MINUTES - Special Council - 19660613MINUTES OF A SPECIAL. COUNCIL M,ml~ING HELD IN THE COUNCI~; CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1966 AT S:QO P,M, PRESENT: MAYOli C.·F, DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) REEVE S,G, PATRICK DEPUTY-REEVE SI~~ONS COUNCILLORS CORBETT, DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY TRENT, AND WILLIAMSON Mayor Davis stated that this was a special meeting called to clean up some unfinished business which had been banging fire, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Patrick in the chair Mayor Davis presented a report of Council in Coillini tt&e in which the committee respectfully submit the following - ANNEXATION BRIEF: BY-LAW 1672-66 ' Council in Committee met on Tuesday, June 7, 19'66, and recommend as follows: 1, That the annexation brief prepared by 'E,G.-·. Faludi and associates be accepted and that the necess.acy by-law be prepared to initiate annexation proceedings, and that E,G, Faludi and Associations be retained to repres:ent the Town of Aurora at any hearing in connection with the annexation, 2. That the following changes be made in by-law 1672.;.,6'& (1) Clause 3 to be inserted as originally propo&ed.r ·· (2) Clause 10 to be amended so that commercial assess:ment will be allowed at 50% of its. assessed value at the time of application using the formula basis. (3) Clause 11 to be deleted in its entirety and subsequent clauses renumbered accordingly. (4) Clause 13 to be inserted as originally proposed, · (5) Clause 22 to be amended by deleting reference to letter of credit and substitute performance bond or other guarantee satisfactory to council. .• "4, I IQtJI'l ~' .... ·-~~- ~·· ~ L_ ------. --"'"" ---------·~---·----·~~~~ ~ .;,~,.. ·--....,. ··-. ~-~-~---~--------·-----~ \,"-""' SPECIAL .. a.. JUNE 13th, 1966. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mayor Davis cont 1 CORRESPONDENCE: 3, That incoming correspondence be forwarded by the Clerk to the appropPiate committee or committees and be dealt with in committee reports. DAVIS: "Resolved that the Council in Committee SIMl'.iONS: report, dated June 13,i 1966 l'e 1, · Annexation Brief, 2, By ... :taw 1672-66 1 ~. Correspondence b~ accepted," Mayor Davis asked that the report be dealt with clause-by-elause, 1. Mayor Davis said that the question of annexation had been around long enough, If we are going to do anything about it we must do it now. We have had requests from property owners in the area tor action. CARRIED. 2. Councillor Illingworth said that he would make only token resistance to Clause 3 of the Subdivision By-Law, He still felt it was contrary to the Planning Act, but since it is necessary to get snme action he would offer only token resistance. Motion re report - CARRIJ;ID. CARRIED. Mayor Davis presented a report of Council in Committee in which the committee respectfully submit the following - Council in Committee met on Thursday, June 9 1 1966 and recommend as follows; SEVERAL ITEMS 1? ~at Council ip Committee discuss each point of the prep~ed police agreement and make its recommendations for presentation by the Police Committee for prese~tation to the Police Association. 2, Tnat the wages of the Town foremen be brought to parity and the payment for telephones for town foremen be di~continued, 3• 'l'hat a By-Law be prepared bam;t.ing the use of li)lle or otpep ~austie substances for Jl)ar~ings in town parks. ~~~~~~--~--.~~"~-~e~.~c,~,~,·,~·~·~'~"~'~·'-'·-·"" "~•~• ..,.. ., --~--'""''"-' .. ,<.,, .• ~ ....... ~----- • SPECIAL -3-JUNE 13th 1 1966. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mayor Davis report cont, DAVIS: "Resolved that Council in Committee report SIDAMONS: dated June 13 1 1966, re several items be accepted." C.l'lPaiED. MAYOR DJ\.VIS IN THE CHAm BY-LAW 1690-66 CORBETT: That leave be given to introduce a ILLINGWORTH: By-Law to prohibit the use of harmful subst<Olnces in town parks and that the same be now read a first time. CJt~UED. Councillor Murray advised for the benefit of Councillors who were not present at the Committee meeting that we have been trying for some time to get the parks improved but people have been using lime and killing the grass. Dil.VIS: That the By-Law now before the Council be MURRf,Y: read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. PATRICK:"Resolved that the second reading be taken DAVIS: as read." Cil.'miED. WILLIAlVlSON: That .the By-Law now before the Council be PATRICK: read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law·No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose. PATRICK: "Resolved that third reading be taken as read." CORBETT: Cf~RIED. •• ~.:· t-.~···········-··~··-·~~-~ .. ~ ... ~. ··~····~~~~-~===~=~~~~~· ---~~-· ·--------~----~ .L SPECIAL -4..;;. JUNE 13th, 1966 0 BY-LAW Councillor Murray ask~d that copies of the By-Law be sent to the school boards and recreation committee. BY-LAW. 1689-66 CORBETT: That leave be given to introduce a ILLINGWORTH: BY'-Law to establish a community centre at the Town of Aurora and that the same be now read a first time. Mayor Davis explained that this by-law was necessary to conform to the · requirements of the Municipal Act. We were not aware that this had to be done previously. The B.oard appointed by the By-Law could be regarded as an interim board and could be added to or replaced when the building · is under construction. CARIHED. DAVIS:. That the By-Law now before the Council be TRENT: read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. P1~TRICK: "Resolved that second reading be taken as SIMMONS: read." CARRIED. WILLIAMSON: That the by-law now before the Council be SIMMONS: read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that purpose. CORBETT: "Resolved that third reading be taken as read" PJ',TRICK: Cl.RRIED. -"-·--· SPECIAL BY-LAW 1678-66 BY-LAfJ 1672-66 -5-JUNE 13TH, 1966, TRENT:' That the By-iaw now before the Council be read DAVIS: a secorid time and that the Council resolve itself' into a committee of the whole for that purpose. WILLIAl\11SON: "Resolved that second reading be taken ILLING'G!ORTH: as read." CARRIED, ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that copies of the By-Law be PATRICK: made available to the Press." CARRIED, DJWIS:. That the BY"'Law now before the Council be read TRENT:' a third time this d.ay and that Rule 22 of By- law No, 1468 be suspended for that purpose. '1'/ILLIJJ.iSON: "Resolved that third reading be taken as Pf.,TRICK: read. 11 CARRIED. Third reading carried. · TRENT: Resolved that copies of by-law 1678-66 be MURRAY: made available to all council members and employers mentioned in the by-law, CARRIED, WILLIAMSON:That leave be given to introduce a By-Law DAVIS: to standarize requirements in granting approvalof subdivision plans and subdivision agreements" and that the same be now read a firs·t' time, WILLIAMSON: ''Resolved that first reading be taken as DAVIS: read and the by-law discussed clause by clause on second reading," Cf..RRIED. ~ ~-- . . --~ ..... ~-. -.,..., J' .. L_ -------7"=='"=C'CCOOCC'~"'" . ,,.,,,,. .~· • ,;:_ ... -• ,,. ... c.:.t ..... i.Vz 1 ) ·-.. ·~-=~-->-c-·-----~~--~=-"··"· .-- SPECIAL ,; -6-JUNE 13 1 1966, VJILLH,USON: That the, By-Law now before the Council PATRICK: be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose, Deputy-Reeve Simmons said that it was his impression that unless the wording was changed in, any part this would be the subdivision by-law, Councillor i\ilurrey said that when Clause 1 was read Council would see how the by-law contradicts itself, Clause 1 Councillor Murray !Said that Clause 1 reads "shall"' but read "may" as in the preamble. If shall is left in it have to amend the by-law every time we want to approve leaving out any clause, Councillor Williamson asked the Solicitor's opinion, Solicitor MacPherson said that this is a "may" by-law. it should means we will an agreement AiVlENDMENT MURRAY: "Resolved that "shall" in clause 1 ILLINGtVORTH: be changed to "may" Councillor Davis said that in going through the by-law he did not see anything which was not favourable to the Town. Why change it, These things should be in every subdivision agreement. AMENDMENT' TO AMENDMENT WILLU.l\IJSON: "Resolved that further consideration of DAVIS: Clause 1 be deferred until the rest of the By-Law has been considered." Councillor Murray said he was: sorry this amendment had come in, because if the word is not changed he would have to argue some points, If it is changed to "m€1~11 he can accept them. ·.AMENDMENT· TO AMENDMENT CARRIED \ Clause 2 ._ Councillor Murray ,snid that we charging more for·large ones. smaller lots which·will add to why encourage suiall onea, L.-=~-~------,-~ ·---~---- are taking a 50 1 lot as a standard and We are encouraging sub-dividers to make our school costs. We want large lots, .,__ ... ''--' '·t-'·' Tt h "' ,_ .... ( .<.. SPEC I ilL -7-JUNE 13, 1966, BY-Law continued - Councillor Williamson disagreed, If the subdivider has to equalize assessment he is going to have to have large lots, Councillor Illingworth said that since the levy is only $2,50 per foot extra, he didn't think it would adversely affect the subdivider. Reeve Patrick said that fifty foot lots a.re out of the question, They should be at least 60 feet, · Councillor Illingworth said that we were speaking the other night about the need for homes in the range the working man can afford. If we limit lots to sixty feet I think it would discourage homes for working men. Reeve Patrick pointed out that a subdivider had brought in e.n agree- ment in the past and the Planning Board insisted on 60 1 lots. Councillor Illingworth said that Planning Board had set policy it was not their perogative to set. CLil.USE 2 CARRIED, Clause 3 Councillor Illingworth said he would again make token resistance, because he ~elt this was contrary to the Planning Act, Councillor Murray felt this clause was very unsatisfactory. Many complications go witb donation of school s.ites. What about services? If we put them in it will be a local improvement charged against the town, We should add to the clause that a fixed price be set so it can't be escalated, Councillor Illingworth said even this had been ruled illegal by the O,M,B, This is why we have argues all along that sites are not within the jurisdiction of Council. Deputy-Reeve Simmons said going to have to sit down agreement. SIMMO!'lS: PATRICK: we have spent hours on this. We are still with each subdivider and negotiate every "Resolved we resume consideration of the amendment to Clause 1." Clil.'m.IED /JlAENDMENT TO CLWSE 1 Cf~Lti~IED. L. ··-·· ·-.... -·· ----'" -·-··-··---·-------·--·-------'--·· ··' ._ ------------------- """"' SPECIAL -8-JUNE 13, 1966 By-L1W:1 Continued - Clause 4 Clause 5 Clause 6 Clause 7 Clause 8 Clause 9 Clause 10 Clause 11 Clause 12 Clause 13 Clause 14 Clause 15 Clause 16 Clause 17 Clause 18 Clause 19 Clause 20 Clause 21 Clause 22 Clause 23 Clause 24 Clause 25 Clause 26 Cf-illRIED CliRRIED Cfill!UED CLWRIED Cl:\RHIED Pfi'fRICIK: "Resolved that the words "to Town specific:1tions" Sni/iONS: be added to this clause." Cf.RRIED ClRRIED CLRRIED Cl\:"imiED Cf:RHIED CliRRIED Ci:RRIED CJ)l{RIED CJJRHIED C£RRIED Cf.RiHED Ci'.RRIED Ci':RRIED C!RRIED Ci:&'UED Ci.RiUED CLRRIED CARi1IED _;..,..·' -~,,.,~--~· ' .. , ...... , '··--~" ' \ SPEC ILL -9-JUNE 13th, 1966. By-Law continued Clause 27 Clause 28 Clause 29 Clause 30 CARRIED CARYctiEJ· CJ\RHIED C:ARRIED DiN IS: That the By-Low now before the Council be TRENT: read a third time this day <md that Rule 22 of By-Law No, 1468 be suspended for that purpose, PATRICK: "Resolved that third reading be taken as CORBETT: read, , Cili'iRIED 3rd REi.DING CARRIED. RESOLUTION RE MEETINGS - SI~mAONS: Resolved that the Council of the Town PJ~,TRICK: of J1.urora shall hold regulnr meetings on the third Monday of each of July and Lugust only, and that special ;aeet ings shall be held at the call of the Mayor or as otherwise provided in By-Law 1468. CAJ.ctR IED Councillor Trent said with all the business we have hod lately he is sure it will continue. Council should continue to hold two meetings a month. Councillor Davis agreed. Some people will be away, but Council should meet as long as there is a quorum, Councillor Corbett said if there was a lot of business a special meeting could be called, Councillor Illingworth said that he could go along with specie! meetings as long as they are held on Mondny night. CARRIED .. ~ ?'-- ""~--~----~""·'="'....,..._.,.,.,.,..,,,..,...=-"'-~·--.-='~-· ---~~----~~"~~~~~-------~~- '•.',\ SPECIAL -10-JUNE 13 1 .\966, RESOLUTION RE JHR CONDITIONER SIMMONS: ILLING70RTH: "Resolved that we purchase a 24,000 BTU window type air condition, from Oak Ridges Hefrigeration Co, at a cost of $525,00, instl'llled, for the municipal office, and the seal of the corporation be attl'lched hereto," "Be it ,further resolved as there is no money for this purchase in the property budget that the .noney be tl'lken from office budget. CJillRIED. Deputy-Reeve Simmons announced that the price of liquid chlorine wecs going up from $7 per ton to $7, 50. Councillor Corbett asked if it was not posaiblo to get prices from other suppliers, SHtll.IONS: 'L "Resolved that other companies be contacted for prices of liquid chlorine." C1:..'tRIED, PLi\NNING COIYJMIT'I'EE REPORT J. Williamson presented a report of the Planning Committee in which the committee respectfully submit the following: SEVERAL ITEMS L .. ·~···· The Planning Committee met on \i'ednesday, at 7:30 P.M. All members in attendance. items were discussed. May 18th, The following 1, STUDY-POS3IBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT -In considering the requirement for part lot>control in the older section of the town, your committee notes that in some areas l where the lots are very deep, the sevcrl'lnce of that portion of a lot facing a street, would affect this future development of the lots now available to the street, An example of -is the deep lots north of Kennedy St. West of George St. It is 1~ossible that at some future date the rear portion of those lots could be developed by a roadway between, and parallel to, Kennedy St. and Hillview. Your committee recommends that this subject be referred to the planning board for study and report, ~~~~~~~~~,....,~~-,.,...-,--~,e.~~.,.=~·"-"'·"'·"-= ~~-~,~---~~~~~~~~~·-~~~- -.-_., SPECIAL -11-JUNE 13th, 1966. Planning Committee report continued - 2. C.B.C. FROPOS!l:D SHOPPING PLAZA -In as much as yo•r planning committee was discussed as a delaying factor in the C.B.C. proposed development, it was decided to consider the proposed development in a general way. Your planning committee recommends. that the shopping plaza portion of. the development be considered on its own merits, and that when adequate sewage facilities are available, the res.idential portions, or sections thereof, be considered on their respective merit at that time, 3, LOT 13 -SENUTOVITCH SUBDIVISION -Reference is ronde to minutes of council dElted Lpril 18, 1966 (page 2) in which Mr. Senutovitch wrote regarding severance of · Lot 13. The Committee of Adjustment advise that Mr. Senutovitch hns withdrc,wn his request for severance, VIILLILMSO!IT: ILLINGifJORTH: Resolution re Remuneration - WILLIJ'MSON: ILLINGWOiii'H: "Res.olved that the report of the Planning Comnd ttee date June 6, 1966 1 re several items_, be accepted." CARRIED ''Resolved that the head of the Council of tne Corporation of the Town of Lurora ~hall be paid an annual remuneration of $2400, per year, payable 14 yearly. And the seal of the corporation be atta~;hed hereto " . . I CARRIED Councillor Illingworth reported re By-Law 1450 that he had checked to &ee about signs and found there could be a large number required, We have e. by-law on the books, but it cann9t be enforced unless signs are posted. He suggested the Horks Superintendent nnd the Police get together and decide on a priority basis whet streets should be posted, ILLINGWORTH: PATRICK; "Resolved that the Works Dept, and Police obtain and ere~;t signs on stveets where· they are immediately necessary nnd other atreets as required, OARR!ED. _.- ---., .. ---·. SPECHL -12-.,TUNE 13, 1966 Councillor Murray reported verbally that the fence compnny had arrived to-day and that the bell diamond was just about finished and the tennis court would be finished by Thursday. REPORT OF !:rDRKS COMMITrEE - W, Trent presented a report of the Works Committee in which the committee respectfully submit the following - TENDERS RE RESUF~Fl1 CING SI DEW J.,LKS SUPPLYING flND SP:R~~LDING PRIMEH SUPPLYING SLND ~--~------------------------- The Works Committee met on Thursday, June 9, 1966 at 9 A.M. to open tenders for 1. Resurfacing sidewalks with asphalt 2. Supplying and spreading of primer 3, Supplying sand Tenders were received as follows: 1, RESUHFLCING iii:WE'c;rJ:,LKS WITH ASPHALT -seven tenders were received Al Chapelle Paving King City Paving Mancuso Paving Ltd, Thornhill Paving Co. J.A. Beaudoin Canst, Street Construction Ltd. Natale Brothers Paving Co. .20¢ per sq. ft. .15¢ per sq. ft. .15¢ per sq. ft. .15¢: per s:q. ft. .18¢ per sq. ft. .21*¢ per sq. ft. .11¢ per sq. ft. The Committee recommends that the tender of Natale Brothers Paving Co. Ltd. for resurfacing sidewalks at 11 cents per square foot be accepted. If Natale Bros. are unc:ble to fullfil! c.ontract the next lowest tender be accepted, 2. Supplying and spreading of primer -two tenders were received, Royal Paving Ltd. Miller Paving Ltd. .24,2¢ per gallon ,23¢ II II The Committ.ee recommends that the tender of Miller Paving ttd. for supplying and spreading of primer at .23¢ per gallon be accepted. -----------·--- , __ , C l ·~~· ·~:~X .h:8:_. ''"'13~· JUNE l~\? 1966, r; CoF;,!:!littec :C'(3por··~ cvrRt:~:rl:.~o:Led:~ ,::, : Se.pp.iying SnJid ~-o:ne tendet~ receJL ved c·c::: EL~G:T SD.i?.d CL:J.cl G':!:"'avei Lid() ,_, ?5¢ per tonn '.t-·Jl'<~ c~-,,~;·t·.::_tt-ee racoc-.:nencl,J that the tender of Gormley ~c.n.Cl :':U': C·T:-··=•"h~2. JL'or suppJyj_ng SE"J:-.:cd ..s.t .-. 75 cents per (: O!_~ ·c._: u.::.~r_:: 0pt ed, ~--:, -~-~-,_- ·'·'· ;._}_.--.. ::;:'~~It>:.·='- ~~lved thet th0 Renort of ~he Works Co~mittss re tenders-bo approved end t~e son.t of the Corpora~ion be attached erotc~11 , _·; -· ··.:-:-. ·.;_ ~u..x l: ~.-~o ;.:::J.ceec c :'u.I t c<rn.dil':::rc :C' on . .side"~JJJe.lks was c~-:~e a:~~ -·· ·:' .. r~~~-... JJ::' . ,, .. ~ '" ,;·. --- ii.:',:·_''.''--; ·::>3 r~, ~-,,,_,.,,,,., ~·;I (..:. ,.,:• x::.o--c. ~ '·-~ ;.~ ~. "'!! ·:~·. :::. ... e· c .,, GJ-if t~~ ~ waul~ ~::t::.-.c::-::-:<::::.~ftt1 tsnd(~rer ..,·;as unable to c~.::t i·~ ~ since -thel"'tr_~ we.re three at • ,:J.,,: ___ ._._, :;,: .·:.::~~·:)i..(~d. he s:~vel~ :U.1 the order the bids were J·i pY'\' -:._r:: ~-~:_:i:;::::·~:.r;:;2d . ., Ii.' ali bids were in b~! closing? they n -::c:-;~~-Vi'~ cq_·~~~o.}~ C~":-::.'.;.:_::'~cl(-;~C<"J.ticn, -~ ·--.. ~, .._. ... :-:-<>-'Jo::..:--~~;.:: ;::-n:-':.d bee ~.v·c..:3 -~o:1c:2rned abo-ut the s.:pread in prices . --- · ·\el··z:; n J>;~oidb-.~J.c2--::; '_.1 ·"":'' ·~-::t ;· ') j d -;:·'!::_:_E:t ') \707:' 1: ~ld he inspected by the inspector if the vvork was not up to ·l,-·~·rc t'.;:_ -_ <.~~, c:ci'.t::I~ · ~:-J;.J;:.:d.•J no i; Lce:.t~i_o:..1.3 ~ g ~t pn:.G ~.lJ~iRIED .. ·,;ii( ·~-~:ro.nt presentcc":i. Ll :-cepol"t of the Hori(s Committee in t .... ::ich the co:~--~::::i·':.::.ee respectfully sub::nit the following - ··! N:i: ~=::-:e Works CommJ.tteB :;aet on Monday, Jrune 13 to open tonders for the supply of limestonea '!_'-:vo tenders were reaeived-: la s·treet Construction Limited 2 o ~~1il1.tJ}_" Paving Limited $3, 45 per ton C!eli'V'&rect $3,60 per ton delivered 1·~e Committee recommend thct the tender of Street c;"nztl:'uction LimiteC: of $3,4:~ per ton delivered bl! !)CCeptGd_, c.~.-... ·~· cC'c•c~.~~ .... ~ .•• ~ .... ~ ..... ~. =~-~~~ . ., .. _ L.~~··~· SPEC!A.L -14-JUNE 13, 1966. Work Committee report continued - TRENT: PATRICK: "Resolved that the report of the Works Committee be accented end seal of the Corporation be attached hereto,h CfillRIED. Councillor Davis reported that a letter had been received from Pierre Thibault Ltd. advising that delivery of the fire-truck would be September at the latest, Mayor Davis read a letter from Leonard Rosenberg re Lawton Brothers.·• He stated we were no closer than ever to annexation. Deputy-Reeve Simmons said that he had been in the office when Sun Oil Co. had phoned and as.ked when and if s.ewers. were installed they could connect with them. He thought basically what this company wanted and the Clerk said it must come from Council. SUill',!,!ONS: "Resolved that letters be sent to these WILLH.MSON: companies to the effect that they may connect to our sewers when annexation is approved and when OWRC approve sewers in the area. 11 Cf.RRIED. COUNCILLOR ILLING/!ORTH ?RESENTED A BRIEF RE FRY PROPE:RTY Over a year ago, as recorded in Minutes of Council dated Fetf. 15, 1965 your Planning Committee recommended action be taken to obtain required easement from Fry 1-iss:ociates for the continuation of Industry St. North 1 In minutes; dated August 16, 1965, the following motion was carried: "resolved that the Town Solicitor commence proceedings concerning the necessary easement required to construct the continuation of Industry St. North. 11 In Minutes·. dated Dec. 20 1 1965 1 the following amended motion was carried: ~tresolved that the motion be amended and the Town Solicitor s:.end a registered letter to Mr. Fry requesting him to reconsider his decision and agree am~ably with us within the next two weeks, or e:x;propriation action will have to be taken." On Jan. 17th 1 this matter was again discussed and both a motion and an amendment wa~ defeated. T SPECIAL ":'15-JUNE 13, 1966 •. Illingworth brief continued - February 7/66 (5) Town Engineer to set up a meeting as soon as with D,H.O, engineer and report to Council. possible March 21/66 (17) Mny 2/66 To Plaiu:ring Committee for study and report Back to Engineer for study and report, ILLING\iiORTH: "Resolved thet a letter be sent to the TRENT: Town Engineer r<aquesting an immedinte report as originally requested on May 2," CARRIED Councillor Trent reported there had been a request to cut the grass on the boulevcrd leading into Golf Glen Subdivision, Councillor Murray said we had not accepted this road yet •. Mayor Davis said he didn 1 t feel we should not do nny favours, but he felt we hncl a moral obligation, Councillor Illingworth said that cutting grass was not committing us to accept the roads, He felt we should do it because it was detracting. from the appearance of the area, WILLI!>MSON: TRENT: "Resolved that the Works Dept. cut the grass on the boulevard." Cl;RRIED. Councillor Trent reported that the lumber stored for the Scouts:. at the Works Dept. was becoming a headache. TRENT: SIMMONS: ~~~----~--~-~~~ "Resolved that a letter go to the parties concerned to find out what they intend to do with this lumber," Ci<RRIED. ·~· "~-- ·?" .~··. ""·~-·~ ---,.,.,...,. '·· ~---·~· . , .. ,.-t,····r' . . . .. ·---~-- SPEC ILL -16 ... JUNE 13, 1966, Councillor Trent reported it hnd be.en !Jrought to his attentiorr that the Rover Scout Building has been attacked by vandals and extensive damage done. There was danger for young children playing around. TRENT: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that n letter go to the Rover Scouts nsking their intentions re this building. CA..'tRIED Councillor Illingworth presented a brief re "Park Name" Reference is made to minutes of Council dated July 19, 1965 (page 9) in which the following resolution was passed, "Resolved that a contest be held among school students and a prize be donated for the selected name," Minutes of Council dated f.ugust 16/6!'1 ·(Page 7) reports that the 1967 Centennial Committee requested the following: (a) That the name "Centennial Park" be confirmed for the pnrkland area formerly owned by Mr. Vanek, (b) That in accordance with the reqlie st of the DMii, the nE'llle of Regency Lcres Park be altered to some nnme compatible with Centennial year. The Committee recommend the name "Confederation Park" or some similar name, The report was referred to a joint meeting of the Centennial Parks and Planning Committee to be held J~ugust 17th/65. No record can be found of a report for this meeting, but recollection was:· that all agreed a school competition would be acceptable, Minutes of Council dated Nov. l/65 (13) in which the subject wc:ts: reintroduced c:tnd it was:requested that someone be made responsible No action was taken and it was understood the Parks Centennic:tl Committee would action, Minutes of Council dated March 21/66 (16) outlined the appointment of the new Centennial Committee and it would appear that no action has been taken regarding the naming of the parks in question, Your attention is drawn to a recent editorial "The J;urora Banner". Let's name our park for a rebel failure, ~~'"'"'"""""'""'"-•=r--0000o"odM0. -·· =-· ·----~---~--·-· --~---~~~~~~~~~~·~ .. ~ ... ~ .. ~ .. ~-~~~-'-···--~-- SPECIAL -17-JUNE 13f' 1966, Illingworth brief continued ~ William Lyon MacKenzie was no stranger to this section of York County, It is quite possible that he be tramped over the park lands in question. In naming a park for "Little Mac" we would do more than just celebrete our Centennial but would record for all time some recognition for the man who is largely responsible for the Durham report and government as we know it to-day. Our neighbouring villlige of Bond Head w·e,s named after the Lieut. Governqr of that time, Sir Francis Bond Head, c:nd I. think you will agree the name of 'Nilliam Lyon MacKenzie has been remembered long after thect of Sir Francis Bond Head. As the naming of the park should not be taken lightly, but should have considerable thought, I therefore give notice at the next regular meeting of Council, the following motion will be presented, "Resolved that the Town Park located between Wellington St. W. nnd Li,urora Heights Drive be named "V"Jillii:!m Lyon MacKenzie Park". Councillor Illinrworth said he would table his motion to be reintroduced at the first meeting in September if no action is taken by the Centennial Committee by the.t time. Councillor Illingworth presented a brief re lights - Reference is made to minutes of Council dated April 25/66 (10) in which the following resolution was passed: Resolved thnt the Town Engineer contnct the Toronto York Roads Commission concerning the proposed installation of traffic lights nnd ascertain whnt arrangement may be made concerning their financial assistance towards the cost of this project. A check of the report of the Spring session report of the Toronto and York Roads Commission does not include any item planned for J,,urora. Request report of action taken by Town Engineer. ILLINGWORTH: "Res.olved thnt the Town Engineer be TRENT: requested to make E:n immediate report." CARRIED, ·• :to;::_ ~~~~-"'""'.,-;""~~-·~------·~---· .,.,.~:.-~~. ~~~~-~-" ·==="-==--'-~~~ -~. ~ ·-·= ...... ~~-.,-....... ;,,<.--···-"·-••h·~ SPECIAL -lff JUNE 13, 1966, Pl' .. TRICK: "Resolved that the meeting be adjourned. 11 WILLIJ'MSON: DEFEf.TED, Councillor Illingworth said we h2d tenders for the old arena property with negative results and asked what action was pli:mned now. ILLINGlJORTH: "Resolved that signs be placed on the TI\ENT: s,ite advertising it for sale." C.llHRIED. Councillor Trent brought. up the subject of Dutch Elm disease. Superintendent MacGregor advised that there was one bad tree on the Separate School property, SHrlMONS; PLTRICKi "Resolved that the Superintendent or designee examine th? trees and mark for removal under the Finter Worl<s Program," CARRIED. his them Councillor Murray said that while he didn't want it discussed tonight, but he thought it was about time Council had a look at extended franchise. Mayor Davis asked when Planning Board was meeting re amendment #7 Councillor Williamson advised the meeting would be held Wednesday, J'une 22, Councillor Illingworth presented a brief re roads:- Heference is me.de to Minutes of Counc{l dated May lOth, 1966 re~Sarding streets that h<:we not been accepted by the Town. The following streets are considered to be in that category and it is requested that the Town Solicitor check and submit report to Council; so that corrective action may be taken if required: Kennedy St. !'Jest Dodie St, George St. south of Kennedy St. Hillview Rd, ' • ' 1.--.-...------------~·-"·-··c~·r•·•"""·--.~ ... .'. ~·~ ' .•. ~·-,··--·· ··········••" ,.,,_.:f.~ .. • ~-~=~~~~--- GPECI.hL ,, ~' -19- Tyler St. west of George St. Harriman Road Highland Court Hansome St. JUNE 13, 1966, Temperance St. south of Kennedy St. Centre Court Centre St. east of Catharine Cres. Industry St. Mary St. Edward St. south of Dunning Ave. PATRICK: "Resolve thnt the meeting be adjourned." SB~>'IONS: CARRIED. -~-~~' ~~.~.~ --:-~ MAYOR CLERK ff22~zr~ J~~·~; .. ~ ,_