MINUTES - Special Council - 19680924'<r,~·-' / ,._. __ . ._, ~~~ '·10 '"·'·''I" . 1 MIBIJTEs OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COtmdh. ~ IN THE COuttCit 6JW.iBms ON .. 1'UESDAY, SE!'TEMBER 24, 1968 AT 7:30 P.M. NENT: Mayor C. F. Davis, Reeve D. J. Murray, Deputy Reelte J, Will:l.l!lmSbn• CouncillOrs Buck, Corbett, llavis, Illingworth, and Trent. 261 M~r Davia. stated. that the meeting we.S dal.led to discuss e. report of the rlhance CO!Jiil11ttee on the hii':Lhg ot a Town Sol,icitor.. . R~e~e Mtirr~t in the chair. : . I . . . ~ • ; :· . . . mu cotfWrrp ·. . . . . . . . . . ' . : '' . . .• _-:. . :·-. -. ~ Uator j)a.vis pres~nte~ a rep~tt ot. the F:l.na.ncte C&milittee ii:t which the COIII!Mttee · r&apecttully submitted the fOllowing: . ' ·. . . . . . . .. ~. Ali mElmbers ot the tina.nce doiilmittee met on 'J!ues<l.ay, septembet i7th, 1968 a.t 't:~O P~M. to intetview Ml'• c. ChriStophel' Johnston, ot 'i'oronto, an applicant tar the advertised poiJitiori of Tcrims()licitor• Discussion with Mr• Johnston outlined: (a) Mr. Johnston would commence il.cMVities ot Town sol:i.ht;or, in conjunctiori with Mr. T. McPherson for the balance Of the year 1968; effective as 'Of October 1 0 1968, subject to Mr. McPherson's concurrence,·. Mr. Johnston's sole activities ~.legal representative tor this municipality to~ the year 1969 will be subject to reView later in that year • (b) Mt-: 'Johnstoi:l.to make h:l.inilel:t or a :re~resehtil.t:l.ve avail~ble via telephqne to l!:t tW. ti111eli; he fu.rtll.er rAA:l.nts.itis a p~ '!;in!~ . office iA l<::l,ng. (p~ of Monday • ~e4ti~stla.Y a,iid. ~atul'da.ys) and ~li a.tteitd !l.t Aurora; wlien the occasion so demands. "". ··: ,,._-. : i.·_, . ' .• '. --i' . ----' (IlL !41:'· Johnstdii if! the Solicitor for the dng Township Public Sqhool Board and lUis obtain~d' ~icperience there from d.eaiings ltiiih tlie bntario' Municipal. Board inclulling its lieariilgs. · · ·' · " !~!be foregoing ~s 'subject toc6unc:tl.' s approvei arid this COI!IInittee woUld so ' recOmmend the appointment as outlined; .·• ·.··"<._.. :tl.lirigl(oith: Willie.JJlSon: ... ,. :·.<;.i'· . ., Davis C: i.ii~ngllorth: ''Amendment! that the second sentence of Clause A be deleted and the following be added ••• Mr. c. C. Johnston to be appointed Town Solicitor effective Ja.nuary 1st, 1969." CARRil!JD ·. "Resolved that the Report of the Fina.nce Committee. dated September 18, l968,··reT6wn··solibitorbeacllepted, as amended> and the'Seal · ot the 'Corporation be attached hereto." · · CARRIED ., Me.yor Davis in the Chair. Reeve Murray stated that a very unpleasant acCident occurred oii Wellington Street i West on Mond.a.y, s~tember 16~ '1968; •when ll. young mi!.l'idied' when 'heditehed"h:l.ll truck' in• o:!'der to'·avo:l.d hitting children, and that lie ·woUld l:l:ke· Council' to appoint a Committee to study the possibility of presenting an award or honour, e.g. the George Cross, posthumously to this young man. ' ' '" -' • • '( ,. ~ -\ • • " -, ·; ' 1 ·-·-~~J ~~-~ .... SPEbiAL MEETING COMMuNITY CENTRE BOARD -2- ', ., s~~ 24, 1968. Councillor Illingworth stated that Mr. W. 0 'Neil has been unable to attertd the meetings of the Community Centre Board because of ill health. Il-lingworth: Corbett: "Resolved that a letter be sent to Mr. O'Neil requesting that he advise. Council of his intentions of continuing in office as a member of the Community Centre Board." CARRIED POLLUTION· CONTROL CONFERENCE 2,65' Murraf: Trent! "Resolved that Councillor C.Corbett and Mr. Carl Quarttz be authoriied to attend the Canadian Institute on Pollution Conttol in. Hamilton from October 20th, to 23rd, 1968.· and the necessary eipehditures be authorized." CARRIED Williamson: "Resolved that the ·meeting be adjourned." (7:55 P.M.) CARRIED ,-:<· : ,·;. -··:; ·:'-'1::'('"-" ··~""' '\~_-, • .. #&:,~ .Tt<::-•. MAYOR ., , CLERK ~· >-:: ;':·"'' ··-: ~-(,_;.\ . ·.-'•'1 ·. '· -·. ~ ·, ' . . '> ·:_q .. L.-.......... ···---~-~~-~~~-~----,-~_,_,_