MINUTES - Special Council - 19661031\..,p_ ....... '-·-·-· 'i J l'' NIINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WIEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COU"l'I'CIL CHAJYIBERS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 1 AT 8:00 P.M~ PRESENT ~.) .. p·-~~rs By-law 17 09-66 ?lant Disease Act By-law 1710-66 Vote On Question As To Sunday Moving Pictures, Etc. MAYOR d 1 F. DAVIS. (IN THE CHAIR) REEVE S. G. PATRICK DEPUTY-REEVE R. SilVIMONS COUNCILLORS CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT AND WILLIAMSON MURRAY: CORBETT: "ResoJ,ved that this Council, from now on shall have the minutes of Council Meetings prepare·d according to Section 215 Pa:r-agraph (1 ) , (2 ) and ( 3) of the l'I!Unic.ipal Act R.s.o. 1960 and. that Paragraph (la~ be strictly adhered to." CARRIED. Thl-rd Reading. WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that :By-law now before PATRICK: the Council be read a third time this.day." CARRIED. Third Reading Carried. First Reading. CORBETT.: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for taking the vote of the Electors of the municipality on a question as to Sunday Moving Pictures, The~trical Perfomances, Concerts or Lectures as submitted to the Electors Under the authority of By-law #1707-66 1 and that the same be now read a f.:ir.st time." CARRIED. Second Reading.; DAVIS: "Resolved that :By-law now before the MURRAY: · Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." CARRIED. > -··--···---··-··· ··---~-- {'' '.~:..)IAL ~ 2 ;.;. oCTOBER 31, 1966 BY.··LAWS CONTINUED By-Law 1710-66 CORBETT ''Resolved .that second re~d;l;hg be taken ai3 r~a.d. io Vote on QUestion PA~RICK As To Sunday Moving P:'.ctures, Etc, :sy-Mw 1711 ... 66 To Provide Fo:t' Thu Extension Of Tl:J Right To Vote fA-~ i.~u:q · c ipal ·:;tions CARRIED. second Reiiaini carried.; Third Reading~ WILLIAMSON: PATRICK:' PA~RidK: DAVIS 1 w: iiJie<Jolved tfl_at the :By.-.i~w !low be:fo:t'e the Counc:tl be _read. a. third .. time this (!.ay a~d that Rtll~ ?2 6:1;' J3y-.:Le,w~~i 1672 be suspended :f'or thfii.t pill:'pose"~; CARRIED• ''Re.s()1V'E)d thtl.t third reMing be ti'J.k:en as read•" . dAltaiED~ Third :Reading ca.rr:i.ed. :Fi±'st Reading,; COttil:EifT; ILLINGWORTH: iiResoived tha~. !eave be given to.· introduoea Bt.,.J;awto :ptovide :fo:r,' the e:lttension o:f'the tight to voife'' at MuniOi:p$.1 E:l;eQ~;J.o;n,~ . for tM. members 9! Co\lrlci:Lt .. 'i!l~ .. th't the same be now read a first t:une~" dA:Rr-ttED • First :Re!ii.d$-jlg carried. second Reading, DAVIS, VI: l.\1(J'1:ffiA y i iiRefloived . that the :6Y"'ta.w now b ef.ore the' COUncil be :#ead. a. s&cofid tilll¢ ,and that the Counc-il resoJ.ye itself into a c6rnrnittee o-f thewhoie for that pui'pose,; '' cARttiED, ,, .._ ______ .....:.___ -"" • .!.. ' ~ --·--~------_,_, ------~ 1 .• 3:C.cJIAL J:::Y-LAWS CONTINUED By-Law 1711;.;.66 To Provide For Th0 Extension Of The Right To vote At MUnicipal. Elections "ly T.•J.W 1712-66 ; c 0D Question As 'Jo 5J.nday .c::"":''·:::ets "": 3 .. OOTOBEli 3i' 1966 . ' . , WIL~fA!'4sON i SIMiviONSi i•Resolved ,that se9orid reading be taken as read •11 CARRIEDo-• seoondReaa:i.ngcarried .. Third ReM:i.rig •· stii.J:!IKtr~s : ILLINGWORTH: ":ftesolved that the .:B:v;..iawndw before tM Council be read . a th:t.ril tim~, .· .. · this day arid that Rule 2? of :S;V.o:Hl.w No; <•I468 ~be suspended fdr thid;· . purpose," CARR i:FiD ; lLL:fuGV{G:Ei'nl : WILLIAMSONi "Resolved thatt:fiird reading "be te.ken as read•" CARRIED. TJ:i.ird Reading carried, :First Reading• CORBETT: ...... . ILLINGWORTB: : "Resolved. that Iea.fe, Oe giver+ to. introduce a.BYF<law t() p:t'()viilefcir taking the votecift}l;e :&lectors of tBe.MUri±ci:P~ity ciri•a Q.'iiestion .as t6 s1lnday,:Pttolio.G8l;iie~:~ ana s!Joi'~s iis submitte<i tO the, ])fe,-ctOr@ 'l.Met ·· . , the a1lthdrity of By.;;law N1lm.ber 170,;..;66 and that the s~e be n:Ow reii.d a fiist tiine •," c'AR:riJ:]):D. First Reading Carried, second :ReEI.dirig~ TREWT: :D.Avrs, w: ••:Resolved that the By-iaw n:ow before the council be read a seCoil.d.time.and that t-he council. resolve ~tseli in:to 2t. Committee of the whole for that p\lrpO'seo" o.AR:RiEii .. · SP:OOIAL BY-LAWS CONTINUED By-Law 1712;.;66 Vote On Q~estion As To sunday Sports By-Law 171},.,66 Repeal By-Law 1706-66 .. 4 ;.; OGTOBER 3i, ig66 I'ATRic:!t: SIJYIMONS I i;Resolved that second reading ~e taken a& read." . CARRIED, Second Reading carried. Third Reading, WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: ''Resd1 ved the:i; the By-law. nowbefdre . the Co uno U be re!.\d 0. third . time this <j.ay and that Rtile 22bf By..;lel.W No; 1468 be suspended for that pu:&pose,11 CARRIED, :OAYJ:S: "ResolVed thirt; the third reading be CORBETT: taken as read." CARRIED. Third Reading carried~ First Reading, COR~ETT: . . "Resolved that Ieave be given t6 ILLINGWORTH: introdui;le a -:By.;. law to amend By-la.w NUmber 1706-66 and that the same be now read a first time.11 CARRIED, First Reading Carried, SeCond Reading,; DAVIS, Wt lVJURRAYi ''Resolv\3d that the By~law ni:iw before the qouncif. b~ read a. aecolj.d tiin:e !¢.d that the council :t>esolve Hs~lf into a committee of the whole foi• that purpose. 11 CARRIED. ILLINGWORTH: "Rescilv\3d that fUrther readiT,Lg l1"f By~la:w 1713-66 be de:fe:t'l·H~d to .the Police Committee fo'i-st11dy and report." WILLIAMSON: CARRIED. ·-~~~~, SPECIAL ;.. 5 ~ OCTOBER 31~ :'966 BY~LAWS CONTINUED Council were advised that bhe notice would he pU.lJli~hod coverir.g all three questions. ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS: .. CORRESPONDENCE ''Resolved that the Head of the Co1it.aE or his.n:p:pointee aHerid at the dbuncil Chamhors nt 11 ortlock of the forenoon cin the 2:Jt~1. day of November, 1966 to make thu ap:ppirit- m~nts required unde±' By-laws 1710, 1711 a~d 1712•" CARRIED. A letter was introduced from Urbes Consultants Limited re urban rtl.no·.va1 and redevelopment. . . . ' ' . No.aotion was taken at this time, A letter vvas intra.d.:g._ggcl, :t);'gm Thonias B, IVIacPhursOC! l"O peCies·i;riu"i. cross- overs ori. Wellington Street~ ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS: "Resolved that a crop~· be 0'Jtil.irced of the. County By-Law Gsta1Jlj_sb.:.ng jurisdiction OVGr Vv9lliugtrm Stroet within the Town Limits," CARRIED, A letter was received from the Ontario MUnici;:ie.l Board enclc:sing an order for. a public. hearing on Byl4law 166'7 i as A.mended by BY··lu.w J$.33, to be held ori Friday, :bee ember 2• No further action :i.s requir~d o:t; Council at this t:i.me, ,1, ' CO!Vll\UTTEE REPORTS REEVE PATRICK IN THE CHAIR A REPORT OF COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE, SUBJECT PERSONJ1EL MATTERS Co'l.i.ncil :i.n Committee niet on October 24, 1966 1 to discuss :persbn..nei matters. The Committee recommends as follows: ~~- ., ----~~~~--- SPECIAL .... 6 .... OCTOBER 3J, 1966 COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED A REPORT OF COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE, SLI:BJECT PERSONNgL }IJATTERS CONTL'l"iJLD 1. That the salary of the Chief of Police be $7,000. per year effective -,,:LU'~.:t'.'y: 1;C1966 • . . . 2. That the 1:966 agreement with the Police Association conte.:in u clattsc stipUlating that the agreement applies. only to these actuo.ll? on the strength Of the· Aurora Pol:j,c e Department e:t; the time the agreement .is signed, or who join the force subsequent to the signing of the agreement, · DAVIS: "Resolved that the.report of the ILLINGWORTH: · council in CO:mJ:littee, dated October 28, 1966, re :personnel matl;ers be - accepted and the seal of the corpor~­ tion be attached hereto." CARB,IED. A RJ:!:I'ORT OF THE STRIKING COMMITTEE, SUBJECT APPOINTr/IEWI'S TO SEY:I!:JiAL SPECIAL COMMITTEES The Committee met on Friday, Ootobe:r-28, 1966 ut 9,30 A,M. to•·conside:r- appointments to seve:r-al special committees, The Committee recommends as follows: 1. That the following be appointed Aurora's roprcsent'ltivcs on C;entraJ. Ontario Regional Development Association: Councillo!' J. Mtt!'ray CoUncillor J. Williamson 2. That the following be a,ppointed to the Trmugural l'l.E>nnj.ne 0ommi ttee councillor c. Co:r-bett Councillor w. ·Trent douncillo:r-w. Davis 3. That members ci:f the Planning Committee be confimed as the Airport Committee. -L· DAVIS: .. ••Resolved that the report of the Striking SIMMONS: Committee dated October 28, 1966 be accepted," CARRIED. SPEC :CAL C OMlVIITTEE REPORTS C ONTlNUE:D lVIAYOR DAVIS IN THlE CHAIR - 7 ~ OCTOBER .31~ 1966 A report was presented on the decision of the Oo=i ttee of AdjtJ.st'll.ent re Lot 166 7 Plan 517, This report is fo'l:' irif'ormation only, A verbal report was presented on behalf of the Airport Co=~.ttoe re the visit to the Waterloo-Wellington Airport, This was a progress report and a written report will be preseni:oi'J later, It was announced that Mr. J, Lambert has requested ~ meeting with th& Planning Co=ittee re the ~ld arena site, ~~·. Lambert has been requested to ~ttend a meeting in tho Council ~:'1.e.1Jl.b ers at 8:00 P.M., November 3rd, A REPORT OF THE PLA..1'ifNil\TG COMIVIITTEE, SUBJECT .TOINT ~:'!EETING -I, TNG AND AURORA PLANNING BOARDS The Planning Co=i ttee mot on Thursday, October 27 with tho Pln'mi:tlg Boards of Aurora and King Township to discuss several i·t;ems of :r:•ttual interest to the two municipalities, 1, Request for private right-of-way access to property in K:i.ng Td1'm- ship from Aurora Heights Drive and Kemano Road, It was pointed out by members of the King Planning Board .tho buildlng parmi ts for the proposed dwellings could not be issued undel' the K5.ng Township bui.lding by-law, In view of this, and in view of the difficulties such a project might inv-olve with regard to schools, policing, road maintenance, etc.,, yo·,,_r Co=i ttee reco=ends that approval for this right-of-way no·t; be granted, 2, P:eotection of the headwaters of streams flowing through Aurora which rise in King Township. T11e King Planning Board concur in the desirability of protecting the aree.s surrounding these headwaters, and will support Aurora Council in its efforts, I . ~.---~-..-..,__ . ..,_~~~--~---~..,C-- i l '• ' SPECIAL - 8 OCTOBER 31, 1966 COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED A REPORT OF THE PLANNING COI\ll\UTTEE, SUBJECT JOINT MEETING -KING AJiTD Ai.JROHA PLANNING BOAHDS CONTINUED Your Committee recollll11.ends that the Holland Valley Conservation Authority be requested to undertake a survey of the areas surrounding the headwaters with a view to determining the best course of action to assure the protection of the streams. 3. Joint Planning Area It was agreed that further discussions on the merits and extent of a Joint Planning Area arc desirable. Your Committee recommends that we recommend to next year's Council that meetings be held early in the year to discuss the desirability of establishing a Joint Planning Area. Amendment C~au.s a -l Car:rid. , .. Clause 2 . -. WILLIAMSON: "Hesolved "LrJ.aG the recommendation be-- ILLINGWORTH: 'c.mbndcd to include the areas adjoin- ing the streams. CAHRIED. Clause 2 as amended carried. Clause 3 carried. WILLIAMSON: DAVIS: "Hesolved that the report as amende-· of the Planning Committee re Joint Meeting -King and Aurora Planning Boards be adopted and implemented." CAHHIED. The problem of parking at the High School while construction is in progress was introduced. ILLINGWORTH: MURHAY: "Resolved that a meeting be held by the Police Committee the Police Chief, and the Fire Committee on this problem, and in the meantime the No Parking signs from the High School property west to Yonge St. be hooded for as long as considered necessary." CAHHIED. <-.. 'l•·V~' . " SPECIAL - 9 - October 31;1906 COJ'.'[]iffiTTEE RJ!iPORTS CONTINUED LOCATION OF OUTDOOR SKATING RINKS SWIMMING POOL Co~ncil was asked to give consideration to suggestions for the location of outdoor skating rinFs for the coming winter; It was reported that the Recreation Committeets Swimming Pool Committee had met with some members of Council and recommendations will be forthcoming from the ;Recreation Committee, FIRE COMllUTTEE REPORT A report of the Fire Committee SUBJECT -FIRJ] riiARSHALL' S REPORT' 1.-Recommend By-law 1303 be repealed and the Fire Department be re-organized as set o~t in Paragraph 1 of the Fire ]/i.arshall' s report. Recommend a By-law bo prepared as recommended ,'Ty the Fire Marshall in Appendix A with certain deletions, 2. Rec0mmend Rules for the Department be made as outlined in Appendix B of the Fire marshall's Report with certain dele.tions, 3. It is felt that at this time a fUll time Deputy Chief t.s. not req_uired, 4. It is felt that the position of Lieutenant should be retained at this time, 5, Recomend By-law 1300 re Fire Protection Agreement with Township o:t:; Yihi t<Wrch be given third reading. 6, It is recommended that 1967Fire Committee look into this, 7. This has been implemented. 8, It is recommended that 1967 Fire Committee enter into discussions oqrly in tho year with King and Whitchurch Townships in regards to a new tank truck, 9, It is felt this is too expensive a piece of oq_uipment for one Municipality to purchase arl.eh().uld be purchased jointly by two or more Municipali t:i:o,g, 10, It is recommended this policy be adjoptod but the word "officer" should replace tho word "Captain" 11. It is felt tba t Aurora :L~ adeq_uatoly serviced, 12, As we do not have a ful t:!.me Fire Department these extra men are not req_uired at this time,· 13. This is for a f~ll time Fire Department and is not applicable in our case, 'I i' 'i. '' ,.:l;,' J ····~!!&!" ::-. <; ·i' ~' " .. i' l'-~., .. j \. ~~~..,..,..-~=-. -· I!JI':EOTA!J cm,ll\HTTj~E REPORTS CONTINUED FIRE COMMITTE.E ru;PORT ·~ ft..'"' " !.'!a!llt.?~~:m ~~, ~u~ 14. The C~ief shoUld recommend any man he feels should attend courses of instructions, 15. This is in tho process of being implemented through the Fire Th~tual Aid Radio System, 16.. Same as 15, 17.. This. is being dono 18. It is felt ~uito strongly that emergency power e~uipmont shoUld be : ..... purchased but as it is not in this years budget it is recommended that next years Fire Committee give this matter serious consideration, s·'·'·'~' '--, 19. Recommend By-law 1190 and 1481 20, Committee agrees to this, 21. This applies to a permanent Fire but in essence some of this work is being done by the Chier and some of his men already, 22. The Fire Chief is a full time Inspector for the Town al'ld has completed courses, 23. If this pract'ice is not being carried out now, it is recommended that ~uarterly in-service inspections be carried out, 24. This practice is now being carried out, 25,i It is recommended thathis be looked into, lif.'l.VI S : W , .ILLIAMSON: l,CARRIED 2, CARRIED 3, CARRIED $. CARRIED 5, CARRIED 6. CARRIED 7, CARRIED 8~ CARRIED g, CARRIED lO,CARRIED Ll,CARRIED· 12, CARRIED 13, CARRIED 14, CARRIED 15, C.l'illRIED nm;SOLVED that the report of th.e Fire Committee dated October 28 1 1966 re Fire Marshallls report be discussed each item separately and accepted," <l.,.,, " '''REPORT 16, CAR.1UED 17, CARRIED 18. CARRIED 19.CARRIED 20. CARRIED 21~ CARRIED 22,CARRIED 23, CARRIED 24, CARRIED CARRIED. '~~:~.~~--:;'-r-r---------~ . "... ······=="""·-~---~-----~ ' :I ~---... S!'EC IAL .. u .:: l'to'i!oleell!l ~ ~ ,191!!6 """"' ,~; 'l, /' .·.,'' ~ REPORTS OF COMMITTES CONTINUED FIRE REPORT BY-LAWS # 1294 AND# 1300 TO BE REVIEWED Jr!IEETING WITH D,O,H, . ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: "RESOLVED that By-laws 1294 and . 1330 be revi_ewed so ·that the Agreements woUld define apparatus and manpower which would respond to calls. CARRIED A verbal report was presented on the meeting with Depamtment of Highways Officials on Highway reconstruction, The Department would like a l'esolUtion from Council supporting··their intentions A Works Committee meeting is to be held on this subject, WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT -SUBJECT -RECONSTRUCTION OF YONGE ST, The Works Committee met on Wednesday, Oct, 26,1966 at 7.30 p,m, to discuss the preliminary report on Yongo St, connecting link reconstruction in tho Town of Aurora as prepared by J,D, REID and Associates and referred by Council to this Committee for an early study and report thereon. Subsequent to detailed discussion the Committee allowed that in the first instance the financing of such an undertaking was of number one concern, Therefore the Committee recommends that a meeting be arranged with the appropriate authorities of the ~epartmont of Highways of Ontario during the week of October 31st, to November 4th,l966 and that the Town Engineer and Town Clerk attend along with committee members, The meeting so proposed will attempt to ascertain the various nethods available to finance the project, number of years allowed and of main importance the method the Department may adopt in the processing and the payment of applicable subsidies toward the undertaking, if proceeded with, This is a progress report, Mr, Mayor. and a further and more comoro- hensive report will be presented at the next meeting of CoR~cil TRENT: "RESOLVED that the report of the Works Committee dated lVIURRAY: October 27 1 1866 be re reconstruction of Yonge St. be accepted, 11 CARRI:FJD It was advised that the Works Committee is considering using rented vehicles and operators for snow removal and sending, No further action was taken at this time, WILLIAMSON: TRENT: "RESOLVED that the meeting be adjourned •. " CARRIED The meeting then adjourned, ---~~~-~- MAYOR ~ .. _··(VI.:.... 0 -------- /: ' ~~~----~LERK . --------~-·-•-----------. ----· -------·--•-•-•~-· --•u••••·•···•-••• .,.,.,,,.,.,,.,. '''"''' """''''"''"