MINUTES - Special Council - 19661114I I . j " ~-----,.,_ TdDTUTES OF TiiE SPECIAL rt!:j!:ETING OF COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHANJJ3ERS ON MONDAY, NOVE~IiBER 14, 1966 AT 3 :OC P.M. PRESENT : ACCOUNTS MAYOR 0. F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) REEVE S. G, PATRICK DEPUTY-REEVE R. SIMMONS COUNCILLORS CORBETT 1 DAVISj ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY -TRENT AND WILLIAMSON S IIV!IvlON S : PATRICK: "Resolved that the following acco'lol.nts be :9aid~ that the Wayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, Casey Construction Company Value of work completed to Oct, 31 1966 Certificate No. 4 Schneider & Stevens Inspection Fee on Work completed to Oct. 31~ 1966 CARRIED. $106.944.45 2,';16;-1±. $109, 460,79" CO:tlRESPONDENCE- A letter from Rt, Hon. L. B, Pearson, Prime Minister of 'Janaue confirm- ing acceptance of an i::.wi tat ion to attend a _musical evening in May. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the letter be reoeivgd a.Ed }JATRICK: that copies b_e sent to Mr, Illtyd Harris and the Cent ermial Cerami ttee. " CARRIED, Letters from Excel r,~etalcraft and Oak-Hart Manufacturing regarding difficulties in entering Yonge Street from cousins Drive,- ILLINGWORTH: WILLll\_MSON: ... -t.t .. , \ . . j ' ' "Resolved that copies of these letters be sent to the Department of Transport, referri~g to their _earlier survey and asking that a survey be carried out at DUnning Ave, to de-termine if a light could b.e inE)talled-there to serve the High School the :factories and the truck route," CARRIED • / f .. ;.·-L,_ I 1 _'" ___ , •' ''(' ·• -~ - ~ 1;/1-_-. -~~~----··---.. ·----····-··--··~~-A:..-~·,_,_' ---------.:<---~~-~--"'-•• L:;-_ ,ff'!. ~ ':i I c---1 SPlTJIAL MEETING - 2 - NOVEJVIBER 14, 19 66 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUJm A letter from :D/Iiss Helen Baycroft regarding c'lol.rbs at Yonge and Welling;.. ton Streets. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: "Resolved that the J.,etter be acknowledged and Miss Baycroft be advised that While council appreciates the problem nothing can be done to alleviate it," CARRIED, A memorandUJn from r,'tr, J, D, Reid regarding repairs required at the swjmming pool, 'NILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a copy of the report be CORBETT: referred to the Recreation Committee for the necessary action." CARRIED, A letter from the Department bf r~nicipal Affairs re By-Law 1701-66, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a copy of the letter be WILLI.Ali~SON: forwarded to the Committee of Ad~uci;;:J.ent," CARRIED, A letter fro;n .the County of York enclosing an exce;ipt from thei:c> By-law establishing jurisdiction over Wellington Street, Reeve Patrick is to request additional information on his nP-xt visit to the County, A letter from the County of York re rabies clinics in the County, WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the resoJ.,ution be endorsed," CORBETT: CARRIED• SIM]\I[ONS: "Resolved that a letter of thanks be serit to PATRICK: 11/lrs, Reaib for her assistance iri obtaining clerical volunteers," CARRIED; ·;,;_:::y\\ r-~ ,-" ' )1 •\ "" ...... \ . ·" (. 1 -~--___._________· .. 1 I • . II: .. SPECIAL MEETING - 3 - NOVEMBER 14; 1966 C0]\1[[\UTTEE REPORTS REEVE PATRICK IN THE CHAIR Mayor Davis presented a report of the Liaison Committee : The Liaison Committee Met on Tuesday, November s, 1966 to discuss several personnel matters, The Committee recommends as follows: 1. In view of the settlement reached with the Aurora Police Department whereby The Town of Aurora will pay 50% of the cost of hospitalization and P.S,I. the committee recommends that retroactive to January 1,. 1966, the Town pay for all employeeld 50% of premium to the Ontario Hospital Service Commission and that the Town's share of the cost of P,S.I. premiums be brought up to 50% the cost of these benefits being approximately $1,400~ 00. 2, K. D. Gosbee having completed a probationary period of six months as Deputy Clerk and having proved satisfactory, the Committee recommends that his appointment to the permanent staff be conf'irmed, DAVIS: "Resolved that the repo::.·t of the Liaison ILLINGWORTH: Committee, dated November 14, 1966, be accepted, and the seal of the Corpo:::·ation be attached hereto." CARRIED. Mayor Davis presented a report of Council in Committee : Council in Committee met with representatives of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Trade to discuss means of attracting industry to Aurora, The Committee recommends as follows: 1. That we recommend to the 1967 Council that the Indus~ trial Commii;tee inclUde one.member nominated by the Board of Trade Industrial Committee. 2. That as soon after the appointment in 1967, as possible., the Industrial Committee meet with the Boara of Trade Industrial Committee and Council representa- tives of the Department of Economics and Development • --·! -,\ _;.\. -·. '· ., ~ ~-( , ~ ... " ,... ":._ .-., •:>' \ .. ..) ":, '"~ ... -... "'. 1; .1,: ~--....'· ~:...,.'"" ... ! I 'i i i ' ' I '-->--' SPECIAL MEETING 4 -NOVEMBER 14, · 1966 COlVIIVIITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED DAVIS: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that the report of Oo-..ncil in Committee, dated November 14 1 1966, re meeting with Board of Trade be accepted, 11 AMENDMENT DAVIS: "Resolved that the report be amended to Community Centre Committee ILLINGWORTH: incl-..de Council in the meeting with the Department of Economics and Development." AlVIENDli'IENT CARRIED Report as amended carried, Mayor Davis presented a report of the Community Centre Committee, The Committee reviewed the alternative methods of provid- ing hydro service to the Community Centre, The Committee recommends that the hydro line run under- ground across .the parking lot at an approximate cost of $2,120., and that the Engineer be authorized to investigate the desirability of installing a meter in the bUilding, DAVIS: "RC.sol ved that the report of the Community ILLINGWORTH: Centre Committee re Hydro Service, dated November 14, 1966, be accepted, and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto," CARRIED, WillYOR DAVIS IN THE OHAIR Police Committee Councillor Illingworth presented a report .of the Police Committee, On Thursday 1 November 10, 1966, Councillors Illingworth, Williamson and Corbett, met with Mr. A, Miller, Principal, Mr. E, J1'veleigh, Chairman Property Committee, Chief of Police, Fire Chief and Councillor Davis of Fire Committee, to discuss the short and long range parking problem in the vicinity of the High School, Mayor c. Davis was in attendance, ::./.' i . . ~n•\-----~~· ., ,,,:...,.~~-~~--~~ .... _.1.-,.,-_....._,.._,l. ... .:..... r--~-------- ' SPECIAL lVIEETING ... 5 ... NOVEJIIIBER 14 1 -1966 COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Police Committee Continll.ed The general situation leading up to the present meetj_ng was reviewed by the chairman·, The representatj.ves of the school advised that consideration had been given to 0xtenu- ing the parking facilities, with the bUilding of the nuw addition and that parking should not be a problem in the long range view, Therefore, the discussion centered around the present situation, especially, as it applied to attendance at night s·chool, and special events at the school. It was the opinion of the Fire_ Chief and the Chief of Police - that a traffic safety and a fire hazard condition pre- vailed when parking was allowed on both sides Of the street, Tho representatives of the s~hool advised that they would discuss the matter with the Construction Company, j.n an effort to recover the old parking lot 13ond improve parking conditions as close as possible to that prior to construction and also encourqge students and staff to make alternate arrangements, regarding tram;por- tation arrangements, The rep-resentatives, requested some advance warning regarding changes in parking regulativns so that students and staff may be advised. Your Committee recommends as follows : (a) (b) (c) (d) That the High School make arrangements with the Co.nstruction Company as outlined, That the tape on the NO PARKING signs on Dur.ning Ave. be removed at 800 hours Monday, November 21, 1966, and normal NO PARKING restrictions to apply after that time, That copies of this report, when approved be passed to the High School, Police Department and Fire Department so that all concerned may be advised, The co-operation of representatives of the school,. Police and Fire Departments is appreciated, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the repO"rt of i;:he Police WILLIAl\!SON: Committee re parking -vicinity of High School, dated November 14, 1966 be accepted." CARRIED •. ~. • • ~ 4 ·.,: . -,....:~-·-·-· _· -•'--'.~ I· "' ~t ' '' ~.-.-....:.l..--·A • ·~· --·----------~--- SPECIAL MEETING -6 -NOVENIBER U; 1966 COJ\Iil'IIITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Police Committee Co1.l.ncillor Illingworth presented a report oi' thB ::?o.,_ice Committee. The Police Committee met on Thursday, November 10, 1966 to consider a wage schedUle for relief dispatchers. This position is.not considered as part of the agreement with the Police .Association, bUt is an important position, especially to ·cover periods of illness ario. 7acation, Your Committee recommends as follows : (a) (b ) That effective November 1, l966 the schedule of pay for relief dispatchers be set at : (1) iP-.25 per hour for hours worked for lst 6 months of duty. ( 2) ~~1. 50 per hour for hours worked after 6 month.o of service. That l.VJr. R. Macintyre be classified as a relief Dispatcher' with more than 6 months service-. ILLINGWORT"J:f: "Resolved that the report of the PoJ.ice WILLIAIISON: Committee, dated. November 14 1 1966,_ re Police Dispatchers be accepted and tho seal of the Corporation be attached hereto," CARRIED. It was reported that there will be a Commi tteo of Adjustment he~.ring re Lot 22 1. Plan 9 on November 23, 1966. A progress report we.s made verbally on behalf of the Airport Commjttee, Airports have been visited at Kitchener and St,. Catherines and a visit is scheduled to Oshawa, after which a detailed report will be "presented. Planning Committee Councillor Williamson presented a report of the Planning Committee. councillor Williamson, Councillor Illingworth 'and CourJ.cillllr Davis met with l'itr', Lambert and Mr •. Riis, on Novembe:>:> 3rd, 1966, as directed by Council. '.\ ~ -•''<" -.~~ r "'--· •. .._.:~--.:. ..... ..J...!.....:......_. .. :.~~-_, -~ ~ --"~~!...~ ..... :~ _ ________,.. __ . ---'..-..c_.:_ _____ ~-- ' ·i ' SPECIAL l'irf!DsTING - 7 - NOVEl\'illER 14, 2.966 CO!Vll'IIITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Planning Co=ittec n~. Lambert advised that his draft plan for the old arena property consisted of 3 phases, (a) Co=e:vcial_w along Yonge Street (b) Motel/Hotel ... behind co=ercial development (c) Apartment complex Phase 1 and 2 would be developed first and in oimjunction with each other, Phase 3 the apartment complex, would be developed separately from Phase 1 and 2, In order thi:l.t the apartment complex could proceed, it would be necessary to pass a By-law for exemption from the height restrictions !l.S outlined in By-law #1051 and also obtain relief ~rom tho Co=ittoe of Adjustment re side yardsi ~. Lambert advised th~t he was attempting to purchasG certain adjacent property but without succ0ss is unable to arrive at mutually agreGe.ble price on property, Rnd requestGd any possible assistance from the Tov.n. Tv~. Lambert advised that as construction would not sta:ct until thG spring, the Tovvn could use the property, with- out charge,. for an outdoor skating rink, Your Co=ittee rGco=ends the following: (a) That Council approve in principle thG draft plan as outlined by l'llr, Lambert, so that h0 can proceed with ob·baining prospective tenants for tho co=ercial development, (b) That Mr, Lambert advise council and Co=ittee of Adjustment as to requ:j-rements for apartment complex, so that required action may be considered, (c) That a copy of this r~port, as approved by Council be forwarded to Mr·, Lambert, WILLIAMSON: "Reso],ved tha!t the report of the Planning ILLINGWORTH: Co=ittee, re meetj_ng Mr, Lambert, dated November 14, 1966, be approved as amended," AJ\IIENDJ\IIENT WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that Reco=endation (c) be deleted," ILLINGWORTH: CARRIED, Report as amended carried, . !.. _.~· . '·' ' •. .. -.. . ,_,. "--~-.. ,: .: ' • '' • .t ' ··~'-j.~i~.-., .. : .. . ••• • '.} 1 :t ,•, ,;, -"' _:....lo!.J.. .,.::;~-J __ ,},.\ " ~---~---.,~--·--·---- SPECIAL MEETING - 8 - NOVEIVIBER 14 1 l9G6 COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED Works Committee Coun~illor Trent presented a report of the Works Comn:Lt-~Ge, As a result of a letter from Mr. M, R. Er:nose.k::, Funct5onal Planning; Department of,Highways 1 asking for a resolUtion 13-nd/ or comments: The Works commi'ctee met to discuss certain aspec l;s of the above mentionec Work plan..; i It was agreed .· by the Committee that the Department of Highways ~hoUld consider a left turn lane arrangment at the entrance into St. Andrews College with lighting as at present, The Committee recommends as follows : "Be it resolved that the Town of Aurora agree with the work plans 178-65 and 248-65, Highway 11, Aurora to Brad- ford, District 6 Toronto as presented with the following recommendations to be considered That further study be given to a left turn lane at the entrance to St, Andrewts College and with lighting as at present," TRENT: "Resolved that the report of the Works Committee PATRICK: dated November 14, 1966 1 re plan 178-65 anl 248-65, .. Highway ll Aurora to :Bradford, be accepted," · CARRIED, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned." PATRICK: CARRIED, /? ~,:?;1~>" / /_ .. /) ~"')fi.~ft-v 1/ MAYun CLERK '•\'