MINUTES - Special Council - 19660526... _,~ ~- ' Minutes of Special CoJ.!.ncil Meeting May 26th, 1966. Ptesent • Mayor C.F. Davis (in the chair) Re~ve S. G. Patrick · Deputy-Reeve R, Simmons Councillors -Corbett -Davis -Illingworth -Trent - Williamson -Jl\ u \\\\ 1\ Y WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that 72 hour notice be waived ILLINGWORTH: and that tl:).is meeting< of Council in Committee of the Whole now become a Council Meeting." CARRIED. Councillor Williamson said that Council had agreed some time ago that all meetings with developers and sub-dividers would be held in open Council. Counc:Hlor Murray said that he respected and agreed with the deci~ion of Council, but he disliked anything cut and dried. Councillor Illingworth said that he had seconded the motion-at last Council Meeting regarding this meeting, but he had not realized that Council were agreeing in principle to the development. He would eithe~ like the words "agree in principle" deleted, or he would like to withdraw as seconder. Councillor Davis said that he had stressed that his motion was. to agree in principle. · May or Davis said that the minutes must stand. Mr. Shankman presented a proposed plan for the development. He said they are at present planning ol).. ·a closed mall type of centre similar to Yorkdale. Newmarket and Richmond Hill are too close to compete as an open plaza, but a c1os.ed mall would attract customers. Mr. S~ankman said that the motion to agree in principle came as a_ shock to himt because he felt Council had agreed in principle some months ago. He thought that when Amendment #7 was passed it was be- cause Council wanted commercial development in this area. It in "-.evidence of his good faith to give the Town commerl!ial assessment before residential. In a project like this the engineering costS alone $20,000 -$25tOOO, befor:e you can get an architects plan, Mr, Shankman wants to get building permits for the foundations and excavations, and then he will come back wi.th architects plans • \ -2-: Councillor Williamson said .. that Mr. Shankman. wanted permits based on plans he had presented tonigbt, but these ar~ not· the plans originally proposed,. ·For example these plans show no theatre. Mr. Shankman said that these were not. necessarily the plans to which he was going to build •. He wants the temporary permits for his own ·.protection -to get his foot. in the door. · Reeve Patrick said that Council was not giving Mr. Shankman a chance. If he doesn't comply with the regulations, the Building Inspector can stop him, · .Councillor Illingworth said that Mr. Shankman didn't present a plan for a Shopping Centre until •. last Octo'Qer. Even. now we don 1 t know what you ere going to • build! .. To~ night is· the first time you have · t brought in any concrete plans, but then you say this may not be what you are going to build. can you give us any idea of the value of the centre, and will itbe as you previously stated; Mayo;r• Davis said before we get into this question, has any engineering plan beeinmade for getting the services into the shopping centre,· · Mr. Sharlkmari said that they could tie into the Disposal Plant from the Yonge Street frontage. They.wo\lld l:le prepal"ed to operate the. COiih'ilercial deyelopment on a temporary septic tank, Answering Councillor Illingworth, it is. difficult to tell what the value will be·until we kriow when we can bui];d~ 1:Ja$ed oh preseht values, the value would be $800,000 -$900,000, plus $~00,000 for land. <'tlo.uncillor Murray said that he doesn't think that the cost· has any-. tl!ff'ng to do \\lith it. The Shopping Centre is a commercial enterpril)e, , ari'd we need commercial assessment. · · · . D~~'tt"-Reeve .Sim,,lOns said that Council was beating a dead horse. Wt hi!i.d decided. what we wanted to do, .and now we are going over ,it again. Sur.e we want commercial a:;is·.essm'ent, but we are stytilied iby OMB and O'WRC. Councillor but are we go ahead? permit it. l'l!urray aaid we are stymied .on entering the se·,vage plant, going to wait until the sewage plant is built and then We know· they can 1 t get permits because the OVJRC won't Councillor Williamson quoted the opinion of Solicitor MacPherson that the foundation and excavation permit is tante,mound to issuing a building permit and should be treated as such. L.,. --~-~---· --· ····---~-----· .. -·--~~~~~~~~~-~~--·"'·".'"'··~-- '--~"""' ·3- Councillor Illingworth said that he egreed that the question should be settled one way or another. He.has no objection to shopping centN;s per se. He said the commercial development should stand on its own merits, and asked Mr1 Shankman if he would build the shopping centre without any agreement of any kind on the residential development. Mr. Shankman said he did not believe this was a fair question because Council was already on record that it would negotiate in good faith. If the Town is going ahead with expanding the disposal plant, we don •t want to wait until it is built to start. This is why we want foundation permit, because then we can go.out and negotiate leases, etc. We are investing good money in Aurora. We will get a return on our investment, but the Town will benefit also by getting assessment which does not deme.nd services .such as schools, etc. Councillor Davis said that he was confused. It is no secret that he is deeply in favour of a shopping centre, but ?IJJr. Shankman originally came in with aproposal for a mall, then he said it must be an open plaza, and now he says it is to be a ;rlElll again. If Mr. Shankman can tell us exactly what he is going to build, I might be prepared to support him, but I cannot until then. Mr. IRhum of CBC said that·the first question asked when negotiating leases with tenants is whether the land is zoned for a shopping centre. If the developer cannot say he can get a permit, the prospective tenant is in no hurry to decide how he wants his area laid out. Mayor Davis asked if even if the permits are granted, can you now go out and say that the land is zoned for a shopping centre. Mr. Shankman said that land zoning should be no problem, since this is a first use. He said that he had seen the letter from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re Amendment No. 7 and their require.raents did not appear onerous. Mr. Shankman recalled that at his first meeting with Council he said he was· aware of problem re the dispose.! plant, and he had said at that time he was prepared to pay his proportional she.re of the cost os expansion. · Counc.illor Trent said that in discussing the Centre, we hadn't yet got down to what assessi11ent we,s to be derived. This was important because the services would be a cost to the Town, Mr. Shankman said that he would sign an agreement to pay the cost of servicing. · -4- Deputy-Reeve Simmons said that if the change in land use was obtained the sewage problem would he easily overco<Ee if we allowed Mr. Shankman to tie into the trunk on Laurentide Avenue, coming across his own property. He said that the Shopping Centre would not cre<:lte as much sewe.ge as Sunnybrook Subdivision, Councillor :'iur){'ay seid that if Nlr. Shankman cec;,le across his own property it would simply be a plumbing connection and would not require O'lffiC approve.!. Councillor Illingworth said that we must first and there is no quarantee, it wi11 be rezoned. have a shopping centre we i;JUSt do it right. Mr. Shankman said the:t he would be prepe){'ed to underte:king not to apply for a building permit the land is properly rezoned, get the land rezoned, If ·;ve e.re going to give the Town an until such time as Councillor Illingworth said that such an undertaking would not satisfy him. He would think that if Council gave its approval in principle this should be se,tisfactory to Mr. Shankman. He would re:ther the Council give Mr. Shankman assurance that when the land is rezoned permits will be issued. Mr. Shankman said that Council had a~ready given its approval in principle, but he we:nts to lock up his tenants now, and he cannot do this without permits. Cojlncillor Murrey o;e.id that !Vlr, Shankmall, owned a piece of property, and H he wanted to put founde:tionl;l on it, Council couldn't stop him. Councillor ''!!illi~mgJOn said that Council !tlad received an opinion from its Solicitor, ·and as Chair10wn of. the Planning co~~~;;.,ittee he could not honesqy sign the building p<qrmits. Councillor Murray said th;;,t Counc:L!, was going to do one of two things either we are going to wait until the larid is rezoned, or we are going to grant the foundation perm:i,t. MUfmAY: CO?.B!STT: "Resolved the,t Cpuncil grant the foundation permit tonight. 11 Councillor ·cl'illiamson asked why ''We hav:e a Town Solicitor if we are going to ignore his advice. Mayor Davis stated that he agreed, ana that he felt so strongly that there must be e: recorded vote, ' ~-·~·-~~~·~~~~~· ~-~--- -5- Councillor Illingworth said that he was glad the question had be~n brought to a head. He cannot su:.oport the resolution, but he is glad it had been brought to a head, · Reeve Patrick said that he could quite understand what this tvs,s a,U about. We are ell sure the rezoning is going through. Mr._ Sl1i'l:tlkiJ1an has to negotiate with tenants i He thinks the Mayor and a delegation should go to the Department ahd get the amend,nent through~ Mr. Shankm~m said that he felt Council should know ~:~11 the facts, He said h;o had been given to June 1 by a major tenant to let him kJQ.ow if he was going ahead. Deputy-Reeve Simmons said thiS only confir:ned whd he l:!..ad ssid. All Mr. Shanlcnan is after is something concrete so he can negotiate with tenants. AM~NDMENT DAV!S: "Resolved :that per.e1its for NO SE!CONDER: foundations be grant.ed and that bllilding permits be granted subject to aj)proval of whichever legal authority has it re land use." Coundillor Murray said we should clarify this.. Mr.. Shankman is willi:'ng to give a com;,;i h1ent not to apply for the permit. All Uir. Shankman wants is a resolution to show his tenants. · Councillor Trent asked if it was necessary to have a foundation permit. \\Thy not enter into an c,gree::.ent with L1r. Shankman. .AMENDMENT TRENT: WILLIAMSON: "Re.solved that we enter into a signe!ll agreement with i'JJr. Shankman similar to a subdivision agreement, stating out position and his position." Councillor Murray said that Councillor JLllingworth had indicated he was not fussy on having any commitment from Mr. Sh&nkman. Councillor Illingworth said that he would sup~;ort an '.agreement. It would need be only a simple agreement .. stating that an e.pplication would be considered e.s soon as the land is rezoned. \..~---~------------~- -6- Mr. Shankman said an agreement is not satisfactory. Once the land is rezoned, an agreement would be unnecessary. He doesn't want an agreement, he wants the foundation per;.Ji ts. , ___ _ Councillor Trent said that this put Mr. Shank<aan in a different light. H!e could not support something he knew nothing about. AMENDMENT TO AMENDMENT DIVIS: PATRICK: "Resolved that perndts for foundations be granted and that building permits be granted subject to the approval of the Dept. of Municipal Affairs of change in land use. RECORDED VOTE ON JiJ:C::SNDf,JSNT TO AM'SNDNlENT ~ Mayor C.F. DAVIS NAY -X Reeve PATRICK X D.eputy-Re.eve Slfffti:I.!ONS X Councillor. CORBETT X Councillor W. DAVIS X Councillor ILLINGWORTH X Councillor D.J. TrWRRJ,y X Councillor \'J'l. TRENT X Co.uncillor J, WILLift3;'1SON X J:1tJENDl~,1ENT TO I3.JENDMENT DEFEAT!~D · .. -~·· -7- RECOT~DED VOTE ON AL:if2NDTf.!;NT YEA NAY -- MAYOR C.F. )AVIS X REEVE PA.TRICK X DEPUTY -RE:~VE S :n .. fLl10NS X COUNCILLOR CORBETT X COUNCILLOR W. DAVIS X COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH X COUNCILLOR :J. J. IYlU&"'i.AY X COUNCILLOH c!n'''• TRENT X COUNCILLOR J. 'YILLIAMSJN X Jii~~ENDJ>1ENT DEFEATED Deputy-Reeve Si;m:wns asked if the words "and that buildings and permits be subject to Council approval" Councillor '"1urray and Corbett as mover and seconder agreed. The resolution now reads: MURRAY: "Resolved the..t Council grant the foundation COHBETT: .. permits tonight, and that buildings and perinits be subject to Council approval." ~·~·~····~.-~~~~-~- .... ., -8- RECORDED VOTE ON HESCLUTION YEA. --.-- MAYOR C.F, DP.VIS RE~VE PATrtiCJK x DEPUTY R.~8~~V~i: SIT;Il'r10NS x COUNCILLOR CORBETT COUNCILLOR W. .JAVIS COUNCILLOR ILLINGVJOR'fH COUNCILLOR D~J. fl.iURR!S COUNCILLOR W~ TRENT COUNCILLOR J. 'i'ILLH:.MSON X X X RE.SOLUTION CJ:-J~RIED NAY X X X X Councillor Illingworth said that as a ;;,e:aber of the peri,Ji t Cor.md ttee, he will not sign the permit. Councillor Murray said that tte majority rules, and Council had passed it. CO!a3ETT: "Resolved the ;;,eeting adjourn." S Jt ~.,lfcl~(\ ~'" • , ... _,,..., l'l~o..~. Ck't1lED. The·meeting then adjourned. ,/ :{~~\ MAYOR ·-----