment building on Temperance Street, replying to letter from the Town of June 18th. WILLIAMSON: "Resol,ved that the letter be received and filed." ILLINGWORTH: CARRIED C .• .., ·--~ ., .. --~ SPECIAL MEE'I'ING BY-LAWS -6-JUNE 24, 1968 By-Law 1/1804 NEW BUSINESS MILLER: BUCK: "That leave be given to introduce a By=Law to acquire Lot No. 11, Plan 535, for Municipal purposes, and that the same be now read a first time." ILLINGWORTH: BUCK: WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: CARRIED "That t)le By-Law now before the Council be read a second :time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose." CARRIED "That the By--Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose." CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: "That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as WILLIAMSON: read." CARRIED Factory on Subway Sideroad: Deputy Reeve Williamson stated that the pre-cast concrete factory on the Subway Sideroad has no buffer between it and the residential area and the residents are complaining. Buffer WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the company and the owner BUCK: of the land requesting a buffer of trees between the factory and the residential area .... Industrial OO!!llllitt<Je WILLIAMSON: MILLER: ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: CARRIED "Resolved that the Industrial Committee appear before Council as early as possible and report on the develop- menta to date and on the C.B.C. property at the south end of Town," CAI'iEIED "Resolved that the first regular meeting in July be cancelled and that the next regular meeting of Council be held on the 15th. of July." CARRIED DAVIS W: "Resolved that the meeting be Mjourned." (10:10} t:A.R!l±E:n :e~k:) MAYvn -/ /(Z~--CLERK . -~~~~ f L~------.. ···--~~~-