MINUTES - Special Council - 19670227:. : . , . ~" MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1967 • PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS ACCOUNTS C.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) D.J.MURRAY J. WILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT ,ILLINGWORTH, MILLER ,TRENT, DAVIS; All accounts were adopted as printed and circulated. CORRESPONDENCE MUNICIPAL FINANCING ROLE OF PLANNING BOARD ~ MUNICIPALITIES FROM RETAIL SALES TAX A letter from the City of Windsor requesting endorsation of their their request for an emergency conference between the Ontario Municipal: Association , interested Ontario Municipalities, and the Cabinet and Legislature on municipal fin8,1lcing • ILLINGWORTH: "ResolT.ed that th.e Town of Aurora support the City TRENT: of Windsor in its request." CARRIED. A letter from the Aurora Planning Board enclosing a resolution regarding the role of the Planning Board and the future use of the Planning Board. ILLINGWORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that Council in committee meet with the Planning Board to come up with a set policy and terms of refer.ence for both· bodies. CARRIED A letter from the Township of Sandwich West requesting endorsation of a resolution pettioning the Treasurer of Ontario to exempt. municipalities from payment of Retail Sales Tax en machinery and equipment used for municipal purposes. MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH "Resolved that the resolution be endorsed but that the attention of the Township of Sandwich West be drawn to an inaccuracy in the first paragrpah of the preamble in that all municipalities receive substantial grants from the Province of Ontario. CARRIED. -----~--~ .tf .~·-'--·~_i;..;,:.;:,;,:~'f_..,:._~-.. -_~ ., : ,•: ·:~~~~:;~:,~-:~:-~~-~~~ _::~-:-_:_-:-~.~._~ --~ -·-·----~------------ I i I I I I I I ' ·1 J .----·-·~-~-----------~ SPECIAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE ( CO}lTINUED) 2 -Eebruary 27,1967 RES:2GNATION OF ~ffiS . M. GRIFFITH FROM RECREATION COMMISSION DAYLIGHT SAVUG TIME TO COINCIDE WITH THOSE OF METRO TORONTO. RECONSTRUCTION OF -· .... ~ .:::;::n:2ET SALE OF OLD ARENA RROPERTY AMENDMENT A letter f'rom Hrs; Margaret L. Grif'f'ith tendering her resignation f'rom the Aurora Recreation Committee f'or health reasons. WILLIAMSON: CORBETT: "Resolved that the resignation be accepted with regret and a letter be sent to Mrs. Grif'f'ith thanking her f'or her past services." CARRIED. A letter f'rom The Railway Association of' Canada asking whether Aurora 'Till be adopt in~:~ Daylight til".e and if' so, the dates f'or which it will be effective. ILLU!GHORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that the date f'or Daylight Saving Time in Aurora coincide with those of' Metropolitan Toronto. 11 CARRIED. A letter f'rom M~. D.D. Reid,re reonstruction of' Yonge St, f'rom the south limits to \>Telling-ton St. ILLINGHORTH: DAVIS: "Resolved that the-Engineer be authorized to proceed 'Tith detailed engineering f'or t'-" c reconstruction." A letter from T.McPherson re sale of the Old Arena. Property. MURRAY: DAVIS: "Resolved that the deadline f'or closing be extended to March 31. WLLING\oTORTH: "Resolved that the motion be runend.ed to add the WILLIAMSON: words "or until the Tovm can satisfy the requirements set out in the letter f'rom Mx. Lambert's solicitor. AME!IDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS Al-!IDIDED CARRIED. '(;, ""''"'" ··"···· .. ~-- 1 .. j ,_ i ! SPECIAL COUNCIL - 3 - ~~·· .... ·,· .! DELEGATIONS VICTORIA ORDER OF NURSES February 27,1967 Mrs. Jean Thompson appeared on behalf of the Victoria Order of Nurses to request a grant from the Town.of $1,200. to assist in establishing nursing service in Aurora. MILLER: CORBETT: "Resolved that the request be referred to ~ the Finance Connni ttee for consideration and report.'! CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS EASEMENTS LOT 17 & 18 PLAN 550 WILLIAMSON: MUltRAY "Resolved that the Council now deal with reports requiring the presence of the Engineer." CARRIED A letter from T.McPherson re the easement between lots 17 and 18, Plan 550. The Engineer reported he had requested "as constructed" drawings from the developer. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a registered letter be sent to the TRENT: aeveloper demanding a set of drawings withing 15 days." CARRIED. llfOPDRm AD WDcf.DeViaa ~ Willi pfftene4 oa llolt OleA ,_...". hba.vbioa REPOM . . • RE GOIJI' GLEN ILLINGWO!I'l'H : "Reselved that the specific items :retel'l."ed to b1 TERRACES .. Mtml\AY: Col.lncillo:r Miller and the item of main drainage be referred back to the Engineer tor consultation With the developer and a report be made to Council by M~. 15." STORM SEWER SYSTEM CARRIED A memorandum from the l Engineer on a Storm Sewer System was presented. TRENT MURRAY: "Resolved that the Engineer be authorb.ed to prepare plans tor a storm sewer system." CARRIED. The Engineer undertook to bring a report to Council on the recommendation ot the intersection of Yonge and Wellington Sts. SPECIAL S'J.'DY COMMITTEE RE MERGER OF WHYJ:lRO, WATER INTO A P.u.c. -4 -F~bruaey 27,1967 Mvor Dav~s Teferred to Councills Resolution of February 13,67. REEVE MURN.Y IN THE CHAIR INSURANCE ON COM!-1U1!ITY CENTRE COMP:(;EX MONETARY ASSISTANCE TO AURORA FIGURE SKATING CLUB COI.LISION INSURANCE FOR TOWN VEHICLES With reference to Council's resolution of February 13,1967, the following are appointed to the study committee to study the merger of Water and HYdro into a Public Utilities Comm. CouncilloT R. ILLINGWORTH· Reeve D.J.MURRAY (';.r,p.o:l,llor W. Davis Mr. Don Glass CHAIRMAN Mayor Davis presented a report of the Finance Committee The Finance Committee met on Tuesday February 21,1~61 =+ 8.00 p,m, and herewith include appropriate recommendations 1. The matter of insurance of the Aurora Community Centre Complex was discussed and it was decided that a detailed list t ·· equipment and furnishings mullt be obtained before proper tenders for insurance coverage might be entertained. In the Meantime the Committee recommends that a blanket insurance policy covering building and contents in an amount of $700 , OOG. bi! Obtained :f'iom. the present Town Insurance Agents on . a monthly basis. That the reguest of the Auror.aFigure Skating Club for monetary assistance to an amount of $500.00 maximum be approved to 'a.s-s;ist in defraying expenses incurred due to abnormal circumstances. 3' 'I'\ie question of collision insurance being placed on Town vehicles·· was duly considered and the Committee recommend this type of coverage be obtained at an estimated amount of $35.00 per vhe'cile times 14 ·equal to some $350 .oo per annum ··r --------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL - 5 - FEBRUARY 27 1 1967 COMJ\UTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED FINANCE COMMITTEE 4. The committee concerned itself with a verbal report from Caryl Ambulance Services Ltd, in that they claim they are unable to enter into an agreement for the current year since their service does not comply with the new requirements set out in the Ambulance Service Act, 1966, The cost to comply from their viewpoint is prohibitive. Therefore, the committee recommend that the present ambulance service continues as at present and this council make representation to the County of York to undertake an adequate ambulance service for its municipalities. It is understood ·· · that this matter is presently under consideration by the County and our request would strengthen their deliberations, 5. The matter of preparation of the 1967 Tax Notices utilizing the County Computer System was considered. A further meeting is required when more detail is available and a subsequent report with be forthcoming, DAVIS, C: "Resolved that the report of the ILLINGWORTH: Finance Committee, dated February 21, 1967, re several items, be accepted,~ CARRIED, II'IAYOR DAVIS IT',; THE CHAIR PLANNING COMMITTEE Deputy-Reeve Williamson presented a report of the REPORT Planning Committee : The Planning Committee met at 7:30PM Thursday, February 22nd, 1967 with Dr, c.w. Maget, a consulting economist, Mr. C.D. Milani, a land developer and Reeve B. Bailey of Vaughan Township. I L_ SPECIAL ;... 6 .. FEBRUARY 27t 1967• COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT CONTINUED WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Mayor Davis, attendance as and G. Morgan Counciilors Buck and T:r'~nt were in well as Messrs. D. Hili, T. Manning of the Planning Board. A lengthy and thorough discussion was held as to ways and means of bringing increased assessment to Aurora and the end result was that Counc~l must .take a good look at tho Town and deoiqe~ 1, Do we wish to remain small with the absence of oeing absorbeq in tho future by a neighbour- ing community growing up around us? 2, Do we wish to grow and to what extent? 3. What type of assessment would benefit the To.wn more, industrial or commercial? 4. What do we have to offer? WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the report of th<il mURRAY: Planning Committee dated February 27, 1967 be accepted," CARRIED, Councillor Davis Presented a report of the Works Committee: On February 11, 1967 the Works Committee met with l'fr. MacGregor and Mr. Reid, We reviewed the Works Departments present equipment and proposed new equipment. The Works Committee recommends a clerical staff member to be obDained for the Works Department office. We also recommend the Town of Aurora enter into a connecting link agreement with the D,H.o. and proceed. Other subjects were discussed for the budget. r~~--·--~~-~~--·~------~~~--- SPECIAL - 7 -FEBRUARY 27, 1967. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONTINUED PARKS COJVIMITTEE REPORT DAVIS, W: l\1URRAY: "Resolved that the Works Committee Report be accepted, u CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Parks Committee : The Parks Committee met on Saturday, February 11, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. with Councillors R.-lllingworth, P, Miller and Parks Keeper N. Weller in atrtendance. Councillor Trent was unable to attend due to unfor- seen business committments. The following items were discussed: 1. Proposal of Aurora Agriculture Society pe new fence in Town Parks Minutes of Council dated February 6, 1967 recor'd that Council approved in principle the Agriculture Society 1 s request for permission to rebuild the fence at the Town Park with the proviso that the society meet with the Parks Committee of Council to discuss the type of fence. As the President of the Society is out of Town until approximately February 15th, no arrangements have been made as yet for a meeting as outlined. However, your committee discussed the subject and submits the following for your consideration: (a) It is felt desirable at some future date to remove the fence from the Town Park, but this is not feasible until satisfactory arrangements can be made regarding the Horse Show, Carniva],s and other events. Therefore, a fence is required for the forseeable future, but it is the opinion of the committee that while such fence must be functional, it--should add rather than detract from the natural beauty of the Park as does the present fence, One of the problems is the fence facing Wells Street Public School which is damaged by the school children and cars backing into the fence, It is understood that the late Jean Moffatt for several years recommended the replacement of the wooden fence by a suitable chain link fence to be erected on a 4 or 5 year program, but with negative results. SPECIAL - 8 - FEBRUARY 27, 1967. COUMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED PARKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONITINUED (b) Without adding any extra costs to the Aurora Agricultural Society, your committee suggest a suitable wooden fence, similar to the present fence, along three sides of the park with a suitable chain link fence on wells Street. (c) In addition, your committee recommends that the Works Committee consider the levelling of the East Side of Wells Street for a~le parking and that suitable bumpers be paced, to protect the fence, As this parking is primarily used by school teachers during the day, it is recommended that the school Board be requested to share in the costs, (d) Your committee also recommends that with a satisfactory fence, consideration should be given to renting the ball park facilities, to those organizations which charge admission to ball games, and that this subject be discussed with the Recreation Committee, 2, Clean-up After Horse Show Your cm:illilittee wishes to co-operate in every way with the Horse Show Conunittee but feels that it is not possible for the Parks Keeper to carry out the clean up on his own, and the Parks Committee cannot commit the Works Dept. in this matter~ Therefore, it. was suggested that the Parks Keeper be authorized to. solicit volunteers and that. the i~lOO. 00 be paid to the Parks Keeper. and di~tribU:ted equally among the volunteers and that the Parks Keeper report back to the committee •. NOTE: Subsequent to the meeting, a copy of a letter was received from the Tovm Superin- tendent to the effect that he could not commit the Works Dept. with the suggestion that the clean-up be allocated to a private group. r~--~---· -~-------~----------------·--=~-'"-~-----~-------------·--------------·~----------------·--· ~ ' ·'-i ' i SPECIAL - 9 - FEBRUARY 27, 1967. COI1TIVIITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED PARKS COMl'iliTTEE REPORT CONTINUED 3. Outdoor Ice Rinks Because of Weather conditions and maintenance costs, your committee recommends that the use of all outdoor rinks, with the exception of the Town Park be discontinued and that the boards be removed when weather permits. The Town Park rink is to be maintained until the last possible dat.e. Your committee also recommends that prior to next winter, a plan dealing with the location and use of all outdoor rinks be prepared and submitted for approval, and that in general boards will not be used, due to the cost of erection and problems in flooding and snow removal. 4. Your committee also recommends that a break- down of the cost of the use of equipment, material, etc, by the Works Department for th-6-- maintenance of Parks be prepared and submitted for study. 5. Town Park Your committee studied the general use, condition, requirements of the Town Po~k and submit the following for consideration~ (a) Bandshell -not being fully utilized, because people have to stand and ground not in good condition. Your committee recommends that the ground be improved and that portable park benches be purchased over the next 5 year period so that the bandshell can be used for the purposes for which it was built and also that consideration be given to a paved area in front of the bandshell. (b) Ball Diamond-your committee recommends that the ball diamond be enlarged by 6 feet around bases and that the bleachers be checked regarding condition and if necessary replace the bleachers with bleachers purchased a year o:r.::so· -ago. ~-------~----~----- SPNJIAL -10-FEBRUARY 27, 1967, CONillHTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED PARKS COJVIDHTTEE REPORT CONTINUED (c) Storage Hut-Your committee recommends that the storage hut be painted to blend with the surroundings and that space heater and tank be purchased. This equipment is probably on a rental basis, but to the best of knowledge the rent has not been paid, and outright purchase:: would be more economical than rent. (d) Picnic and Play Area-Your committee recommends that the equipment in the p~.ay area be checked as to condition and painted and that the picnic tables be painted a dark green which it is felt is more appropriate to the surround.i ·.-,eg is more serviceable and more economical than · the red presently used. 6. Fleury Park Your committee studied the general usc, condition, requirements of Fleury Park and submit the following for consideration: (a) Ball Diamonds -your committee recommends that a baseball diamond be prepared for general recreation, squirt and girls and that one of the backstops from Aurora Heights Parks be erected, (b) Maximum Use Of Facilities-During the discussion on ball diamonds, it was learned that some baseball organizations will not use town facilities due to the siting of the diamond, Therefore, prior to any action on new baseball diamonds, your committee plans to hold an open meeting for all interested organizations and individuals and obtain their suggestions prior to submitting a report to Council, Your committee also plans to hold an open meeting with the recreation committee to determine areas of responsibility, channels of communications, summer progra~es, etc, ~Q that the maximum use may be made of sports facilities located in the parks. Your committee also plans to meet with the Horticultural Society to discuss ways and means of improving the passive areas of the parks can in particular the Billings Well area. ,~-"---·~·~.-;.~>T.<.rL•.·~-"'""'~-~-=='-'·~-~~~---~---~---~~-~~~~~·=-=--~~~,-~u---------·•~-• ~··~------~--•••---•·-·~-·----•••--••••• •• -'"·-~---- SPECIAL -11-FEBRUARY 27, 1967. COWil'HTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED PARKS COWfiVIITTEE REPORT CONTINUED Amendment Amendment Amendment ( c ) Iicnic And Tourist Areas -Your Committee plans to study ways and means to make Fleury Park one of the main picnic and tourist areas of the Town, and as a start picnic tables, will be painted and made ready, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report of the MILLER: Parks Committee dated February 13, 1967 be discussed item by item and approved as amended," ILLLN"GWORTH: "Resolved that Clause 1 of the MILLER: report be amended to provide for a wooden fence on four sides." AJlliENDl'IIENT CARRIED, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that Clause 2 of the TRru~T: report be amended to refer the question of clean-up after the Horse Show back to the Works Committee," ATVIENDM~T CAR.."RIED. WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that Clause 3 of the BUCK: report be amended so that all outdoor rinks be left up for as long as the cold weather lasts and that sufficient boards be removed to permit snow removal." AJlliENDMEl'l"T CARRIED. Report as amended carried. TR~T: "Resolved that the meeting continue until MILLER: Committee Reports are completed," CARRIED, SPECIAL -12 FEBRUARY 27 1 1967. COJI'IJUTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED POLICE CmlllVIITTEE REPORT RE LETTER FROM ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL POLICE POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT RE CAB DRIVER" S LICENSE Councillor Trent presented a report of the Pblice Committee : Due to a letter from the Pres.ident of the Associa- tion of municipal Polio e Governing Authorities. The Committee felt it would be in the interest of the Corp. of the Town of Aurora if the members of the Police Committee attended this meeting. One of the subjects to be discussed at this meeting is labour management. TRENT: "Be it resolved that the Clerk be BUCK: authorized to pay the annual membership fees of $15.00 to the Association .of Municipal Police Governing Authorities. Be it further resolved that those members of the Police Committee wishing to attend the annual meeting of the Association of Municipal Police Governing Authority, !Hac<"'l 2, 1967 at the King Edward Hotel.in: ... Toronto be granted permission to do so. Be it further resolved those members of the Police Committee attending the afore mentioned meeting be granted $25.00 for expenses and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto." CARRIED. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee "That the application of Bently F. J. Conklin,. 41 Mosley Street, Aurora, for a cab driver's license be approved." TRl':NT: "Resolved that the report of the Police BUCK: ·Committee, re cab driver's license for B. Conklin, 41 mosley St. Aurora, be accepted." ~---··-· ·-·----~·-· -~~~--··-. ··-·· -·····. ..•.. ...... . .. SPECIAL -13-FEBRUARY 27, 1967, CO!VIMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED POLICE COMMITTEE RF.PORT RE CAB DRIVER'S LICENSE CONTINUFJ) POLICE CO!VIMITTEE REPORT RE INTER- SECTION OF JOHNSON & HOL!VIAN Amendment MURRAY: "Resolved that the report ILLINGWORTH: be referred back to the Police Committee for further study, AMENDMENT DEFEATED, TRENT: "Resolved that the question now ILLINGWORTH: be put," DEFF.ATED. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee As a result of a letter dated December 29, 1966 f~um a Mrs. Bobbie Kohan the committee investigated the By-law governing this intersection to asser- tain if the Yield sign was in its proper position •. The By-law reads:-By-law 1451 that traffic north- bound on Holman Cresc. shall yield to traffic entering from Johnson Rd. By-law 1452 establishes Johnson Rd. as a through highway from the east limit of Browning Court to the east limit of Holman. Holman Cres. is designated a through highway from the south limit of Holman, Holman Cresc, is designated a through highway from the south limit of Glass Dr. to the east limit of Baldwin Road. Further to this the Chairman discussed this letter from Mrs. Kohan with Chief of Police William Langman; there appears to be no reason to change the position of the yield sign at this intersection the Chief pointed out there are a great number of regulatory signs not being adhered to, but unless an officer sees the offence the violation goes un-noticed. I I I SPECIAL .;;. 14-... FEBRUARY 27, 1967, Cm.IJlVJITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED POLICE COMMITTEE TRENT: ''Resolved that the report of the Police Committee re:-the letter from Mrs. Bobbie Kohan, dated December 29, 1966 be adopted and a copy of the Police Committee report be sent to Mrs, Kohan at 21 Browning Court for Mrs, Kohans information," R~ORT RE INTER-BUCK: SECTION OF JOHNSON & HOLMAN POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT RE POLICE CONTRACT NEGOTIA- TIONS POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT RE CLAIII'I BY D • KNOWLES CARRIED. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee : The Police Committee met with the Police BargaininG Committee on Thursday, February 9, 1967. At this meeting the Chairman of the Police Bargaining Committee presented their brief and the reasons for the changes in the present contract, After the presentation a discussion followed and many interesting aspects of the brief were broached, When the Bargaining Committee left the Police Committee delved into the brief in preparation to tell the Bargaining Committee what we as a committee would be Willing to bring into Council as our recommendation. We hope to meet the Bargaining Committee this week with our counter proposal, TRENT: "Resolved that the progress report of the BUCK: Police Committee re :-Police Contract Negotiations be adopted." CARRIED. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee : That D, Knowles be paid for that time he was employed as a Police Officer in the Town of AurorP ~-·~-~U•~~~~~~~···~~~/hOo=>=>O...,~'"·~~·~~-,.-~ --~·----·· --·----~--·--- SPECIAL -I.5 -FEBRUARY 27, 1967, COI!Jl\UTTEE REPORTS CONTINUED j I I i ----. . POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT RE CLAIM BY D, KNO\iiJLES .Amendment SERVICES CONilVIITTEE REPORT FIRE COMMITTEE REPORT BUCK: WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: rn:URRAY: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee dated February 27, reclaim of back pay reD. Knowles, be adopted. "Resolved that the report be tabled to next week's Council meeting," AMENDMENT CARRIED, It was reported verbally that the Services Committee had met with mr. Hughes of the Humane Society, Councillor Buck presented a report of the Fire Committee : The Committee met to discuss the budget and recommend the following : --·-'-"' SPII'CIAL -1'6 -FEBRUARY 27, 1967, FIRE _()Ql)!li'!I_I_TT~E REPQ,IIT_9 ONTINUED 2 only 5 gal,cans unox foam liquid 1 5 gal, can floor wax l doz, fire brooms 2 doz. prs. firemen's mitts 3 prs. firemen's thigh length rubber boots 3 firemen's coats 3 firemen's dross uniforms Fire service tratning manuals Heating Fire hall Hydro, Fire Hall Ga,s, oiJ_ maintenance of trucks Answering service School Expenses for 2 firemon-2 weeks Week-end standby for summer months fu,Js for Cano.,,dian, Ontario & mutual Associations Fire prevention data Office SuppliGs ~irGmen:s-stipends Pnin·ctng old Ford truck Body work and painting international truck Chiofls oxponsGs to conferences and seminars Chief's cal" allowatlC e Chief's salary :C:;puty-chief 1 s salary Addition to aerial tower Committee 1 s expenses to conferences and seminars Fj_rst Aid course for six men Salaries for 4 full time firemen Modicsls for 24 volunteer firemen Rescue truck and equipment Contingency fund Approx. Cost 62.00 30.00 20.00 42.00 57.00 75.00 200.00 25.00 500,00 300.00 600.00 2,500.00 400.00 775·00 30.00 150.00 100.0() 13,000.00 150.00 200.00 400,. 0') 300,00 6,000.00 5,400,00 50.00 500.00 30.00 19,200.00 240.00 4,000.00 __ '? o_o~oc~ 55,836.00 --•-'-~--v~-~-·~•"'"'-'~-· --•-•·~---~· SPECIAL FIRjJ:: COl\'IMITTEE REPORT Amendment FIRE COMMITTEE REPORT RE FIRE CHIEF'S RETIRE- WffiNT Amendment ~~~ t\11 y~ ~ -------------------------- -17 -FEBRUARY 27, 1967. BUCK: "Resolved that the Fire Budget be forwarded TR~~T: to the Finance Committee for their C04- sideration for the 1967 budget," ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the report be tabled and brought forward for discussion in open Council." DAVIS, W: AMENDMENT CARRIED. Councillor Buck presented a report of the Fire Committee : The Committee met with all members and Fire Chief present. The Commitee recommends: 1. That Fire Chief Jones retirement take place on or around January lst, 1968. 2. That the Chief's replacement, if possible, should come from the ranks of the volunteer service, should be on the Chief's recommenda- tion and should be around 45 yrs. of age, BUCK: "Resolved that the report of the Fire TRN~T: Committee re: Fire Chief's Retirement be adopted." ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that Clause 2 of the rll:URRAY: report be tabled until after consideration of the budge:b," AMENDMENT CARRIES. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter of con- IIDRRAY: gratulation be sent to Mr. Lambert Willson on his re-electi·on as Chairman of the Holland Valley Conservation Authority." CARRIED, TRENT: "Resolved that the meeting be ILLINGWORTH: : adjourned. " CARRIED. 1~: ----------------------~~-------~~~~~~--~----·· - .. ,,·· 2 71967 -... 'JJf:nt~ .....:.:·······.··~:· That the following accounts be paid, that ilie Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. c' i:.TS:'i LCCOUN'l'S Lurora Cash-''!ay Electrci James 1a ton Equipment Aurora J:.utomotive Aurora Eydro Electric 0. L. Bassett Ltd. nell Telephone Co. Binion :'i:otors ' Bond E~gineering Co. Canadian Brass Canadian Broomwade Canadian Johns-rAanville Canadian Tire Corporation Co;amercial Alcohol Ltd. '!Anco Ltd, Gormley Sand & Gravel Francis Hankin & Co. Mohawk Radio Supply North York Plumbing & Supply Revco Ltd. Scarfe & Co. W. Spragg Texaco Canada George Ward Wilson Hardware TOTJ~ Relocate heater & repairs at south end water t'ower Carriage Bolts Bearings, Allan Service Billing Readin, lt.eters Packing Service Lul:J & Service ''Trenches 863,57 647.20 102.60 Inserts for pump Couplings, 3olts & 3wivel Repairs to Compressor Transite pipe, ClaJo1ps Wire, Clamps, connectors, stove bolts and rope 1 Gallon methanol Hydrant, gate valve & repair clamps Sand for Backfilling lY]ueller Drift Pins Ohmite Switch & Roll of solder Pipe, needle valve, bushings artd caps Lovejoy couplings and inserts !Paint Pump Shaft Fuel Oil Machine impeller shaft 3olts & Mark Belts ~ , ,, , ~ .~ '--.!Ul6'or Carried 44,09 3,68 21.18 1,613,37 2.55 12.81 3,00 41,47 138.65 836.~67 193.77 10,50 62.63 312.38 6.13 8.45 12.74 6.87 143.66 54.85 5.00 74,95 1.50 9.18 $3,620.08 \ Moved by 7:J.j.: .. 9.t~. . Seeonde~--~~-· ·: .. ·:·~4.:.19 That the · following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Tr~urer for the same and the Seal of the coG':EwlfftA~ !~B'o'bJff:•to. Aurora Banner Publ, Aurora Hydro Bell Telephone Henry Birks & Sons R.E. Brill M. Case Central Office Supplies Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce M.P. Coleman Printing Dean A, Dunlop Gift & Greeting Advert, -Annexation Dog Tags Inaugural Xmas. Trees 122 • .50./ Street Lighting & Cent. 102,06/ 14.92/ Light 1.,504.45~" Office Bldg. Insp. Centennial Pins Canine Control Services Inaugural Night Service for 1 yr. on Olympic Typewriter & office supplies Safety Deposit Box rental Letter head & Inagural Frog. E.D.P. Dec, & Audit Fees Jan, & Feb. Ot::t;j,.Qe Supplies. -Minute Book · ·-· _. ·. · · Bldg. Inspector Budget Form 116.98 55.44/ 376.00/ 6,00/ 151.82/ 24 .• 00 / 227.24 / Grande & Toy Institute of Ju.dge Lyon judge Moore Ltd, Municipal Clerk Membership Fees 682.82/ 46.31/ 4.72/ 2.0Y 15 .• 00/ Revising Voter's List Attending Assessment Appeals 2 Pen sets Morning Drugs Municipal Clerks & Municipal World MacL'ean Hunter Publ. McBee Co. Treasurers Annual Fees SUbscription & Statute Subscription 22.00' 27. 00' 28.88/ 10 .• 00/ 60.3_6/ 27 ,QO/ T, McPherson Ont, Building Officials Assoc;:, Ont. Mayors & Reeves Assoc. Ont, Municipal Assoc. Pitney-Bowes of Canada J.D. Reid Speciforms Ltd., Taylor Fuel Xerox of Canada York County Health Unit TOTAL General Cheques O,M.B. Hearing, C of R & Title Searches Annual Dues Ann.ual Dues Annual Dues Meter Ad Plate Inspection Golf Glen 822,00/ Retainer Fee 356,45 / Supervision of Traffic 336.98/ 114.40/ lO,OQ./ 45'"" 00/ 75 .• 00""' 12.60/ Light 525.74{ · Field Testing at PCC3,147.894,852.08 Payroll Cards 7,04/ Gasoline Jan & Feb, 1 1 237.44 / Rental & Photo Copies 104.75, Vaccine 10.20/ ··························· ······················· Mayor 10~206,04 Car ·:0"'·"'·'· ·············· .................... 19 Moved by Seconded by I? "fj;~ ~ ~"w~"'fl: ....... ~, •::~v r W~E FEBRUARY lOth~ 1967 That e followmg accounts be p~d, ffia the Mayor is sue or Crs on the treasurer for e same and the Seal of t!Je. ~'B.'!ffln be attached hereto. 17, 50 J, Fihes .·. 17, 50 G, Stewart 17~50 G, Stewart. . ··. 17.50 S, Barradell 78~75 s. Barradeli 78.75 C. Burling 119.70 C, Burling 88,20 C, Quantz 88.20 c. Quantz 88.20 G. Atkinson 154.90 G .. At.kinson 88.20 E, Draper 139,75 E. Draper 109.68 H. Egan 133,88 H. Egan 88.20 R. Egan 186 .• 84 s. Engs ig 88. 20 S, Engsig 193.73 L. Foster 128.63 L, Foster · 88,20 A. Godscha.k 120.25 A, Godscha:k 126.53 .w. Ha;milton 63.83 W. Hamil ton 78.63 C. Holman 88.20 A. Higgins 129.68 A. Higgins 78.23 C. Holman ].80,10 H. Rolling 88,20 H. Rolling 148,58 R, Sanders 88.20 R. Sanders 108.68 T. Snowdon 84.83 T. Snowdon .136.01 w. Steadman 98.00 w. Steadman 98.00 lVI. Hearn· 40.46 2,225.16 ,.,. . ' TOTAL PAYROLL JAN, 13/67. -Feb, 17/67 $ 10,908.94 1,543.26 W/E .FEBRUARY 17th, 1967 J. Fines · Stewart Barradell Burling Quantz Atkin.son Draper Egan Engsig Foster Godschak Hamilton Higgins Holman Johnson Rolling Sanders Snowdon Steadman G. s. c. c. ·.G. E. H. s. L. A. w. 'A, 'C. L, H. R. rT • W· .• -~~- Carried 17.50 17.50 94.50 123.90 123.90 97.65 88,40 132.85 137.58 82.95 91 .. 35 77.70 100.80 102.90 59.96 108,68 88.20 89.21 98.00 1;-1n.~-.J ..._,~···'··· .\: != ... 7 1967 ···································· ································&;·················19 PAYRO L ACCOUNT : ~~=.:::.::&I <a>!! • ...;:: of the Corporation be .attached hereto. · J. Fines · G. Stewart s. Barradell c. Burling a. Quantz G. Atkinson ·.E. Draper H• 'F.gan R. Fgan s. Engsig L·. F.oster k. Godsohak w. Hamilton A. Higgins a • Ho liiJ.an R. Sanders T. ·Snowdon w. Steadman H. Rolling G, Philips 17.50 17.;50 78~75 . f.l8.20 . 88;20 94;50 126;00 201.~10 108.68 . 165.38 . 11.6. 55 93.45 77.70 153..30 124~95 10Q.80 '84.83 98~00 199.00 '40.00 ,. . 2,074.39 :.J .• Fine~ ... G. stewart s. Barradell G, Philips .a. BUrling C. Quantz G. Atkinson E. Draper H. F.gan n. F.gan · s. Engsig L. Foster A. Godschak w. Hamilton A. Higgins c. Holman H. Rolling R, Sanders T. Snowd.on w. Steadman 17.50 17<50 78•75 50.00 88.20 88.,20 89.78 89.10 . 103.95 91.35 102.38 129 .• 68 :100~80 82.33 60.38 91.35 97.65 98.20 ll2.38 98.00 .. 3,;~687 .48 W/E JANUARY27th, 1967i -.. J. Fines A-" 0 .. • 17.50 .G. stewart 17.50 s. Barradell 78.75 G, Philips 50.00 c~ Burling 88.20 ··a; Qua:ntz 88~20 g. Atkinson 96.08 E. Draper 88..20 H. F.g'an 99.75 R. F.gan 109.23 -·· s. Engsig 107.10 L. Foster 61.43 A. Godschak 107.10 w. Hamilton 66.60 A. Higgins 96,.08 a. Holman 91.35 H. Rolling 103.95 R,. Sanders 88.,20 · T. Snowd-on 81.90. w. Steadman 108.00 ·'* 1. 645.12 ..............................................................................•..... L ........ . Mayor Carried )"•-• ----·-~~--·~--~-~-·~-·•··--~---•• -•-••·•--"'-•·•----·~~---.--·~•----•, •"•·•n-•x-•·---,••••~••••'~•m•C•o-~-•-"<·o-·r~oc• ••p-.-.. ,.,_ ••.• --"-•~-=;·;-••--•. ••--'•'·-----~~•--'•'---...-....=7"'"-«'<==-"-'-...,.,- ..... ., /:M~~: FEB 2 7 1967 Seconded b: z;~~ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. P AI<KS ACCOUNTS Aurora :-Iydro ·::lectric Texaco Canada TOTAL i Service Fuel Oil Carried ce Mayor 22.32 ~ 21.21/ .$43.53 • __ . ___ ; _____ .:..:_,._.,;__._..,_.~-~·~-'•• -·--~~-.. --_,..;.._:..:,;.~___.,~·.,-:,;;~,.~c,:-=~---"'~.i".~=C"'-""==="".,-;--':~<"'-=•"=""''"'"="---"" ..... -.--,--"0 • ••·-•..;--~~~ "-'"·••o.-,c~--'-•-C---'-'---'-'----'-' -~· ~---'"-"·•~·"·'-"'-•m~•--•o•~•-•·~-·~·-··~~'"-7 --. • FEB 7 7 1957 ···································································· ..................... 19 Moved by .................. V~~····················· Seconded by )J j : hr • That the following accounts vbe paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same of the Corporation be attached hereto. WORKS ACS¥U_NTS James Alt'On Co. !;rmitage Ct>'nstruction Aurora Lutomotive .Aurora Cash-\:'ay Electric .Aurora Hydro Electric Baldwin's Pharmacy Banner Printing 3eamish Construction Bell Telephone Co. Canadian Iron Foundries Chas Cook Canadian Salt Co. Canadian Tire Corp. J. H. Chapman Ivan Daniels ·~omtar Chej~icals L. Fowler's .3sso Gift & Greeting Studio 2ed Gordon's Garage Gormley Sand & Gravel International Harvester Co. Harold Johnson i':ilidway !ilachinery ·,'hner Rubber Co. Jl'lacNeils Esso Don :McCarron Owl -Lite Equipment P.c.o. Services Richmond Hill Tree Service Slessor Motors Steel Art Co. Taylors Fu.el Toronto Fuels Texaco Oil ·!feller Tree :Sxperts 'Jilson Hardware TOTAL Nose ?ieces and Bolts for plough Truck :1entals 67.70 f . 175.00,.. Plugs, fuses , Pilters, FlBshers & Lamps Lighting in garage Service Street Sewers area 6 '3ar Germicide Time Cards Soap Cold t.'1ix Asphalt Service Catch ::>asins Diesel Oil for grader Highway Salt 31. 21-" 59.83r- Oil filters, Installing muffler VJindshield wipers & Seal !3ea;,1s 'jJeldihg and repairing tail gate on truck and tractor repairs 'i!eather break for Ford 'J:'rector Collars pins s, light bulbs and Highway 3alt Tire repairs and Lubrications Scotch tape & refills 51.69/ 62. 56' 91.04 • 90' 33,58tc 130.01'" 28.98/ 53.05 /" 54.42/ 603.92/ 23.49" 90.98/ 114.59/ bolts 566,70 / 11".03 / 1.45/ 4.50/ 7'7.88/ 51. 7()/ 35.00/ Service call to start truck # l. J!inter Sand & Pit J:un :'i:epairs to lllis Chambers Loader Truck Rental Loader :~ental riubl:ler Boots Lubrication #3 Truck Rental 3atteries Pest Control Jan. & Feb. Tree Re.~·,oval ;:~epe:irs on Truck # 3 1-Crosswalk Sign Oil 1 Hydralic Fluid, Anti-freeze Fue.l. Oil Fuei. O:i.l Cutt}iJ.I!l two trees Sledge ·t~ammer handles 221.50/ 28.84/ 3. 5()/ 51.75/ 44.45/ 24.00/ 1,748.50/ 7;00/ 264.01/ 63.32/ 44.61/ 86.90/ 110.50,.- 3. 2()/ Mayor $5·,032.25 ~>-Y Carried • ~-·---•-A·---~---~~-----.-.-------~"~~--~~-~---'~~-~~~"-~~~~~-·~--=~~,=~~=·'~'-'·-~·~--~0<>•·-='"'-'--~·-·=·-=-·-·-=·--"-~---~--~----·-··------------·-. --~~....,_ __ ,_,~----~---....,.__ . ______ ·--··--·--.J~.a??.J~.~L. 19 Moved by l/.L,~ . ··························· Seeonded by ':t.~k,(Q;,ck. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the TreaSurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. POLICE ACCOUNTS Attridge Lumber Co. · Aurora Automotive AUrora Hydro Electric Bell Telephone Co. Binions Motors Ltd. Binions Sunoco Station Butterworth & Co. Canada Law Book Canadian Electronics Canadian Tire Corporation Carswell Co, Ltd. Central Office Supply C. N. Telecommunications Eastern Photo Products Espie Printing & Stationery L. Fowler's Esso Gift & Greeting Studio Peter Gorman ''Iillard Graham Hall Photographic Leslie Appliances C, ~7. Mack Co. T!laher Shoes iMacNeil Esso Service Geo. Scully Co. Sisman Shoes St. Andrews Shell Station Toronto Camera Co, Texaco Canada Ltd. United Tire Co. Wilson Hardware Petty Cash TOTAL Lumber for shelves Filters & Batteries Service Office Service Staff Phones 68.30/ 43.19/ Servicing & Repairs on 804 &805 Oil Changes & Lubrications Canadian Weekly Law Sheet. Ontario Report Repairs to Base Radio & ,Jobile Units Tires for Safety vehicle Ontario Statues Office Supplies Telex Service Repairs to press Index Cards Servicing & repairs to Safety vehicle & crusier washes Office Supplies Centennial Flag Buil'ling shelves at Police Office Phmto Supplies Heater repairs Cab Plates & 3adges Rubber Boots · Service & Tire repairs · 3 Pr Gloves Sales tax omitted from invoice Service call 1?:: Gas. RePairs to Graphic Camera Fuel Oil Snow Tires -Safety vehicle Flashl.ight Bulbs & Keys Jan. & Feb, 63.97 / 41.48/ 20.02,.... 111.49 177.06 ;- 17.50, 22. 50' 37.50/ 160.62/ 42.00/ 16.75 ;- 42.21/ 45.00,.... 3.00/ 35.13/ 64•60/ i7.70/ 8.55/ 96.23/ 6.95/ 3.50/ 25.92/ 11.96/ 7o'6:V 12.44/ . i.30/ 4.00/ 23.03/ 38.25/ 38.75/ L95/ 100.68 ~~ $1,299,67 ·yor·~ Carried '•••->-'·c~·· • '"'""'~~,.~·~•,•-..w!.>.<-<Jo\...W~••·•-"J ·~·>-.. -~ -·-• -·-·-· ~.,.....,.."-'-•'----!e="r.. -·~~·="'-"''-"'.C<o.>o.~..;,.~"'"'~==--"4">~-''""' =~'<""-"'---"' ~'--~0'"~ ·~~-~--· ·• FEB 2 71967 Moved by . ····;l7T /7 ... 19 ... {) ... '.r. ......... ~····----/Yl~-----··········· ~hat the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer for the same and-the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. PROPERTY UP-KEEP ACCOUNT Aurora Hydro T, Eaton Co. T.K Fice Sanitary Products Toronto Fuels Texaco Oil TOTAL Service 2 baseboard heaters Install 3 baseboard at Police Office Cleaning supplies Fuel Oil Fuel Oil ~ _·· ........... le ..... . Carried heater 49.gl/ 62* 75~· .. 255.82- 17.24.- 37.20/ 76,16/ 498.78 • e•·'-•" •-··-'"•-'•"-"~""::,;i,,_,_~\~i...-.:_ '·--~----. -.-C---------•-'-'-:.:.: __ ,~:.~.:..;.:,~:c'""").&,J=J."-'=~•"'-"=>~~~ ' '·=·~===A<;::"-=----"-.~-'-00,_.,_._-------"--:•-J<.=->•'-'"'~-~-------:--~ -"-"-:_,_,, -~~-----... ···~ 719_;7· . ..19 .u£· Z .... h~k./L ... Seconded by -__ ___..... That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer fQr the same and the Seal of tbe Co'J!l~t~I'Jfl~a'C'f.lNtf~~t CENTRE Aurora Automotive Aurora Cash-Way Aurora Hydro Bell Telephone Can, Dust Control ·Jaw for pulley & wipers Service calls-pump motor repairs on submarine pump cleaning eludge pump Service Service Cleaning supplies Chlorine Can, Industries Ltd,, Can, Institude on Poll J.H. Chapman Control Annual Dues Gift & Greeting Studio Graham Transport T.H. Oliv.er Ltd,, southwood 1 s B.A. Toronto Fuels Trojan Chemicals Texaco Oil Wallace & Tiernan Gee. ward TOTAL Door for digester, bolts removing shaft Pencils & refill Delivery to OWRC Ground detectors Tire repairs Fuel Oil Trojan Chemical Fuel Oil Bottle & Ortho Tel Repairs to pump shaft POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE ACCOUNTS PROPERTY UP-KEEP ACCOUNTS 2,267.54 498.78 TOTAL ' ' ¢$2,766.32 24.69-- 23.00/ 367.87/ 18.48,... "3.00!"' 1,109.85/" 7 ,00-'" 99.09/ 1.54/ 2.30/ 7,77/ ' L67/ 143.02"' 132.75/ 281:l;. 00 / ... 6:<51/ · 33.oo/ 2,267.54 .... ~ Carried _,.~·" , -~.-~~:.:,:,: . .:-•:_, _ _:.;;,,,_;;~;;;,,,_,..c--o' ro"<•,C,,'OC'O_",;,"":""""""-"'-'"'~;<-:;ce.:O'~'ol~~'-~""''""'~"";,•, 0",-''-"'""'·'•''>'''' ,-,., -.-•T-·-~·~ "" _.«~-•'•'-'·-, --"--' ' FEB 2 7 1967 ····~/7719 £l: .... h~::: That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for ·the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CA?I:rAL ~YJP~NDITu;·::;.~~ ACCDUNTS POLLU~7I~·N CON~~~:tOL C':.:NTR~ LCCOUNT.S J,u, Chapman North York ;''lumbing .'J< Heating TOTLL Drilling and ;'!elding Plate in breather pipe, double hanger for flow "'easuring box, Rubber packing, pipe and tapered pipe ' 58;18 21.34. 79.52. ~ ""':-: ... ~ ····~ .. .............. ~·····1·········· ·Mayor Carried ·-~~ ·--· --· -,-. "'"---~-----,~-·-•->..-.-.h»'•'--·--" ,.C-~~-·~---'-~--C~•-••·•"-·-·~·Aoo~·=·'"-~'""'"·Oc-'"'r• ~--••.-·•·"'==·'00• .,,,--,=''''"·'r, c=•.cy·-~--""' --.,,.,,-.,·.,.,,.-••--- .......................... FEB 2:71961 seconded by .i/~ (/jSr ~ ........... ;0"~- That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CENTENNIAL ACCOUNTS ..,..-- Banner Printing Co. Dept. of Land & Forest Gift & Greeting Studios LaColony Restaurant h1odel 3uilders TOTAL Centennial Symbol Stamp Trees for Spring Planting Binder Luncheon Zntrance Gates c:::.__;::J ... ~ ····le· Carried 2.63/ 5L.l0/ 2AV 24.,05/ 1 r500·. O(V" . $lt580.3'9 FEB 2 7 1967 .......................................................................................... 19 Moved by 1~~ .. 0..~ .. Seeonded by tJL~ That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the ·Corporation be attached hereto. FIRE ACCOUNTS Associ 8 tion of Fire Chiefs Aurora Hydro Electric Aurora Tank & ;Yelding Ltd. Bell Telephone Co, Canadian Dust Control G, :', Fyfe Southwood's 3. A. Toronto Fuels Texaco Oil TOT1~L Annual Dues Service Repairs to Alarm Timer 21.33<"' 61.62 ..... De~.mrrage of Cycline:ers for l Year Service Cleaning Supplies Changing frequency on i'Jlobile Radio Unit Gasoline Fuel Oil Fuel Oil ~-- Carried 10.-00""'• .82. 95. 11.00/ 47.86/ 4,80/ 54.00""' 31.66/ 22,90/ "68. 91/ .$334. 08 -~·••-•~---~··-··-~-~~~~~.....,_-"""--'·•-~~--~~•--<•••.---~~~~~"'--~---·~"~~ ·~. ·=L="'-'''·~•--·•"'-'=~==•=•o>·"~="··-"'~·-~--~.-,·~'"-'= .. ,~-:-.~,~-""~---·•-·--••------•--..........,_,....___, _ - -·-~"• or"~" n • _.,, ...,~•~--~' •--<·~·~·~-- WELFARE ACCOUNTS That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. 100% Recoverable from Insurance $30.00 100% Recoverable from Workmen's Compensation 207.75 80% Recoverable from Province 1,966.36 20% Recoverable from other Municip- 113.88 ali ties 20% Payable by Town of Aurora 377.71 377.71 Christmas vouchers 15.00 15.00 Total welfare·issued 2,710.70 Cost to the Town of Aurora 392";'71 ----- Carried ~ .. ~--·-·-c.~_.., _ _., __ "''-'~·--, . ..._."""~~>~.-·--·~-·~-• _ -•-•--· , ____ __:_...,_ ____ ,,,_.,,_,~_.__,_,.~ ""•----~ ... ~. "'->f'"""""'·""'''"'~'• ,,.,,--.. ,,.,,=-,-·--~-=~e.";o .e<.~•~··'""'~~=-==-='0~~·~.~~·--·~------•---• . __ -----·. ,_..~.-'-Y'-'-·'"'"'""""'-""'"-='"·'"~·""'·~• . o-•--.·-···•-~--~--•- .. '22.1967. ......................... 19 ~it Moved by ~,.,.1 .. ! .. .!.. .......................................... ,_---sero;;ded by ----------That the following accounts be paid, -th;t the Mayor is sue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. COIJ.IT·~1UNITY CENTRE ACCOUNTS Central Office Furniture Consumers Gas Co. Wilson Hardware TOTAL Upholstered Chairs & Safe Gas for heating Hose, Paint, Sharpening saws Padlocks & Xeys --~G _ __, Carried ,-u, . /[!.if / jJ I or/ /c•Y) U0 (pcV /' 1/ j/ /\ 484.19 738.71 / !·· 187',83/ $1,410,73 I