MINUTES - Special Council - 19671012r· \ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL HEFTING OF COUNCIL, HRLD H1 THE COUNCIL CHAHBERS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1967 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE C OURCILLORS C. F. DAVIS D. J. MURRAY J. HILLIAt"lSON E. BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLING'•'ORTH, MILLER, TRENT Purpose of meeting and a11;enda was explained by Hayer Davis. CONSIDERATION OF PLANS Councillor Illingworth suggested that the plans be discussed in nQmerical order. PLANNING BOARD LETTER s.~-r.L. T-18460 PA..RK LANDS SERVICES SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT CONDITIO:r\S The Ma:ror then read the Springburn '·lest T-181~60. the letter from the Plannin~; Board regarding Limited pronosed subdivision File # ' -· .. ' 1. It was moved by Councillor Illingworth and c. Buck that we accept the recommendation of the Planning Board that a minimum assessment of $7000.00 on all homes in the subdivision ana single family be a condition in 2. 3. 4. the subdivision agreement. CARRIED. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Williamson and c. Illingworth that we accept the recommendation of the Planning Board THAT Blocks B, C & D be dedicated for conservation and park area. CARRIED It was moved by Councillor Illingwo:.eh and C. Buck that we accept recommendation of the Planning Board that all services for the subdivision be underground and sub,ject to approval of the Tmm Engineer. CARRIED It was moved by Deputy Reeve Hilliamson seconded by Councillor Trent that we accept the Planning Board recommendation that ~11 other pertinent conditions of Golf Glen Subdivision Plan 550 and the basic Aurora Subdivision Agreement be incorporated as cond.itions of the Subdivision agreement. CARRI1lD . ......... ,.-- ...... ___ _. 'j 'i I i L SPECIAL COUNCIL 2 OC~OBER 12th. 1967 Q.UESTIONAIRE The questionaire form was discussed by Council clause by clause and the ans,·rers were ~ecided upon and marked as )?er attached questionnaire form T-18460. ACCE'PTANC.!: PLANNING REPORT - SPRUTGBURN WF.ST LTD. SUBDIVISION GOLF GL.EN SUBDIVISION T-18461 MINIMUM ASSESSMENT PARK LANDS SERViCES SUBDIVISION AGREEMEN'T COFDITIONS It was moved by Councillor Illingworth, seconded by Councillor Trent resolveil. that this Council acce)?ts the report of the Planninf': Board and completes the questionnaire as discussed and that a subdivision agreement be prepared accordingly. (',ARRieP The Mayor then read the Planning Board letter regarding the )?roposed Golf Glen Subdivision, File T-18461. 1. It was moved by Councillor Illinf':'rorth seconded by Councillor Trent that we accept the recommendations of the Planning Board with regards to the condition of single family residences and a minumum assessment of $7,000.00 on all homes in the proposed subdivision. 2. 3. 4. CARRIED Councillor Illingworth pointed out that a )?arcel compr1s1ng 2.5 acres and suggested for school site was in the Townshi'(l of King and that subdivider 1<ould be responsible for bridge. It ;ras moved by Reeve >furray seconded by Councillor Illingworth that this section not be accepted as there is not sufficient land for park and public purposes and that it be rediscussed at the time of subdivision agreerr.ent • CARRIED Section 3 of the Planning Board recommendation was accented bv Council. Section 4 of the Planning Board recommendation ;ras accepted by Council. GOLF GLEN Tl846l QUESTIONNAIRE FORM It ;ras moved by Councillor Buck, seconded by Councillor Miller that the questionnaire form for the proposed Golf Glen Subdivision phase 2 -file # T 18461 be completed and marked as per attached CARRIED -! I. SPECIAL COUNCIL GOLF GLEN PLAN REFE1\RED BACK TO PLANl'liNG BOIL!Ul PLA~TNING BOARD LET'rER C HERRY CONST. LTD. FILE # T-18502 PLANNING REPORT -------------------------------------------------- 3 OC~OBRR 12th.l967 It w·as moved by Councillor Illin.<n;orth, seconded by Deputy Reeve \'!illia>nson that the Golf Glen Plan, File # Tl8!~61 be referred back to the PlanninP-; Board rer:arding the land allocated for Public purposes. CARRIED It ;ras pointeo. out that there ''as no dedication of public lands in phase 1 and accordinp; to the subclivision agreement, at that time '"e ;rere to p:et such public land upon presentation of the proposed subdivision pla~ for phase 2. The Mavor then read the letter from the PlanninR: Board, regardin~ the Cherry Construction Limited proposed subdivision. File !! T 18502 It 1-ras moved by Councillor IllinP-;;Torth and seconded by Councillor Buck that ;re accept the report of the Planning Board that the plan is premature and that if they ;rish thev could resubmit the Plan in 6 months time. AMENDMENT It ;ras moved by Deputy--Reeve Hilliamson seconded by Councillor ¥1. Davis that ;re request an explanation in ;rritinr; from the Planning Board as to their reasons for recommending the plan as unsuitable and premature. CARRIED Deputv Reeve Williamson stated that his report 1-rould not be made until after a further meeting «ith Hr. Merkur on October 19th. 1967. / ~--.,······~~-·-"'"'"- SPJi;CIAL COUNCIL 4 OCTOBER 12th. 1967 Mayor Davis then requested Reeve Murray to take over the Chair STRIKING COMMITTEE EEPORT i ' COMMUNITY CENTRE HE~ffiER SF1•1AGE TENDERS E~ENSION APPLICATION C .M.H.C. FINANCING RAILvlAY MUSEUM COMMITTEE RAIL'</AY 0 .!LB. HEARING ~!ayor Davis then read the report of the 8trikin,<S Committee The Striking Committee met on Thursday, October 5th. 1967 at 8.00 P.'l. All '"-embers of the Committee present. The Committee recommends that Deputy Reeve J. Hilli a.'!lson and Councillor R. Illirgworhh be appointed by Council to be members of the Aurora Community Centre Complex Board. DAVIS, CF: 'HLLIA.I>!SO!I: CARRIED CORBETT: ILLINGHORTH: CORBETT: MILLER: "Resolved that the report of the Strikino; Comm.i ttee dated October 12, 1967 re the Appointment of two members of Council to the Aurora Community Centre Complex Board be accepted." "Resolved that the Corporation of the Tmm of Aurora confirms tte extension of acceptance of sealed Tenders for the conversion of the Hunici.pal and Industrial Vaste Treatment Plant until 12.00 noon, Thursday October 19th. 1967 and that the Property Committee are hereby empowered to have the Tenders opened at a meeting called for that 2urpose and to present a report of their findings to the Municipal Council for action. CARRIED "Resol veil. that the Clerk be authorized to prepare an application to Cenreal Mortgage and Housing Corporation for a loan in the amount of 7>302,439.00 to provide the necessarv monies to extend the facilities of the Sewage Treatment Plant; it being understood that se.ii! loan :Will contain a forgiveness clause equal to 25% o:: hm thirds of. the total loan.¥ CARRIED Councillor Illing1mrth gave a verbal report that as the Railvay Committee report had been accented by a majority of Council, that they felt the presentation of the report at the O.M.E. hearing should be done by Council rather than Committee. It vas moved by Deputy Reeve \•lilliamson seconded by Councillors Illingvorth that Councillor Trent be the official spokesman at the O.N.B. Hearing on behalf of Council. CARRIED --· ~· ""-'''"""""""'--~ ""''-"~~ -~ < S P"..CIAL );fi'!F.TIEG NEviJI!ARKET BICYCLF RACE POLLUTION CONTROL COHFERE~TCE GOLF f1LEN CHIMNEY ADJOURN lO.QO P.M. BUCK: ~liLLEl: '"'"' ,;t,:. 5 . ' / -l OCTOBER 12th. 1967 , .. r "Be it resolved that a letter of apology be _11f;: sent frol'l this Council to the TO'N!l of Ne;nnarket, for our failure to fulfil a comrritnent t·o take part in Ne;market 1 s Centennial Celebration specifically the Marath~n Race on Mond.ay 9th. Oct. DEFEATED It was moved by Reeve Murray seconded by Councillor Corbett that ;re send a letter to the Council of the Tmm of )Temnarket expressing our re~ret at not being able to enter a team due .-·· to various circumstances beyond our control. CA."RIED It >ras moved by Reeve Nnrray and.. seconded by Councillor Illin<morth that Councillor Corbett and Mr. Quantz be allowed to attend the Pollution Control conference in Toronto on Nov. 12th ·-15th. 1967. CARRIED Councillor W. Davis vas appointed by the !1avor to the S)Jecial Committee to stud;r the chimney infractions in Golf Glen Subdivision. Chairman ~lurray of the Special Committee advised Council that the Committee would. meet Saturd.ay October 14th. on this matter anCi. that a report would be made at the October 16th. Council Heetin~>;. It was moved by Councillor IV. Davis, seconded. by Councillor Trent that the Building Inspector be instructed to make an inspection of the Costello chimney and to submit a report to the Committee for Saturday A.H. CARRIED It ''as moved by Councillor Illing<rorth seconded by Councillor Corbett that the meeting adjourn. CARRIED ·~hs ,-.... A-Z.~·· HAYurt CLE~------..fT" '