MINUTES - Special Council - 19660601... ~,,., '·--·; MINUTES OF A SPECIAL COUNCIL l~ETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHArABERS ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1966 AT 8:00 !',, !Yl, PRESENT: MAYOR C,.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) REEVE S.G. PATRICK DEPUTY-REEVE SIMMONS COUNCILLORS CORBETT, W. DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, 1\fURlRAY, TRENT and WILLIP.MSON Mayor Davis stated that the purpose of this special meeting is to receive the report of the Liaison Committee on the appointment of a Parkskeeper. Reeve Petrick in the chair Mayor Davis presented the report of the Liaison Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: Mayor Davis and Councillor Illingworth met at 1:30 p;m, Saturday, May 28th, 1966 to interview applicants for the position of parltskeeper. Councillor Trent and Town Superintendent were in attendance. It is the recommendation of the Liaison Committee that Mr. Norman Weller, Aurora be engaged as parkskeeper, for a 6 month probationary period at a salary of $4,500.00 effective June 1, 1966, DAVIS: "Resolved that the report of the Liaison ILLINGWORTH: Committee, datedMay 30, 1966 1 re parks- keeper be accepted and the seal of the corporntion be attached hereto," Deptity-RE\eve Simmons said .. that as Chairman of the Property Committee he wou}.d 'be so.rvy to SeJi) Mr'ci Weller .leave the Disposal Plant, but h~ wa·s sure he would do a good job as parkskeeper. Mayor Davis said that the Committee had interviewed three app~icants, and they felt Mr. Weller was the most versatile. He has had a. lot of experience, and does take an interest in grass, shrubs, etQ<c He has been raising flowers at the Disposal Plant. He is surE!" Mr. 'iVeller will do a good job with the right direction~ Councillor Trent said that he felt the Town had taken a step forward. He realized the work ahead because parks had been neglected in th~ .past, ,..,. -• '<"·•~ .. ,.._... !~·----· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~----~------~~-------------..~·------ ..... ·;~· -2- Mayor Dav:is sa:i~ that l;lefore the vote is taken he wanhd to m~e • it c;le8fl that th~ parkskeeper w:.i,ll be unde.r the ~uperv~sion o~, the • Town Superin~endant. 'fhis was made clear during. the ii\tervieW,• · .ln the winter time he can be employed on flooding rink~ or otlier jobs as directed. Reeve Petrick said that the Centennial Committee had brought i~ a recommendation that a tree nursery be set·up and tbis bien should do well at this. He will be a real asset to the Town, Counci.llor Davis said he had some doubts about this positiol) in the beginning, but with this appointment he is sure it will work out well, C/®.'1'IED. Coune:Ulor Ill:l.nsworth ~ake4 tl\at tbe URIUlec•ntul appl~cMtt b' adv.ised, :MAYOR DAVIS IN THE CHAIR TRENT: · "Resolved that a Supplementary Road and PATRICK: Expenditure By-Law be prepared." CARRIED. ·SIMMONS: "Res.olv:e.d that the meeting adjourn." PATRICK: CARRIED. ;\)<C> ~.~.QS2- ',i'tN'!>""': 'C7 .. =·rr.· p~······· Cf,ERK L •.·•;!; .• ;, •• . .. ·-''--'·..._,___··· '""'-• -d--.,....,.,.,.., ~··-············· .... ''"'''""·····-···-·=