MINUTES - Special Council - 19671113'• . ] ~-··~ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1967 AT 8:15P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE COUNCILLORS C. F. DAVI[3 D. J. MURRAY BUCK, DAVIS, ILLINGHORTH, MILLER AND. TRENT Mayor Davis explained that this ~ras a Special Meeting of Council called for the purpose of completing the unfinished business and By-laws • BY-LA1-78 BY-LAW NO. 1754 LOTS 8,&,9 PLAN 535 BY-LAI>T NO 1758 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: BUCK: TRENT: BUCK: TRENT: ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: DAVIS,C·: DAVIS,W: TRENT: DAVIS,VI: BUCK: DAVIS,W: "Resolved that the figure of $5000,00 per lot be inserted in the blank space. CABRIED "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day." CARRIED "That leave be given to introduce a By-law to amend By-law Number 1051 to permit erection of multiple family dwelling and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED '~That the By-law now before the Council be reaa a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the l;1hole for that purpose. " CARRIED "That the second reading be taken as read." CARRIED "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law l\To. 1468 be suspendea. for that purpose." CARRIED "That the third readin~; be taken as read.¥ CARR!illl i- j """·' ' .. : ..•. -·' SPECIAL COUUCIL BY-LA\'1 NO. 1759 · F. IX CHARGES FOR SE\VER AND 1'1 ATER CONNECTIONS PARKS TRUCKS COMHITTEE REPORTS PLANNING: PROPOSED APARTNENT BUILDING ? BUCK: TRENT: ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: ILLINGHORTH: TRENT: NOVEMBER 13, 1967 "That leave be given to introduce a By-la>< to fix the charges for sewer and >rater connections and any replace- ment thereof and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." CARRIED "Resolved that the invoice from Pinions Motors Ltd. in the amount of $4,043.09 for a truck for the Parks Department be approved, as included in the 1967 Budget, and the Seal of the Coruoration of the Town of Aurora be atta~hed hereto." CARRIED Reeve Murray presented a re-port of the Planning Com.'!littee in ><hich the Committee respGctfully submit the follo><ing: A meetin!?. of the :PlanninR' Comittee v::;.s held on '1 on day, November 13, 1967 at 7. 0() P.M. . . J!k Present vr~r,., ~r..-..,ror "'"!rJvi ..... , ~ P(;eve l>.tfurrr-·_<t:• r:ouncl.llors n.u ·' Illingworth, giller a.."ld •J.l:rent and . .T. D. Heir\, .::'m-m ~:n;::inecr. The m.eetin!t 1,:ras called to discuss the proposed Apartment Building on the J"e,st side of Yon,o:e St. ,just North of Mark St. on the Craadock !"arm. ,T. D. Reid's report was d.iscussed. Hater is available but a private pu_m.pinr; station would be required for the Sanitary Sewers. The Committee recommends that this project be submitted to the Planning Board for study and recommendation. MURRAY: ILLING\-IORTH: "Resolved that the report of the Plannina: Committee. Dated November 13, 1967 re Proposed Apartment Buildin11; on Crac.docl<: !"arm be accepted." CARRIED SPECIAL COUNCIL UliTINISHED BUSI~lliSS PLANNING BOARD AND PLANNING COHJiliTTEE CHRISTMAS FOl<L 3 NOVEMBER 13, 1967 Councillor Illin~<orth respectfully submitted the follmfing verbal report. The Procedure By-law should be amended in regards to the policy concerning the Planning Board.Under the present procedure there is continual misunderstanding and no clear cut division of duties between the Planning Board and the Planning Committee and there is duplication of work. The Planning Board should report its findings on any development study d.irectly to the Council and the Council should then accept, amend, reject or refer the recommendation!'l back to the Planning Board. Therefore it is mv recommendation that: 1. Amend the Procedure By-law No. 1468. 2. Appoint the Deputy Clerk as Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning Board. 3. When a plan is received, the Secretary-Treasurer >fould inform the Planning Board and the Town Clerk and Planning Board reports would be submitted directly to the Council. 4. Time limits on Planning Board reports should not be set except that if a report is not ready within 90 days, then an interin report would be submitted to Council. 5. The Planning Board is to receive all plans of a Planning Nature. 6. The Planning Committee's name should be changed to the Development Committee. ILLINGl•IORTH: BUCK: HURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that this report be tabled and be brought forwnrd at the next meetina: of Council." Ci\.RRIED "Resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to order the Christmas Fowl for the Town's employees and that the order be placed with Simmons Foods. CARRIED S PECIAL COUNCIL COUNTY ENGINEER D Ul\TJI!ING AVE . DRAINAGE PROBLEM SANDING TRUCK COLLECTION OF GARBAGE CHARGES 4 NOVEMBER 13, 1967 Reeve Murray reported the Council of the County of York will be decidinp; on 1<hether or not to have a study made on the need for a County enP.;ineer and asked for Council's feelings on this matter. The majority of the members of Council present could not see any benefit to Aurora for a County EnP.;ineer. Councillor Davis reported that during a recent rain storm_. 1<ater 1<as running off the paved parkinp: lot at the High School onto Dunninp: Avenue like a river and the existing catch basin on the road could not handle it. He proposed that a catch basin be installed at the entrance to the parking lot to catch this run- off. BUCK: DAVIS,W: ILLINGHORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the Hio:h School Board drawinp; this matter to their attention and requesting them to correct it. "Amend, that the To1<n l':ngineer contact the ~ecretary-Treasurer of the High School Board and with other people as required, and a report be brought back to Council." CARRIED Councillor Trent enquired about no further report being submitted in regards to the tender for a sanding hopper for the Works Department Truck. Councillor Davis reported that the condition of the Mercury truck is steadily getting worse and did not recommend that it be used as a sanding truck, ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that we obtain the Sal!le type of sanding equipment as uced by the Department of High1v-ays." CARRIED Councillor Miller reported that he felt it would be cheaper to collect the garbage disposal charges with the taxes rather then with the hydro bills. MILLER: BUCK: MILLER: "Resolved that the garba,;se disposal rates. for the Tmm of Aurora be added. to the tax statements for 1968." "Amend. That this proposal go to the Finance Committee for further study. CJ\RRIED ,.~,., ~~ SPECIAL COUNCIL TOWN PA.liK FENCE OUTDOOR RINKS 5 NOVEMBER 13, 1967. Councillor Illina;rorth reported that the Parks Committee held a meeting with the Horse Show Committee in regards to the proposed :fence for the Town Park. The Horse Show Committee has agreed to the hitching rail type fence if it is at least 3' 6" high. ILLINGHORTH: BUCK: "Therefore it is moved as follmvs : 1. That the To>m Superintendent contact the fence builder to ascertain the price for a fence 3~ feet above ground instea.d of 3 feet as quoted and 2. A letter, outlining the report of the Parks Committee and a site plan of the :proposed fence be provided to the President of the Horse Shm< Committee :for their approval or comment, and if suitable, to ascertain if they will still authorize the sum of $600.00 towards the cost of the fence as originally suggested. CARRIED Councillor Illingworth respectfully submitted the following report. Reference is made to Minutes of Council, 6 November, 196! (Page 9) re outdoor rinks in the Town Parks, which •·ras referred back to the Parks Committee for further study. Reference should also be made to Hinutes of Council dated 27 February, 196! (Page 9) re the Parks Committee and out- door rinks. The Parks Committee Report at that time included "(4) Your Committee recommends that a breakd01m of the cost of the use of the equipment material, labour, etc. by the ltlorks Department for the maintenance of Parks be prepared and submitted for study. 11 Unfortunately the report of costs was neYer received. from the ltlorks Department, so that an estimate of costs had to be made based on other municipalities. Before your Parks Committee can discuss the subject of Outdoor Rinks as directed by the Council, the following information is required; , (a) The report of last year's costs as requested. previously and (b) The estimated cost of labour,, equipment and material to build and maintain a small rink for pleasure skating in Confederation Park and in Aurora Heights Park and two rinks in the Te>m Park. This estimate is to include such items as lighting, and also if floodinp; of rinks can be carried out by >lorks Department men afteJ::.,:t~.,_ end of slcatino; e!l.ch.· night as directed by th~<fiarks 'Foreman. ::"'':·~ ., ' •' ··"'-~~\<.~ '~"'" ·~·-h~~.~---~ SPECIAL COUNCIL 6 NOVR~lBER l3, 1967 OUTDOOR RINKS REPORT CONT'D C OMNUNITY CENTRE MANAGER COMMUNITY CENTRE' BOARD ILLINGFORTH: MILLER: "It is therefore moved that the Tmm Superintendent and Clerk prepare a report for submission to the Parks Committee, as soon as nossible, on the reports of last year's costs and the estimated costs for the maintenance and. operation of outdoor rinks in the To1m of Aur'6ra. CARRIED Councillor Illingworth respectfully submitted. the follmring report: Reference is ma.de to Minutes of Council dated 18 September, 1967 (pa~e 9) in which a motion was passed to the effect that the Community Centre Board, when appointed, the Recreation Committee and Council meet to discuss the possible division of duties so as to have a Community Centre Manager and. a Recreation Director or to arrive at a satisfactory solution. Now that the Conmmni ty Centre Board. haG he en appointed, it is moved that the ILLING\mRTR: MILTJER: "The Mayor shall call and chair such meeting,, at a mutually agreeable date, and tha.t such meeting be held "in camera: with a ,joint written report to be submitted to each participating organization." CARRIED Councillor Illingworth reported tha.t at a meeting of the Conmmni tv Centre Board, Mr. Hookings was appointed chairman and Mr. Patrick as vice-chairman. received with the Councillor Miller reported that a request had been to permit an Ontario Provincial Police Cadet to work voluntarily Town Police inorder to gain experience. This matter was referred to the Police Committee for further study. Councillor Davis requested that a list of unfinished Business be prepared and circulated.. Miller: ~~CJ::::-, MAYOR Resolved that the meeting be acljourned .• CARRIED a~/ CLERK . ---;r