MINUTES - Special Council - 19660725c·~~ '-~·<-' i L __ .. • MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELV IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JULY 25 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE VEPUTY REEIIE COUNCILLORS c;F. VAfltS (TN THE CHAIR) S.G. PATRICK R. SIMMONS CORBETT, llLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT, WILLIAMSON. Mayolt 'Vav.U. caU.ed the mee.t.<.ng to o!tde.Jt and .6a.id that be.6Me .6e.:Ui.ng .i.nto the bu.<~.i.nll..6.6 on the me.e.t.<.ng he unde.Jt.6tood that AUJtOJta Jayceu wU.hed to make a pJtuenta:ti.on. Mit. Bltuce Me~tce.Jt, PJtu.i.dent o6 :the AUJtoJt.IJ. Jayceu, 1>a.id :that .the Jayceu had been too!Ung 6oft a way to l>peaJthead Cente.nn-i.al. yeaJt h.nd had been g.i.ve the. exctU<I.<.ve Jt.(.gh.t :to d.u.rubute. 1>-tatuu o6 Silt John A. MacVona.ed and GeoJtgU Eti.eene CaJttie.Jt. Thue l>:ta..tuu Welte. ca~>t 6Jtom moul.d.6 CJteated by LoU.U. He.beJt:t, l>cul.ptolt o6 :the .6:ta..tu/l..6 on PMUament Hill and WVLe Ji.e.p.Uca~> o 6 :tho!> e 1>-tatuu • He plte.6 e.nte.d :the. l>:ta..tuel> :to the Town on AuJtOJta on be.hal..n o6 the AUJtOJta Jayce.u. MayOJt Vav.U. thanked the Jaycee~> and accepted the. 1>-tatuu on beluten o6 .the. Town o6 AUJtOJc4, BY-LAfqs BY-LAW # 1697-66 CORBETT: "Ruo.e.ve.d that te.ave. be. g.i.ve.n :to .i.ntltoduce. a llLTNGWORTH: By-law to pJtov.<.de. 601t the 1966 e.xpe.nd.i.:twt.u on 1toad.6 OIL !>.tlte.e..tl> .<.n the. Town o 6 AUltoJta and .that .the. ~>ame. be. now 1tead a 6.<.1tl>t .time." CARRIEV. The. By-taw wa1> .then lte.ad a 6fu.t .time.. ' The. CtVLk e.xpta..i.ne.d :tha.t th.u. .U. the. annual.. l>uppte.me.ntalty 1t0ad e.xpe.nd.i.:twt.e. By-taw. TRENT: MURRAY: SIMMONS: VAVIS,C: WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: PATRICK: CORBETT: "That the. By-taw now be.6olte. the Council be. ltead a M.cond .time and that the. Council ltuotve. -U:6te6 .<.nt0 a_ COmn.U.t/l./l. 06 .the. wh0£./l. 60/f. f.:ha.t pu!tpal>/l., II "Ruotved tha.t the. l>e.cond 1tead.i.ng be .taken M /f.ead, II CARRIEV. "Tha.t the. By-taw now be6olte .the. Council .be. 1tead a :tiWtd .time. th.u. day and tha.t /f.ul.e. 22 o6 By-taw 1468 be. .6Ul>pe.nde.d 601t that pu!tpol>e.." "Ruo.e.ve.d .that the. .th.<.Jtd 1tead.i.ng be. .ta.k.e.n M 1tead. CARRTEV ... ·--~···•·'-<•--'--~-"""-"-'-"<'-.:.:..C..-•-'~c.oo.•--~•··•·---'-'-'--·'-·-· ...__:_..;.:..:..,...,__~•-·~.,._....__,~~=•n<'''"''''''"""""""==""=-=«=,_,•'"-'"''"""~~~.~.-.,.~•"-'-'-....o..c... .... -----'·-··•~~-----·~-------·--~-·--.,"-.. SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS CONTINUEV BY-LAO/ II 7696-66 BY-LAW # 1694-66 = 2 = July 25,1966 CORBETT: "Ruo.e.ved tha:t .e.eave be g-i.ven to bwwudc.e a ILLINGWORTH: By-taw to lUIJtth.o..Uze the .i.64>ue o6 a debentWLe .i.n the p!Unc.{oot amount o6 $280,000.00 6oJt PubUc. Sc.hoo.e. PU!tpo-6 ell and tha:t the .6ctme be now Jtead a 6-i.M:t time. " CARRIED The By-taw wu then Jtead a 6-i.Mt time TRENT: MURRAY: "Ruo.e.ved tha:t the By-taw now be60Jte the. Counc.il be Jtead a .6econd time and tha:t the Counc.il Jtellotve -i.U et6 .i.nto a c.orm!Uee o 6 the whote 60Jt tha:t pu!tpo4e." WILLIAMSON: "Ruof.ve.d tha:t Mc.ond Jtead-i.ng be tal<en d-6 Jtead." PATRICK: SIMMONS: PATRICK: CARRIED. "Ruotve.d tha:t the By-taw now be60Jte. the Counc.U be Jtead a tiWtd time t!UA day ttnd tha:t Jtute 2 2 of, By-.eaw no. 1468 be 4U.6pended ~oJt tha:t pWLpo4e." PATRICK: "Ruo.e.ve.d tha:t :the thvtd Jtead-i.ng be tal<e.n (t.() Jtead." (Q1LL1AMSOM: CARRIED. TH1!11J READING CORBETT: "Tha:t the By-taw now be.6oJte the Counc.U be Jtead 1LLINGWORTH:a t!Wtd time." Counc.litOJt fVatictm.()OVI. M-i.d tha:t be60Jte :th-i..6 by-taw pM4ed CouncU .6hould utab.e.Mh minhnum and maximum MueMnc.e 6eu •. CoundUoJt !llinqwoJtth .&a,Ld tha:t the 6e.u Welte atlteady l utabtMhed at $600. f,OJt a 50' tot and $2.50 pelt ~oot ovelt t!UA. He neU tha:t il a .6maU p,(.ec.e o~ land Welte invoR.ved the.Jte 1-hou.e.d be no f,ee .6inc.e U would not ac.tua.e..ey be. a 4eveMnee. Counc.litOJt MuJrJtCty .6a-i.d tha:t :th-i..6 by-taw might apt:)ealt to be ct!'.JUght now but it Jtut!Uc.U the tou 6oJt 21 yMM and Counc.il cannot too I< ahead 27 ye~VUJ • Counc.U'.l.oJt Williom6on Jte6e.JtJted to ~tanc.u whe~te he.ve.Mnc.e. ofi ve~ty 4maU p,(.ec.u o6 land We.Jte inva.e.ved and ha-i.d hCJ. UJJ!f.. 6e.U a min-i.mum "~.e. hhou.e.d be utab.e.Mhed. _" ____ '"_;~--~-·-._:.c..'~.:.!.:..-~-----·.~~.;.....,.._..~.c...C<--·-· ·=--"'-·~--'"'=""'"""'""'"'"" ... ~""""'" """"'=="''""''="·~····"'"'~'--..........,~----'··-'---··--·~ .... ~-··-~ ... -·~·----~----~-..... ~-----~-- '"•., SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAOJS CONTI NUIEV BY-LAW # 1694-66 BY-LAW # 1695-66 ·--;J -3 -JULY 25,1966 CouncUeolt Illingwo,U:h .6al.d that 6eu c.ouU not be .6 e.t out .Ln th.U by--taw in any c.Me, but l>houR.d be .Ln the .6ub-d.i.v.W.Lon coiWr.o.t by-R.awo, ILL !MGWORTH: "Ruo.tved that t!Wtd ltMd.i.ng be taken a.6 ltead. q SIMMONS: CARRIED. THIRV REAVING CORBETT: "Ruo.eve.d that the. By-.eaw now be6olte the Coune.U. 1LL1 NGWORTH: be Jtead a t!Wtd .time. " CowtUUalt Tllingwo,U:h po.Lnted out the by-law Wah amended to .Lnc.tude a new c.tatu~ e 6 ;1/:;{r-n.i.ng a ltU.Ldent.LaR. Mea. Veputy Reeve Sh:ttnon .. 6a.Ld that thue Welte :tJ;:p olt tlvtee btu~.Lne-6.6 men .Ln town who Welte c.onc.eltned that they wou.td be unable to c.cv-Jty on .Ln bw...Lne-6.6 .Lfi th.U by-law Welte pa.6.6e.d. CouncM.P._olt V!J...Lngwo,U:h .6o..Ld that Counc..U. had to f..ooh at the .Lntent a 6 the. by-.taw. AU!tolta .U, gltawi.ng up and .L.6 no longelt a town o6 3POO people. You c.a11not .6t6f a by-taw wh.Lc.h .W needed 6alt 10,000 people bec.uMe two olt tlvtee ~t~te a66ec.ted. When toJtge :tltac.tOJL-tltrU.eeM ~t~te p~t~tlzed .Ln a 1te.Ll>dent.Lo..e a~tea :they Me an eyuoJte. and a 416e.ty hri.;~vr.d. · Ve.puty-Ree.ve SJ.nmon l>al.d that Mme. o~ thue. people. Me o pe.tt.a.ting bU.6.Lnu.6 u .in a ltU.i.dent.La.e altM. Cou.nw.Y..olt Wif.Y...i.arnMn M.i..d that .i.{j a man .W ope.tt.a.ting a bu..6.i.nU.6 6Jtom h.J..o home. U .6hou.td be. a.6.6U.6ed c.omneltc..La.e. Cau.ncil.P..oJt Illingwaltth .6o..Ld that .i.~ a m~;t.n hal> been opeltat.i..ng a bU.6.i.nU.6 {!!tom h.U home. 6olt a nUI'IIbelt o6 yMM then U .6houR.d be c.on.6.Ldelted cr.<~ non-c.on~olr.m{_ng fki /' ··ng M he c.oftt.i..nuu to do .6o, Th.U wouR.d e.no.b.e.e. h.Lm to pa1tk. ve.fU.c.tu but rAXJuR.d .6top a new pv.ltc.ha6 e1t. ILLWGWORTH: "Ruo.eve.d that Clau.<~e 6 be. amended to add WILLIAMSON: "i:n the. eMe o~ a 1tu1de.ftt.i..a.e p!tope.}(,f;y on wiU.c.h SIMMO,\fS: ILLTMGWORTH: " bU.6.i.nU.6 tax .U,p-:U..d, thue. .6haU. be. c.on.6.LdeJted an non-c.on6olr.m{_ng ~olt the pU1tp0.6U o6 the. by-.taw a.6 J.'..o ng a.6 the.i..lt pltU e.nt oc.c.upany and U.6 e c.a ftt.i..nu. e . " CARRIED. "Ruof..ved tha.:t thiJtd JtMd.i.ng be tak.en a.6 JtMd." CARRIEV. TH1R1) REAVTMG SO AMEMVEV CARRIEP. SPECIAL COUNCIL OTHER BUSINESS REEVE PATRICK IN THE CHAIR. = 4 = Ju.R..y 27,1966 Mayan Vav.L& Plte-6 ented a JtepoJtt o ~ .the Comni.t.tee of, .the WhoR.e Council in Comni.t.tee me..t on Thwt.6day, Ju.R..y 21,1966. 1. 1\U..th Mn. Saq.tM .to Jteviw an o66eJt .to puJtc.ha$ ., .the. oR.d aJte.na ~Ue. Z. Wah JtepJtMe.n.ta..t..i.ve-6 o{, .the AUJtoJta Pu.bUc. Schoo!!. BoaJtd .to cU6c.u.M .the. pltopMed pUJtc.hu e. o 6 a ~ c.hooJ!. ~Ue.. The. ConmU:.tee. Jte.c.omnendo M 6oR.R.oW6 : 1. Th.n;t Mit. Lambvvt be. ne.qu.M.te.d .to ~ubnU a ~pe.uMc. pR.a.n fioJt .the. ~Ue. bq 7. oo p.m. on Mondaq, Ju.R..q 25, ~o .t!utt .the. :two o66~ can be. c.ompa!te.d. 2. Tha.t .the. PubUc. Sc.hooR. BoaJtd '~ JtequM.t 0oJt a mun-LupaR. adv .anc.e. in .the. amount Oi\ $52,000.00 be. appJtove.d and .the. app.Uc.a.ti.on be made. .to .th<>-Onta!t-Lo Mun-LUpaR. Boaltd 6on )W0tU.,;.~:,o ''· .to .L&~ue. a C/tG;i.:,.:/tJ:xe. in .the amoun.t o6 $52, 000. 00. ! • Ma.q01t VavLI ~aid .tha.t .a.t .thLI .t.ime Counc.U had Jtec.e-i.ved :tJJJo o66~ f,oJt .the oR.d A~e.na. ~Ue. MIL. Saq.tM had plte-6 ente.d a ~ peufi)_c. p!top04aR. f,olt .the. ~Ue. and in view o6 .thLI MIL. Lambe.Jtt wu uked .to pnepaJte. a ~peuMc. p!tOpMaR.. A .th-Lnd o66eJt hcv., 11ow be.en Jte.c.e-i.ved and c.ounc.U w.UR.. mee..t in c.omnU.tee .to c.o~ideJt aR.R. .thnP.e p!r.o pM cd.<, • CARRIEV. 2. MrtyM Vo.v.U, ~aid .tha.t Counc.U had me..t in CowmU.A:e.e. .to dLic.uM wli:h .the Sc.hooR. BoaJtd .the ne.ed 1M . .the adU-LonaR. 2 7/2 ae~r.M and Welte. now .. · · '· ·' ·'. CARRIED VA!JIS: "RMoP..ved .tha.t .the JtepoJtt o~ .the Comni.t.tee. o 6 the whole .• da.ted Ju.R..q WILLIAMSON: 25,7966 be neeep.ted." CARRIEV. 1/.AYOR. VA!IIS IN THE CHAIR Mayolt Vav.L& Jtead a J!.e..t.teJt f,Jtom Mlt.H. Shaw o66_C!.It-Lng .to .tUJtn .the RoveJt Sc.ou.t builcU.ng ovrvt .to the Town. WILLIAMSON: "RMoR.ve.d .tha.t l.l!t. Shaw'~ J!.e..t.teJt be ac.knowR.edge.d a.nd .tha.t a l.e..t.teJt o6 ILLINGWORTH. than~ be. Mnt .to hlm." CARRIED. MURRAY: , "RMof?no.d t!.rt .th;: PaJt!u ComnUte.e. in e. au.tho!r.-Lze.d .to move. and Jte.pa-Ln .the. TRENT: bu.UcU.ng. ' CARRIEV. .-, ~ .. · ·,·}~:.,:;. .. , ~ ~ ..:· .f -~-· -----~-''--~--'-""-'-"-·~---'-»-~..._:-~,_:.._.~.,_,__._. ·~..:..~~·--· -·-· _,.,.,.,=~ """'"~'""'""""""~'~y=~··""-"'---' --'--~·..:.._:.:_. ___ _:_ _______ ________,..,__.c.._,_,, ____ ~--·----~ <·· SPECIAL COUNCIL -5 -Jul.y 25,7966 OTHER BUSINESS CONT1NUEV CocmclU.OJt If..R..i.ngwotr.th -61Ud th.a.:t .<.{J a. Town o!tg'.lrt.<.za.t<.on w.<.-6hu to uM. the. bu.U.d.i.ng he .th.<.nk.6 we Mtau£.d .tegaUze pltocedUJte and cha.Jtge a nominal annual.. Jte.n:ta..e.. Counutl'.o!t W.U.Uam-6on -6cUd he. 6eJ'...:t !tent .<.-6 unnecuMJLy. Counc.iJY..oJt I.llinqwotr.th -6cUd the b!LUcU.ng vw now public p~tope.Jt.ty open to anyone u.n.tu-6 U .<.-6 !tented to one oJtga.rt.<.z.a.t<.on. ILLINGWORTH: "Ruo.tve.d .that rtrt Ag1teement be pltevaJted Jte.rtilng the. bu..<.td.<.ng to !he PATRICK: Te.nrt.<.-6 Cf.u.b o..t the. !tent on $1.00 pvc. yeaJt." CARRIEV. REPORT OF THE WORKS COMMITTEE Cou.nc.<.Uo!t TJtent plt!U>(>.nte.d the. 6o.U.ow.i.ng 1t~.potr.t The. Wo1tk.6 ComnU.te.e. met on Monday, Ju£.y 2 5, 7966 to open .te.nde.M ~o!t pnv.<.n.a the. r.>aJtk..<.ng R..ot Itt the. Jte.a!t on the. Mu.rt.<.M.pa.f. O~,{.<.cu. (fioJtme.Jtl'.q gJt.<.6~Uh pJtope.Jt.ty.) One. te.ndvr. VJa-6 Jte.ce..<.ve.d The. cotmU.:tte.e. Jte.corrme.nd.l> thltt the. te.ndvr. o 6 Nrrtaf..e. B!tothe.M Pav.<.ng Co. Ud bt .the. anou.nt o6 $1,849.00 be. accepted. TRENT: MURRAY: "Ruo.tve.d tha.t the. Jte.potr.t of) the. WoJtb.l> CowmU::te.e. drrte.d Ju£.y 25,2966 Jte pa.v.<.rtg .:the. paJtk.<.ng .P.ot be. ctccepted and tlte. Seal.. on the. Co!tY.10M.T...i.on be. ltt.ta.che.d hvr.e.to. " Cou.rtclU.oJt U.J...i.ngwotr.th Mke.d to what ertent the. .Cc.:t wou.f.d be. rxtve.d. Cou.nc.iJ.toJt TJte.nt -61Ud the. plt.<.c12. .<.nuu.de.d the. Jtoctdwny. Ve.puty Reeve .S.i.rrmort-6 Ml<.e.d .<.t the. te.nde.M VJVLe. ctdvvr.t.<.-6e.d oJt .<.nv.<..te.d. Su.pe.Jt.<.ntende.nt MctcGJtef!Oit -6cUd thrrt b.<.d-6 wvr.e. .<.nv-i.te.d f,Jtom th!te.e. M!tm-6. CARRIED. Cou.nw.f.oJt TJtent Jte.ctd a .te.ttvr. l)Jtom lht. A. K. Benne.tt Jte. .the. bJt.<.dge. Itt 57 Tyf..eJL St. TRENT: "Ruo.tve.d tha.t a .te..t..tvr. be. M.nt to Mit. Be.nne.tt e.x.p.tt:Un,{.ng· the. WILLIAMSON: -6Uu.a.t<.on whvr.e.by tlte.YI may pltUchMe. the. ma.truaf.. to be. .<.MtaR.te.d by the. Wown and that .they -6hou.f.d contact Town Su.pe.Jt.<.nte.nde.nt MacGJtegoJt to Mnd whitt mrrtvr..<.aJ.. .<.-6 needed." CARRIF.V. ~-.;_.~,"~~•-·•--,_,..._.._:...c,:~---· --•~,_-,_..;~-~-· -·-"'•·•·.·. ·-·-·-··~-~~-•w---'-~'~~"""~-"11m"'=-===""-"''-'~· -·~~~·~--'---------'-•--•'-•~-•~~-~~--~~~---M-··-·---~ · ... _ SPECIAL COUNCIL LETTER FROM J.V. REIV RE INSTURRY ST.N. ~ 6 ~ JuJ!.y 2 5, 1966. Counclteo~ T~e.nt ~e.ad a tett~ (.,~om the Engine~ ~e.ponting on the. e.xte.nUon of, Indu.6~y St. N. WILLIAMSOM: "Ruotved that ti!M tett~ be he!..d ov~ to next ILLINGWORTH: CouncM. meeting. " CARRIEV. CORBETT: "Ruotve.d that pUft...6uant to the Mquut ofl the. ILLH!GWORTH: AMMct Pubf...i.c. Sc.hoot BooJtd dated JuJ!.y 6, 1966, hmlecliate appUc.atWn be made. to tlte OntoJtio Munic.pat Boa~d 5o~ app~ovat o~ the expendtMe on $52,000.00 6M the ac.quM.ition of, a M.ltoot .6Ue.." CARRIEV. LETTER RE Counw!'.M aJ.U..UI!.W'.<>an ~ead a. te;t.;t~ 6nom Jamu E. Vea.n ~e tot 166, LOT 166, PLAN 517 P£a11 517, He .6!Ud that ti!M maft~ had been fuc.M.6ed by Pfunning CmrmUte.e who {jeU that U WM a. maft~ o6 a minM vMia.nc.e.. ~11LL1AMSON: "Ruof..ve.d that a -e.ett~ be. .6e.nt to ~. Veane. adv.Uing PATRICK: thl'.t Counc.U dou not w.Uh to .6e.U the. Town .mopeM:y Mquute.d,avtd tho.t a c.opy of, the. .eett~ be. Mnt to the. CorrmU:te.e. of, Adju;,/lne.nt. CounclteM 1.t.R...£ngwo~h Mid that at :thi-6 time. o~ ye.M :the. PoUc.e. Ve.poJr.me.nt i-6 und~ .IJ;f.Jte.ng:th due. to hoUday.6 and wUh :the inMe.M e. ~af,Mc. U i-6 p0.6.6ib.ee :that a.n e.m~_qe.nc.y .6Uuation mi_qh:t CVt.U.e. ~equJft.l.ng ou.:t.6ide. M.6ih:tavtc.e.. ILLINGWORTH: "Ruotve.d :that a .eett~ be. Mnt .:to M~. E~c. Silk., PATRICK: Conmi.o.6ion~ o6 :the. 0. P. P • .6:tating :that :the. Chien o6 PoUc.e i-6 au:tho~ze.rl ..i.n c.Me. of. e.m~ge.nc.y :to c.aU upon .the. 0. p. p. (>;~ i!.6.6.U.tttne~ :the co~l 0~ :the. .6 ~vic.e. :to be. bo~ne. by 4:ne Town." CARRTEV. ---·_:. __ ;_~-·-·---~-'-_:_-:..:..c,;;~~":'T-::.,..;.-~---~---·~-;...--·._;.~~,~:..:..c;~-·-.:.-..."""'"""''~""~''''''~W<'>.""""''="=•~~-·~-· -· -· _ _,_..__..,___._--.-·-·'---~--"--~"---------- i l c .• ~.c- SPECIAL COUNCIL - 7 -Juty 2 ~' 1966 SALE OF CHURCH ST SCHOOL SIMMONS: "Ruo.tved that the Town o~ AWLa!tct .6e.P.-t the ChWteh St. PATRICK: .6ehoo.t to the Pub.Ue Sehoo.t BaMd ~aft the .6um of, $1. 00. CauncU.eo!t U..U.ngwa!t:t:h Mid U Wt:L6 hi.6 undeM:t:anding that thM wautd be di.6C!U.6.6ed when the .6 c.hoo.t boMd met w.U:h eo uncUt in c.otmU;ttee bu.t they Me Welte not p!tepMed to do .60. CouncU.e.e.a!t MWUUty Mid that he ha.d eheeked wUh the VepaMmenJ.: an Edueatum and the . BaMd do not have to hrtve owneMhip. We .6houtd Mk the VepaMmenJ.: ofJ Mul'tic.ipal A~6o.JM in :the!te i.6 a 90 day Jtute. We have a.tway.6 abided by :t.hM in the pMt. , MayoJt Vavi.6 Mid that U i.6 not in :the p!tOeeclt.vu!£ by-taw. Cotll'!c.il.-toJt MUMa.y Mid :that U ml.t.6:t be in Vomil'tion pM-Uamen:tMy pJtoeedWte. CouncU.e.e.oJt !U-i.ngwaJt:t:h Mid that :the F -i.Jte MaMhrtli '.6 Jtepo!t:t: tte~ eJt!ted :to 2 0-24 liem6 needing c.oMec.:ti..on. He would ttequ.i..lte a de:tai.e.ed. c.o.6ting ~ott eac.h Uem. He daun' :t betieve $10.000. i.6 eoMee:t. ' Vepu.ty-Reeve S~1m1o1'!.6 Mid that beaal.t.6e on :the 90 day ttute he would abide by :the Mayatt' .6 dewion :that the motion i.6 ou.t o~ ottdeJt. MayO!t Vavi.6 Mid :that he peMOYk"tU.y would ob:t:ain a ttuting on :the 90 day ttute. ILLINGWORTH: "Ruo.tved that :the me.tting be adjoWLned." SIMMONS: CARRIEV. THE MEETING THEN AVJOURNEV. '--{' d1J.~ '