MINUTES - Special Council - 19670424,,.-c, '" ... I I I , I I :i j_ : ·l I I ] I MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL OF THF; TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHA!'IlBERS ON MONDAY, APRlL 24th. 1967 AT' 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR RF;EVE DEPUTY REEVF; COUNCILLqRs C. F, DAVIS J. D. lillJR.RAY J.. ~HLLI.!l.MSON . BUCK, CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, TRENT. Mayor Davis explained this was e. special meeting of Council called for the purpose of presenting the 1967 budget if ready, and since it was not, Council will carry on with un:Bnished business. Police Commi tt. : . .; Report CAB DRIVER"S LICENSE Councillor Trent presented a Report of the Polic.e Committee That the application of Wayne T. Duckenfield, 10 Irwin Ave., Aurora, for Cab Driver 1 s License be approved;,' TRENT~ "Resolved that the report of the Polke BUCK: Committee re Cab Driver-~ License for W"'T .. Duckenfield, ~ accepted-." Cll.'ffiiED Planning Committee MEE'!'!!f? WITH VERJMA REPRESENT ... ATIVES. Reeve wrurray presented a Report of the Planning Committee On Friday April 21, the Planning Committee met with Representatives of Verjam The Following Persons were present. Reeve Murray, Councillors Corbett and w. Davis, Building Inspector A,E,Jubb, Town Engineer J,D.Reid Mr.J. Stitt, Solicitor, Mr.M. Pascoe, Engineer, Mr. R. Bionsten -Developer Reeve Murray acted as Chairman and Mr. J,D. Reid as Secretary. ( ____ -~~---~- __ ,_ , .. Special Council -2-April 24, 1967. "f.·:· p· TTTNG (" <"'\,;' ").~J <t".,-:77 ~-'-J. . ..L .• ...,v ''" -"·'~'•'-' ~:E~~u-:::T C 0 N::' INU O::D A General Discussion took place about the Plan of Subdivision and of t~e various Financial and Physical Conditions. The ~ollowing Points were brought out 1. Verjam would like very much to develope stage Two of Sunny- Brook Subdivision that is, if it can be done within reason. 2. The Town would also like to have the area cleaned up, but only if it were to be a self supporting development, and at no further cost to the Taxpayers of Aurora. 3. Before any further talks could continue a definite arrangQ- menthas to be established about the Finalizing and Payment of the Judgement against Sunnybrook in regard to Haida Dr. 4. Verjam thought thet $600.00 Capital Levy was too high. Tbe Committee r,~inted out that if Verjam thought they could get away with paying only $300. then the discussion might just as well stop right now. 5. In regard to equalized assessment the Committee stated that an average sale price should be agreed upon with the minimum sale price of any house set at $21,000. 6. A set of plans was given to the Town Engineer to see if gener'al requirements have been met• 7~ A copy of By-Law 1672-66 pertaining to subdivision requirements is tobe sent to Verjam for their study and opinions .• s. The Planning Committee _is to ill.eet with as many members of Council as is possible and find some indication as to just what will be the initial requirements. of the Council. MURRAY: WILLI.Ai\i!SON: PicRKS "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee, dated April 24, 1967, re Meeting with Verjam Representatives, be accepts-d. " CAR?IED Councillor Illingworth reported on two it~ms: 1. Regarding a Parks Comrui ttee Report dated April I, 1967 ~e>n.e·el'l">­ nf:ng the matter that park benches, picnic tables and other eqnipment maintained in the Parks should be the responsibility of the Parks Committee.thAtmeetin~ wl'thbthe 1 Recreation Committee left tfie general op1n1on , a 'tney wou d e p easea to oe re.nevea ot these matters. However their co,,.,nittee will delve into these . points more fully and advise their final answer concerning the whole pro ram in question. 2. On 'ednesday evening, April 26,1967, at 8.3G p.m. a general meeting will be held with all interested per-ties ~once::'ning Soccer, be.seboll e"'d other sport;> activities, in the r::&mmunity Centre .huditortum. ·· It is desireahle that as :a~y attend as possible El.nd su?Jsequently a report will 'Je : fo:ct!.o coming;. .·Li ------------------~--------------------------------------- I I rr.·· I ', "•: Special Council -3-April 24·, 1967 PLANNING BOARD REPORT CONTINUED POLICE LETTER FROM BA"RGAINING COMMITTEE AURORA POLIE ASSOC. CENTENNIAL YEAR DECORATIONS Councillor i'l• ~nt presented a letter from the Chairman, Bargining Committee, Aurora Police Association dated April 24, 1967 stipulating their intention to seek the remedy of Arbitration to resolve the differences in requests for a 1967 contract. The letter further pointed out that the Police Association have appointed one, r~. James Cook, 52 Beaucourt Rd. Hamilton as their nominee to the Board and that they would appreciate receiving the name of Councils 1 nominee in order that a hearing may be arran&ed as early as possible. ILLINGWORTH; "Resolved that the letter be accepted CORBETT: and that Council take proceedings to name a nominee to represent the Town during arbitration. DAVIS, C: MURRAY: TRENT: DAVIS,C: DEFEATED ·"Resolved that a meeting of Council be held in Committee of the Whole to review the Police Committee Report and ascertai~ if it is feasible to re-open negotiations with the Aurora Police Association. CARRIED "Resolved that a letter be forwarded by the Clerk to the Chairman of the Aurora Police Association outlining Councils 1 views concerning the re- opening of negotiations. CP.RRIED Councillor Illingworth brought forward a metter concerning eentennial Year decorations and stated the Town should take the initiative immediately to dress up the Town buildings. It was mentioned that l;".r. Bert Turnball was in charge of the supply of various decorative materials under the auspices of the Lions Club and some should be purchased with the decoration of the Town Hall and Victoria Hall given first priority. .. ' . .. '·--...... r- I I I I I Special Council ·-4-April 24, 1967 CENTENNIAL YEAR DECORATIONS ILLINGWOR1B.t· WILLIAMSON:· "Resolved that the Services: Committee o£ Council investigate the possilibity of obtaining appropriate bunting and other Centennial decorations with an en:deavour to have same on the Town Hall and Victoria Hall prior to Victoria Day. And further resolved that the committee contact ~~. Bert Turnball in regards to this matter and that a letter be forwarded to the Aurora Board of Trade presenting Councils·' enquiry concerning the decoration or business establishments. ORGANIZATIONS TO BE CONTACTED RE BREAKFAST ON HORSE SHOW DAY T.· DOUGLAS UNABLE TO ATTEND LIAISON COMM. TO INTERVIEW DEPT. HEADS RE SALARIES. CARRIED. Councillor Buck brought to Councils 1 attention the fact that during the day of the Aurora Horse Show many people arrive in Aurora as early as 6.00 A.M. and £ind no restaurants open. Councillor Buck to inv.estigate this situation and contact various Womans.• Organizations re preparation of an ear}y breakfast that day. Deputy-Reeve Williamson advised that Mr. Tommy Douglas was unable to attend ~}~ Aurora this year to assist in Centennial Celebrations and that another person should be approached. Council members to consider this matter and present suggested names at the next meeting of Council. Councillor Davis referred to the Budget meeting held on Saturday, April 22, 1967, when Town. Employees salaries were suggested referred to the Liaison and Personnel Committee of Council for furtherance with a view that said Committee would carry out interV;dews with Department Heads etc. and further that all employees should be advised of this forthcoming arrangement. No action taken on this matter ~,,_. ___ , i .1 SPECIAL COUNCIL -) -APRIL 24,1967 CENTRAL PURCHASING SYSTEM INVESTIGATION OF HOMES IN GOLF GLEN SUBDIVISION TOWN CRESTS POLICY OF HIRING STAFF OF COMMUNITY CENTRE AN1\TUAL POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT Councillor Illingworth reported concerning the matter of a' central purchasing system establishment for Aurora. ILLINGI-TORTH: BUCK: "Resolved that the Liaison Com.mi ttee study all aspects of a Central purchasing system for all Departments of the Municipality and include their findings and recommendations in their report of the organization and job classifications of the Clerk's Office." CARRIED. Councillor Buck brought forward the matter concerning the matter of conductin.; an investigat<i_?n -into certain construction , aspects of homes in Golf Glen Subdivision and when this item was to be finalized. Councillor Illingworth advised that due to an extremely heavy Council Council agenda especially due to pressure at budget setting time it had been impossible to bring to a conclusion; however subsequent to budget finalization • the matter would be brought forward. Reeve Murray enquired concerning the ordering of the Town Crests for blazers and the Clerk was directed to follow up this matter. policy Councillor Buck enquired about a definite _ " regarding the hiring of staff to operate the various concessions at the Aurora Community Centre Complex. It was explained that the new Board when appointed should establish a policy for next season. Councillor Trent advised that the Police Committee had tabled this Annual Police Department Report and that same was to be brought forward at a subsequent meeting. HILLIA.MSOU: MURRAY: "Resolved tha Council discuss the Police Committee Report excluding the matter of Salaries contained therein." CARRIED. I ~,- SPECIAL COUNCIL _6_ APRIL 24 . ,1967 Al'll'lUAL POLICE DEPARTME!fr REPORT As each member of Council is in receipt of the Aurora Police Department annual report the Committee would recommend the following items to be actioned by the Aurora Council in 1967. 1. PAGE 5 1967 PROPOSED TRAFFIC SAFETY BUDGET. The Committee feel that the amount of good derived by this contact with the ftuture citizens of Aurora is beyond a dollar and cents value. You can see by the report on page l~ under the title Safety Traffic Safety the number of contacts made by our law enforcement officers. It was felt by the Committee that if one child was saved from injury or accident due to the visitation of a Police Officer, the money spent in this program was well spent. Therefore the Police Committee recommend to the Council that a projector as specified, a screen, the Elmer Safety Progr~ the safety materials and films and the School safety patrol supplies and replacements as outlined in the Annual report , on page 5 at a total cost of $886.53 be adopted by the Council as part of the expenditures for 1967. It should be pointed out at this time that vertain items mentioned would be in the form of Capital expenditures such as the projector, screen f and films and these items should appear on page 13 rather than on page 11. Councillor Trent explaified that the amount for a screen and projector had now been revised to read $990.00. ITEM 1 ALL AGREED 2. PAGE 6, POLICE TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS.; . It was agreed by the Committee after meeting ~ith the Police Chief that c~~medoday is ahighly organized body with unlimited fundJ at their disposal to conduct organized criminal acts. The Committee agreed that by educating our Police Force, the Police Force are in a better position to fight organized crime in it's early stages, We thin)t Council will agree - that the reason Aurora enjoys a relatively crime free existance, of a major nauture, is due to our Police Officers being capable of recognizing events before the events are allowed to occur. Therefore the Committee recommend that the education progam as set out on page 6 of the Annual report be adopted. ITEM 2 ALL AGREED 3. PAGE 6, STRENGTH OF FORCE A~ID PROMOTIONS The Committee discussed this item with the Chief of Police. The Committee agreed there is merit in the idea of advancement There is no doubt it is encourageing to the members of the A~ora Police Dept. to see change of advancement within the force. If Officers see nothing but a dead end :.1 in the Police Dept. the Officers are no doubt tempted to look to other forces for a possmble opportunity of advancement. Further these recommendations as laid out would be in effect an acknowledgement of service well performed. Therefore the Committee recommend that the recommendations as set out by the Police Cfuief on page 6 of the· Annual report re-Strength of Police Force and Promotions be adopted. The Committee agreed they did not want a repetition of the method used to hire additional officers last year. The committee recommends that of the Four additional Officer to be hired for 1967 that one be hired as a BY··laws enforcement officer, one as a First Class Constable and Two as Police Cadets. ITEM NO. # 3 ILLINGWORTH MURRAY: RESOLVED that section number 3 be amended in that "Council adTE!Ttiloe for two police constables to increase the strength of the police force and further that no promotions be allowed at this time." CARRIED. / SPECIAL COm<CIL . 7 APRIL 24,1967 AN~TUAL POLICE REPORT CONTI11JED 4. PAGE 6. IMPROVEMENTS -POLICE BUILDING . ITEM (1) The Committee agree with the Police Chief that the construction of cells is a must. At present the detention area is one large common cell. We are sure the Council can bee the problem presented when there are mixed sex's detained in our jail. (2). The floor covering is ;;ern out and must be replaced. (3) The Committee have made recommendations ooneering the outside steps at the Police Station and agree the steps are a necessity. (4) The Committee recommend that prices be sought to repaint the three rooms mentioned. Therefore the Committee recommend to the.Council that the Property Committee obtain prices for the aforementioned items to be included in the proper budget for 1967. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT "Resolved that section Number 4 be amended in that "no action be taken at this time concerning the cells at the Police Station." CARRHD. 5. PAGE 11 POLICE REPORT -The Committee discussed the budget for operating expenses with the Chief of Police and respectfully submit this budget to·. to the Finance Committee to be part of the 1967 Budget. As recommended by the Committee the item, Traffic Safety $861.53, should be changed to read $151.53 and the remaining $690.00 should be sho;m on page 13 for projector, screen and films. This would change the total to read on page 11,$17,215.81. 6. PAGE 12. SALARIES ITEM 6 TRENT: BUCK: MERGER OF POLICE FORCES Liaison and Personnel Committee of Council to meet and finalize the matter of salaries. "Resolved that the Police Committee Report as amended be adopted.'! CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth brought to Councils' attention a report concerning the merger of the Police Forces of two towns and three tmmshi ps. ;',-· ILLINGWORTH: MURHAY Resolved that a letter, be written to the municipalities· of.the Townships of King, "~itchurch, and East Gwillimbury, and the town of Newmarket to ascertain their interest in a joint study to investiF.ate the possibilities of joint liaison and co-operation of our Police Forces in the interest of a more efficient and economical operation." CARRIED. f•' I I "--"···- L __ Special Council -~ April 24, 1967 WARD SYSTEM REQUEST REPORT RE CROSSVJALK WELLINGTON W. FROM ENGINEER. CA\l"l.ING OUT OF' COUNCILS POLICIES Councillor Trent referred to the proposal in 1966 of a 'Nard System· for Aurora, and enquired regarding further action. No action taken at this time but mentioned it ~ay be brought ~orward this summer. Councillor Illingworth mentioned that no report had been received by Council concerning a meeting between the Town Engineer and the Toronto and York Roads Roads Engineers concern- ing the Crosswalk on Wellington Street West. The Towvn Engineer to be requested to submit a report regarding this matter, Councillor Buck enquired concerning who was responsible for instructing the Town Super- intendants not to cle~up the basements when damage occurred in th.e homes on Glas• Drive-, Regency Acres. The Liaf~ron.and Personnel Committee to report in the near future outlining a chain of command to e~eure an appropriate method of the carrying out of Council's policies. r-· ! I I ir ·----- .:j I Special Council NO PASSING TO CROSS ~ '.Vl'<LK SIGNS ORDERED PLP.CEMENT.- OF-PORTRHT OF H. LENNOX ~ ... :-,_ flpril 24, 1967 • Councillor Davis advised that no passing to crosswal.ks signs were on order. Councillor Illingworth broached the· subject of the placement of the .. portrait of ·n H. Let~n:ox presented by the City of Toronto. It was decided to place this portrait upstairs in the Town Hall for the present. · \HLLiiiMSON:. "Reso].ve that the Meeting aC!jourri.' The Ivleeting then Adjourned. ~.·~. MAYOR