MINUTES - Special Council - 19671030-------~---------------------~---------~~-~~--~-~~----~--·----··--··--·--·-····--·~----·-···---·-- . i 1 : I .' i I "~- MINUTES OF A SPECIAL }-mETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 30,1967 AT 8,00 P.H. PRES~NT MAYOR REEVE COUNCILLORS C.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) D.J.MURRAY BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER, TRENT. Mayor Davis explained that this was a special meeting to consider several by-laws. BY-LAWS BY-LA\~ # 1747 TAX CREDITS BY-LAW # 1755 MILL STREET PROPERTY MILLER: BUCK: TRENT: DAVIS, W: TRENT: DAVIS, W: BUKK: CORBETT: DAVIS.W. TRENT HILLER: TRENT: "Besolved that leave be given to introduce a by-law to authorize the provisions of Municipal and School Tax Credits for the assistance of elderly persons, and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED. "Resolved that the By--law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." CARRIED • "That the second reading be taken as read," CARRIED. " That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of By-law 1468 be suspsended for ihat purpose. 11 "That the third reading be taken as read. 11 CARRIED "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to authorize the sale of the property knwon as the Mill Street Park, Aurora, and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED. ILLINGWORTH: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a CORBETT: second time and that ihe Councilresolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. 11 CARRIED. TRENT: "That the second reading be taken as read. 11 DAVIW:W: .CARRIED --~-•4-'==-~="=-,=~~.>-=>~""'-n' ;: l ' I r- I -.___ .! SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS CONTINUED BY-LAW# 1755 MILL STREET PROPERTY BY-LAW # 1754 TO SELL LOTS 8 & 9, PLAN 535 BUCK: CORBETT: -2--October 30,1967 "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be . suspended for that purpose." CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the third reading be taken as read." MURRAY: CARRIED. MILLER: Ttat~ leav.e be given to introduce a By-law to . sell DAVIS: lots 8 and 9 Plan 535 to the Ontario Humane Society and to Repeal By--law Number 1671 and that ihe :mme be now read a first time." ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: ILLINGVJORTH: DAVIS, C. ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS, C. CARRIED "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." CARRIED. "That the figure of $5,000 per lot for a total of $10,000. be inserted into the blank Space in CLause 2. " CARRIED. "That the third reading be held over until next council meeting." CARRIED. -- r·'""'" I L.~ I '-~ r '· ·~~-·"' -------------~------ SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LA1v # 1757 CONVERSION OF SElVAGE TREATMENT PLANT ~--~~-~-~-~-~~----------~~,---~----~--··· -------- MILLER: TRENT: BUCK: DAVIS, 1v: CORBETT: DAVIS,tv: CORBETT: IT.LHTGWORTH: DAVIS, H: ILLI!-!G\<TORTR: 3 OCTOB~R 30, 1967 That leave be rr,iven to introduce a Construction By-la'< to authorize the conversion of the existing 1.0 M.G.D. conventional activated sludge set-rage treatment plA.nt to a 1. 85 M. G.D. contact stabilization activated sludge plant in the total estimated amount of $359,840.00 and that the same be no;r read a first time. CARRIED That the By--law nm; before the Council be read a second time ancl. that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the 1-rhole for that purpose. CARRU:D That the second reading be taken as read. CARRIED That the Bv-lat; now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-la;r No. 1!168 be suspended for that purpose, CARRIED That the third. reading be taken as read. CARRIED Three fourths of the members of the Municipal Council voted in favour of this By-law. BY-LA\v # 1749 COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD MILLER: TRENT: DAVIS,W: CORBETT: That leave be given to introduce a Bv-la'< to appoint a Community Centre Board and that the same be nm; read a first time. CARRIED That the By--law not< before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the t?b.ole for that pur-pose. CARRI~D r~~==·=,.._..,.. .... ~'-~~~=~~~~-~~~~~~. 'j I',. SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LA\~ # 1749 CONT'D MURRAY: CORBETT: BUCK: DAVIS IV: BUCK: !1AYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLOR TREllT: HILLER: ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: 4 OCTOBER 30, 1967 That the second reading be tal<en as read. CARRIED That the Bv-la-,r no" before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law number 1468 be suspended for that purpose. That a recorded vote be taken TWA NAY C. F. DAVIS X D. J. MURRAY X J, WILLIAMSON ABSENT E BUCK X C. CORBETT X H. DAVI,<: X R. ILLINGHORTH X P. HIJ"L~~R X W. TRENT X That the third reading be taken as read CARRIED "Resolved that the Mayor is to call a meeting of the nev Community Centre Board. and is to Chair same until the election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman. CARRIED Councillor Davis reported that the cement caps at the posts around the penalty boxes are not satisfactory and should be replaced 1<ith wooden caps and Reeve Murray enquired whether or not the centre ventilator still melts the ice at the centre of the rink. BY-LA¥1 # 1756 VOTE mi ll.AIL\o!AY MUSEUM Mayor Davis stated that he would check on these matters. MILLER: TRENT: ILLINGHORTH: BUCK: That leave be p;iven to introduce a By-law to authorize the holding of an election in· the To"'l of Aurora concerning the consideration of as Historic Railwa.v Museum and that the same be now read a first time. CARRIED "Resolved that this By-la1< be defq:red and that a letter be sent to the Ontario Municipal Board requesting a copy of the transcript o:f the O.!·!.B. Hearing held on October 23, 1967. CABRUD -~-· ~·~~"'"""""~~"""""""""'~ "'-'--'~== ·-··. .. ··-~ ------------ r· . ~~, ....... l i .. ,_.~ SPECIAL COUNCIL UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1957 AGREEMENT 5 OC~OBER 30. 1967 Mayor Davis introduced a letter from the Ontario Munici-pal Board that >ras sent in replv to a letter from Mr. T. l!c Pherson. RE: Town of Aurora and Township of King Annexation. Receipt is ackno•rled.ged of your favour of October 16th, instant. If the legality of the agreement is in question it >rould appear to the Boar<l. that this matter should. be determinecl. by the Courts since it does not appear that this Board has any pm•rer to declare 11he~r or not an agreement is binding. BUCK: ILLINGl'IORTH: " Resolved that a copy of this letter be sent to the Aurora Public School Board and to the Council of the Tmmshi 1? of King. CAllRIED Councillor ~!iller re-,orted that there is a possible danger to children from an unknovrn person that the Police have not been able to ap-prehend and he requested tha.t the Police Committee authorize the Police to go to all the Schools in Town to-morrm; to warn the children. SEHAGE T REATl'iENT PLANT CONVERSION FUEL OIL CORBETT: DAVIS,C: CORBE~~r: ILLINGHORTH: "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorizecl to -purchase the -pre-selected. equipment for the Se1mge Treatment Plant Conversion as specified by ,T .D. Reid a.nd Associates LimHec'. in the amount of 371,745.00 on their list of October 23, 1967. CARRI"8D "Resolved that the contract for the conversion of the existing se,rage Treatment Plant be awarderJ. to J. P. ;,Jorgan Limited of Burlington, Ontario in the amount of ~2119,541.00 ani! that the !{avor an•] C1erk 1Je authorized to sign the agreement and affix thE> Corporate Sea# hel"eto. CARRIED Councillor Corbett renorted that the contract for the supply of fuel oil for the Municipal Building endecJ. on October 31, 1967. Tenders are to be calleC! for the sup-ply of fuel oil and the servicing of the heating equipment. --.,..~=~..;,;~...:===o-=-~'W<H"""'"~"'~-=· u.~.-· ~ =0" =~·-~= rq· 1 '···~~ ... SPECIAL COUNCIL SANTA CLAUSE PARADA NE\~T LIBRARY SERVICE 6 OCTOBER 30, 1967 Councillor Illin<";'N"Orth reuorted that last year the officers and men of nAn Squadron 1 O.ueens York Rangers organized one of tlie most successful Santa Clause Parad.es in the Tmm of Aurora It is understood that the Regiment will a~ain sponsor the Santa Claus Parade. It is felt that 1<e as a Council should provid.e as much financial and moral assistance as possible for this excellent community spirit. ILLINGVIORTR: TRENT: "Resolved that a <>;rant of ;~50. 00 be made to the Q.ueens York Rangers to assist in th2 arrangements for the To'm of Aurora Santa Clause Parade and that a letter be fo:n;arded to HA" Squadron commendin~ them for their commnni t:~r spirit. CARRIED Councillor Illing•corth reporteil that one of the traits of human nature is for ueoule, generally to criticize more often than thev pav compliments. I waul~. like to reverse the procedure ann. pav tri hute to a service that is ·p. rovidec1 in . . our Town~ 'fhich in my opinion is second to none for a ~mrrt of our size and the.t is our Town Library and our Librarian !vliss l,:Jar~iorie Anc1rews ., s.nd. her assistants. In aO.dition to the very fine service thev provide<i in the library, thev recently introd.ucecl a ulan to me.ke the library 1 s I ending facilities availal;le to residents of the Town who cannot come personally to the library. I hope that this is ,just the start of a plan to introduce a bookmobile at some future rla:te. ILU'lG!.fORTH o TRENT: CORBETT: "Resolved that a. letter of con~;ratulations oe for,,rarrled from this Council to the Aurora Public Library Board and Hiss Andrews for the ne>r library service desir;ned to look after our senior citizens and shut-ins. CARRIED "Resolved that this meeting be acl..journed. CARRIED S:e_~~' .MAYOR ---------CL~~RK