MINUTES - Special Council - 19670313M"IMJTES OF lE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL llELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAi\!iBERS ON ilf.ONDAY,-HARCH 13, 1967 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT i!lAYOR ':tEEVE DE?UTY REEV~~ COUNCILLORS CORRESPONDENCE DONATION OF $300. FROM CA..J,JADIAN LEGION DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - AURORA ORCHARDS RETROACTIVE PAY RE AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT DELEGaTIONS AURORA RECREATION 1967 BUDGET PP<JGRESS REPORT RE AMBULANCE SERVICE ------------------ C. F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) J .. TIIDR1AY J. VliLL!AillSON BUCK, CO?.BETT, DAVIS, ILLING\!ORTH, MILLER , TRENT A letter from Branch 385, Royal Canadian Legion advising of the donation of $300. for the purchase of flags, etc. for the Co•llmuni ty Centre. ¥liLLIAI:lSON Resolved that the letter be CORBETT acknowledged with thanks cA.q.ttiED . A copy of a letter from Consolidated Building Corp. to the Aurora Planning Board re a draft plan of subdivision for Aurora Orchards This letter is for information only. A me;ao from the Solicitor advising that in his opinion all full time members of the Aurora Police Association on January 1, 1966 are entitled to receive retroactive pay, This matter is to be brought up under New Business •. ;,:tr. W. Dinsmore appeared as spokesman. for the Aurora Recreation Committee and presented the Committee's 1967 Budget to Council. ILLING"!ORTH "RESPLVEIJ.·that tlie 1$Ci Bul'l'~et-·be ·referred ·-to TRENT t.h~ '"Finaa'->~ Committee." · CP.RRIED I,:!r. Ray Twinney appeared on behalf of Newmarket Mabulance to make a progress report and to ask Aurora's representatives on County Council to support an application to have the service taken over by the County. ;,r1JRiU)" TRENT Resolved that the Finance Committee consider a $3000. subsidy to NeWlllarket Ambulance Service. CA.~RIED <--,:~- j '1 ! SPECIAL COUNCIL ' CONlrvliTTEE REPORTS REPORT RE INSPECTION OF CHIMNEYS & FIRE PLACES GOLF GLEN TERRACES LIAISON COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT '~· ',, :~, _;: .. · ... 2,.. MARCH 13, 1967.- Council recessed to inspect the new Ambulance A report of the Water Committee will be Presented at the next Council meeting. A report from the Building Inspector to the Planning Committee on chimmeys and fireplaces in Golf Glen Subdivision was read. eouncillor Illingworth presented a report of the Liaison Committee COUNCILLORS BUCK, DAVIS AND ILLING'JORTH MET AT 7,30 P.M. THURSDAY M.I\RCH 9 1 1967. MAYOR DAVIS AND COUNCILLOR CORBETT c7ERE IN ATTENDANCE,, 1. GENERAL TERl~\ OF REFERENCE AND ?OLICY Your committee reviewed the terms of Reference for the Committee as Authorized by Council as reported in the minutes dated 13 February, 1967. Prior to Detailed Discussion of Duties, responsibilities, Job Classifications, etc. of the various Departments,.-it was felt" ne~os.$s:.r·y ·for :::ouncil to consider and approve the lines' ofcommucication and the.responsibility of' the Department heads in reporting for their Department, insofar as the respective Committee and Council is concer0ned,.-Your Committee feels that in the past there has been no laid down policy and that this haa contributed to misunderstandings, and lack of efficienty in carrying out the policy as determined by Council, Your :::om.,·.i ttee feels that without restrict- ing the usefulness of the various standing and-special committees, that theirfunction should be primarily a fact finding body, responsible fo.r studying questions, projects and other items pertaining to their Respective committee indepth ;:::. · :::u·:mitting their findings and reco.mi1endations to Council to consider the findings and recommendationsof th) committee and determine a policy to be followed. Once the policy has been determined by Council, the policy is forwarded by the elerk's Office directly to the responsible Department Head for action as may be required. The Department Head will then be responsible for earring out Council's Directive will submit his report back to Council, thRough the Clerk's Office, as is the present system used by the Engineer and the Solicitor. Your Committee feels it.iiat in the past r some of the Directives from Council have been relayed to the Department Head through the ----·-----------· ---- ' ·~ ! SPECIAL COUNCIL LIAISON COMMITTEE INTERIM REPORT -3-MARCH 13, 1967. Respective Committee and as a result the Directive was not carried out according to the intent of Council, but as interpreted by the Committee. In addition, some reports from Department Heads are filtered by the Committee so that the report that reaches Council is a Committee report and not the report of the Department Head. Therefore your Committee feels that a policy should be determined by Council that would apply to all committees and all Department Heads. It should be clearly understood that this would not effect the normal day to day routine and Liaison between the committee and the Department Head, nor the actionrequired in the event of an emergency, when the possibly the committee must take action. However, such acfion should bE reported at a subseqmmt Council ~J!eeting £:,,: __ 0ouncil 1 s Policy would be determined as outlined above& Your committee recommends action be taken as follow effective immediately: (a) All items concerning policy due to be studied by respective committee and findings and recommeTcdations submitted to Council. (b) Council will determine policy and a directive will be issued through the Clerk's Office to' t:'ie responsible department -h8flcT prior to 12 o'clock of the day following Council Meeting. (c) The Department head will action directive as outlined and will submit his report to Council, through the Clerk 1 s Office. (d) The Council assumes its responsibility in determing the policy for the Town and that such policy be implemented as approved. 2. DIVISION OF DUTIES OF CLERK-TREASURER During the past year, it has been suggested and duscussed informally that conoideration should be given to the division of the duties of the Clerk-Treasurer, so that wach appointment would be responsible for the acts of duty required under his classification. Your committee reviewed the general prlilnciple of this c~.:;(;<3sti6n _and·~ «oncur that such action should be taken. Tt was felt. * ** ~with the Financial responsibilities and providing Council and its Boards and committees with Financi.~,l advise and guidance. * THAT WITH THE PROJECTED GROWTH OF THE TOWN, THE TREASURER'S OFFICE WOULD BE FULLY EMPLOYED ** -"~--------------- SPECIAL COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORTS -4- MARCH 13,1967 The Clerk's O£fice would than be able to dovote its £ull time to the administration o£ the PAunicipality and providing the necessary action to assure that Council's Directives are carried out. Your Committee £eels hat with all due respect to our Deputy Clerk, a fully quali£ied Municipal Clerk is required , so that he would take ovep toe full responsibility of !he office with a minimum delay, A detailed study of the division of duties and the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer, Clerk, Deputy Clerk would be carried out for Council's considerqtion, if the following recommendation is approved in pri"ciple, Your committee recommends as follows: (a) That an advertisment be placed in the appropriate paper for an experienced Municipal Clerk to assume duties e.s soon as possible. (b) Following the appointment of the Clerk-Treasurer be divided and that William Johnson be appointed as, Treasurer, (c) That your committee prepare a duty analysis of the position of Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer and a job classification for each position in their respective of£ices and subr.Iit to Qouncil. 3. ANNUAL REPORTS Following the discussion in Council on March 6, 1967 regarding Departments Annual :1eports, your committee reviewed this subject and recommends "!he following: (a) All Department Heads are to prepare an Annual Report of the activities of their Departments during the past year and their recommendations for the coming year. (b) The annual report will be submitted by the Department head to Council, as arranged in the agenda. (c) Annual reports for all Departments are to be prepared £or the year 1967 and following ywar, Hlingwtrth Davis. \\'. iitesolved that this report be tabled copies bE distributed to all members of Council, and thereport brought forward for discussion at the next meeting oll! Council CAJ.'t'UED .J oi I I i L. ~-,~ -··· --- $!:1Eit:l:J:M4 C:l'lUNC'Ilt ~OLICE COMMITTEE RE CAB DRIVER 1 S LICENSE . -"MEE'riNG-HELD WITH AURORA POLICE ASSOCIATION . -· . ~ .. ~-~. - .... .. ·~'· REPLACING OF POLICE UNIFORMS -6-~Cl! :!.3,1967 Councillor Trent presented a report o£ the Police Committee That the application o£ D, Wood -Temperance St. £or Cab DirveF1 s License be approved. Councillor Trent Buck ;Resolved that the report of the Police Committee re Cab f···::.ver's License forD, Wood-Temperance St. be accept:ud." CARRIED Councillor·'I'rent presented a report..o£ the Police Committee We the Poli.ce col.lllllittee have met with the Aurora Police J,ssociatic bargaining committee on several occassions an~ as a result of these meet.ings the Poli.ce committee have come to a tentat±ve agreement with the Aurora Police Asso.ciation.. Ea-clr--member ·o-f---counr'....il. have a copy. of the lmro:ra .. .Po~ice M;socia:tion-. submission, a .copy-<lf the .Aurora.Po.li·. · Committee c·6-unter pr-oposal· and a copy-o.f .. onr·· . £inal .Dgreement with the Police· Association ... .as. well as a co-py ··o£ ·the. -present agreement with the Aurora.Police Department. The -· Polit<!'l. Committee reco.mend" that each member .. --· of council study the aforementioned -submissions .and if the council s.ee fit the _Polic.e Committee will give notiee uf mo1;-±on that the corporation of the Town of Aur.ora ent:er i '"to an agreement as laid down .in -our final negotiations dated Tundday, March 7 '· 1967. The.Committee further recomme:acl:that i£ Council in their wisdom do not see fit to accept the recomrJendations o£ our collective bargaining that the Council reject the . whole of the negotiations as bargained for between the Aurora Police Association and the ~Aurora Police Committee,, 'Trent Buck That the report of. the Police Con1:nittee d102ted 1 Merch 7, 1967 l"'e:-Wage and Work:i.ng Conditions be adopted• CARRIED ,••• _ .. c." Councillor Trent presented a report of the · Police Comillittee On the recommendation of Police Chief Langmano The Police Committee agree that the Police Chief be given permission to proceed with his program of replacing uni£orms at a total. cost, as estimated, $992 1 .85 and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. It was pointed out be the Chief o£ Police that this is a roatine matter. ~--,_ ·:·-.···· SPECIAL COUNCIL POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT'S ANNUAL REPORT POLICE TRAINING --···-· -·~ .... . ·-. . ··-. >. - .··---. ::-:-i.':r;s,. Trent Buck ~, o..6- )\--; .,; ~'i MARCH 13,1967 That the report of the Polic.e Committee re:-Replacing Uniforms be adopted and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee As each member of Council is in receipt of the /mrora Police Departments 1 annual report the committee would recommend the following items t> be actionwd by the Aurora Council in 1967. l. Page 5 1967 Propos:ed Traffic Safety Budget, The Committee feel that the &~ount of good derived by this contract with the future cttizens of Aurora is beyond a dollar and cents value. You·. can see by the report on page 4 under the title Tnaffic ·Safety 1 :·. " number of contacts 1aade by our law enfo,rcement officers. It was felt by the Committee that if one child was saved from injury or accident due to the visitation of a Police officer, the money spent in this program was well spent. Therefore the Police Committee recommend to the Council that a projector as specified, a screen, the Elmer Safety Program, the safety Materials. and films and the School safety patrol supplies and replacements. as outli.ned in the Annual report, on page 5 at a total cost of $861,53 be adopted.by the Council aa part of the expenditures for 1967. It should be pointed out at this time that certain items mentioned would be in the form of Capital expenditures such as the projector, screen and films and these items should appear on pagw 13 rather th~n on page 11, 2. Page 6, Police training, recommendations. It was agreed by the Committee after meeting with the Police Chief that crime today is .a highly organized body with-unlimited funds at their disposal to conduct organized ···criminal· acts,. The ·Committee agreed .that by educl!lting our' Poll.ce Force~e in abetter position to . .fight organi~ed crime ... in it 1 s · early .stages. We think .Coun.c;i.Lwill. a~­ that the rea:;;~:m .Aw-ora lmj.oys a rclatively ·crime free exsist;mce,. of a . .lllaj.or nature-, is due t.o. our Po.U.ce. Officers being capable . · of re<;ogJ1iZing events before the·-ev-ents are allowed to occur.· Therefore .. -t.he CoDI!llittee. recolillll€nd that the· education program._.as. · ·· · sat out on page six of the Annual Repo:rt l>e ··adopted. · · · ··- •. ·:· ·: . ' . ::~ ,, --:. ,J: ~ "• . --~----' .... •' -: _, ,• ~ -~-..<.--- '_ .• -.. v'.- "' lf·,/ ---_______ ::::: __ -----~':d:~-.:::..D&"-'-'-~~;,; . ,----------'-~--__ . ____ __:___:_:- I ' ~-.. -~~--~- SPECIAL COUNCIL 3. '.o· ;,':t',h'• ;{{'}j·f J,;;., -7-MARCH 13,1967 Page 6, STRENGTH OF FORCE AND PROIY10TIONS. The committee discussed this item with the Chief of Police. The Committee agreed there is merit in the idea of advancement. There is no doubt it is encouraging to the member& ofthe Aurora Police Department to see chance of advancement within he force. If Officers see nothing but a dead end in the police department, the Officers are no doubt te~~ted to look to other forces for a Posible opportunity of advancement, Further these recommendations as lE:id out would be in effect an acknowledg1;1ent of service well performed, Therefore the Committee recommena that the recommendations as set out by the Police Chief on page 6 of the Annual report re:-STRENGTH OF FORCE I;ND PROMOTIONS Be adopted, The Committee agreed they did not want a repetition of the method used t .. hire additional Officers last year, The Committee l0 jCO~ • .:ilch::'_s_ t::_:-,t: of the four ad5itional Officers to be hired for 1967 that one be hired as a By-laws enforcement officer oU,e as a First Class Constable ,<;.rd two as ~olice Cadets, 4, Page 6, ~~~ROVEMSNTS -POLICE BUILDING. Item (1) The Committee agrees with the Police Chief that the construction of cells is a must. At present the detention area is one large corm11on cell. 'fie are sure the Council can see the problem presented when there are mixed sex's detained in our jail. (2} The floor covering is worn our and must be replaced, (3) The Committee have made r ecowmendations concerning the outside steps at the Police Station amd agree the steps are a necessity. (4) The Committee recommend that prices be sought to repaint the three rooms mentioned. Therefore the Committee rec.omend to fue Council that the Property Committee obtain prices for the aforementioned ifems to be include in the Property budget for 1967. 5. Page 11, POLICE BUDGET. The Committee discussed the budget f'or operating _expens _,s with the Chief of Police and respectfully submit this budget to the Finance Committee to be part 9f the 1967 budget. As recommended by the Committee the item, "TRAFFIC _SllFETY $861, 53 should be changed to read $151,53 and the remaining $690,00 should be shown on page 13 for projector, screen and films. This would change the t c ',_al to read on page 11, $17 1 215,81. 6, Page 12. Gf,IJRIES. The C::;Hmittee discussed with the Chief of Police his salary for 1967 -----•~~~···-• ·--·c·~'~">''---·"-~-~-----~-=~-•·•-•·•·•--•~7-·~•--. - SPECIAL COUNCIL POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT 7. -8-MARCH 13,1967 and agreed that there should be a definite devision between his income and that of the members of the Aurora Police Force. Therefore he Committee recommend that the Chief of Police be paid at an annual salary of $8,500.00 plus $359.50 for statutary holidays plus a service pay of $208.00 for a total of $9,067.50. This would be for a1wo year period. The Committee respectfully submit this amount to be part of the 1967 budget. Page 13. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES. The Committee recommend that the items mentioned for the Safety Program be included under capital expenditures. (1) 16MM Bell & Howell Projector, Model 8399 with a retail list price of $730.00 Co§t ,tQ,.this Department, (tax not _;:~,eluded) ·: $520.00 Six Foo.t Knox Screen Safety Materials & Film Total 70.00 100.00 $690.00 The Committee further recim.uend that the items listed on pnge th±rteera of the Annual report be included in the 1967 budget. Trent Buck That the report of the Police Committee re:-Annual Police Department Report be discussed item by item and adopted. foMEJIIDIJJENT Trent Buck R<~sol ved that the report be tabled copies be distributed to eouncil, and the r~t be brought forward for discussion at a subsequent Council Meeting Jll~ENDli;1ENT CAr-ill BD '··---' -: i· ;r.; SPECIAL COUNCIL - 9 -MARCH 13,1967 UNFINISHED BUSINESS PLANNING REPORT OF MARCH 6 SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT OF MARCH 6 Jeputy Reeve Williamson referred to paragraph 3 of the Planning Committee report which was tabled at the meeting of March 6,1967 WILLIAMSON: MURRAY: "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee be accepted." AMENDMENT ILLINGWORTH: MILLER: "Resolved that the report be h~ld and officials of C. B.C. be iu'Vi'&.ed before Council so that it might be discussed ·with them." A RECORDED VOTE HAS TAKEN ON THE AMENDMENT YEA NAY MAYOR DAVIS X REEVE MURRAY X DEPUTY REEVE HILLIAMSON X COUNCILLOR BUCK X COUNCILLOR CORBETT X COUNCILLOR DAVIS X CO~TCILLOR ILLINGHORTH X COUNCILLOR MILLER X COUNCILLOR TRENT X THE AMENDMENT WAS DEFEATED. Arecorded vote was taken on the resolutin (N.B. THE final paragraph of the report should read "YOUR COMMITTEE RP.COMENDS THAT THIS BE APPROVED AND C. B.C. BE REQUESTED TO. REP ARE FINAL PLAI'JS OF THE SHOPPING PLAZA FOR CONSIDERATION." CARRIED. . MAYOR DAVIS REEVE MURRAY DEPUTY REEVE WILLIAMSON COUNCILLOR BUCK COUNCILLOR CORBETT COUNCILLOR DAVIS COUNCILLOR ILLINGHORTH COUNCILLOR MILLER COUNCILLOR TRENT RESOLUTION CARRIED. YEA X X X X X X NAY X X Councillor Illingworth referred to the report of the Special Committee which was tabled at the meeting of March 6,1967. ILLINGWORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the Report of the Special Commit~ee dated March 6,1967 re terms of reference for COMultant be accepted." CARRIF.:D. . i SPECIAL COUNCIL NEW BUSINESS NOTICE OF MOTION NEW BUSINESS COUNCIL'S LIAISON WITH AURORA ," HORSE SHOW ~_, ·''"!'c. ~., J , ' ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: AMENDMENT 10 -- MARCH 13 ,1967 "Resolved that the Mayor and/or Clerk be authorized to refer all correspondence dealing with a specific topic to the_ Standing Committee aet up for such topic, and maintain a register with date of referral and if the standing Committee does not action and report to Council, within a reasonable time ( 2 weeks) the Clerk is to present the correspondence to council during Correspondence. Be it further resolved that the Clerk present the ~emainder of the correspondence, or unactioned correspondence, by merely stating the writer and a brief summary of the contencts , so that Council may decide if the ~~ter is to be read or referred to Committe, or other action as may be required. Be it further resolved that copies of all correspond- ence be forwarded to all members of Council for information purposes and that this method, when approved be implemented for a trial period of three months and then ee-assessed." TRENT: DAVIS: W: CARRIED "Whereas a memo has been received from Thomas B. McPherson citing a case '·'here the plaintiff was awrded back pay in a case MacKey et al v. The City of London et al. AND WHEREAS a request for back pay has been received from David Knowles for a sum of Approximately $501.00 • Therefore be it resolved that Mr. D.Knowles be given his back p~v and the seal of the Corporation be tacched heretol" WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this motion be amended to include the two dispatchers involved." ILLINGWORTH: MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Mayor Davis aavised that pursuant to a Show he is nam.ing the Chairman of the Liaison with the Horse Show. report of the Aurora Horse Parks Committee as Council's -~ '-·-'-' -:·-----~~ SPECIAL COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM ASSOCIATION OF MAYORS & REEVES BY-LAWS: BY-LAW fl 1724-66 ....11 March 13,1967 Councillor Trent referred to correspondence received from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves. TRENT: ILLINGWORTH: ILLINGWROTH: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that these letters be referred to the Finance Committee." CARRIED "Resolved that the Town provide coffee, and the Mayor or his representative present flowers on behalf of the Town to Miss Vivian Wilcox, at the Portraits of the Past Fashion Show on April 5th. " CARRIED Council in Committee of the lfuole, Councillor Miller in the Chair MURRAY: ILLINGWORTH: BUCK: DAVIS, W: ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: WILLIAMSON: CORBETT: "Resolved that Clauses 1,2,3,4, and 6 be taken as read. " CARRIED. "Resolved that the two Council members be designated by the Mayor." CARRIED "Resolved that E. Lasseline be approved at the Chamber of Commerce representative." CARRIED. "Resolved that the names of G. Gilbert, R. Buchanan, D. Blanchard, D. Bowerman, and M. Henry be inserted in that order in the remaining blanks." CARRIED Mayor Davis designated Reeve Murray and Councillor Illingworth as Council's representative. CARRIED. SECOND READING CARRIED. SPECIAL COUNCIL BY::.LAHS CONTINUED BY-LAH # 1724-66 ADJOURNMENT 'I'he meeting then adjourned. 12 ILLINGVIORTH: BUCK: HILLIAMSON: MURRAY: March 13,1967 "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time. CARRIED "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read. · CARRIED. THIRD READING CARRIED. HILLIAMSON: "That the meeting be adjourned." CORBETT: CARRIED -~-'-~~ MAYOR ------------------ :;;?') A~~ CLERK ------~