MINUTES - Special Council - 19660829,,._ NO Pl.RKING SIGNS L. __ ~ MINUTES OF THB SPECILL lVJZETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHlil!JBERG ON MONDAY, J.UGUST 29, 1966 at 8:00 P,M, PRESE!IlT: MLYOR C, F, DiN IS (IN Tft:!: CHA.IR.) REEVE S,G, Pl;TRICK COUNCILLORS CORBETT, ILLINGVJORTH, MURRAY, TRE!IlT f,ND WILLiliMBON, MAYOR DAVIS stated that this meeting had been called . to clean up business left over frmJ previous Council meetings. UNFINISHED BUSINESS COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH presented a brief re No Parking Signs This Council is in receipt of a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood of JUchardson Drive regarding the no parldng signs that were ;>reviously approved by this Council!, and the Department of Transport, but which have not yet been erected. Mr. Sherwood states in his letter "There are a lot of people who park on the street' at the present time, This I think, is an unsafe practice where there are children, and Regency J;,cres certainly has its share of children, Their safety is our bi~gest concern." I concur most strongly with Mr. Sherwoods letter and in particular the last sentence of his letter. "Their sc:.fety is our bige:;est concern" Their safety should be the concern, not only of Mr. Sherwood, but of all members of this Council and all citizens of J,urora. I feel that we must, in this instance, put aside petty personal feelings, the insignificant cost of signs and their location and consider the cmamon good, A recent survey in l:!Jetro Toronto reveals the.t the accident toll among childrencontinues to grow. Out of 1822 cccidents to boys and girls, in 836 or about 4596 the child was to blame and in 4 cases out of 5 the child was a boy. SPECHL -2-AUGUST 29th, 1966. NO PARKING SIGNS .... ,.-_, ! •, UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED ILL!NGf!ORlli BRBF RE Pll.RKING SIGNS Sgt. Herbert Titmarsh states, "Young boys seem to be bacominc much less conscious of safety. Their games CetC'ry them out on the street and forget that death is passing by , t 30 mile an hour." · ;, tote,! of 13 children were killed in r,1etro from January to July 19 of this year. In more than half the cases, they ran out from behind parked cars, which Sgt. Titmursh described as one of the chief menaces of childhood. \lie have been ,,;,ost fortunate in Ji.urora that we have not had a single child fatality from traffic causes, and I think that this can only be attributed to the Safety program of our Police Dept. the parents and the School Boards, and the general mvaremess and good driving habits of our citizens. But J~urora continues to grow and how ~>mch lonc;er can our good luck hold out. FJe need no parking regulations in the residential area of Aurora for the safety of our children. As this by-law has been passed by Council and the Department of Transport, may I ask when the necessary signs will be erected so that the By-law can be implemented. He added that he felt that this is of the utmost concern in residential areas and thc.t it de:riie.ns action. no amenduent to the by-le;w h1we been introduced thinl{S the.t the signs should be erected to rne.ke by-law effective. Since he the COUNCILLOR l'!lUI't?UW said that CcJuncil in Committee he,d met le,st week to discuss this by-law and that the discussions were still not completed. Ml1YOR DLVJLG a:::;reed that it was high time action is taken, an:} he a"lnounced the.t the by-law W',:mld be discussed by Council in Cor.1mi ttee on -~:'ednesday, August ::n at 8:00 '? .M. SPECH'L -:3 ->~U3US'f 29th, ID66, UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED CONSOLIDJ.TED WELF.Ii.RE SE.'WICES ,: .. ~-' ~---•·<'_,.~------~-,-,_...,..,,.,~,"" COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH presentGd a brief on Consoli:lated -_.,elf are Services: Reference is •nade to minutes of Council dated June 6/66 (page 4) in which a letter was received from York County \7elfare OJ;ficiers J.ssociation meeting on June 15 to hear a discussion on Consolidated ~!elf are Services, and to minutes of Council dated June 20/66 (page 9) with a report of meeting Council were requested to peruse report and discuss at next Council meeting, On many occassions, local municipal councils fail to discuss and me.ke recommendations on topics such as this, so that County representatives would have an expression of interest for their information and possible guidance when the topic is discussed at County Council. It is my opinion that it is much better to diE;cuss these topics prior to action by County Council ElS too often it becomes a fait accompli, and nothing can be done_ at that time, but· cmiiplain. Your ways & Means Committee for the Centre five municipalities are giving the subject of welfare and a deep and detailed analysis but the final report may not be available prior to discussion at the County. Based on the reports previously submitted to Council it is felt that Council should give a careful study to these reports so that they may be discussed in detail and the feeling of the majority passed on to County Council. John Wintermeyer, former Libere.l Leader of Ontario in a recent address to the Lal{e Erie Regional Development Association stated that municipal functions were defined more than 100 years ago and did not encompass services which are now provided in the fields of •,welf are, transport at ion and education, !Y.!unicipal- ities are trying to do things never dreamed of when the framework wes set up. Municipalities must accept the principle that local government units will have to be larger to provide equal services throughout our area, ··--·--·---"------ SPECU.L -4-AUGUST 29, 1966, ILLINGWORTH BLU2F RE I;'ELFf~'rtE CONTINUED CONSOLID.Il.TED 'NELF.t..RE ;--~""·~RVICES ' t· ' ' ~ "StJNNYBROOK SU3JIVISJ[ON COUNCILLOR J[LLING!TfORTIHI thought that this matter should be discussed by the local Council before it comes to County Council so that our representatives on County Council can have an expression of Council's opinion on the subject, His personal opinion is thHt while he is opposed to so;;Jethings being taken over by County, he felt there is so.ne merit in a Regional !Jelfare J\dministration, REEVE ?LTRJ[CK said that he was opposed to it. If welfare goes to the County, the cost will be shHred on the b ,sis of the equalized assess:,>lent and Aurora will carry the load, J[f it is forced on us we will have to join, but. J[ don't think we should do it until then, MAYOR DfnHS said that we have heard two opinions, but before we discuss it further we should have the facts and figures. COUNCILLOR J[LLINm!ORTH agreed, but he would like Council to start think:ing about it now. i\1AYOR DJWJ[S asked the Clerk to obta::.n figures on gross costs for the next meeting. MAYOR DAVIS read two lett.ers from Parkinson, Gardiner., Roberts regarding.Sunnybrook Subdivision COUNCILLO>~ J[LLJ[NGAi'O.':<TI'i pointed out that it was decided at meeting in June that Council should meet with all parties. P f,,TRJ[CK: "Hesol ved thc::t Council in 'ifHLLJ[il,l\ASON: CorJm:it tee meet with all principptls at a date to be set." Ck~-,~{IED. ·----~~-- SPECIJ:L -5 -£UGUST 29, 1966. · BY-LAW 1699-66 ~-;; ·Ll:W 1699-66 IR NOISE ~"o•,..-C~ CORBETT: ILLIN·aVORTH: "Resolved that leave be given to in- troduce a By-law to prohibit or regulate the ringing of bells, blowing of horns, shouting and unusual noises, caJ.culated to dli.strub the inhabitants and for prohibiting and abating public nuisances and the.t the sa:tJe :;.e now read a first time." Ci::J:lUED. COUNCILLOr?. ILLING\7 0R'l'H presented a brief on this by-law Fie have before us a By-Law for prohibiting or regulating the ringing of bells, the blowing of horns, shouting and unusual noises, or noises calculated to distrub the inhabitants and for prohibiting and abating public nuisances. There is no ·~loubt there is a need for this type of by-law to control noises etc. that disturb the in- habitants, but let us not cet involved again when the intent of the by-law could be misconstrued, either inadvertently or in an effort to embarrass this Council. For exa.ilple the ringing of bells, will the tolling of the clock in the Post Office, or the call to worship of the Church bells be considered an offense. Crying, shouting or loud spealdng in or adje,cent to any public street or place, will this apply to a baby crying on the street, or the loud speru•ing in this Council Chamber or other public meeting place. There is a need for the by-law but there is also n need for sood common sense in its enforcement. City Solicitor \'!illiam Callow of the City of Toronto states " Fail:ure of citizens -not the police to do what is necessary to enforce regulations explains why the by-law is sometimes ineffective. " It is found that in me.ny cases, although the citizen will complain to the police about the noise, the same citizens are often relucto"1t to come to court to gli. ve evidence in support of the prosecution's case. Vlr. Callow pointed out th&t eli. tizens evidence is often ~~·~e~~~~y t~:c:~~:e t~~sm~~!~!~: te can better learn ---~--------·--· NOISE BY-LAW ,-'*·*- BY-LAW 1439 SPECIAL - 6 - AUGUST 29, 1966 BY-LAW 1699-66 CONTINUED COUNCILLOH ILLJING0¥0FtTH added· til at he didn it feel we should get into a by-law which could be misconstrued, and that it should be given serious study, rJlUi:t.~ J, Y : ILLINGWORTH: UNFINISHED BUSINESS "Resolved that second reading be held over to permit further study •" CJI.i'L~IED. GOUNCILLO':'I ILLINGVIOR'I'H referred to a report of the Police Committee recommending action be talHm to make By-law 1439 regarding reduced speed in school zones effective by erecting signs. He said that it is getting close to the school year and nothing has been done yet. ILLING.c:ORTH: ?ATRICK: "Resolved that c:.ction be taken to implement this part of the report and that the necessary signs be procured and erected.'' CP.J~RIED. COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH referred to the recommendation in the same report regarding the street map on Murray Drive. He said that as of August 14 this map had not been moved. COUNCILLOR TR3~IT pointed out that the signs had not been installed by the works Dept. but by Jkurora Hydro. MAYOR D1WIS said that }ossibly we should ask Aurora Hydro to .:10ve the signs. COUNCILLOR ILLING\,WR'll'H scdd thBt the report called for a location on Murray Drive, but possibly it would be more beneficial on Yonge St. !AAYOH DAVEl asked that the :Police and '1Jorks Committee get together and study the ~tter and report back to Council. ·------'----------------·----~-~·-- I ··-~· OFFER TO PURCHASE &':tEN A SITE SPECIAL -7 -AUGUST 29 1 1966, COMMITTEE REPORTS REEVE PATRICK IN THr£ CHAIR MAYOR DAVIS presented a report of Council in Committee Dated August 29th, 1966 in which the Committee respectfully submit the following; The Committee recommends th~t we accept in principal the offer for the site presented by i\<:Ir • .J. Lambert provided that a mutually satisfactory agree;;mnt cc.n be reached between ~llr. Lambert and the Town on the details of the buildings to be constructed on the sit~. :~LVIS: PATRICK: "Resolved that the Report of Council in Committee dated August 29 1 1966 re Offers to Purchase Old J~ena Site be accepted," COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH said that no doubt this is an excellent offer but unfortunately the plan submitted is not auitable for that plot. He cannot support the resolution because the plan cannot fit in existing by- laws on that site, MAYOR DAVIS reviewed the decision made by Council in Committee to accept the hotel-motel apartment concept of Mr. Lambert. :Possibly Councillor Illingw·orth has a point when he says the whole thing cannot be developed on this sHe. This was the best offer, but if Council and Mr. Lambert cannot mutually agree on a project it will have to be reopened, COUNCILLOR MilJRII.LY said we are only being asked to accept the offer in principle but iv:Ir. Lambert still has to satisfy Council as to details, CARRIED. MAYOR DAVIS said that a night should he set in the very neLr future to discuss this and asked Council to set a date. I FER TO L"..,RCHASE ARENA SITE SEVERAL ITEMS SPECHJL -8 -AUGUST 291 1966, CO~AMITTEE REPORTS RE ARENA SITE COUNCILLOR iYllJR}~,W asked why the before Committee of the \\ll:wle, Committee meet with Mr. Lambert and report back to Council, matter should come Let the ?lanning and discuss the details MURRAY: "Resolved that the matter be referred TRENT to the Planning Committee." CJ\RJ~IED, MAYOR DAVIS presented a report of Council in Committee re several items and asked that it be dealt with each item separately. The Committee respectfully submit the following Council in Committee met on Wednesday, August 24th at 8:00 P.M. All Councillcrs were present ~~ith the exception of Deputy-Reeve Simmons. The following items were discussed: 1. 2. CEN']['RAL ONTMUO ifLO:GIGNAL DEV:SiLOPll!J!'!:NT COUNCIL Councillor Lois Eancey of R.ichmond Hill presented a report on the objectives and methods of CORDC, and answered the auestions of Councillors. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the town of .?.urore. join Central Ontario Regional Development Council at the ee.r:l.iest opportunity. AURORA ?DLICE DEP L"TMENT Chief ~;rilliam Langm<"m attended to discuss with :~ Council various police matters, and in particular the enforcer.Jent of by-law Jllo. 1698-66, the /,uti- Loitering by-law. It is the opinion of the Committee thi:\t as a result of this ;;1eeting a •nutual understanding has been arrived at on the i;:Bmediate problems, L...-~----~----~---------~~---------.---~~-~--=~---- SPECUL -9 -AUGUST 29, 1966. COMMITTEE REPORTS COUNCIL IN COM~ITTEE REPORT CONTINUED 3. INDUSTRY ST. NORTH The Committee discussed the requirements for providing access to town owned lands on Industry St. North. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the engineer be requested to obtain the approximate cost of the extension of Industry Street northward and the provision of an access road westward to the property, and of servicing the land. 4. TENTS ON TO'c!N PRO!f-\~RTY The Town Soliciior presented the opinion that inasmuch as the tents are located on the town owned boulevard without peric1ission, Council has a legal right to order them to be removed. DJNIS: "]Resolved that the report of MURRAY: Council in Comr,littee dated August 29th/66 be accepted as amended." 1. AJiEf!Dli1~NT ILLINGi:?ORTH: "Resolved that this 2 • Ci'Jh'UED 3. Cl:J:illiED AIDRRAY: item be referred to Finance Committee to report back to Council whether funds are available to join Cordc this year." CARRIED. 4. COUNCILLOR PAIURRAY pointed out that he had seconded the report but he did not necessarily agree with every item in it. If the solicitor says that we can order the tents removed, where is our authority. T ITS WATER LAWTON f-·h~')S. '-----~-' ·--~,.--~ SPECHL -10 - CO~~ITTEE REPORTS COUNCIL IN COl":D'/!ITT2:E REPORT CONTINUED COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH agreed that the law and that possibly we should have a by-law, with a fait accompli and if we ordered the would be taking sides, ,Ji'hen the strilj:e is support a by-law banning tenting except in LUGU3T 29, 1966 is very nebulous \':e are now faced tents dovm we over, he will designated areas, MAYOR DAVIS said we should not criticize the solicitor. He was asked for an opinion on the Town's legal position, which he gave us. Ckic'tRIED. Rl~PORT AS .. (~,--~2ND ED ACCEi?TED. MAYOR DAVIS IN THE CHLIR REEVE PATRICK presented a verbal report of the Water Committee regarding the application of Lawton Brothers for a water service, PATlUCK: HuLINmJORTH : "Hesolved that the application of La,wton 3rothers for a vmter service be granted." MAYOR DAVIS said there is ~ building there. 'i'Je would have liked to see it in .t;,urora but it was built in Whitchurch, It is impractical to drill a well and he felt we should ' give them water. COUNCILLOR ILLING\'i'O:RTH said th~t Council had said it was against providing services in this area, but he felt Council was referring mainly to sewers. He doesn't feel Council should be a dog in the ;nanger by wi tholding water. ~(e would support the application only on the under- standing that sooner or later this area will be annexed and that the owner will support our a)plication. 'lffc.';l'SR l rnoN l. )S, CAB DRIVER'S LICENSE \iJARD SY3TEM SPECIAL -11 -AUGUST 29th, 1966, COMMITTEE ~EPORTS Vti'J'.Ti;;;R REPORT CONTINUED RE LL\~TON BROS. COUNCILLOJ~ ~ru:mAY said thE.t this Council agreed on the principle that services not be provided outside of Town. 'J!e all agreed thpt it would be better that services be withheld so that owners would go to the ORii:l and say we want annex;;:tion because we need services. DEFZJ:.TED, COUNCILLOR ILLINGdORTH presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following That the a~Jplication of Da::my Fairey, 222 '\'ellington St. E., Aurora for a cab driver's license be approved. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that the report of the Police Committee dated August 29, 1966 re: cab driver's license be accepted and the license granted." ClRRIED, COUNCILLOR ILLING'v10RTH presented a report of the Special Committee on the 7!ard System and Extended Franchise in which the Committee respectfully submit the following & J~XTENDED FRANCHISE Pursuant to Minutes of Council dated August 22, 1966 a meeting of the Special ·,;rard System and Extended Franchise Committee was held in Aurora Committee Room at 10:30 A.M. Saturday August 27th, 1966, The following members of this CoiJmittee were in attendance: Mrs. ':':velyn Buck Mr. Len Ostick Mrs. Connie Matthews Councillor Jim Murray Councillor R. Illingworth ~·---------·--------·· South Aurora North Aurora Aurora f'ulblic School Board. WARD SYSTEM &: XTENDED Fl NCHlSE RELIEF BY-LAW 1051 LOT 222 PLAN 475 '---"-·--- SJ?SCIAL -12 -AUGUST 29th, 1966. COIA!VIITTEE REPORTS lfi1mD SYSTEM REPORT CONTINUED, Councillor Jim Murray outlined the procedure available to implement a ward system and a general discussion followed as the the pros and cons of a ward system. In view of the wide variance of opinion on vario.us aspects of the ward system, it was recommended that a study be carried out of all Towns with a popule:tion of 10,000 to 20,000 having a ward system, and this study be used as a basis for discussion. There was a general feeling of agreement regarding the extended fre:nchise, This item to be held over for further discussion at the next meeting, 'and if approved, a recmo1mendation will be forwarded for including this item on the ballot :for the December 1966 election The next meeting will be held Thursday-evening Sept, 22, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Committee Room~ ILLING'IJORTH: MURRAY: "Resolved that the report of the Special ;;rard System & gxtended Franchise Committee be accepted." CLRRIED. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT BRIEF: COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH presented a brief re Committee of Adjustment - The Cmnmittee of !.djustment met on Friday, August 19, 1966 to consider a request from Mr. F.B. Lutes, with respect to Lot 222 1 Plan 475 Town of Aurora, requesting relief from Town of f,urora by-law 1051, (as a~nended) The property on Ke;.1ano Drive has a variance of • 711, feet on the westerly side yard, at north end of building. The lot in question has a frontage of 53 feet and the rear of the lot is 45 feet 9 inches wide, It would appear that due to the side lot line running at a slight angle, a mechanical error was made in positioning the house, which accounted for the minor variation. LOT 222 Plan 475 l!J'l:rvl.i\,NO " ,, ' I RE SURFACING SIDEW.i\,LKS ON YONGE ST. '-···· SPEC !IlL -13 -AUGUST 29th, 1966. BRIEF RE COMMITTEE OF fJ)JUSTMENT CONTINUED: No objections were received. The decision of the Committee of Adjustment ia that the relief be granted. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved tho.t the decision of the WILLIPJ\I!ISON: Committee of f,djust<aent be accepted by Council." C1~RRI2D, COUNCILLOR TRENT presented a report of the Works Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: As et result of a motion in Council dated August 15/66 the Works Committee have acquired prices for the black topping of Yonge .St. in what appeetrs to be the worst sections. YONGE ST. ON TEE \VEST SIDE Tyler Sout:'lt ..; catch bas1.n (taxi stand) Reuben St. to Kennedy Patch north of Ransom St. Retnsom St. to Flower shop Corner Brookland In front of Graystones EAST SIDE OF YONGE ST, Mosley st. to Church Kennedy St. South to 3ell Tel, In front of ?olice stettion In front cf Tuttons to Arena Property NO"CmHI OF WELLINGTON ON YONGE ST, WEST SHE: '!!ellington St. to. Irwin N. of the bank EA3T SIDE: '!!ellington St. to Centre $507.00 182.00 18,00 255.00 7,20 81;00 496,50 354,00 54,90 249.75 440.10 250,50 TOTJ~ 2,895,95 TRENT: "Resolved that the report of the i\t!URRJ\.Y: Works Committee dated August 29th, 1966 re surfacing sidewalks on Yonge St, be accepted and the seal of the corporation be attached hereto." SPECIAL -14-. AUGUST 29th, 1966, . ' RE !f)EWALKS i ! ! '-"-'' WINTER SALT SUPT, VEHICLE WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT CONTINUED: AMENDiiJIENT ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved the,t the report be referred to the Finance Committee and if funds HILLIJIMSON: are available the F!orks Committee be authorized to proceed with the work." C J:JRB: IED • MAYOR DAVIS advised there will be a ~1eeting of the Finance Committee on Thursday morning. COUNCILLOR TRENT presented a report of the Works Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: That coarse bulk salt be supplied by Domtar and by Canadian Salt, the a~11ounts to ':ce divided between the two companies at n price of $11,25 per ton & 5% sales tax. TRENT: MURRJl,Y: "Resolved thet the tenders from Domtqr and Canadian Salt Company re winter salt be accepted and the seal of the corporation be nttached hereto.'·' CA.lli'UED, COUNCILLOR TRENT presented a report of Council in Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: As a result of a motion dated August 15/66 a meeting was held to establish a policy concerning the rne of a town vehicle by the Town Superintendent to be driven by him to his place of residence. It was recommended by a majority of Council in Committee that the Superintendent be not allowed the use of the vehicle for the purpose e:s proposed by the \'iorks Committee. SPECIAL -15 -AUGUST 29th, 1966, SUPT. VEHICLE YOUTH Gi..~OUP STEADMAN HOSPITAL COUNCIL IN COf~AITTEE REPORT CONTINUED TRENT: "Resolved that this report of CORBETT: Council in Committee dated August 29th, 1966 be adopted." COUNCILLOR TR~NT said that he had brought in the report but he cannot support it. COUNCILLOR MURRAY said which get out of hand, permission to take the Council now, that this is one of the things This Council never granted vehicle home • why bring it into REEVE PATRICK said that he had checked with other municipalities and this is their policy, COUNCILLO'?. 'cHLLIAMSON said he felt strongly that anythihg concerning employees should not be discussed in Council, Clll<RIED, COUNCI~LOR MURRAY reported verbally on the Youth Group. He announced there would be a maeting at \Jells St. School on Friday, September 2 at 8:00 P.M. COUNCIL~OR TRENT reported that Bill Steadman has suffered another heart attack and is confined to hospital. NEVr .BUSINESS: 1.ir'IYOR DAVIS reported that he had received complaints CPR concerning the operation of the car wash on Temperance st. WASH It was his understanding that there was to be at least TEY>IPERANCE part time supervisiofl but this has not come about and .ST. this is now a 24 hour operation. :·~·-·'-'i COUNCILLOR ILLING\'lORTH said that in June the Police Committee had ;net with the mme::· and he had made certain commitments which were not adhered to. A letter was sent to the owner, and the matter will be reintroduced at the next Police Committee hleeting. OPENING SEWAGE PLANT IN r~ETANG SJ',NTA CLAUS PARADE SPECIAL -16 ~ AUGUST 29th, 1966. NEW BUSINESS MAYOR DAVIS reported that he had attended the opening of the new sewage treatment plant in Penetang. He said this is the first of its kind in Canada and he thought it would be of interest for this Council to go up and look it over in late September, COUNCILLOR ILLING't'JOHTH said that this plant was designed to a great extent by a resident of Aurora; For the last year and one half he had been su[gesting that Council bring in Dr. Phil Jones to a meeting, r&AYOR DAVIS said that Il1ri Reid would arrange the meeting, COUNCILLOR READ A brief re Santa Claus parade• The time draws near when members of Council start thinking about elections and the children start thinking about Santa Claus. For 111any years .Aurora was fortunate to have a Santa Claus parade that never failed to brin6 delight to old and young alike, and to imbue a stronger spirit of the festive season and the fellowship of a small community. To hold a successful parade, a considerable amount of planning, work and expense is involved and the co-operatiop of many people. In our budget of this year, the sum of $50,00 was included as a grant to any organization, which would sponsor a Santa Claus parade. Now is the time to start planning, ILLING':lORTH: "Resolved thE,t this Council JViURRAY: endeavour to locate a group or organization within the town that will sponsor a Santa Claus parade on the understanding that Council will provide all possible assistance," CARRIED, SPECH>L -17 -AUGUST 29th, 1966: NEW BUSI~ ANNEXATION MAYOR DAVIS reported that he h&d been contacted by the Solicitor regarding the annexation proceedings and had been advised that the report of the Ontario Land Surveyor would be ready shortly. BmrsTOPS COUNCILLOR MURRAY said thet he had taken a survey of all ten bus-stops in. Town and only two of them nad "No Parking at Any Time" signs in front of them. These are not valid signs for a bus stop and he wants them removed. . ARENJ, • SCHEDULE COUNCILLOR ILLtNG;'JOR'i'H said that he had been trying for some tiilte to get proper signs at the bus stops with no success. He said that he had not authorized the installation of the present signs. COUNCILLOR MURRAY said the.t these signs had been installed by the v.'orks Dept. when the bus stops were !itoved two weeks ago. COUNCILLOR TRENT said the signs had been erected on instructions of the Police Dept. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved th2,t proper bus stop l\tlURRAY: signs be ordered and installed. COUNCILLOR TRENT said that we have already overspent our budget on signs and asked that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee. COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH suggested that the locations of the stops be finalized before additional signs are ordered. MAYOR DAVIS said that the bus stop question will be dealt with by Council in Committee on Nednesday evening • COUNCILLOH WILLIAI\I,!SON asked if the Arena Board had set up a schedule of ice time and rates as yet. MAYOR DAVIS said there would be a meeting of the Community Centre Board in the near future. CANADA DAY I•·••··• i' SPECIAL ~ 18 -AUGUST 29th, 1966, NEW BUSINESS COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH presented a brief on Canada Day The July 6th issue of the Aurora Banner carried an editorial entitled "JULY 1 SHOULD BE JULY 1 "' • This editorial was reprinted in the July 14th issue of the Richmond Hill Liberal and has caused considerable comment and discussion. I feel that as a member of this Council, we should feel humiliated and embarrassed because of our failure to provide leadership in this regard. July 1st was the 99th birthday of Canada as a Nation, and it was treated as just another day, Next year is our Centennial and no doubt our Centennial Committee will provide suitable celebrations, but then will our normal practise resume and we will be required to wait for another 100 years before we celebrate again, While we cannot commit councils of the future, we can provide some thought and recommendations. I recommend that the following be passed on to forth- coming Councils as a suggestion for future July 1st celebrations. (a) All municipal owned buildings within the Town of Aurora be adequately decorated with flags and bunting for approx 1 week before and including July 1st, (b) A letter be forwarded to the Board of Trade and/or all merchants within the Town to decorate their places of business for one week preceding July 1st and that other than for essential services, all places of business be closed for July 1st. (c) A band concert with appropriate ceremony be arransed for the Town Park. CARRIED, ' SPECIAL .,. 19 -AUGUST 29tb, 1966. NEW BUSINESS GARB'AGE PL"'STIC 13 's REFERENCE LIBRARY ~····~-_: COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH :presented a brief on garbage pick up With the increased use of plastic garb,qge bags and the action of some municipalities to adopt this method of collecting garbage, it is felt that possibily we should re-examine our by-law or agreement regarding the collection of garbage. For example, in the City of Toronto, a change to plastic bags could mean 8 reduction in the work force of 120 men, which could more than pay for the issue of 2 free plastic bags to each house- hold a week,' Now, I don't think that we get involved in the free issue of gargage bags, or in the decision that a person lililst use a pl$stic bag at this time, but if there is a saving Jn time and labour by using this method of garbage collection then we .should be aware of it, and possibly talte lllf!Y action thE•t might be warranted based on.the results of such investigation• ILLING'o\'ORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that th.e Service Committee re-exruiline the exis'Ung :l:iy-Jaw or agreement with Yor~ Sl'!nitation f!n¢ subnlit a report to Coun<:il." COUNCILLOR '!HLLHMSON said he did not feel the .recommend- ation goes far enough. There should be an ext)l"a pic~-up of refuse a month to eliminate much of the o~tdoor btmoing of garbage'• · · CARRIED. COUNCILLOR TRENT said that he would like to see a reference library established in the Councillors' room,. He said that a Councillor is often deprived because he c·an' t get adequate books. While the Clerk has them. they are not always available. TRENT: "Resolved th&t a reference ILLINGWORTH: library be established in the Councillors' room." CAJ~RIED. SPECIAL -20 ,.. AUG.UST 2£itl1 ·;. _;:.~-!6'3· .. NEill BUSINESS A~EA INCINERATOR BROOKLAND BLACKTOP CURBS COUNCILLOR TRENT referred to the '·T'l':·lew of cL.s>.o::;s:ir<r: o~ g~rbage. He said ~hat area du;~?" ~':". I.'.'Xl . I:>' ·- f1ll1ng up, and he th1nks A.urorL :OMGl.LJ.r:l ·te.y;·,;· u·.t<•. lead by looking into the estab1.ishhl0of•~: of' ,s,n err·c:::. incinerator. He felt that such an inc:inc:,:r·;~toc could be self supporting, TRENT: "Resolved that the ScrcvJ.. ces. c:.,:,z~c.f~ >t ~ ;;-10'. lf!ILLill1VlSON: investigate the feasib:U.ity ;o,;c.6 c:;s·~ of such an incinero.+e.r o.niL repor+ bock:· COUNCILLOR MURRAY Said th&t thic Ji.s Yt;:•':I ::•n;:~u:" investigation by a Committee at ·trcw· G.;m;ty :~ •:·:rd., The motion was withdrawn. MAYOR DAVIS reported that he had had 1.1 :~c: ·: ~!;x'. regar.ding the curbs on Brook.lnn.dr, Cc:;J!}G:'! -~~ :-:.:_:,.-~~" -· ··.··:-.·~·:;:. requested to apply blacktop at dr' "H''';; D, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved th.s.t t:1o ..:',:,1_si~1v:;~(-3:t· .-:ir,l~:. PATRICK: Developer iineet :.r2 e~;d··::i:~ :_:,.;~:.: land and report bac.k -::,·., .. "·····~··· CPJ?.:RISD ,. COUNCILLOR TRENT reported that Ect t~,,e CJ;;;tB:c:: c Gc .>.i: Roads Convention in March +11"'·~::1 :arc)::. cr~>:.:~··L ~:t;_r··· non-returnable bottles and CO.J:\S wa.c:; a.\ swssc;J.d c.:nc!. ., .. :>;,,,. To~n of ~urora was asked t•? p~·eFJ~2 :::. ::~:;~·.l.l:u.+,on ?'j th1s subJect for presentat1on c:t Hw J!:J•co·; c;.;c;···r"n:OJ..cn .. COUNCILLOR TRENT was asked to p;r·n,:;c2c; U:Li G Y'B£X L xLt·:x:, ILLINmVORTH: "Resolved thet. the PATRICK: CATh({IEDfl ~.~~ {Ceetir:g ~:>s ., •. -;;. , .. •• :... <.,. . M.lfYml ~ t;;:~,, ... , . • .. ·. . . .· /~ ~t.;t;;,. <._,_,___,