MINUTES - Special Council - 19670529I r '~- .. ' .. -; • ;·. MINUTES OF A. SPECIAL JlilE'!ifiNG OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CJ:IAi\iBERS ON i';IQNDAY, MAY 29 1 1967 AT 8:00 P.M. . ------------------------- PRESENT MAYOR c. F. DAVIS REEVE J. MURRAY DEPUTY REEVE J. WILLIAMSON COUNCILLORS BUCK, DAVIS, ILLINGWOR'ffif r/liLLER AND TRENT. Mayor Davis stated this was a Special Meeting of Council and outlined the agenda. The .. Mayor then introduced l'itr. Cameron Duncan, Deputy Clerk. Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Liaison Committee. Further to your Committee report of May 1 1 1967 1 regarding the Deputy Clerk, your committee is pleased to report that Mr~ Cameron Duncan has accepted our offer of employment effective May 29 1 1967. Mr. Duncan has had considerable experience with the borough of North York, and in addition to this experience will undertake the Municipal Clerk's course as required, under the terms of employment. Mr. Duncan will serve a probationary period of 6 months at a salary of $5800.00with a review at the eftdof the 6 months probationary period, · Your committee was very impreased with the high standard of all applicant interviewed. · It is interesting to· nate that Mr. Duncan is a resident of the Town of Aurora. ILLINGWORTH: BUCK: 'Resolved that the report of the Liaison Committee re Deputy Clerk, dated May 29 1 1967, be accepted and the necessary appointed By-Law to be prepared. CARRIED A letter from Mrs.·c •. E. Taylor, 46 Kennedy :r.ms. c. E. TAYLOR Street, West, enquiring if Council is: interested in purchasing a lot owned by her for parking cars by people using .the Swimming Pool. ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved thi·s letter be referred to the TRENT: Parks Committee for study and report. CARRIED ' r ! --. ·-~ I. i ' SPECIAL MEETING -2-MAY 29, 1967. WATER AND SEWER SERVICE A memorandum from J. D. Reid, Town Engineer re- location of Wate:e and Sewer Service to the Senior Public School Site, Wellington Street, West. MURRAY: 'Resolved that this letter be reteered to Deputy- ILLINGWORTH: Reeve Williamson to take to the Public School Board Meeting. ROAD IMPROVE- }AENT ILLINGWORm: W .. DAVIS: LARMONT STREET MURRAY: TRENT: A memorandum from J. D. Reid, Town Engineer, re 1967 Road Improvements: (1) Algonquin Cr.es. (1,577 lin. ft. in length) estimated cost of paving $22 1 500.00 1 Resol~d that this item be referred back to, the Town Enginee~and that he prepare a further report~ outlining an estimated cosx to include the construction of storm sewers and curbs. Further that this report be submitted for Council's attention on Monday, June 5, 1967. (2) Larmomt Street from Wellington to Metcalfe Street, estimated cost of maintenance work $1,5oo.oo. 'Resolved that item number two maintenance road program on Larmont Street from Wellingto~ to Metcalfe Street -at an estimated cost of $1 1 500.00 be approved. A letter from Western Assurance Company advising that in their opinion the Town is not responsible for damageS: caused by flooding in Town and is. therefore not covered by insurance. MILLER: 'Resolved that in view of the fact that only 1 CORBETT: claim has been received that the Town pay this and enter action, to sue them for amount of claim. Al'AENDMENT ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that this matter be referred to the WILLIAMSON: Solicitor for a legal opinion as to where we stand in this matter ! .' ~ .... _ .. ~ ·I I SPECIAL r..JEE1'ING -3-MAY 29 1 1967 RECORDED VOTE YEA NAY -- Mayor c. F. Davis x Reeve J. Murray x Deputy Reeve J. Williamson x Councillor E. Buck X W,. Davis x R •. Illingworth x P. Miller X w. Trent x CARRIED Letter f~ T. Manning, Solicitor for the Bodfish Estate. enclosing"deed re right of way over existing dftiveway. TRENT: MILLER: 'Resolved that this letter and deed be referred to the Solicitor for a report back at next Council Meeting. CARRIED A letter from J. M. Stitt of Kelner and Cooper requesting another meeting to discuss lots owned,by Verjam Limited. BUCK: MILLER: 'Resolved that Verjam Investments Limited be notified that smnce they already understand Council's require- ments concerning this matter, that a further meeting along any other line~ would be rafbndsnt. CAARlliD A letter from the Department of Highway advising Council that they have not the staff to undertake soils test in connection with the connecting link. BUCK: 'Resolved that this letter be referred·baek to ILLINGWORTH: J. D. Reid for furtherance. CARRIED A letter from A.uJ:>ora and District Minor Hockey Association, enclosing invoice in the anount of $989.00 for ice time. DAVIS, W: 'resolved that we approve this account for payment. ILLINGWORTH: C.fu"'t.'UED. ~~ !._ ·'"- SPECIAL MEETING -4-MAY 29• 1967 • Reeve Murray extended an invitation from County to Council to visit York Manor and Vivian forest this coming Friday. Reports of Committees Deputy Reeve Williamson advised he had attended the Annual meeting of c.o.R.D.A. and accepted a replica of Charter Membership on behalf of Town. Councillor Illin~vorth presented a report of the Parks Committee. Further to your Parks Committee Report of May 1, 1967, your Committee Chairman and Parks Foreman has held several meetings with representatives of various sporting Groups within the Town, and submit the following recommendations: 1. That the recommendations as contained in Mr~ Howard Heintzman letter be approved in principle (copy of Letter attached) and forwarded to Centennial Committee for final approval. 2. That the Estate of Mr. F. Powell to move the various back- stops in the amount of $1020•00 be approved and the cost shared between the Parks Committee and the Centennial Committee. In addition your Cpmmittee recommends the following. 3. That the Contractor responsible for the Community Centre Parking Lot be made to clean up the. Material etc. that was moved from the parking lot unto Fluery Park. 4. That arrangements be made to lay an undergrouncl plastic hose from the water Department to Fluery Park so that the flowers and trees area may be watered during the summer season. s. That the Town Engineer check the erosion at the Northwest corner of Fluery Park, caused by the run-off from Aurora Height Public School and submit recommendations. 6. That the washroom facilities in the Club House at McMahon Park be checked and repaired as soon as possible and prior to June 3, 1967. 7. That firm anrangements be made re the scheduling of event in Town Parks, It is thee request. or the recreation Commission that this be done through the Recreation Director. It is the opinion of your ~mmittee, that although the recreation Commission is the prime user and should receive priority, that other Town Organizations use the Parks md the scheduling should be the responsibility of the Parks Foreman. :r~~·~-,·-~'···-~~·~·---------------,,----· 'j \ " -, \ I : \; r SPECIAL MEETING -5-MAY 29• 1967. ILLINGWORTH: 'Resolved that the report of the Parks Committee re MILLER: several items dated May 29, 1967, be discussed item by item and accepted, ITEM 1. All agreed 2. Amended to add subject to the approval of the Centennial Committee, 3. All a&-eed 4, All agreed 5;, All agreed 6. All agreed 7. All agreed REPORT AS AiJlENDED C.ARRIED Councillor Illingworth ad~iae~that he had a report of the Liaison Committee to present, WILLUMSONc •Resolved that this report be held in abeyance ILLINGWORTHJ till a future meeting• CARRIED Councillor Trent presented a report of the Police Committee A meeting was held at lOtOO in the Councillors room at the Town Hall and the following recommendations were made by the Committee. The Committee recommend that 1 ilew Olympia Typewriter, Model SG3L 15" carriage' Pi•a Type Style be purchased at a price of $276,75 as set out in the Police Budget plus the Ontario Sales.Tax of $13.84 fo~ a total ot $290.59, Due to the tact that a certain type of typerwriter was requested the Committee could see no point in tendering tor this !tema. · The Police Committee have instructed the Chairman and the Police Chief to prepare tenders tor the purchase of a new cruiser to replace car #804 a$ set out in the Police budget. The tenders to be due twQ weeks after their submission to the various dealers. These tenderllli will be invitatianal and distributed to several dealers, The Police Committee have approved the acquisition of a Bell & Howell projector Mo~l #8399 at a coat of $57.5.00 and a glass bead screen, #300 series. on a tri pod at a cost of $60.00. These items were approved ny Council,., The Police Committee intend to submit tenders for a new desk as approved in the Police budget. TRENT: 'Resolved the report of the Police Committee dated, BUCK: May 27, 1967 re Various Items be accepted. CARRIED. ....• , I -~ . \;,_,.,_. SPECIAL MEETING -6-MAY 29, 1967. Councillor Buck presented a report of the Fire Committee l. PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT Subject to the Committee's Recommendations, two applications were received from qualified applicaets, D. Knowles and G. Burling. An election was held and l'Jlr. G. Burling was elected to be recommended to Council. PAr. Burling has twenty-seven years experience as a fire-fighter and if appointment by Council will take the Administrative course for Chiefs before the years end. 2. PAINTING OF TWO VEHICLES Invitational bids were extended and four bids were recieved. The lowest tender was that of Auto Collision Service of $426.00. The other Tenders were as per attached. 3. · FIRE BUDGET The Committee recommenas that the Fire Budget as per attached be adopted. BUCK: TRENT: 'Resolved that the repo~t of the Fire Committee dated, May 29, 1967 be accepted, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto •. CARRIED Councillor Buck advised that the Recreation Committee would like to know Councils wished re their budget. Mayor Davis advised that the Finance Co111111ittee would meet with the Recreation Committee. Councillor Buck advised Council that the Recreation Committee would request from the School Board due consideration in allowing certain usage of toilet ~acilitiea and room facilities during recreation activities and asked that a letter be sent to the School Board from this Council supporting this request. BUCK: 'Resolved that a letter be forwarded tlrom thi.s: Council · TRENT: to the School Board advising that Council whole heartedly supports~is request. WATER RESTRICTIONS ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: CAIDHED Reeve J\llurray advised Council that he had told the Police Chief ev"n though there is. a By-law in effect with regard to water restrictions not to enforce same as it is not necessary at this. time. Resolved that a letter be written to the Canadian National Railways and request a 30 daY extension since we are experiencing difficulty in obtaining prices to moVe. CARRIED ~--'·"'~--->-~~~~·~'"'-~··=·'"';.;~~·-·~:~"~~---'-'~·~~·-·--.:.-..--·--~~~- .. / ~-: SPECIAL MEETING -7-MAY 29, 1967. CENTENNIAL Mayor Davis advised that Council will have a float FLOAT in the Centennial Parade,as· requested the Council members dress. up for the occasion. RE FLOOD IN REGENCY .ACRES SALE OF FIRE WORKS BY. LAW #173~67' MILLER: BUCK: WILLIAMSON! ILLING110RTHs MILLERt TRENT; 1 Rasolved that the Works Department be authorized to install down pipes. and back-up valves in those homes affected in the south end subdivision,. to alleviate the flooding conditions, at a cost not to exceed $2,000,.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.. !Resolved that the sale of fireworks by the Merehant5 of Aurora be permitted during the week o:f June 12th. to June 17th,. and July lst,. 1967, inclusd.ve and the sale be allowed to persons 16 years of age and oveP 1 That leave be given to introduce a By•Law to authorize the entering into an agpeement with J.,. Dt Reid and A'llsociates Limited, Consulting Engineer .. and that the same be now read a first time• BUCK: TRENT& DAVIS. Ca WILLIAMSON! ILLINGWORTH: MURL'itll. y' WILLUMSONt BUCK: BYwLAW READ FIRST TIME CARRIED That the ay.law now before the Council b• read a seeond time and that the Couneil res:Olve itself into a committee of the whoie for. that purpose. The ae.ond reading being taken as read. That the By-law new before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpos:e. The third reading being taken as read. CARRIED -~-»~'•••• ;·o•--<~r~~~..--~<~-•·•~•·•.,·••·-~-~••••-·--- ~ i '--"~' ·; ' /#, !'- SPECI.IU.. MEETING -8-MAY 29, 1967. BY-LAW #1736-67 BY .. LA\f # l734w67 MILLERt BUCK: That leave be given to introduce a By-law to amend By-law number 1227. Being a By-law to. establish and main- tain a syatem for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse in the Town of .Aurora. and that the same be now read a first time. THE BY-LAW WAS READ FIRST Till/JE, TRENT: That the By-law now before the Council WILLIAiYlSON: be read a s.econd time and that the E'ouncil resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. CARRIED ILLINGWORTII: The second reading being taken as read. TRENT: CAR.1UED WILLIAl'llSON: That the By-law now before the Council TRENT: be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose. WILLIAlVJSON: The third reading being taken as read •. ILLINGWORTH: MILLER: BUCK: TRENT: DAVISt VI: !)AVIS, VV: :ELLING\\!"ORTH: CARRIED That leave be given to introduce a By-law to enter into an agree~ent with the Ontario Humane Society. and that the same be now read a first time~ B¥,;-LA\V ?lAS THEN REPJ) A FIRST TIME, That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee for that purpose. The second reading being taken as read. CAru"UED DAVIS,. W: That the By-law now before the Council be WILLik~SON: read a third time this day and that . Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended · for that purpose. ViiLLIP.l~SON: The third reading being taken as read. MILLER: CARRIED ---------·------------- SPECIAL MEETING -9 .. MAY 29, 1967 Councillor Illingworth intrcrduced Mr. Jack Moore a member of the Tourist and Convention Bureau. WILLIAMSON: 1 Resolved that: the meeting adjourn. ~~~ MAYOR CLERK ····~.,