MINUTES - Special Council - 19660822-~--,,, .. I l c. ' :o} >:. ':-;. '·,:.. ·::.. -'I- . MINUTE:S OF THE SnCHL :MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHL.l,lBEHS ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1966 • PRRSENT: T.llAYOR C,F; DAVIS (in the chair) REEVE S. G. :? /-.TRICK COUNCILLOHS CORBETT, DAVIS,. ILLINGWORTH, rtTURRLY, TRENT, ':HLLH"'II,ISON MAYOR DA.VIS called the meeting to order and explained that it had been called to carry on with business not completed at the ~ast regular Council meeting. COUNCILLOR J:YII!JIRRAY said that he noticed that e delegation was present, :CAURRAY: '!J, DAVIS: "Resolved that the delegation be heard," CARRIED. l'i:IR, PETER MILLBR as spokesman for the delegation presented the following brief: iMI!R. r~JA.YOR r.!E!ABI~S OF COUNCIL We, a representative group of the young people of the Town of Lmrora feel that as the town has no organized facilities for the youth of l'.urora, we wish at this time to propose to Council that room should be made available to the youth so th<,t they could or, anize themselves into a club or youth centre to provi~e the necessary facilities for themselves, such as Church Street 3chool, P.t the present moment we have a list of young people who are willing to join such an organization. '!Je feel that with a total teenage population of 1000 that this is a good representation of this group. Such a club or youth centre would be formed with the assistance of t:ite various clubs and interested parties perhaps including perhaps members of this council. 1 -----··--· SPECIAL -2 -AUGUST 22, 1966, BRIEF YOUTH OF AURORA CONTINUED ,, -·~-·j_~--·~· -·-~- We feel that it should consist of a regularly formed club of boys & girls with their own elected executive, and with responsible adults as advisers. The activities of this centre would include many sports including basketball, handball etc. and discussion groups e.g, municipal affairs, by-law structure, effective speaking and others as necessary, This organization could be self governed with controls set up by common consent 2nd agreement. :le f·eel gentlemen, that such a club could very well set em example for other COllMiUni ties to follo·,v, we feel that the support and assistance from the Council is a very necessary first step to show the residents of this community that the teenage population is a responsible group of citizens and credit to the town. SUBJl/.IJI:'fT:W BY {::tobert_]fliarma!l) ON BEBIALF OF TP.I3 .h.FFIXED SIGNLTUJ:J~S ON PETITION. He added that this brief was supported by over 339 signatures. He read a letter from IYlr. R.F. Orton, 80 Richardson Drive, in support of the petition. COUNCILLOR \HLLIPMSON asked what about young peoples groups in the churches. 1\IJR. MILLZR said that some of the young people belonged to these groups, but they did not provide the whole answer, and not all the young people could belong. COUNCILLO:i DAVIS said that he had '"Jet with iYlr. Miller, Mr. Harman and so;,Je of the teenagers and was most impressed. He felt that the teenagers he.d c: valid complaint and that we must do something for the young people. The biggest problem will be to find a location. He co:m:ilended the young people for taking the initiative and wanting to organize their own group, HSE'IJE :?ATRICK said the•.t he felt it was a very good idea, VJi th such a large group there would be e, demand for many different kinds of sport. He suggested that there is a building on ?(!ellington Street ~ast which might be available and that the group could afford it if their "'embers paid $1 per ;~onth each and get some outside support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~.-~ .. ~~·~· ...... . SPECIAL -3 -lWGUST 22 I 1966 BRIEF YOUTH OF kURORA CONTINUED MR. MILLER said that he had had a couple of meetings with the teenagers and was reelly impressed, They don't w~::nt anything given to them b11t sor;Je help on the location, COUNCILLOR ',!ii1LLHu1~SON asked if the Community Centre was not supposed to look after this need! MR. MILLER said the group had investigated the Community Centre but it is not the entire answer. JMJ,YOR DAVIS commended Mr. Miller and his group for their work with the teenagers. He named a Committee of three to ;;Jeet with representatives of the teenagers and report back to Council, WILLHMSON: PATRICK: "Resolved that a Committee composed of Councillor Murray, Councillor Corbett, and Councillor Davis meet with representatives of the teenagers and report to Council," CARlUED. MAYOR DAVIS read the report of the Engineer on Industry st. General: DZVELOPrvliENT OF INDUSTRY STR2:ET NORTH OF I!!ELLll\!GTON S'lrR'sET Council have. instructed that the general planning of this area be completed in order to accommodate potential Industry with specific infor;,1ation and lay-out as to the services available and the location of srufie. Com,,;ents and recommendations for using the existing road allowm:~ce off Centre Street are included in this Report, • SPECIAL - 4 - AUGUST 22, 1966 ENGINEERING REPORT RZ INDUSTRY STREET Arterial Roads to Service the 1;,rea: A main condition of the planning of roads in this area is that there must be continuity of Industry Street fro>.> the proposed annexed area to the south through to the north limits of Aurora. This is essential not only to accommodate the existing and potential Industry in the area but to offer a through designated truck route which will substantially relieve the hard pressed traffic facilities on Yonge Street. It would follow that the existing Industry Street road allowance be continued through to the north limits of Aurora (see attached sketch for the general arrangement). Sanitary Sewer Services: Several schemes are availeble for laying sanitary .. sewers to accommodate any Industry choosing to locate on the land owned by the lJiunicipali ty. However should Council accept the idea of a through truck route as proposed then it would follow that the underground services would be designed consistent with the generel road pattern. The existing Centre Street pumping station has sufficient capacity to acco;~1~11odate normal Industry in this area. 'lil'ater Services: The arrangement for water services would be the same as above. The static pressure in the area is some 60 to 70 pounds p.s.i. The present waterworks system can supply 50,000 to 100,000 gallons per day to this area without problem~>• Temporary l1ccess to J.Vlunicipally Owned Lands in the flrea: The existing road allowance off Centre Street could be used to service any part of the lJJunicipally owned land l'lnd all essential services such as water and sanitary smwer could be located on this road l'lllov:rance, however, this approach would satisfy immediate needs only and is not recommended • i SPECIAL - 5 - ~UGUST 22, 1966, ENGIN·:~illiNG t=t3PORT RE INDUSTRY STR!};Z'Jr Recommendations: 1. That an arterial str;oet and servicing plan be prepared using Industry Street as the base for an arterial street whid1 when constructed will be designated as a through truck route. 2, That this plan when approved by Council and the Planning Board be used as a base plan for sub- dividing the area. 3, That private lands in the area be required to conform to this base )lan when subdivisions or re-sub- divisions are considered. 4. That a brief be prepared for submission to the Department of ;~Iighways for possible subsidy c:Jn the proposed arterial street. Council may be essured that we will work closely with Mr. Jubb to satisfy all inquiries as to servicing any land in this are£!. All of the shove is respectfully submitted. J.:J. Reid. MAYOR DAVIS invited the Engineer to coillment on his report. ~llR. REID said that his report did not recommend "proceeding with the road im,,;ediately. In essence whet he ~vas trying to say was you should allow for the street in planning and any subdivision should be su:bject to requirements for the roads. COUNCILLOR TS:8NT asked what size main would be required. MR. REID replied he felt 6" -8" would be satisfactory, MLYOR DlWIS asked if an 8" lilain would be sufficient. JllliR. REID se.id he would have to qualify it by saying it would be enough for the area presently contemplaced. :... ___ ~ I SPECIAL - 6 - AUGUST 22, 1966. ENGINEERING REPORT RE INDUSTRY STREET CGUNCILLOB. 'HLLii'olilSON said the,t Planning Board and Council should have some effective instrument to show developers. MR. REID said he had not formally approached the Department of Highways but if you want any subsidy you should have an understanding with them that the road will serve their purpose by relieving traffic on Yonge st. REEVE PATRICK asked how much the road would cost if proceeded with. f~. REID said he would not like to guess, but it would cost a lot of money. COUNCILLOR ILLING'J'!ORTH said he hated to keep repeating but this has been going on since February, 1965. Since then it has bounced around between council and planning board and now it is back to council through the Engineer. Re thinks we should do something now. It was the recommendation of Planning Board that Industry St. be extended north, but council should see to it that it extends straight north. In our annexation brief to the OMB one strong point was the need to provide a by-pass route, He felt very strongly it is time Council took some action. ILLING'{JORTH: 'JJILLIAl!lSON: "Resolved that immediate action be taken to expropriate a right of way for Industry Street North north of the present Town owned land, COUNCilLOR DLVIS asked if we could be protected through county planning from having the road blocked off, RE:EVE PATRICK replied that County has no authority to restrict building. COUNCILLOR ILLINGYORTH said this is why he was so strongly in favour of Council taking action now. He said we should meet with ;;'hitchurch Twp. to secure their co- operation. . --··--·- i I SPECIAL - 7 -AUGUST 22, 1966. ENGINEERING RE!?ORT RE INDUSTRY STREET MJ.\YOR DJ:VIG asked the Solicitor what would be involved in expropriation. MR. MLCPHG!RSDN said the steps would be l. Obtain a survey of the area to be expropriated. 2. Pass a by-law expropriating the land 3. Pay into Court the maxi;,mm m.10unt 4. Register a vesting order 5. Build the road 6. Submit the price of the land to arbitration. COUNCILLOR DAVIS asked if the land could be expropriated now and the road built later. l\iliR, lvlLC?H~SON said the Town would ht!ve to prove the needs for the land. COUNCILLOR ILLINGJORTH said that we are not going to get industry until we have a street so we should complete the street, COUNCILLOR TRENT said we keep talking about preparing a road for .:m industry which is as obscure as to-morrow ".f!e have town owned lots south of /<'ellington but no one rushing to build on them, If there is an industry asking for these lands, how much a::-e they prepared to pay towards the cost of the road. "flhat will their assess~ent be. He is agreeable to planning for a future road, but he would rather h".ve the ;money until '· it is needed. COUNCILLOR MURRAY said he felt the 3ngineer had given the Council what they requested. He could not see going to the expense of expropriating the land and building the road now, but we should m2J&:e sure it is available when needed. COUNCILLOR j[LLING;l'ORTH asked the Secretary of the Industrial Commission for the reaction of potential purchasers when shown the land. SPECIAL -8-AUGUST 22, 1966. ENGINEERING REPORT RE INDUSTRY STREET MR. JUBB. said, he had to agree with Councillor Illingworth. When we tell industry that we will put the road in they want to see it and they want to know the size of the services. COUNCILLOR MURRAY said that the largest industry in Town located on unserviced land which was not then even in the Town and they accepted Council's word that thes:e things would be done. MAYOR DAVIS said that he had been out with industry and seen it happen himself. COUNCILLOR i!ILLIP.MSON said that he had seen the same thing in Municipal ~forld. COUNCILLOR DLVIS asked if we are talking only of the right:...of-way or of the lands to the east as well. COUNCILLOR ILLING!iORTH replied we wmuld have to expropriate whatever is required to protect our by- pass. REEVE ?.ll,TRICJK said that to really protest the by- pass we would h&ve to go through the Craddock farm and he.ve an agreement with Whitchurch Twp. TRENT: iPHrJRICK: MOTION DEFEATED. "Resolved that the Engineer's Route No. 2 be entered on the Official ?Ian so that future Planning Boards are aware of Council's wishes. COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH s&id there is no harm in the motion but it is not really necessary, since the road is already on the Plan. COUNCILLOR i\/IURRAY said it is necessary, since the Plan has not yet been adopted. Subdividers will now be aware of Council's intentions. CARR:J:i:!:D. r,. SPECIAL - 9 - AUGUST 22, 1966, RE I!IIDUSTRY S'I'RE!f!:T VliLLH.MSON: PLTRICK: "Resolved that the Engineer's report be received and accepted," CARUED, COUNCILLOR ILLING<:JQRTH referred to a brief presented on the Official ?lan and planning generally, ILLING~JORTH : MURRJ',Y: "Resolve that this Council meet with King and rJhitchurch at a date to be arranged by the Mayor for ad .. hoc discussion of a joint planning area." COUNCILLOR :MURRAY se:id he is only too willing to second the motion, as he had brought the matter up in 1960, CARRIED, COUNCILLOR. WILLiiu'VISON asked at what stage is the Police arbitration. CCUNCILLOR ILLING'!!O!;:TH said the hearing wilJL be held on Septe~.1ber 20. M!J',YOR DfNIS said that the question of wrho will present the brief of the Town would be discussed in Comr.littee. COUNCILLOR ILLING'NORTH rE!ised the subject of a resignetion from the Police force. ILLINGNORTH: WILLIA.i\IJSON: "Resolved that resignation of Constable Dave l~nowles be accepted as of August 26/66, 11 CARRIED. REEVE PATRICK said that it is costly to train a constable and now we lose them. There should be some explanation as to why, COUNCILLOR ILLINGVJORTH said thc.t Lurora insists on good constables. He said that we have lost some good men but we have gained others from the OPP and other municipalities, ·~----·~-----~--~---- SPECIAL -10 .. iHJGU3T 22, 1966, REEVE PLTRICK IN THE CH.In:R (''I lihn·W SYSTEi\ll & EXTENDED FRLNCHISE MAYOR DAVIS presented a report of the Striking Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following The Striking Committee met on Tuesday, .August 2, 1966 to appoint members to a Committee to study the ward system and extended franchise; The Committee therefore recommend that the following be appointed to such a ~~tonlmittee COUNCILLOR itl, ILLINGf.'ORTH COUNCILLOR D,J, MURRAY MR.. R. MODDLE MR, R, BASSETT MRS, BUCK MR, L. ·oSTICK and 2 members approved b:Y school board. as follows: IARS, CONNIE iorW.TTHE7JS ~J!H:. BERT TURNBULL DAVIS: Pli'JI'RICK: "Resolved that the report of the Striking Committee dated .August 3, 1966 re werd syste"' and extend- ed franchise, be accepted," COUNCILLOR ILLINGV!ORTH said the.t he had no objection to the four citizens listed, but that Hr. R.H. Buchanan had been instrumental in raising the petition and his nrune was left out. MkYOR D.li.VIS said that there still might be an opportunity to add Mr. Buchant::n's name, ~;>ince we have not had an answer from all those n2med, .tll\IJZNDi\~1ENT MURRAY: ILLING'i!ORTH: "Resolved that Mr. R,H. Buchanan be added to the Committee as em alternate," Al~4ENDTllENT CARRIED. R2SOL1JJTION J1S .. m··;JEND:~U Ci;J.~RIED. ·--·"·"·-... -=='"'· ··"··· SPECI.t,L -11 -AUGUST 22, 1966. ,.~E I ROSSWLLKS \ i '----~ COUNCILLOR TRENT presented a report of the Engineer on Crosswalks. He said that this report would indicate to Council that action is being tal<en, MEMORi"JIIDIJlVrl FROM J.D. Reid - \:Je beg to report that we did attend a meeting in the offices of the Toronto and York Roads Commission on Thursday, the 11 of fugust at 10:30 L,l\AI, Those in attendance were: Mr. J. Rettie -Chief Engineer, Toronto & York Roads Commission, l\1lr. T, F. Phippard -Town ""ngineer, Newmarket b~. J.D. Reid-Consulting Engineer, Aurora The purpose of the meeting was to prepare and establish reasGnable warrants for Council's consideration that wou:j.d be uniform for th'e whole of the area, We are listing hereunder the items discussed. These items will be consolidated in a further meeting and then a fcriilal report will be submitted to Council for con- sideration that would be uniform for the whole of the area. V!e are listing hereunder the items discussed. These items will be consolidnted in a further meeting and then a formal report will be submitted to Council for consideration, Sup.:gested General :?olicy with respect to Pedlestria,n Cross-Overs: 1. All cross overs must be r.1arked by pavement marking and signs. 2, Signs shall not be used at: (a) Signals. (b) Stop signs or yield signs (for crossings iJaralle.l to through streets). ' 3, At school crossings advance warning signs will be used in the normal fashion with standard pedestrian cross walk signs used at the crossing, RE CROSS-II'" ,,Ks SPECIAL -12 -kUGUST 22 1 1966, COUNCILLOR TRENT PRESENTED ENGINEER'S REPORT 4, The pedestrian crossing signs presently in use in the Town of Lurora are in the opinion of the Committee the lilost effective apparatus, 5, The location of cross-overs: (a) Other than in the centre.1 business district cross-overs Bxe to be placed at reasonable intervals having ree;ard to free flow of traffic. ][n no case shall they be closer than 700 ft. to another cross-walk or a traffic control signal. (b) Cross-overs shall be avoided adjzcent to curves, hills or other places with restricted safe distance. (c) Only one side of the intersection sha1l be marked, ~ The Committee did study a ,,lethod used by Metropolitan Toronto for establishing pedestrian cross-over warrants. The criteria used by I'~etropoliten Toronto in establishing these warrants is "how many pedestrian delays of over 40 seconds occur at an intersection during an 8 hour period11 • L copy of this type of wm·rant used by Metropol- itan Toronto is attached, VJe were of the opinion that t .. 1is type of werremt was much to severe for smeller i'Aunicipali ties. This item was; left in obeyance for further discussion, May we suggest that a copy of this report be made eveilal:Jle to the Chief of Police for his comments. Lll of the above is respectfully submitted, YoUr1'Nel:'y truly 1 J .:). REID SPECIAL 'lrRAFFIC LIGHTS POLLUTION' CONTROL CENTRE -13 -AUGUST 22, 1966 COUNCILLOR ILLINGlJORTH presented a report of the Engineer re Traffic Lights rAEMOR.I:.NDUDil from J.D. Reid Re New Traffic Light Installation, \'!ellington and Yonge Streets The delivery of tne new apparatus and poles has been Painfully slow, however, we are pleased to report that all cf the material vJill be on hand by the 1st of next week, We have supplied all the necessary information to !;lr. Copeland of the Aurora Hydro, Mr, Copeland 1 s crews will be installing the apparatus. The work will start as soon as all material is available, COUNCILLOH CORBETT presented a re~:lOrt of the Engineer re Pollution Control Centre 1/.!El'rlOE\:J,.NDUlili from J.D. Reid Re Field Tests, Pollution Control Centre \i!e are pleased to report thElt the field tests suggested by the O.V!,ri.C. and arranged by Dr. C.P. Fisher Elre now complete. This field test was carried out to determine the possible use of a contact stabilization method of treatment. There is approximately a 2 week delay in receiving the results for some of the tests, however, we hope to be in a position to discuss thoroughly with Council our interpretation of the results on the m:::>ating scheduled for the 31st of August at 8:00 !P,l\li, 'i!Je have had excellent co-operation from the o.w.R.C, lab facilities and hope that the results of the tests will indicate clearly the best possible course for the Municipality, RE BUS STOPS SPECIAL -14-AUGUST 22, 1966, COUNCILLOR WRil:AJl said that complaints had been received about the bus stops at Yonge and /!ellington Sts. Nothing had been done about these complaints and when Mr. Murray phoned the Chairman of the Police Committee .he was told to put it in writing In all his years on Council he had never found it necessary to write to a Councillor before. He pointed out that with the bus stops on the east side there is· no parking on Yonge St. from 1iiellington to north of the Dairy, and on the west side the stop is located so as to cut out parking in front of a business. He referred to By-Law 1670 which bars parking at designated bus-stops. ll:IE said that these two locations were not designated as bus stops by Council and were therefore illegal and he war~ted the;a rer.wved. COUNCILLOR ILLINGc!ORTH said the.t these were designated by Council ao; a result of a :?olice Committee l\'eport. He said that on the west side the stop was ,~oved because it was poorly located originally, but he felt that the stops should not be moved on the basis of one complaint. The stopo; were installed for a three month trial period and he felt they should be allowed to remain until this period is over in mid- December. 1\ruRJ'RAY: "Resolved that inasmuch as the two bus stops on Yonge north of vlellington weJ;'e not designated by Council the signs be removed. The lOlOtion failed for lack of a seconder. COUNCILLOR DiN IS said that he agreed with Councillor Murray to a degree. ae pointed out that there is quite a distance between stops at the south end but in the centre of Town there are two -a very short distance apart. ·. MlWOR DAVIS said he too was concerned with the stretch on Yonge St. on which parking is not permitted and felt it should be looked into, · ·-··· ! I i SPECIP.L BUS STOPS TENTS l\AURRAY DR, -15 -AUGUST 22, 1966 RE BUS STOPS CONTINUED COUNCILLOR ILLING','JORI'H said that Gray Coach Lines had done a survey and found a stop was not required at Dunning Ave. He would hope Council would go along with the three month trial. REEVE PATRICK said that the main hazard is at the Bus depot, and nothing has been done about it. COUNCILLOR TRENT said he had to agree Council did not approve of the two locations in question. TRENT: "Resolved that the Police Co;mnittee PATRICK: take a second look at the bus stops and report back to Council." CliRRIED, NEVi BUSINESS MAYOR DAVIS sdd that he had had complaints regard- ing the tents on Town property on Murray Drive and he asked for direction from Council. COUNCILLOR i\ruR'~AY said t;1at he was surprised that the Mayor as Chief Magistrate felt it necessary to ask for direction, The question is only whether or not it is contrary to our laws. COUNCILLOR ILLING::rDRTH said that to permit the tents to remain would be eatablishing a dangerous precedent in that anyone might feel entitled to set up tents anywhere on Town property. ILLING''J01RTH: Pf.'rRICK: "Resolved that a by-law be prepared stating that effective immediately tenting is not permitted on any Town property except in designated areas." SPECIAL -16 -AUGUST 22, 1966, NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED RE TEN'JJ.'S iYJU'RiRAY DR, TENTS MURRAY DR, NATIONAL SPOKE BIARD TO ALF FOSTER COUNCILLOR <'ILLHitiSON said that Council would be 1;aking the side of manage&Jent if the tents are ordered down. REEVE PATRICK said that no one should be allowed to pitch tents on Town property. iVJJ.,yor DAVIS said that if we set this precedent we might be setting off a chain of events which would be hard to control, COUNCILLOR DAVIS said that the strikers had asked for permission to set up these tents and were not told one way or the other, MJrl{OR DlWIS said the strikers were told th,t Council is adopting a position of neutrality. COUNCILLOR cHLLHJ1lSON said that Council saw fit to set up bus shelters to protect commuters but now are telling people they cannot have shelter while picketing COUNCILLOR U!URRAY said that Council is discussing this in the heat of dispute and if it was passed council will be taking sides, COUNCILLOR ILLING\'JORTH said that he would table his resolution pending receipt of legal advice, COUNCILLOR ILLING!JORTH introduced a resolution congratulating w~. Alf Foster of the Aurora Jaycees Once again a member of the Aurora Jaycees has dis- tinguished himself and brought honour to thi.s community and Aurora Jaycees. Mr • .!Uf Foster, President of District 8 of the Jaycees and past president of the Aurora Jaycees was recently awarded the Canada Jaycee National SPOKE award, for the best all round general knowledge of the organization and has contributed most to the community and his local unit, -~~-~--·--~---~-~~~-~·~--~--~~~~··~--. ~--~-·-··~-·,__,__,_ ____ ·-~----~·~-----·------~~---"-«>'-'-'......,'·~-~----·-~~--- SPECHL -17 -AUGUST 22, 1966 RESOLUTION RE t,LJF' FOSTER, J f1YCJ!!:ES CONTINU3D SPOKE M!iffi.D J,LF FOSTER ANTI- LOITERING BY-Lf,W fllthough Mr. Foster is a resident of a neighbouring community, it is .t.urora that has derived the benefits of his work and the credit of his award. ILLING:VORTH: PATRICK: "Resolved that a letter be forwarded to Mr. Foster congratulating him on his fine work on behalf of this cm;1muni ty. ClillRIED. MAYOR DAVIS said that he wished to speak on an incident which occurred Sunday night in the enforce- lilent of our anti-loitering by-law, when the police ordered a nu,:1ber of people, including his wife and a local merchant standing in.front of his place of business. COUNCILLOJR ILLINGHORTH said he felt that the intent of the by-law was misinterpreted. ILLINGWORTH: PATRICK: "Resolved that Chief Langman be invited a meeting of Council in Committee to discuss the intrepretation of this and other by-laws." REEVE Pi1TRICK said that he agreed it should be discussed. He felt t3e Police had overdone it and the by-law was not meant for decent people. COUNCILLOR WILLilllilSON said he f:alt it was a matter for the ;Police Committee, CO!UNCILLOH ILLINGUORTH said that he felt and this wc:.s the wish of the Chief also, thE,t a matter such 1'ls this should be discussed with all of Council. COUNCILLOR TRENT said there appeared to be an attitude in the Police Dept. and he felt we should take a good look at the Department. COUNCILLOR DLVIG took exception to the Reeve's remarks and said all the people of Aurora are decent people. CJ'\li:R IED • -~-•"';-c-'",'l'""'''·" • "'"'""-'·'•'''"-'•',-•"·.l:-<>.C:·'>"-'"'~G.?N,,_., .. -'•'•'•'•'•-, .,,,_·,~-·, ,.,,. --"-"~~-~~-~-..:....:~~.....;;, ..... o.._. ____ .;........,_~.·-··-·-'----'-'-'-.:.--.:.·-".:......-"'--'-"~~"~ ,...,..,..·-=·~~-.-~~"=--"~~~'~'-'"·'··--·~·-•--'--·.---"··--·-·-·----~·-~h"~-~-"'""""""'"'~ .... -----···----~--------- SPECihL -18 -l:cUGUST 22, 1966. i -I .f1Jt~i~l~TMENT S PRIVATE HOMES COUNCILLOR ILLINGN!OR'I'H presented a brief on apartments in private homes A recent article in the Toronto daily press states: "In the underground of surl:lurbia dwells a race of people that doesn't vote, pay taxes or officially exist, But they driru< water, read under electric lights, create garbage, drive on the streets and sent their~ children to school. These o.re the base- ment dwellers. To their landlords they mean the financial difference between keeping and losing a home. But to the neighbours their presence is often a source of irritation an irritation that is likely to be passed on to by-law enforcement officials." By-Law 1051 states in part: (a) "Dwelling, one family" shall mean a separate building containing one only dwelling unit" (b) No cellar of any building shall be used for living quarters (cellar as defined as having more than one half the distance between floor and ceiling below grade) For sometime now, it has been felt that .l'.urora has a hidden population, living in converted cellar rooms or apartments against the intent of By-law 1051, but no action has been taken to prove or take correctiye action. Our heavy elementary school population, approximately 25% of our total populdion is considerably above the provincial or national average for elementary schools and is costing the taxp~yers of Lurora approximately $285.32 less grant of 116.55 for a net 168,76 a child. While I have no objections to the children obtaining the best education that it is possible to CJtain, the costs such education should be fairly and equally assessed, If it should be proved that two or more farllili tes, with school children, are living in a residence assessed as a family dwelling, then the costs of such education are not being fairly and equally assessed. This would also apply to all the other services that are supplied and paid for by the taxpayers of Aurora, ·---··------.'·--··---· ..:..:.~.·---~..::-'-~---'--~.-.:. .•. :;..._·..:_.._ • ..c.o...;....,,~.;._~==-<>-="""-""'"'-~=="'~"==-=>««•~"'""''""''"~------~--- i ··gp; '.RTMENTS IN PRIVATE HOMES LOBA TJ',G DllY SPECIAL -19-AUGUST 22, 1966 ILI..INGWORTI"il BRIEF RE APARTMENT CONTINUED It is not my intent to start a witch punt or e crack down, because people must have somewhere to live. However, I do feel that a study should be made to see to what extent this hidden population is affecting the economy of Aurora. Based on the results of such study, the future course of action could be determined. In the meantime, it should be l:!rought to the attention of all citizens, that it is illegal to convert a cellar into living accommodation and th~'t single family dwellings ere to contain one only dwelling unit. Because we no longer have control over our assessment rolls, it is difficult to determine how best this study can be carried out. It is felt that possibly a meeting between our Town Clerl: and the County Assessment Commissioner may develope some ideas, or a meeting between our Town Clerk and the Administr- or of the Public School Board, who should be vitally interested in this problem. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the Town Clerk PATRICK: be authorized to meet with appropriate other parties as to how best this survey may be c~ried out and report back to this Council at the earliest possible date." CARRIED, MAYOR DAVIS read a letter from Queen Mapy LOBA No. 204 asking for peroission to hold a tag day on September 10. PATRICK: "Resolved that permission for this TRENT: tag day be granted." CARRIED. ,.__:~-.-~:..:...----·~~--'·._:,_~~.;_,:,;__.,~-;_~-· ----.:...-..:._-~;,...:._:_,_,;.:...:.:..:...:_.>,,,_.._.._..;,_.=~:ci~-.m::._.vw ~ « &4 h£><4MMk<m""-"'"'"'-~'='='="'''""~·---·~-•-'-~.:.-.•. ,_;.___;__,~-·-.. •··~--~-•~~--~~-- I I u ro ~----- SPECIAL -20 -AUGUST 22, 1966. COUNCILLOR DAVIS asked for a report on the Canine Control Officer. COUNCILLOR CORBETT reported that he had visited Mr. Brill at his new quarters. He hod promised that a phone would be installed by August 26. ·-PATRICK: TRENT: /l "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." CJ:RRIED. / J?:J~ I -,{'·· \ /,/ . ~.~~ . ..(? ~LERK-