MINUTES - Special Council - 19670411I ·I . -·-" MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOi'JNf OF AURORA HELD IN' THE COUNCIL CHk'VlBERS ON' TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1967 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS C •. F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) J. MURitAY J. WILLIAMSOR BUCK, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MILLER AND TRENT. POINT OF ORDER -_, .. _-" ElffiOR IN MlNUl'ES ILL!!ESS OF OO{fflpiLLOR CORBETT BY'-LAWS .. 1729-67 Councillor Buck pointed out .. an E)rror in the published minutes of the Council meeting of April 3, in that a resolution dealing with the basement flooding at Regency Acres, was omitted. IlLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter be sent WILLIAMSON: from Council to Councillor Corbett on his illness. CARRIED By-Law to amend By-Law # 1670-66 MILLER: TRENTt That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law # 1670-66 a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic1 and that the same b:e now reaa a rirst time. CARltiED BUCK: That the By-Law now before the ILLINGWORTH: Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of tne whole for that purpose. / DAVIS, C: "Resolved that . second reading be \HLLI:AM.SDN: taken as read • CA.'t.qiED At'\AENDMENI' DAVIS, C; "Resolved that second r.eading be ILLINGWORTH< deferred until a study is completed, CllRRIED · ..... ~- l I I I I I I I ,L: i i i L~~ L.: __ .. - --·- SPECIAL COUNCIL -2-April 11/67 BY-LAWS 1730:67 By-Law to amend B.y-Law # 1721-67 MILLER: That leave be given to introduce ILLINGWORTH: a By-La• to amend By-Law 1721-67 and that the same be now r.ead a first time. CAR..~ !ED BUCK; That the By-Law now before the . ILLINGWORTH: Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. CARRIED Council in Committee of the Whole, Councillor Miller in the Chair WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the blanks be ILLINGWORTH: filled with the amounts of $250. and $300. respectively. CiiRRIED ILLINGWORTH: That the By-Law now before the Council BUCK: be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspende~for that purpose. CA."-miED WILLIAMSON: "Resolve that thirdreading ILLINGWORTH: be taken as read. CAR..~IED THIRD READING CARRIED. -----------------·------- -- ~-~.:...-: "'''"'""-•., ..... ,, .. ~-\1"._,_·~·~-·.·-·...-.... SPECIAL COUNCIL -3-April 11/67 COMI~ITTEE REPORTS Deputy-Reeve Williamson in the Cijair. Mayor Davis presented a report of the Finance Committee The Finance Committee met on Monday, April 3, 1967, at 7:15P.M, to discuss the standard procedure for the payment of expenses for Members of Council and Department Heads authorized to attend wonventions 1 ~eminars, Meetings, etc. and recommend as follows: 1. Each Member of Council and Department Head, with the exception of the Mayor be authorized a total expenditure of $250.00 per year plus registration to attend Comrentions, etc, 2. The sum is to include Travelling and Accomodation Expenses for the Members of Council or lepartment Head as follows: (a) A Mileage allowance of 14 cents per mile, based on D.H.O, mileage, if Personal Automobile is used, and this rate to include Parking and other Lliscellaneous expenses, or actual Air or Rail Fare. (b) The Per Diem allowance for Hotel and Meals to be set at $25.00 per day for a 24 hour period and $10.00 par d~y if hotel accomodation is not required, 3. All attendance of Councillors or Department Heads is to be included in a Committee Report and submitted to Council. 4. The Mayor is authorized a total expenditure of $500.00 per year. s. A member of Counc.il or Department Head who is requested to attend a Convention, Seminar, etc. other than for his, Respeutive Committee or D:epartment e.g. Good Roads, 0.1ll.A., ~ etc. the expense will not be deducted from his Comlllittee Allowance, but from the general budget up to tle total amount set aside. 6. A report of Attendance is to be submitted to Respective Committee on. return, so that action may be taken, if required, to implement new procedures. •i I SPECIAL COUNCIL DAVIS,C: ILLINGWORTH: AMENDMENT ILLINGWORTH: DA'IinS: -4-April 11/67 "Resolved that the report of the Finance Committee, dated April 10, 1967, re payment of expenses for Members of Council and Department Heads attending Con.ventions, etc., be accepted as amended . and the s:eal of the Corporation be attached Hereto". "Resolved that Clause 1 be amended to add the words "Plus registration and Clause 2 be amended to delete the word "registration". AMENDMENT ClillRIED • REPORT AS fi!'VlENDED Cll.RRIED Mayor Davis in the Chair Councillor Illingworth Presented a report of the Liaison Committee In accordance of minutes of Council dated 3rd April, 1967 1 )lOUr Committee met on Tues.lay, April 4, 1967, at 8:30P.M. to study arrangements ffor overtime, extra duties, etc. for Supervisory Staff. The following is submitted as an interim. report for.Councills consideration and further direction. Your Committee feels that in the past, various Committees have recommended changes. in Policy which effected Personnel under the control of that Committee, without tal.dng into: consideration & policy that would effect all Town Employees, and it is hoped that the Liaison Committee will be able to consider Policies that will effect all Town Employees equally, without interfering with the Control or Authority of Individual Committees .. Your C0mmittee Recmrnmencrs as follows: 1. Hourly rated Employees -That a 40 hour week he established for all hourly reted Employees, that time and a half be paid for all overtime worked over 40 hours per week• and that $5.00 per day be paid when personnel are detailed for stand-by Duty. ~~~~---·-···-·~~~~~~~·~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL COUNCIL( -5-April 11/67 LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT CONTINt.JI';D !"' a.. FOREMAN -That a Workman be designated as Foreman for each of the 'Jorks, Water Pollu••,;tion Control and Parks Departments' e.nd be paid as a Salaried Employee on an equal basis 1 These Foremen would be responsible to the ·rown Superintendent for the e:ffactive operation of. their Department' and on a rotation basis would be detailed as Duty Foreman to cover the \"Jeek-end Period. A Stand-By allowance of $6.00 per day to be paid to Duty Foreman, and if called out, time off in Lieu of Overtime be authorized at the discretion of the Town Superintendent. 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS -All Department Heads to be paid a salary Com;·~ensurate with their Duty, Responsibility, experience and ability" and such salary · is to include any allowance for Overtime or other additional payments, however, when a Town vehicle is not provided, a mileage allowance of $250.00 per year be authorized. Your Committee fu-rther recommends that the above reference items be discussed by respective Committee with Employees under their control and their Comments ~ Suggestions be forwarded to ~e Liaison Cowaittee for their further consideration so that a mutually agreeable policy may be evolved. ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS,, W: "Resolved that the Interim Report of the Liaison Committee dated April 10 1 1967, re study of VJorking Conditions be tabled for study and further direction. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT Cfu~RIED GOLF GLEN SUB. . .i I Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Special Committee In accordance with minutes of Council dated March 13, 1967, Your Special Committee met on TuesdErJI April 4, 1967 at 7:45P..M. All members were in attendance and a start was made to review all the correspondance dealing with the study. The Study will continue as quickly as possible and an Interim Report will be submitted in the near future• ~~~~~~.· -~·····.~--,~~---·······"-'• ., ... ~"~., .• ·············--··-···· ' !·,-· 1 '(· SPECIJ:..L CDUNCIL -6-April 11/67 ILLINGVJORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the report of the Special Com.~:~ittee, . dated lipJ;":U.'ll,. 1967 re Golf Glen Subdivision be accepted," CJ:,JiEUED Mayor Davis requested permission to introduce an item of new business ADVERTISEMENT RE CLERK & DEPUTY CLERK ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the Mayor be permitted DAVIS, W: to introduce an i te•;~ of new business. WILLIAi\I.ISON; BUCK; Cik'i:CCIED "Resolved that an advertisement be placed for a Clerk and a Deputy Clerk1 Cf.R:1IED The resolution is to be implemented by the Liaison Committee and the Clerk. LIAISON COMM. REPORT OF MARCH 13,67 PART 2 ADJOURNMENT WILLIA.t'\1SON::. "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned. TRENT: ILLINGc'!O.RTH: DAVIS, W: DAVIS, 'if: WILLif•lilSON: DEFEATED "Resolved that Part 2 of the Liaison Committee Report of I:.4arch 13, be brought forward for discussion •. .CAll:l."t lED "Resolved that Part 2 of the Liaison Committee report be accepted" C!:R'HED WILLif.i\,1SON: "Resolved that the meeting be ILLINGWORTH:: adjourned •. " CfJG:'1IED '=-{ ~~\ LQ;(: ___ _ -----~~--~ ' MAYOR CLERK ----------·-·-~·--~-··-··---· ·····---·-------· ...... ~.-~.-~~-