MINUTES - Special Council - 19670724..--~=,~-~~···--==•~=--""-"'-~~~o<~--~;, _ _.,_.._. ___ ~~· --~--...... --N .. <"~-~-=.,.----======•>-~~··••'--"----'~· ~-~---~~~··'"""""=·-=~~.==<.._;.- .·~ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD :L'!J THE COIDifCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY JUI,Y 24, 1967 AT 9:00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS C. F. DAVIS J, D. MURRAY J, l.JILLIAMSON BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER A))ID TRENT • Mayor Davis explained this <ras a Special Meeting of' Council called. f'or the J?Urpose of' introducing the Supplementary Road By·-Law and other business. BY-LA\? 1743-67 SUPPLEMENTARY ROAD BY-LAW RAILWAY MUSEUM MILLER: TRENT: CARRIED That leave be given to introduce a By Law to provide f'or the 1967 expenditures on roads and streets (s~J?plementary) and that the same be now read a first time. DAVIS,H: That the By-La1f no" bef'ore the \f[LLIAMSON:Council be read a second time and that the Council ~esolved itself into a conuni ttee of the '~hole for that purpose. CORBETT: 'That th~ sec·and readillnl!: be taken ILLING1-TORTH: as read, 1 . CARRIED TRENT: DAVIS,H: HILLI_ILMSON: CORBETT! CARJR!ED ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: That the By-Law now. before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of :By-la'l{ no 1468 be fll.U'lpended f'or that purpose. That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read. 'Resolved that the Five Year Capital Expenditure Forecast, aJ?proved by the Ontario Municipal Board, be revised. by adding thereto an amount of' $224 ,800 .. 00 estimated as the gross expenditure l'equired for the Acquisition and related costs deemed warranted to establish a Historic Rail'fay Museum in the Town of Aurora. 1 ~ ,.-<----~~=~~-'-'·=y~==\.o=~~'·"~~~~-V:...-M.d.-<.-~•~-~"'-·~-,\.W.~ ~ ""''c-,,~==-... =~-~--~-------~--------. -~=~-~----------- SPECIAL MEETING -2-JJT"Y 24, 1967 'Be it further resolved that, an appropriate revised Five Year Capital Expenditure forecast be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. ' CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: 1-IILLIAMSON: CARRIED TRENT: ILLUTGHORTH: CARRIED 'Resolved that a letter be sent to the Canadian National Rail1~ays informing them that the Council has approved the acquiring of the King City Station, but that we must receive the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.' 'Resolved that a letter be sent to Mr. Cream of the Centennial Centre of Science and Technology informing him that the Council has approved the acquisition of their collection of locomotives but that we must receive the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.' ~ouncillor Davis reported that a letter of authorization had been received from Consolidated Building Corporation for the construction of a ditch on their property at the rear of the fiYe properties on Kemano Road. The work is to be done as soon as possible. WATER COMMITTEE REPOHT The water committee met on July 24th at lO:OOA.M. All members present. Also the Engineer. The Tenders for the paintinr; of the south end Hater Tower were reveived. The following prices B. PHILLIP C. H. HEIST (>vATEHDOWl'T ONTARIO) R. D. MCCOLLUM were submitted: $12,075.00 $11,215.00 $12,110.00 These prices were for painting the tm~er 3 coats inside and out also the lettering. Since asking for Tenders it seems to appear as if two coats outside will be sufficient. The Connnittee got in touch with C.H. Heist Ltd. and asked what their price would be if only two coats were used on the outside. They informed us it would be $1.100.00 less. Therefore the Hater Connnittee reconnnends that the bid of C.H. Weist Ltd. for $10.115.00 be accepted. This is for 3 coats inside, 2 coats outside and the lettering. The work to start right after Labour Day. MURRAY: CORBETT: CARRIED 'Resolved that the report of the Hater Committee be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be here'frith attached.' ·-~-..·;,~,.;.,.-~~"'~;,;=.~""'~.;.,_~,..,._,..,~_..,..,,.,._, -~~-~~~~~<d.lffi"'=""""''""''''"''""""' ·'==~~~.~~-~--· ,~- SPECIAL COUNCIL 3 JULY 24 . 1967. POSITION OF CLERK LETTERING ON COMMUNITY CENTRE ILLINGHORTH: BUCK: CARRIED 'Resolved that an offer be forwarded to .Mr. K. B. Rodger, Tilbury Ontario, to accept the position of Municipal Clerk, Town of Aurora, said position to be on a six months probationary period. Salary to be set at $9,000.00 per annum and be revised if probationar:r period proves satisfactory at the end of 1968, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Councillor Davis reported that the lettering on the Community Centre is difficult to read. Mayor Davis stated that the lettering will be checked. SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT CANINE CONTROL The Services Cornmi ttee met 1vi th Mr. Brill and it 'las determined that Mr. Brill did in fact leave the Tmm for 2 weeks iVithout the once every 24 hour patrol called for in the contract. However Mr. Brill assured the committee that he had left a man iVho was to be available in emergencies, and also feed the dogs and maintain control at the pound. But due to a misunderstanding on the part of his ans'lering service iVhich oy hie own admission is not always satisfactory. This emergency service ;ms not available when required. The Committee would like to point out that had there not been an emergency 'le might never had been aware that the ToiVn was not being patrolled for this perioo~. The Ontario Humane Societys Temporary Shelter in Vandorf was contacted and have ar;reed to service Aurora durinr; !1r. Brill's suspension period. The Town Office ano~ Police Department have been adviaed of this agreement. MILLER: BUCK: CARRIED 'Besolved that the Report of the Services Committee, re Canine Control, dated July 21, 1967, be accepted. r····~···~~·~··~.-~~~.-~~···-· ~-~~··-· -·--.. ..~~ ,-x--~d-.-~----• I I. I SPECIJIL COUNCIL MURRAY: WILLIAMSON: WILLIAMSON: 4-JULY 24, 1967 'Resolved that, upon assurance from the Town Solicitor that we may cancel the contract with Brill, we shall terminate the contract and the Services Committee is to be given the authorization to enter into an agreement with the Humane Society for Canine Control. CARRIED 'Resolved that the meeting be Adjourned. CARRIED ,,,cr6_~~ ~ . . < ·- MAYOR