MINUTES - Special Council - 19660630L~-~-~-~·~·~~~ ;:; MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETNG OF COUNCIL HELV tN fHE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THURSDAY. JUNE 30 , 1%6. PRESENT :REEI'lE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS CORBETT: ILLINGWORTH: C.F. VAVIS S.G.PATRICK R. SIMMONS CORBETT, VAVIS, ~.~· . ILLINGWORTH, rill! EW, TRE/olT, WILLIAMSON. "Ruo!ve.d tha:t the. 48 hoWL no:U~e. ofl. me.e.:Ung be. wiitve.d." CARRIEV. M<t,y:Oit. Vav..U. e.x'IJ!a.i.Md :that thU eme.Jtge.n~y me.e.:Ung WM made. ne.~uda!ty by :the. .. OI'J)tivt.Lo Mwuc..(.pa! BoaJr.d de.w.i.OI't :to appJtove. the. Commui'!Uy Ce.l't:tlte. w.U:hou:t a pr.ttlU.e, he.a.Jt.tng. He. .&a.i.d tha:t the. Ve.pu:ty-C!e.Jtl< had ~he.~ke.d and ~onfi.tltme.d tha:t we. had ~omp.Ue.d w.U:h aU .t.tatu:toJty and !e.ga! Jte.qu.l.Jteme.I'!U Md :tha:t U WM I'!OW ne.~U.6MIJ to o.M.a.nge. :the. .60d-:tUJLI't.i.ng ~e.Jte.r'l1ony. MJt. Ca.t.e.y Jti?.~d.itte.d th..a.:t he. wou.td be. mov.tng the. job ofin.t~e. on .t.Ue. Tuuday. WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: PATRICK: TRENT: "Ruo.tve.d tha:t the. Md-tUJLI't.i.ng ~e.Jtemony be. b.e..ed on Mondliif' JtLI!.y 11 at 8. 00 p.m. al'td that U be. adve.Jtti.6e.d .tn the. !o~a! pape.M Md that .tnv.t:tat.to 1'!.6 be. .6 e.l't:t to a guut fut pJte.pa.Jte.d by the. Se.Jtv.t~u CommU:te.e.." CART{IEV. I "Ruo!ve.d tha:t the. me.e.:Ung be. adjoUJLMd." • CARRTEV. The. me.e.:Ung the.l't adjoUJLne.d. --fl~~ ---·---~-~~~_Dj _______________ _ MAYOR ~--- ~~~~ffli: -------~~~~------------~---~ .• ~ •. ~.~ ... ~ .. ~.~--~-~----~·~···········~·"'·'--------