MINUTES - Special Council - 19661024r·-r--<, '\·,· SP:E.'CIAL October 24, 1966 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF A tlRORA HELD IN THE C OllNC IL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY; OC TCBER 24 1. 1966 AT 8:00 PoM• PRESENT MAY.Cr. REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS -..:..----~--...;.---~ C, F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) So G, PATRICK R. SDIIMONS DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MliRRAY, TRENT, WILLIA2'130N Mayor Davis called the meeting to ordef. Before commencing the bUsiness of the meeting Mayor Davis made a presentation to Chief of Police w. J, Langman on behalf of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police of the Police Service Medal marking twenty years service on the force. BY-LAWS By-Le.w 1708-66 Repeal of By-Law 1439 DAVIS: "Reso"lved that leave oe given to introduce TRENT: a. By-law to repeal :By-law 1439 and that the same be now read e. first time." CARR!ED, TRENT: "Re.solved' that the By-law now before MURRAY: the Cou .. .>1cil be re.a.d a second time o.nd that the Council resolve itself into a. committee of the whole for that purpose .. " CARRIED. PATRICK: "Resolved the.t second reading be t!:'ken DAVIS : as read. " CARRIED, SECOND READING CARRIED. S!MMONS: ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: "Resolved that the By-law now before the Council be read a. third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No. 1468 be suspended for that pu-rpose,." "Resolved that third reading be taken e:s read," CARRIED, THIRD READING CARRIED, •• ~. ~~-------~~.~~-~----~~----------~~~-------------------~ "·-~ SPECIA:t. BY-LAWS CONTINUED By•Law 1709*66 Plant Diseases Act -la -Octdber 24, 1966 DAVIS: "Resolved that leave be given to introduce mURRAY: a By-law under the Ple.nt Diseases Act and that the same be now read e. first time." CARRIED. FIRST READING CARRIED. TRENT: "Resolved that the By-law now before ILLINGWOTH: the Council be read a second time e.nd that the cuuncil resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that :purpose." CARRIED. SECOND READING CARRIED. Councillor Davis suggested that the By-law be considered clause by clause. SI'OOI/!Jj :g:~~:.r,t.vr~> cmn:nuED :1y-law 1'709-66 ,, -2-Ootobcn• 24, 1966 GJ.auso l CARRIED. Clause 2 :, .ayo:;.• Davis asked whore tho name IIarold Van Dyke had com.o from. He had understood that tho'"'~\Jwn Supo::•intondcnt was to be appointed. Counc:illol• Trent recalled t11at : r. Van l1ykc had dono some work fen· the );own last yoa.r. Tho ToW-''! wanted someone with oxpcrienco to fill this post. ~~o !1ad appJ~oa.ched ', r. Van Dyke w:·w had indicatocl his willingness to accept the position. Roa.lizing :· j_•. Van Dyke's knowledge • 110 had :fol t his name was t:1o o:>:lc to submit. If Council disagrees it may bo c ::.a.::l;;;cd , Go'Ltacillol• Davis said that \'lG ~:fwuld have :: ·l·. Van :D-JlW • s acceptance itl. writing. · Oouncillor ; 'tl.!'ray suggested that appointing Li.·. Yen :Dyke night prevent him as an employee from. bidding on the job of removing t}lC tl•e:;,a, "'TT'.It·:• "O·,r, 11 R"'S01V"''' that t''" 'I'ov~n "'Un""int"n •I M-··.J .. t..< •• ·--·-·~·-). -~.. • v ;...;;u .......... ·-;r.-.,~-1J zv• ... ¥ - dent be named inspector and Harold Van DJke bo retained L1 an adviso:c·y capacity at no :;;•cnunoration." S:Ci10 motio'l failed for lack OJ:' a seconder. Councillor Illingworth said that often To'JI.'!l employees !U'O appointed to pcsi tions for which they c1o not have tho technical kaowlodgo. If we arc .going to ap:poi>lt &!:J. inspector n.e s;:lOV..lil 11avc tho qualifi- cations and he woUld suppo:t•t t:::o appoi.a.tm.ent of' : i•, \Tan Dyke. Council1o:r• Trent said that tl1is appointnent ro- prcEFJntod a stoP-gap for this ;yo!U• only. He would l'wpo that next year the I'arkskoopc:c• would be tll.blo to avail huaself of a course &1d obtain tho quali- fications. :.ayo1• Davis saic1 that the by-law should receive two readings only pending acceptance by i'.J:o. \Tan J)s·ke. CfS.AiJBE :C\'{D CARRIED. ·-· fll'ECIAL OOUNCIL BY-LAWS CONTINUED BY-LAW 1709-66 BY-LAW·# 1707-66 QUESTION ON MOVING PICTURES -3 -October 24,1966 Clause three CARRIED Clause four. CARRIED CLause Five CARRIED The Second reading was carried DAVIS:W: TREil!T: "That leave be given to intrdduce a By-law to authorize submitting the question of moving pictures theatrical performances, concerts or lectures on the Lord's Day to the Eleectors of the Municipality and that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED. The By-law was then read a first time. WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose. Councillor ~Mu~ray> said that he is concerned about placing Sunday movies and Sunday sports on separate ballots. He pointed out that one or the other question might lose, and he felt that it would be fair if they were both on one ballot so all might share equally, Councillor Illingworth disagreed. It is up to the people to indicate what they want. One may win and one lose,but this is up to the majority. He felt very strongly that the question should be on separate ballots. ILLINGWORTH: TRENT: "Resolved that the S'Pond reading be taken as read." CARRIED. Councillor Williamson said he had felt originally as Councillor Illingworth but after listening to the points presented by Councillor Murray he had to agree that one ballot was preferable. Reeve Patrick said that he agreed. Sports and movies ~.re both recreation and; should go on the same ballot. Mayor Davis pointed out that we have an opinion from the Department of Municipal Affairs that the question should go on separate ballots. The second reading was carried. ILLINGIVORTH: TRENT: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of By-la~r 1468 be suspended for that purpose. CARRIED. ---"-·--·~-- SPJ~CIAL - 4 - October 24, 1966 BY-LAWS CONTINUED By-law 1707-66 ''-• CORRESPONDENCE DAVIS: "Resolved that third reading be taken SHIIVIONS: as read," CARRIED. THIRD READING CARRIED. N"Jayor _Davis requested permission before proceeding-- with Q~finished business, to introduce some corres- pondence and a committee report, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that permission be granted," PATRICK: CARRIED, A letter from Mr. Illtyd Harris regarding an invitation to the Prime Minister of Canada to visit Aurora during Centen-~ial Year, CROSS-OVERS ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter go from PATRICK: Council to the Prime Minister renewing our invitation and that 1IT, Harris - be authorized to deliver the invita- t . 11 ~on, CARRIED. A letter from Toronto and York Roads Comniission re pedestrian cross- overs on Wellington Street, Councillor Williamson said that people; especially children, are using thewest cross-'over whether there are sidewalks or not, Councillor Illingworth agreed there are no sidewalks and suggested that this is because the County is going to widen the road, · We should find out if the by-law is legal. There is a need for cros.s..:.overs according to our safety officer, The highway engineer is not a trained safety officer, Ec valU~s the opinio~·of·n trained safety officer over that of the Engineer, Reeve Patrick pointed out the similarity between Wellington Street and Yonge Street, Toronto and York Roads control Wellington St, and Yorige St, is controlled by the Department of.Highways, We want to put a traffic light at Aurora Heights Drive but the Department of Highways won't let us, ( It" SPECIAL - 5 - October 24, 1966 CORRESPONDENCE OONTINUF.D CROSS.: OVERS Councillor Trent said that people are required ·to walk facing traffic since there are no sidewalks, but if the cross-over is erected at George st. they will be walking with their backs to traffic, Councillor Williamson said that even if there is no sidewalk there is a walkway, Cou_~qillor Illingworth said the letter referred to further study by a committee and asked what committee, He said that Aur0ra had e.sked to be represented on a committee but he could not recall the Striking Committee appointing anyone, Cou_~cillor Trent said that I/fr, Rettie had offered to provide levels to assist the Town in constructing sidewalks on Wellington West. Cou_~cillor Murray asked that the letter be dealt with clause by clause. Clause 1 ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that this clause be referred WILLIAl'IISON: to the solicitor for an opinion. 11 CARRIED, Clause 2 Councillor Trent said that tho by-law would need to be changed to conform with this. CARRIED, Clause 3 TRENT: "Resolved that Mr. Rettie be asked to provide levels and next year's Council be advised to consider establisM.ng a ;3ide- walk on the north side of Wellington StreGt west." J\1otion failed for lack of a seconder. Councill.or Murray said we have needed this sidewalk for some time, Letts put down a sidewalk, ~--------~·,->~•. ----·-----·'""·"==-:=;·,- SPECIAL - 6 - October 24, 1966 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED CROSS-OVERS ---··----·~ councillor Williamson said whether there is a sidewalk or not people are using the path and crossing the road. He is afraid someone could get killed. ILLINGWORTH: "Rosol ved that pe>,ragra],lh 3 be dis- WILLIA1v1SON: regarded and cross-overs be ereci:'ed as originally provided in the by-law passed by this Council and approved by Department of Transport. Councillor Trent said that we have already asked for a legal opinion on pa~agraph 1~ We should wait until we receive tho opinion. DEFEATED. TRENT: "Resolved that paragraph 3 be suomi ttec1 SHIMONS: to the Solibi tor for an opinion and report 'back to Council 'by Monday night." Amendment WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a copy of the letter ILLINGWORTH: be sent to Department of Transport for their opinion." Clause 4 - Clause 5 Ar!'1ENDrllliNT DEFEATED. MOTION CARRIFJJ. CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth said he would like clarifi- cation as to Who is on the Committee. The only meeting hold to his knowledge is one which was attended by our Engineer. Deputy-Reeve Simmons said that this is an internal committee of tho Toronto and York Roads Commission. CARRIED. SPECIAL - 7 - October 24, 1966 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED SIDEWALK ON WELLINGTON ST, A letter from Mr, Neil A, Cooper, 38 Collins Crose, rc a sidewalk on the north side of Wellington St, between Haida Drive and Yonge, c.ouncillor Illingworth said ll/rr. Cooper has a valid point, The shoulder may be wide enough to walk on but it would b8 most difficult, TRENT: "Resolved that tho Town Enginer;.r ILLINGWORTH: be requested to work with Mr, Rettie to obtain the cost of constructing a sidewalk and submit a report to be recommended to next year's Council." Councillor murray asked if this meant people would be forced to wait until next year for relief, Councillor Davis said ·i;hat the situation could be relieved by putting in a wooden bridge at the bottle-neck, We should be able to find the money for this at least and possibly the Works Department might be able to find some crushed stone and tar to establish a temporary walk, rr::tc:LIAI\1SON: "Resolved that the Works Department TRENT: be authorized to establish a level path and to erect a temporary bridge," CARRIED, AuroraHorticultural Society A letter from li/J:r< c. Adair re Aurora Horticultural Society, WILLIAI\1SON: "Resolved that tho letter be referred ILLINGWORTH: to'the Centennial and·Parks Committee," Traffic Light Installation Yonge and Wellington Sts '!.... CARRIED, A memo from J. D. Reid ro now traffic light installation, Yonge and Wellington Streets, Councillor Illingworth said he had no objection to the·~ork that is being done, but normal procedure would be to call or invite tenders for the work> He asked if this was done, •> ..... ·-·· c.._, .. SPECIAL - 8 - October 24, 1966 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED Councillor Trent said that construction firms are extremely busy at this time and we are fortunate that Wimpey were able to take on the job, The Town docs not have the qualified meet to do the joh and severa: others were contacted but wore not available, Councillor Illingworth said that possibly future ropo:;.•-cs could provide this information. Letter From Department of Highways A letter from the Department of Highways re a meetinG to receive the proposals for reconstruction of Highway 11, ILLINGWORTH: srrvrr.mNs: "Resolved that the J!,'ngineer aDd Workz Chairman be authorized to attend,• CARRIED. Deb,entures for Senior Public Schaal A letter from the Aurora Public School Board applying to the I,Junicipal- ity to issue debentures for construction of a Senior Public School. r!Iayor Davis said that all Councillors arc aware that this was not included in the forecast, There was an indication that a new school wa8 in the offing but it never came before Council, Tho figure mentioned then was $750,000 and we see now it is over $1 1 000 1 000, S II\ll\TONS : PATRICK: "Resolved that this letter be held unt.il the Consultative Report is presented to Council," Councillor Illingworth said he fol t this is a wise move, E•) euggostod that Council should meet with the Public School Board a·rJ.d the InJpoct01 after the report is received~ ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMS ON : --------------------· "Resolved that this Council J'leet with tho Public School Board and the In- spector in open Coun0il to find out reasons behind this application after the report is presented to County Council," CARRIED. SPJ,.:CIAL - 9 - October 24 1 1966 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED Fence at A'ilrora Heights Public School ··· A letter from the Auroa Public School :Board re the fonce at Aurcra Heights Public School. '-~···--' ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that we recommend to next year's Council that they pay 50% PATRICK: Amendme!:.t !'.'IURR.I\. Y: DAViS: of the cost of this fence as Roon as funds are availablG, "Resolved that the letter be referred to next year's Council. Alllli'NDME'NT D1"FEATED, MOTION CARRIED, ~st0]2S at Regency Acres School A letter from tho Aurora PUblic School Board ro backstops at Regency Acres School, Cou..ncillor Davis said this letter should have been referred to the Centennial Committee, Councillor Illingworth said that Council had never authorized the back- stops to be taken dov'""· The letter came in to Council and it shoUld be answered by Council, Councillor !vlurray said that tho backstops had boon removed with permission of the School Board when work was being clone on the park by the Centennial Co:·.nni ttee, The backstop will be rc-eroctod, DAVIS: PATRICK: "Resolved that the letter be acknowlec~ged and referred to tho Centennial Committe.~," ( CARRIED. Report on Yongc Street Connecting Link Reconstruction A preliminary report from J, D, Reid & Associates on Yonge Street Connecting Link reconstruction, Mayor Davis said this is a very detailed and lengthy report and he congratulated R~. Reid for the good job, ·~~~~~~~-----~-~--~~·------ SPECIAL COUNCIL -10 -October 24,1966 CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED WILLIANSON: "RESOLVED that the report be referred to the Works Committee DAIVS: for study and report back to Council." Co1mcillor Trent said that at the last Council meeting he had made some deregatory remarks about the Engineer and he was now forced to eat crow. The amount of work involved in this report is terrific, and it is no wonder Gurne+,t St. was waylaid. He hopes to have a report for Council within two weeks .. CARRIED. COMMITTEE REPORTS REEVE PATRICK IN THE CHAIR. Mayor Davis presented a report of Council in Committee: Council in Committee met on Thursday, October 20 ,11966 to discuss the report of the Police Committee on ne~ntiations with the Police Association. The Com.':li ttee recommends that an Agreement be entered into for the period January 1 1 '··'to December 31,1966 as follows: 1. SALARIES -That the following slary schedule shall apply: DESPATCHER D~:· . · .. TCB:EHS DESPATCHERS PROBATIONARY CONSTABLE THIRD CLASS CONSTABLE SECOND CLASS CONSTABLE FIRST CLASS CONSTABLE PATROL SERGEANT SERGEANT GRADE 3 GRADE 2 GRADE 1 @. PENSION-HOSPITALIZATION-P.S,T, $2,800. $3,000 i>3,300. x4,4oo. $5,200. $5,500. $5,800. $5,950. $6,100. That the· Town of Aurora pay half the cost of pensions, hospitalization, and P.S .. I. for all mempers of the Aurora Police Department. 3. COURT TIME That Court Time be paid at the rate of $6.\30 for an A.M. COURT, 1HTH WITNESS FEES TO BE RETAINED by the Officer. 4. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The Committee further recommends that all other terms and conditions of the 1966 Agreement remain as contained in the Agreement for 1964 and 1965. DAVIS:C. "Resolved that the report of the Council in Co!'1J'littee , dated October 21, ILLINGWORTH: 1966 re negotiations re police Committee be accepted and the Seal of th<e Corporation be attached hereto." S?EGIAL COUNCIL -lOA -October 24,1966 Mayor Davis said that we ha.ve been in the process all year 0f negotiati• · an Agreement with the Police until negotiations broke down and both sides agreed to g,-, to arbitration. A meeting was set up but the new arbitl!tation would not be finalized this year. The Police Co!llmittee was authorized to re-open negotiatirns , 'rhey did so and we arrived at a settlement. Councillor Illingworth said that it was unfortunate that it did not go to arbitration because he understani'.s the Police aren't happy and the tax-payer '-ron 't be. He congratulated the Police on the .ray in .rhich they carried out their duties during the long period of negotiation. CAlilRIED. MAYOR lD! :::;:s IN THE c· '.IR WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that a letter be sent to Norman Matthe;Ts advising him that due to delay in arbitration a settlement has been negotiated and his services are therefore no long required." CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth said that the salary of the Police Chief bas been held over pending arbitration results. !1e asked that· Council in Committee discuss it immedJ.ately. SPECIAL -11 -October 24, 1966 COiiJivJI'rT:eE REPORTS CONTINUJ~D Mayor Davis said thoro would be a meeting of Council in committee immediately following the Council meeting. SIMMONS: TR:"~NT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS - "Resolved that the Clerk b8 authorized to :prepare an application to Central mortgage and Housin,; Corporation for e. loan in the amoun"v of :~25, 000,00 to :provide the necessary nonies to extend the facilities of the sewage treatment :plant; it being understood that said loan will contain a forgiveness clause equal to 25% of two thirdn of the tote .. l loan," CARRIED. Councillor Williamson said that there arc no signs u:p at Centennial Park, and since he had introduced the motion to name it he felt h0 had tho right to re-o:pon the question, V!ILLIAl\IISON: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that Centcmnial Park b3 re-named Fleury Park and that a copy of a Fleury Plough be m0unted on a :pedestal with ar: ap:pro:pr::..ate plaqu.:: within the :park," CARRIED, Councillor Trent said that hG believed the Works Committee had recom~ mended increases for supervisory personnel at the time other Works eml)loyees had been granted increases, He asked that this be discc1ssod by Council in CommittoG, Councillor Illingworth said he had understood tho Board cf Trade was to be :present at tonight•s meeting, :Mayor Davis said he had been advised by the Board of Trade they wished to meet with council j_n Committee, Councillor Illingworth said the subject of industry involves the whole Town. If the Board wishes to discuss a specific site, they can meet with Council in Committee, but he will not attend a Committee of the Vfuole meeting, ·--~---~--~-----···-·--···---~--~-~--·---------~--,-----~-~---~-- SPECIAL -12 -October 24, 1966 UNJ:i'INISHED BUSINESS C OlifTIJTliED councillor Illingwor ch ::.s:~ed for a report on tho progress of tho · · Official Plan. \.___. Boeve Patrick roaiC: that 'jhO 1Jlan :to.s cost $50,000 since 1940, He donsn•t think WG will eve:;_" ge·b tho Plan through just by· havir;.g a consultant present i·G to the Dopa:c·i:;ment :>f Municipal Affairs, We :r;;.ust uroe othor channels, Councillor Illingworth said that the Plan must come before Council before it is presente:1 co the Department, The Plan sots the policy and thG zoning by-law is the legal machinery for implementing polic;r. Councillor Williamson sail': that the Consultant was to correlate the loose ends and bring the Plan before Council, Councillor Illingwort.''l referred to the minUtes of August 15 1 1966 regarding the r0port of tho Personnel and Liaison CommitteG and asked whore the By-law on employee salaries is, Councillor Williamson asked that the Striking Committee appo::.nt tho tw) rGprGsentatives to Central C.ntario Regional DovGlopmont Commission, Councillor Iliingworth refGrred to minutes of Council of August 15 ,. l:'Go page 20 ·and asked that if the two additional members ha>re b0en appo:~.n·oor~ to the Airport Committee, Mayor Davis said that this matt0r had boon left to tho Committee, Councillor llltngwc:J:>th referred to minutGs of·Council of April 29, 1966 re a joint commi ttoe on Communi '.;y Colleges to be establisheCI_ by Ooun·(;y COU:.'lcil. May a lot-l7o:;_• be sent or some action be taken to see whr>t progress has been mo..de to date, Deputy~Beove Simmons said he did not believe that County Council has to report back to this council. TIAVIS~ "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned .. " SIMMONS: Tho meeting then adjourned, J.31~ O•oe:L£. ·~ -~ l'ilAYOR CARRIED, .;:;-,\lk,~ '---~cs-~, CLERK ----------~----=~·--~----------~-"'"·'-..... ·--·---·--