MINUTES - Special Council - 19671023r·· ·-·-·-···~·-·--·-~·-··--····~····---·-····~--~--····-···· "~'-"-Y~-~~~~=---·=-- I ""·--~-·· I ·] j I _-, ! MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOl-IN OF AURORA ,HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHANBERS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 23,1967 AT 8.00 P.!l. PRESEJ:IT REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLOR ·--------------~- D • .J.NURRAY .J. l#ILLIANSON BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, MILLER AND TRENT Mr. fiodrer, Clerk, called the meeting to order and following the rules of procedure asked the members of Council present that in the absence of the Mayor did they wish to appoint a Chairman? WILLIAMSON: TRENT: TENDERS RECEDTED FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT "Resolved that Councillor Corbett be in the chair." CA.TffiiED. Councillor Corbett explained that this was a special meeting called to discuss the report of the Property Committee for the Tenders received for the conversion of the Sewage Treatment Plant ·~~eve Murray ., .. ··, · prasented;the following report ' That the Town Treasurer be authorized to inform the tendering firms that their offers to enlarge the Tm.m 1 s waste Treatment Plant were received and examined with great care and the contract award was made to the lowest tendered price. It is recognized that all~ur concerns devoted a considerable amount of time and effort to preparing in a most thorough manner the numerous complex i terns of iheir estimates and for that reason each is here-by commended. and thanks extended to: l. Schwenger Construction Co. Ltd. 2. c Box 7, Burlington,Ontario W.A. Stephenson Const1-uction Co. Ltd. 5908 Yonge St. Hillowdale,Ont. Nadeco Ltd. Box 126, Rexdale,Ontario 4. .J.P. Morgan Ltd. 480 Guelph Line, Burlington,Ontario In Addition Cost of Equipment Engineering and Inspection Fees $286,579.00 :t27.?,944.00 $320' 581.00 ~1249' 541.00 "\ 71,745.00 :\\ "8,554.00 I ) I i I ·'I I I I I I I I ~---~---~---------------------- SPECIAL COUNCIL . 2 -Orlober 2:",1967 REPORT _Q~ PROPERTY COHHITTEE CONTINUED HURRAY: HILLER: "Resolved that the report of the Property Collllll,ittee dated October 23,1967 re tenders received for the conversion of the Sewage Treatment Plant be accepted and the tender of J.P. HORGAN LTD., BURLINGTON,ONTARIO,. · in an amount of ~~49,541.00 ' Plus Equipment Costs ~f 1t71,745.00 and Engineering and Inspec..l tion Fees of ~,_<8, 554.00 be accepted, subject to final approval being obtained from the Ontario l-!unicipal Board and Central Hortgage and Housing Corporation." CARRIED WILLIAHSON: trAVIS, W. "Resolved that application be made to the Ontario Hunicipal Board for approval of a Capital Expenditure in the amount of $359,8~6.00 for the explicit purpose of conversion of the existing I.O. HGD, Conventional Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment Plant, constructed HIIJ"ER: BUCK: in 1957, to a 1.85 MGD Contact Stabilization Activated Sludge Plant, all in accordance with plans prepared by J.D. Ieid and Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers. CARRIED "Resolved that the Clerk be authorized to prepare an application to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for a loan in the actual total amount of $::'59,840.00 to provide the necessary monies to extend the facilities of the Sewage Treatment Plant; It being understood that the said loan will contain a foregiveness clause equal to 25% of two thirds of the total loan." CARRIED. ~VM~ HURRAY: "Resolved that themeeting continue to discuss the Services Committee's Report on the Humane Society's Animal Shelter." SOCIETY'S WILLIAHSON: SHELTER CARRIED. ·j -~·---------------------------------------------- ll''l'f. . ·~; : '· SPECIAL COUNCIL - 3 -October 2.<, 1967 JiEPOI;T OE._THE I?_ERVIQ.ES CQ!jt:[ITTE..E. RE : HUl!ANE I SOCIETY'S SHELTER Councillor Hiller presented the following report: On Saturday, October 21,1967 at 10.00 a.m. the Services Committee met to discuss the proposed animal shelter on Industry St. Present were Councillors Hiller and Buck, Mr. T,Hughes, General Manager, Ontario Humane Society, Mr. Capes, Society Architect, Dr. Hull, Yottk County Branch, Hrs. Hickson, Branch Secretary, Nrs. M. tJickson, Director, York County Branch, Sup. Allan Jones, Ontario Staff, Hr. J. Van Rooyen, Hr. J. Kaarsemaker, and Hr. G. Leec-e, residents of Hary Street Hr,Hughes was asked by the Chairman to cxplai'l the many functions of the Society, and to answer any questions >Jbi<ch might be put forward. Hr.Hughes then explained to the group the aims of the Society, whytheywanted to build a shelter in Aurora and that the building would be a great asset to the Community. It ;muld have no outside runs, thus eliminating any noise what ·SO ever. It ~>IDuld have a built in crematorium which would reduce any carcass to ashes, and would not have any odour at all. The building would be constructed with· out •·Iindows, except in the staff quarters and would install sky lights in the roof for lighting purposes. C· ·-thirty shelters have been erected in Ontario • All of them designed to blend in with the surrounding area. A buffer zone of trees will be kept intact at the rear of the building not only as a means of obscuring the view of the building from Hary St. but also to educate the youth of AT~Tora in identifying the different species. The Humane Society is delighted to have school children visit the shelters and learn of the service to the pu1lic. Slides were shown of the shelter at Cooksville, how ever it was emphasized that the shelter to be erected in Aurora would be a different design. Hr. Capes showed the group architectural drawings, which were discussed. The delegation of home owners from Mary St. were quite impressed by the way in which everything was peoperly explained to the~ and all agreed that they no longer apposed the animal shelter. They also thanked the Eumane Society for taking the tLme to come to Aurora and explain the shelter to them. The Services Committee was. also commended for calling the meeting and h~ving both sides to-gether to reach an understanding. Councillor Miller reported that he had several complaints from residents about the lack ofpatrols to control dogs at large. Hr.Hughes of the Humane Society has agreed that if the motion for the an:iJmal shelter is passed, he ;JOuld provide for canine patrols starting on November 1,1967 at an additional cost of 15 cents per capita. HILLER: BUCK: MILLER: BUCK: Resolved that the report of theServices Committee be accepted, and that the Onaario Humane Society be permittted to build an Animal Control Centre on Industry St., CARRIED. "Resolved that the Town of Aurora enter into an Agreement with the Ontario Humane Society to provide for a daily Patrol, and that such Patrol to begin November 1st. 1967. CARRIED -'--~~~hffi~"-""=~'"=">~~"'='==~>e.-~,"'-~·-·-~~· -· ~~-· -· ·-.. ==-=··~~~~~~- '""'"~' I ,, __ ...; SPECIAL COUNCIL -4· October 2°,1967 RA_IUIAY HUSEUH DAVIS:W: WILLIAMSON: TRENT: BUCK: ADJOURNMENT "Resolved that a letter be sent from this Council to the Ontario Centre of Science an~ Technology informing them that the Ontario Hunicipal Board has requested a plebicite:and will the Centre hold the collection until after the plebicite is held? C.AR..l'\IED. "Resolved that a By-law be prepared for the holding of a plebicite for the construction of an Historic Railway Huseum." CARRIED \VILLIAHSON: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." CAP.RIJW ~~ ... ' ~------' -·-~~------·-·-----·-·-... /Gd!.L~ )·lAYOR CLERK