MINUTES - Special Council - 19670626I t'·"'"'•" "--"' I ! I. I MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORAr HELD IN THE COUNCn.. CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 26 t 1967 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS C.F. DAVIS J.D. MURRAY J • WILLIAMSON BUCKt CORBETTr DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH,-TRENT, MILLER Mayor Davis explained this was: a Spedal Meeting of Council called fnr the purpose of comp1et3.ng the unfinished business defe_ &d from last council meet,ing; June 19, 1967 and to hear a Delegation. GOLF GLEN Mr. Paul Theil of Canadian Mitchell Ass:oc. Limited requested tr1.at the Town of Aurora accep.t the above ground servdc:es of Golf' Gle!l· Subdivision.. Mr. Thiel presented a brie:f history of the attemptt.s to have this subdivision assumed. Mr. J. D. REID 1 Thec banks: on the north. side of. the water coarse are at a. 1:1 slope and are not stable. The above ground services; in the subd1vi.sion are sa"tis:fac:t:or:w and the-road is up "to Department. of Highway 1 s standards. ILLINmVORTff: 1 Res:o'1ved. that the above ground services be BUCK: accepted as recommended by the engineer and be dated back to the da"te·. of. his report~" CARRIED Mr. Case: 1 \'Jhen permitted to deveLop the water cour:se lots, the water coarse can be completed •. It is still privately owned BY-LAWS # 174~7 CORBETT: 'Resolved that leave be given to introduce a ay-law 1609-64 regulating the use of water and that same be WATER BUCK: RESTRICTIONS_ now read a first time& Cl\Ri1IED The ay-Law was then read a first time TRENT: 1 That the by-law now before the Council DAVIS~W: be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself int.e> a committee of the whole for that purpose. WILLIArASON: 'Resolved that second reading be DAVIS"!'/; taken as read.~ CAR.11UED ~ -----·----····~ .. --,-""'--,,., ~----~ ----~······-~---····'· """' -·-·-· --~~ .. ~----------- li SPECIAL COUNCIL -2.-.. JUliiE 26, 1967 MURRAY:: 'That the By-Law now before Council ILLINGWORTH: be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of By-Law no. 1468 be suspended for' that purpose. CORBETT: 'Resolved that the third reading WILLIAMSON: of the By-Law be taken as read. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS STREET PARTY c. Davis: ifi/ILLIAl'.JlSON: The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Norman Stewart,-- 27 Richardson Drive, that the residents would like to hold a street party on Saturday July 1st. and that permis:sian be obtained to close Richardson Drive from 7P.M. to 12 midnight. Mr. Stewart, was present at the meeting and spoke on request. WILLIAMSON: 1 Resolved that the closing of ILLINGiiORTH: the street for the party be approved. CARRIED ILLINGWORTH: 1 Resolved that an add be placed BUCK: in the local papers requesting the Merchants to observe Canada 1 s Birthday, July 1st. CARRIED BUCK: Previous motion re SeniAr Citizens Housing. A letter is to be sent to the Ontario Housing Corporation to s:et a date: for a meeting. MURRAY: 1 Resolved that the Horse shww ILLINGWORTH: Committee be asked to: delay putting up the fence for a few days. CARRIED Time Limit middle of July Meeting Planning Committee Report of last week Re: Item 4 -Plot Plan for four houses in Golf Glen. WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved report be CARRIED that clause 4 of the accepted. Mr. Reid and Mr. Jubb to check this matter and to watch this plan. [ ' ' I ' ' I ------------ SPECIAL COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS -3-JUNE 2'b, 1967 Mayor Davis: Unfinished business set as:ide for Committee Reperts The Committee met on Tuesday, June 13, 1967 with Reeve Murray, Councillor Davis 1 l\lllr. ·E. A. McGregor, Town Super- intendent and Mr. Wm. Johnson, Clerk. Tenders received for a front end Loader were opened as follows: CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION CO. CROTHERS LllAITED $ 19 1 391.00 2~ Yards. 18,961.00 2 Yards. 18,605.00 1* Yards. 21 1 260.00 2 Yards 20 1 396.00 2 Yards 18 1 205.00 2 Yards FEDERAL EQUIPrAENT SHEDIDAN EQUIPMENT LTD. EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE LTD• FEDERAL EQUIPMENT The Committee li"equested Mr, Jack Reid, Town Engineer to cheek these Tender-s. The Committee and Mr. J. Reid recommend that the Tender of CPothe•s Ltd. be. accepted. HffiiNG OF' POLICE CONSTABLES DAVIS,Vlt 'Resolved that the report of the Works l\llURRAYt Committee 1 dated Jt;me 26, 1967, re purchase of a front end loader from Crothers Limited, at a cost of $18,961.00 be accepted, and the neal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CAiffiiED The Committee interviewed seventeen applicants and after considerable deliberation the Committee arrived at two competent peesons; for the positions of first Class Constables in the Town of Aurora. 1. Mr. Keith Huntley/Falconer 2. Mr. ~ohn RobertnAitchell '\-.'-~ TRENT: 1 Whereas the Council of the Town of Aurora are BUCK: desirious of obtaining two additional first class Constable8. And whereas the Police Committee were delegated to procure suitable applicants. Be it resolved that the report of the Police Committee, dated June 20, 1967, re hiring of two Constables be accepted. and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CflRl'UED ------------------~-----------------~-~----············-------------...• ···-·---·····-----·-. ---------- _l I I I I I ' SPECIAL COUNCIL -4-JUNE 26, 1967 POLICE REPORT CONTINUED TRENT: We are impressed with every one of the applicants. Both applicants are well experienc,ed Police Officers. WILL!PlMSON: A letter is-to be sent to all the Candidates who applied for the position of first class constables. UNFINISHED BUSINESS RAILROAD MUSEill/1 • Mr. Moore: Ano.ther group of peepl~ is very interested in the leeomotive "lleetion. ILLINGWORTH: THe Railroad eomm:lttee is t:o: meet on vrednesday. TOWN MAP ON l\lluRRAY DRIVE ILLINGWORTH; MayoP Davis: The map i• eft a evve and is a hazard. Perhaps; the Police Committee eould meet with Mr. Stoddard. "Appoint that Police Committee to. meet W. H. Stoddard regarding th• street plan on Murray Drive. PARKING ON MURRAY DRIVE ILLINGWORTH: Is the parking on iYlurray DI'ive to be altered as in the report. WILLIAi'JlSON: This_ was included in a rep"rt submitted ' previously to Council. The By.law is te be presented at the next Council Meeting. NEW BAY AT FIIRE HALL CORBETT: Mr. Jubb drew up a plan for a new bay at the Fire Hall and we have a price.-VIe may have ta wait until next year's budget. WILLI&~SON: The other two municipalities should be asked to share the costs:. of the new bay for the tanker. CORBETT: We will have the report for next week. GUJRNETT STREET TRENT: Re-Property requirements for Gurnett Street. MAYOR DAVIS: We are not in the pos.ition to bring it in tonight. 'l ~~~~~~-------- SPECIAL COUNCIL . "-5--JUNE 26, 1967 ARENA BOF.RD BUCK: BUCK: MILLER: WATER SUPPLY ftlillH~AY: TRENT: MILLER: lVJURc"Ui.Y: IHLLIAiViSON ~. Withdrawing the motion that the arena board be set up, but would ask that all the people that are proposed for the Board be made known to this Council and should be given very careful consideration. 'Notice of motion for next meeting. We.had some difficulty but the rain has helped and everything is just about corrected with the pumps, this has been quite expensive to repair. Should acknowledge the men who worked ao late on the pumps. Why can 1 t the pumps supply sufficient wateN No municipality c~ould afford to put in the necessary pumps to meet peak loads. 'Motion to Adjourn, ' CAPJHED The Meeting then Adjourned '-Pc~~ MAYOR ~~7 \ ~< f;.' ~--