MINUTES - Special Council - 19660704t..""~~ ·~· -------" MINUTES OF THE SPZCIAL 1-E~ETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHJ';.,)i]BERS ON MONDAY, JULY 4; 1966 J'.T 8 :00 P. M, PRESENT MAYOR DAVIS (IN THE CHt,IR) REEVE PJ\TRICK COUNCILLORS COHraEJTT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT, \HLLifu\iSON, Mayor Davis read the resolution adopted by Council on June 27, 1966, and said this was, the Authority for the meeting. He said that the m·e·eting had been called for 8:00 P,'ll!,, but that it was not understood that the School Board might not arrive until 9:30. Councillor Williamson objected to the delay. He said that he is on vacation and if he could drive 70 miles and arrive on time the School Board should also be able to arrive on time. Councillor Murray agreed, He said that the delay is an affront to the office of Mayor, ILLINGWOHTH: "Resolved that Council proceed with other CORBETT: business to 9:30 or until the arrival of the School Board," RESOLUTION RE CQ~AUNITY CENTRE CllRRIED. PATRICK: Resolved that, whereas the Council ILLINGWORTH: of the Corporation of the Tow.n of Aurora has accepted the tender of Casey Construction Ltd. for the construction of a Community Centre, the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a COI\tract to this end with Casey Construction Ltd. provided that Casey Construction Ltd, has complied with all requirements set out in the tender documents, and that the Clerk be authorized to send to Casey Construction Ltd. a Letter of Intent to this effect. ~-~-~---··--~~--···· .. ·· \..............~~-~~ --,~,-0:" S'?ECUL - 2 - July 4, 1966 RESOLUTION RE COJ,!i>.1UNI'l'Y CENTRE CONT. Mayor Davis said that this letter was simply to confirm the fact that we have accepted the tender. Councillor l!.lurray said that he had agreed on an arena costing $500,000 but when the bid came in at $700,000 he could not go for it. He cannot go along with awarding the contract. LET'l'ER FROM J.D. REID RE 1-cRC':HTECTS FEES CA'RRIED. Mayor Davis said that the Town Engineer would provide supervision from time to time to protect the Town's interest, but he recom.r.ends that Schneider and Stevens be retained to provide direct supervision. Councillor Illingworth said that we are into a lot of money in t!;Iis Community Centre. It would be a false economy to try to save money by not having proper supervision. Schneider & Stevens drew up the plans and specifications and know what is required. Mr. Reid is only engaged on a retainer and is not a full time employee. ILLINGWORTH: PATRICK: "Resolved that Schneider and Stevens be engaged to supervise the construction of the Community Centre at a fee of 2% over the 4% design fee. Cf.RRIED. RE?OHTS OF COMMITTEES: \fORKS COMMI'rTEE Mr, Trent presented a report of the Worl~s Committee in which the Co;11;ni t tee r<aspectfully submit the following: Report on meeting with J. Hettie, Toronto &, York Roads Cmmnission, June 28, 1966 re pedestrian Cross-walks on Wellington Street (York County Road 16) -eeo'.-.~'""""''=•"'·'-~~-oC"•-"'0~~·~-~~-.~=""-~·-•·-·--•• ~~~~~~~,~~~~=~~~~-------~~~-'---------~------------- ;,~_· ....... SPECiitL -t3 -July 4, 1966, Works Committee report continued -" The Chairman of the Works Committee lr.et with I'.1r. J, Rettie on June 28, 1966 pursuant to Council's resolution of June 1966, Also present were Engineer J .Reid, SUjl)erintendent E. A. ''lacGregor, and Deputy-Clerk D. Gosbee. Mayor Dav~s attended part of the meeting. Mr. Rettie opened the meeting by acknowledging that there might appear to be some area of doubt created by the Municipal f,ct, ·the Highway Traffic Act, ·and the Highway Improvement f,.ct as to the municipality's authority over roe:ds. passing through a municipality;. however, the Municipal t.ct provide!! only the,t the "mnicipali ty may pass by-laws affecting highways under its jurisdiction, and the County has jurisdiction over County roads throughout their length, since these roads are through roads and ,,,ost of the traffic on them is generated outside the Municipality. The Toronto and York Roads Commission is concerned about cross- walks on the County system, particularly th<ct they should be con- sistently located and consistently signed. The Commission feels thet there should be established enginraering warrants tO. determine if cross-walks in a particular area are justifi~d,' and the Col•1inission is now in the process of establishing those · warrants. Some of the things to be considered are: number of pedestrians who will use the corss-walks; number of vehicles using the road and interval between them; the distance to signalized or protected intersections. J[ expressed the belief that the l\.urora Police Dept. had already made these studies e.nd'it was for these reasons that Council had accepted the recod .. ;endation of the Police Committee. He said that Council wanted protection for people crossing these streets and asked how we could get L<C.:edia.te action. l1ilr. Rettie said that the Commission had juris:liction over and responsibility for County roads and took these seriously. He stated that the co,n,,dssion would be willing to sit down with a Co,,ur.ittee of representatives on County Council, and he suggested a committee from Richmond cUll, New,.1erket, and Aurora as being representative of areas involved with cr.oss-welks, to get together and w·ork out standards and brin::; back reco;r,;!endations to local Councils. It was decided that 1•1r. ::~ettie and l'Oir. ':Ceid together would arrange for a survey of the intersections of !!!ells St. and Georr:;e St. to ·· determine if cross-walks are nec,ossary nt those points. This survey will com,;tence on Tuesday, July , 5. lhr. J:tettie felt that Aurora should introduce a jay-walking by- le.w in order to make the cross-walks ;r;ore effective. He felt also that the absence of proper sidewall.cs in the areas under discussion '< .. /, L..,..--~~-~=-=-,-,-,"''"" -~·_.,-_.,,,,"'"'"·""'~'=-""='"0"""'""--=="~~-· ':·---~- SPECIAL -4 -JULY 4, 1966, Worl<s Committee Report continued - created a definite pedestrian hazard, and he offered to make available all necessary engineering data required for sidewalk construction. It is tay feeling that the Toronto and York Roads Cmamission will not be prepared to approve these cross-walks until the survey · is completed justifying to their satisf&ction the need for them, and possibly not until standard engineerine; warrants are developed. I would suggest in future the Police Dept. should inform the Police Committee of their desire for cross-overs and the:t the Committee ask the 2:n(;ineer for a report so that Council will be in a better position to ascertain the need of a cross-walk, ILLING';IORTH: "Resolved that a letter be sent to the MURR!.Y: Department of Transport asking for a ruling on the jurisdiction of a .nunicipali ty with respect to pedestrian cross-walks on County road!!•" Councillor Illingworth said that Mr. Hettie asknowledges there is an area of doubt regarding j~risdiction. This resolution will ask the Department of Transport to resolve this doubt. Councillor Murray said there is no harm in asking the Department to clari:fy whether or not we can do it .• Councillor Trent said that he got the impression that Mr. Rettie would approve the cross-walks if it was within his power but he is not even sure that the Commission 'Nould approve crosswalks until standards are developed. Councillor \'!illiamson said that th.e Traffic Safety Officer is of the opinion cross•Nnlks are necessE1ry here. i<re we going to wait until a child is killed while these surveys are being conducted, 1'/ho will be responsible then? ·-:-. ' l___...,..-..~·-·~.-,.,.,_, •• r.-.-T.-----c=-o-=-~ • -·~·· --~-•-·--··~·· • • • • • • • • •• ·-- SPECIAL - 5 - JULY 4, 1966, Works Committee Report continued - Reeve Patrick said that when crosswalks at Kennedy St .• were being discussed; Council had trouble deciding where they should go. TRENT: PATRICK: TRENT: PLTRICK: C.I~RIED, "Resolved that the re1Jort of the Works Chairman be accepted," CA.I-~RIED. "Resolved thet the Town of Aurora signify to Mr. Rettie that Aurora would be willing to be part of nny Committee investigating cross-walks in York County.'' C.lh-qHIED. The Public School Board joined the ~eeting: Mayor Davis in welcoming the Board said that Council was disturbed by the late arrival of the Board. He then read the resolution authorizing the meeting, and asked l'llr. Turnbull to act as spokesman .for the Board. Mr. Turnbull asked if the Board was there to answer to Council. Mayor Davis said that the Board would deal with Council, and Council only. !\Air. Turnbull said that one of the first things to be discuss- ed was the Church Street School e,nd he would call on !Jlr. Dick Buchanan to speak, Mayor :)avis said that this was not what the resolution said, but he would hear Mr. Buchamm, '-~~-----------.,~<~.~.-~----.. ---- L-~--"-· SPECIAL - 6 .... JULY 4, 1966_. School discussion contipued - lVlr• Buchanan said that he was speaking as Chairman of the Property Cmm~ittee chiefly on Church St. school. He recalled that this building was reopened as a school some four years ago and was used as a school until last June. It was hoped that the planned additions to Hegen:cy Acres and Lurora Heights schools would ;nake the use of Church St. School unnecessary. They learned last year that extra space would be required. The principals were consulted and they agreed it would be necessary to use Church St. school. The Health Unit approved, The Fire Marshal investigated end had no objection to using the building but required certain i;,Jprovements, l•Jainly dealing with heating ducts and stairwells. After further consultation with the Fire Marshal the Board is ~Jrocoeding with the alterations. The Board will need further accomodation next year, but he will let someone else deal with this. Mr. Turnbull said that it is difficult to make long range plans without information. He said the Soard were advised by the ?lanning Board that the 0\IRC would not permit further development until the s·swage probl3in is solved, but in driving around Town they see many houses going up c:nd they read in the papers of in.igh-rise ac)artments 1vhich will place" strein on the Schools~ Mayor Davis said he was undE;>r the impression that reports:, of new construction ~vere going to the Board, - Mr. Turnbull said this is no longer being done. Councillor ViilliaEJSon said mrnc has no control over lots which are now serviced, Mayor Davis referred to the ;ileeting with Council in Committee of November 17, 1965, at which the Board stated Church St. School would be used this year, SPECIAL -7-JULY 4, 1966, School discussion continued - Councillor Illingworth said it was true Council were aware of the need for Church Street School, but no. :aention has ever been made of the cost, and he cannot support the report of the Finance Committee until he knows ;nore of the Board's plans. If Church St. School was in the jurisdiction of the Board Council would have no say, but it is not, and Council should not sell it to the Boerd until '-·-' it is satisfied as to safety and cost. Councillor ?hurray said there were a number of points on which he would like clarification- 1. The town owns the building, has the school board a written lease, and if so may we see it. 2. The school board in their letter to Council, states; they will renovate the school to the maximum requiret<1ents of the fire marshals office. (very costly) 3. Does the school board wish to use the school more than one year. 4. The board gave the Fire Marshals office,. the impression that the school would only be used for one year. 5. They also give the impression that a new school will be ready by Sept. 1967. Is this the new senior school. If it is, it in no way relieves the present problem of the smaller grades. 6. Has the board sent a copy of their plans for renovations, to the fire marshal. And since you are renovating our building, wouldn't it be proper if we knew what you are going to do. 7. The Board has told Council they have to own the building to get a grant for alterations, 8. The Depertment will absolutely refuse any grant if the school is only going to be used for 1-2-3 years. -''~~-·-"-t;~·_,:·t«A*a. . .... -. ·. .,. . .. , . .... -. -. •~liJtt>Wi@l!ifatl '" -----~------.. ---·----.l __ dft.M. ~~·--. ___ 4J .. l......--.------- SPECHL -8 -JULY 4.~ 1966 .• ' ' . Councillor Murrays questions continued - f). 10. 11. 12, 13, 14. I have tD.lked, personnally with the grant department, and they absolutely will not pay grants, on sl:10rt turn usage •. They say if you need class rooms build! them, or else built portables. Transportation is a very expensive item, and it is a most unsatisfactory way of getting children to th~ir various places of education. This system that is proposed of jumping children all over town to attend various schools, is most unpleasant, unsatisfactory and a shameful! waste of the taxpayers money, You have now proposed that some children will go from Aurora Heights clean across town to :1egericy Acres. Children from Regency to Church St. Children from Aurora Heights to George St. This new proposed senior school is not going to reline this confusion one single bit. In fact we are not even sure that there is going to be one. If we need more classrooms then lets build them, either by lneans of new clas.s roo;ns or portables, And in the long run we will save money, and greatest of all we will keep the children in their own areas, M~;~.yor Davis said Council is treading on unsafe ground when we try to tell another elected body how to administer their affairs .. rar. Bu«hanan said that the Board had discussed the required renovatio.ns point by point with the Fire Marshal's office and that the total cost would be well under $10,000. Mr. Turnbull said that Councillor ;,lurray was stepping out o his jurisdiction. The School Board is not here in judgment but out of ,cdurtesy. f,t no time did the Board tell the Fire ?,4arshall that the School would be used for only one year, He read a motion made by Councillor Illingworth when a member of the Board. ·---·--·-- SPEC!t.L - 9 - JULY 4, 1966 School discussion continued - Councillor Illingworth agreed that he had made the motion, but he felt that Church Street would ~e for emergency use only. It was felt at that time that the school population was declining but it grew instead, There will be a continuing need for classrooms and they cannot be built until the need is there. It is his feeling now that the money would be better used for portables because they can be moved to where they are needed, Councillor Murray replied to Mr. 'Turnbull that he was asking questions, not trying to dictate. He said that Council have a very sincere interest in this, Mr. Buchanan said the School Board were negotiating for a site for a Senior Public. Sphool wb,ich wquld relieve t~e load on all schools apd ::;olve the problem for a short time at least until there is further resideptial·expansion. The Board have: engaged an architect who is preparing plans fo)t an 18 room Senior ?ublic School which the Board feel$ is better than portables. He said that seven portables would ~ost between $70-7~1 000. Councillor Williamson said jrhat Mr. Buchanan had said the Senior Public School would relieve the pressure on all schools. He asked if the Board had a comparison pf the nmilbers eptering school for the first time with.those who would go into tl:le Senior Public School, Mr .• Wilson said that figures from the asses~~.1ent rol.is would justify the need for 18 classrooms over the next four years. ~Jix, Tll.l"ribull said t!ce:t if 6 portables were placed at Regency Acres. School there would be no room left for a playground, which was one of the critic;i.s"as of Church St •. School. Councillor Dlli.rray asked if the Board intended to use Ohurcll St. for three or >~Jore yeairls. lf not, thEiY will not receive. 'gra1;1t, Reeve Patrick snid thet Church 3t, is a good school. He. was concerned about the youp.ger·children. He felt that portables would be a waste of money and suggested that the Board consider moving the older eh:ildren to Chul"ch St. '------o-~---. ------.-~---,~---,~--- i 5?::llCJAL -10 -J'tl!:1t <3.~ 1966 .. SChool discussion continued - Councillor \.'illiamson said that Council had asked the School Board to co;ne and explain policy and now Council is trying 8to dictate policy to t~e Board. WILLIJ'.:i30N: T;;tENT: "Resolved that the decision on the Finance Committee report be deferred until the next meeting of Council." Councillor Illingworth said that he felt the Board would want a decision tonight since they had sent a letter home to so>ne parents and started renovations even though they knew the building did not belong to the.11. Mr. Turnbull read a letter to Council - From the outset we want it clearly understood that the Board is not under any obligation to attend this meeting to discuss their problems with Council but have come out of courtesy. Although School Boards do not levy their own taxes, they are for all practical purposes independent taxing bodies, The municipality collects taxes fo!' the School Boards as a matter of convenience but except for expenditures made out of current funds, they have no right or power to alter or refuse the School Board's requisition for funds. The obligation of Councils to levy and collect the amounts required and turn theill over to the Board is set out in Section 69 of the Public Schools Act. This is not a sudden decision to reactivate Church Street School, as daily classes had ta be established in September 1962 and on Muy 7, 1963, a motion recorded in :the official records of the Board as follows: - '~--'-"-,0~ SPECIAL -11 -JULY 4, 1966. Mr .• Turnbull's letter continued - Illin5worth -TurnbuH -------.. -- That the Church Street School building is worth th(;); repairs and renovations n:~eded for full use, and _that the _Board continue to make use of this,building as long as it is required for classroom purvoses. Carried, and the building was in continuous use for Elewentary school day classes until June 1965 with the sanction of the Ontario Department of Education, the Fire Department and County Health Unit. The decision to use Church Street .School hns been made after careful estimates of the costs involved to renovate to the maximum requirements of the Ontario Fire Marshal, which we believe after further consultation with the EnGineering Division of the Fire Marshal's less than $10,ooo.oo, and that Office, can be done for much the building offers facilities and an educational environme1:1t .conducive' to learning.. The cost of portables involyes approxim!l,tely $9,000. plus per unit.. The total area of s-chool property at Regency Acres School is 2.88 acres, which with the area covered by the present building, parking lot and lawn, and portables, would _leave a playground owned by the .Board cp!llparable to Church Street. Tb.e ret.enti on of Churcp Street School is forced on the Board by the fact that no long term proje.ction of new housing is provided by Council, At a rec.ent me.eting with Planning Board the impression was given that :further construction was prohibiteq by the Ontario :Iater Reso\,lrces Commiss.ion until sewage disposal problemswere rectified. = . ........,-...,.,.,,.,-.,_ ·=--=---- ·~,-'If"' ·~.--- · ·· ... · SPECIAL .. 12 ... JULY 4, 1966. Now we read in the local paper of building ]Jermits being is.sued for numerous new houses and apartment buildings. The occupants of which will further tax the educational accomodation. On June 17th last, a Committee of Board Members met with the Mayor and two Council Members and reviewed the report of the Ontario Fire Marshal and discussed the purchase of the building and a~:.quire the title thereto. The reason for so doing would give the Board the opportunity to make application for Ontario Legislat·ive Grants on the renovation cost, which have been made available since 1965, when the Ontario Legislative Grant regulations were amended to provide for grants tobbe available for renovations of buildings over 35 years of age·. Mayor Davis said before the Board retired he would like to thank them for attending the meeting. CARRIED. Councillor Tr~nt said that the ratepayers brief had r:eferred to the use of Church St. for one year. He asked if this statement had been made or not."" Mr. Wilson said that the Fire Marshal had been told that the school might be used :tor one year or many years, although the objective was only one year, WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned," C ill"'t.':U ED • C:diQ ~(h)(. ~..Q_Q_------ ---•-'1!'------~~~----.-"-----~--"'-l-""" __ _ MAYOR CLERK fj.~-::9,~,"ft'{' .''~i.\1-"', , _, .... , .. ~. ~-~o.~r . .,,. <''· -~. ~~---·-"··--"~~~~~=~~= .. ~ .... """''""";,, .. ~----"·~· --'-----'---~~_____..=~~---