MINUTES - Special Council - 19660425-~;-I ;,~ ··\I"'' ;,··· ~<"f" \ \ ··1· \ ,, . ' .. MlNtJTts Of A sne!AL ,MEETING OF Cf:)UN'CIL HELD lN M COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY • APRIL 25,1966 AT 7 .. 30 P.M. . I ·~...._ ~· i• PRE~ENT ~VOR RE~VE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS COR FINANCIAL STATEMENT ~ i I llEVISED 5 · )' '"'' YEAR FORECAST I I\ I ! :t· ~ l.,''"'. } ;-:,: {.~ ' .• 'J 'i .. ; . ' i i !r: .. 'i·~: .. ··· . I 1,: . H:l 1 ;i: '~4 .f.~_,' {" ~-~ } ,\ ·i 1 :'. ·)'·'.· '· •. ,. '· I,,, . '" . -~- ·t:: -~-, ·j ~~ -,:;;c·.o;=·7~-;c-.•.=-;-;'-"C.'"r.'-"'' CO"':-'ZZ.<O ·--"=·--"•_.,.,., •. -•·•~-> I>'~·'"' "1':-•...tl-----'"!' ·-~ ~-...... -...... ' .... ---~: l.,.·. C.F. DAVIS {IN THE CHAIR) S.G. PATRICK R. S IM~10NS .. . .·· CQRBtTT, H. DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT , loJIJ.L:lAMSON. Mayor Davis. stated this meettng had been called to complete any unfinished business from the meeting of April 18,1966 and wij;hin reason any other new business •rlt\ f'' .,· Mayor Davis stated that the Financial Statement had been received. and copies given to all Council members . Mayor Davis informed Council that the Financial Statement would be published this week. / Councillor Illingworth noted that it had been recommended in. the Financial Statement that the Bond on Town Employees handling money be increased to $50,000.00. and inquired if any action would be taken. Mayor Davis stated that a Fina11ce Committee f4eetinq was to be held and this recommendation would be considered. v1ILLIAMSON: "ReS'Ol.ved that the five year capital ~xpenditure PATRICK: forecast, approved by the. Ontario Municipal Board, be revised by adding thereto an amount of $55,000.oo estimated to be required by the .~urora Public School Board for the purchase and servicing of a proposed ' Public School site. ,'1' Be it further resolved that, the revised forecas.t; .be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board aor Approval." CARRIED. /h: !." ...... '' ..... _.,.... 00"~-~~·~-~~~~--~----- ' ! •k ' ··;,: :_J, '} ( ~· \ ··-:~: SPECIAL COUNCIL -2 -April 25,1966 MARK ST. Mayor Davis brought forward the matter of the Mark St. property. PROPERTY The Town Solicitor advised he had acted for Mr. Garfied Burns when he purchased the property in November, 1965, and he had, at that time, reviewed the survey in relation to By-law 1051 and its amendments and had decided that since this was the whole of a lot Mr. Burns could easily comply with By-law 1051. Mr.Mor':o~:c~o:l further stated that Mr. Burns had purchased the property on his say so and there was no reason why he should not be allowed a buildin~ permit~ Council members discussed this matter at length and then duly resolved:- ILLINGWORTH: SIMMONS: ~esolved that the Planning Committee bring in a report centaining a definition of living quarters and in particular those living quarters contained over garages." CRRJRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS WALKWAY ACROSS GOLF COURSE SHOPPING CENTRE NORTH END Councillor Davis brought up the matter of a right-of-way across the Golf Course to provide a ;ralk>·ray for school children from the south portion of Tovrn. This matter was left with Mayor Davis to arc·ange a meeting with the owner of the Golf Course. Councillor Davis mentioned that there was lack of enthusiasm with regard to the proposed north end shopping centre .. Mayor Davis advised there was a report .of the Planning Committee to introduce this evening coYering this ;ozat·'; •;r. Councillor Trent introducted the subject of a grant to assist the St.John Ambulance and stated it was not their policy to solicit f~ds. SI.JOHN AMBULANCE GRANT . ·'!~;·:,>" '·'tlJWIS :vi: "REsolved that a gra:Tt of up to $50.00 be authorized for the St.John Ambulance." NNTI-NOISE BY-LAW CORBETT: CARRIED. Councillor Corbett mentioned the letter from l-'..r. H; Matthews re and Anti-Noise By-law A copy of the North York By·-law had been received aut did not appear as good as ours, However, further study would be given our by-law to ascertain if appropriate amendments may be undertaken. ~=~·-·=··""·''""'''' ·~~~~----~· ===~=~= ' l ) ! ' t f.'·; ~~ J ! L-~~,-, SPECIAL COUNCIL - 3 -April 25 ,1966 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED LAND USE CHANGES AURORA ORCHARDS CODE OF ETHICS COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH BROUGHT FORWARD A LETTER FROM COMMUNITY PLANNING BRANCH, D.MA. Concering a proposed land use change in the property land use change in the property known as Aurora Orchards. ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: MURRAY: DAVIS:W: "Resolved that a letter be to present the referred to first hand a direct answer in paragr .ph 2 (d) of the the Planning Branch." forwarded to the O_lW.R.C. letters and ascertain specifically as outlined pertinent letter from "Resolved that a delegation of Council attend '-It the O.W.R.c. Offices in support of this letter." CARRIED .. Councillor Illingworth presented the following brief: Reference is made to minutes of Council dated March 21,1966, in which copies of the North York Twp. proposed code of ethics were forwarded to members of Council for study. The Council of North York are to be commended for their preparation of their proposed code of ethics for submission to the Provincial Govern- ment. It is quite obvious that considerable time, effort and talent has been expanded in its preparation, and their requiest for consider= ation and support should not be taken lightly. As is stated in the brief "High moral standards in government cannot be created by the existance of a code of ethics alone.. Those in public life will receive their basic integrity and standards from the same ecurces as people in other spehers, namely from home, school and religion." It is ~Y opinion that the vast majority of citizens elected or appointed to public office have offered their time, effort and ability from a sincere desire to serve their fellow man. To insist that these '· · ·, citizens be required to endorse a code of ethics for such public service would be considered· an affront to their honesty and integrity. Granted, there are some who may and do betray their trust, but it is believed that they are few in numbers and that a watchfull council or a watchful public, and thank heave11s they are becoming more watchful, can easily take. the required corrective action when an electred or appointed Official is involved in a conflict of interest, aceepts gifts or favoursc; discloses confidential inforn.o.tion or any of the many other items covered in the proposed code of ethics. ~~~~~·-·~-~--~-~~-- . . , "'' -~-"-. . • ,. i! I\ ' lb ___ :. S~)l:CIAL COUNCIL -4 -April <>•,1966 ~-. UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED . CODE OF ETHICS PEDESTRIAN CROSSOVER Just last week I sat in at a meeting of the Aurora Committee of Adjustment and a special meeting of the Aurora Planning Board, and nowhere, I believe, will you find a more sincere, a more dedicated, a more conscientious group of public spirited citizens who give so freely of their own time in the interest of the Town of Aurora. I feel that these men and the other men and women who serve in an elected or appointed capacity should be commended for their service, rather than be asked to sign a code of ethics. I:1iliNGWORTH: SIMMONS: "Resolved that the proposed code of ethics as prepared by North York Twp. is not required by the majoirity of elected and appointed officials and does not warrant the support of this Council, and that North York Twp. be so advised;" CARRIED. Reuncillor Illingworth presented the following: Reference is made to minutes of Council dated February 28th.l966 (Page 5) in which the Police Committee recommended a Pedestrian Crossover on Yonge St. at the north side of the Kennedy St. intersect- ion. We have been advised by the Aurora Hydro that they are unable to install overhead sign on the north side of Kennedy St. without erect-- ing two new poles, and that it is normally Council's policy to keep poles to a minimum The crossover would be placed on the south side of Kennedy St .• with- out difficulty, as poles are already in place. While the traffic Safety Officer prefers the north side of the intersection, he would be agreeable to the south side, rather than cancelling the crosswalk .•. Your Committee concurs with the opinion of the traffic safety Officer, and if it is Council's wish to limit the number of poles on .onge St. request that our report of February 28th. be amended to ' · readsouth side of Kennedy St. instead of north side and By-law be prepared WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: "" .• "Resolved that the crosswalk at Yonge and Kennedy Sts be placed from the south-west corner to the South- eatt corner." CARRIED. -)~~~r~ '·~~-"·-··-·-· ----~------~-----~~~--~-~·:;.,_'-' ·--~~--------------- SPECIAL COUNCIL - 5 - April ~ ~,1966 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONTINUED ~- COMPLAINTS RE ("'PARKING OF CARS i I ON TEMPERANCE ST. ·, __ ~· BOARD OF TRADE TO ERECT INDUSTRY PROMOTION SIGNS CROSSHALK SIGNS ARENA PROPERTY TO BE HE-ADVERTISED CONSOLIDATED BUILDING CORP. RE DEEDING OF LANDS ~ARK LAND OHNED BY S .J .KELNER '~--·--··-·------·--'--'"·---~~--------·····--·--- Deputy Reeve Simmons mentioned complaints have been received concerning the parking of cars and littering in front of the car wash building on Temperance St. Councillor Illingworth advised the Police have been requested to place a watch on this area especially during Saturday and Sunday. Mayor Davis stated Mr. A. Child, had previously requested permission, on behalf of the Aurora Board of Trade, to erect Industry promotion signs at the.'entrances to Aurora. PATRICK: CORBETT: "Resolved that permission be granted to the Aurora Beard of Trade to erect signs at the four entrances to Aurora. 11 · · CARRIED. Councillor Williamson stated that the crosswalk signs had not bean repaird as yet. Councillor Trent advised they had been taken down for paint joe' ILLINGWORTH: WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH: SIMMONS~ DAVIS :1>/: TRENT: "Resolved that the old Arena site be re-e.dvertised for sale and that the Town Works De;pt •. arrange to level and place t.his property in goq¢t cbnition; the cost for same to be taken from monies previously allottted for this purpose." CARRIED. "Resolved that a follow-up letter be forWarded to Consolidatad Building Corporation Ltd. · converning the deeding of the lands owned by them at the south limits of Aurora." CARRIED. "REsolved that a meeting be arranged with Mr. S.J. Kelner to further the matter of acquiring certain park lands presently owned by him," CARRIED. SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS 1 : BY-LAW 1681-APPOINT • 1 MEMBER TO ·-: .. ,,..-' COM).IITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CORBETT: ILLINGWORTH: -6 -April 25,1966 "REsolVed that leave be given to introduce a By-l&w to appoint a member to the Committee of AdJuStment and.that the same be now read a first time." CARRIED. The by-law was then read a first time. TRENT: DAVIS:W: PATRICK: DAVIS:C: PATRICK: DAVIS:W: WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: PATRICK: COBBETT: . "Resolved that the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose." "Resolved that the name of Mrs. R. C. Sanderson be .inserted in the appropriate black." CARRIED. "Resolved that the second reading of the by-law be taken as read. " CARRIED. "Resolved that the by-law now before the Council be rea,d a tnird time t)1is day a.nd that rule 22 of by-,law no 1468 be suspe!J.deci for that prupo~e." "Resol)Ted tnat the tlilird reading of the By-lav pe taken as read." CARRJED. --~~-~. -~~~~~~ -----------------------~--~--~ . I ' ! ! l t I l I I ! \ l f ~':\- SPECIAL COUNCIL -7-APRIL 25,1966 REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMiUTTEE THE PLANNING COi~I,1ITTEE HELD A 1•1EETING ON HEDNESDAV, .~PRIL 20TH. 1966 AT 9.30 P.M. ALL 1'1Et4BERS M!D f·1R. A.,lURB, BUILDING INSPECTOR H! /\TTENDANCE. THEFOlLOI.JING IW1S \~ERE DISCUSSED. 1 • · PART LOT 72, PLAN 246 -RANS0~1 ST. ·--··· ~4r. Don Findlay and Mr. B. Lutes attended the Planning Committee meetinq and requested consideration for a Quit Claim Deed far easterly 1 .33 feet of a 10 foot e ~as'ement. It I•Jas noted that the easement was not shown on the survey and was not known to the Hydro or ~1unicipal Office at the time the building permit was issued. Your Planning Committee recommend: (a) That a Quit Claim Deed for easterly 1.33 feet be granted (b) That action be taken to prevent future occurences and that the Town ;"(• Solicitor and/or bui]ding Inspector check reqistry office regarding easements before buildinq permits issued.· (ci that .a By-1 a1~ ne dedication for hj ghway purpose of;6 ... 06 feet in ·front of 1 ot for st~eet wi deni nq •. , · . · ·· .,. -,., ,·,·\ ,--;:·; 1 ,. :I' ;: .. ' '.I ·: "''!•·',i' . ·._ -~ -, ~ L t : ~ (: ·i ;··: .• • ,.,. . ' '· .-.·~· -··,. .·;. \• ""'" .... ---~· " ( ~ ·' ·'·-, t· I i SPECIAL COUNCIL -s -APRIL 25 11966 2. t1ARTYN PROPERTY ·· 53 HELLI!'IGTON ST. A request has been received from Mr. Martyn to install bathroom on second floor for a 2 family dwelling. At present, dwelling is assessed as 2 family dwelling. ~,1r. f·lartyn also requestod authority to convert existing vacant bacl< section of dwelling into 2 bachelor apartments. Your Committee recommend: (a) Approval of permit for installation of bathroom. (b) Request for conversion of additional 2 bachelor suites be referred to Planning Board. 3. SKINNER AND MERRICK -YONGE ST A request has been recei V<?d for building 2 stores with apartments above to complete the Skinner r, ~1errick Shopping area. Your Committee recommend anprova 1 subject to the fo ll o•11i ng (a) Aoartment Levy (By-1m~ l!i66) to be paid on occupancy and that the Buildinq Inspector be authorized to orepare an Occuoan.v permit and activate in accordance with By-1 aw H-87, Bui 1 eli ng Code. (b) Parkinq area in rear of building to be paved on the basis of 1 1/ll parkinq speces per apartment suite, with a oavecl inqress on tho north of the building and a paved egress on the south of the buildinq and such ingress and e~ress to be clearly marked. (c) Parl<ing area in front of building to be paved and actioned as outlined in Po 1 ice Committee report presented to Counci 1 on Anri 1 18th .1966. .. ~ // / ~~--~--------~----~---~------~_; ,,,_..,_, I \' SPECIAL COUNCIL - 9 - April 25,1966 PLANNING COMHITTEE REPORT CONTINUED ,', A retain wall to be built at south end to prevent erosion into ajoining Tmm property. 4. SIX-PLEX GEORGE ST. 5. On the advise of local realtors, Hr. Hanning has reQuested. authority to change origlimal plan for a Six-ple~ (2-3 bedroom and 4 - 2 bedroom) into an eight-plex (2-2 bedroom, 4-l bedroom and 2 bachelor). This would not change total floor area of building. Your Cormnittee recommends that this reQu-est be referred to Planning Board. GOLF GLEN SpBDIVISION A reQuest haa Venn received from the subdivider for autnority to proceed with remaining 13 lots to complete Phase l of Subdivision. Houses would be valued in excess of $21,000.00 Your Committee recommends that the reQuest be referred to the Planning Board. 6. 101 KE}TNEDY ST. A reQuest has been received. from Dr. PaLmer reQuesting the Town to develop Dodie St westward though hi~ property and a 66' road allmrance would be c1edicated. Your Committee recommends that this reQuest be referred to Planning Board. I. PLMTNING BUDGET Your Committee has recon disdered the Planning Budget and recommend an additional $200.00 be added to the Basic Salary of the Building Inspector retroactive to January lst.1966. WILLIAMSON: ILLINGWORTH TRENT: PATRICK: encroachment on town property CAB DRIVER'S LICENSE "Resolved that the report of the Planning Committee, re several items dated April 25,1966 be accepted." "Resolved that paragrah l of this report be referred to the Tmrn Solicitor for his report back to Council and the report be accepted as so amended." ILLING\•!ORTH: SIMMONS: carried. "Resolved that the Town Engineer look into the possibility of an encroachment, Skinner and !4e;rrick property, as covered in the minutes of May 1,1965 and report bac]> to Council for their next meeting." CARRrED. Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Police 1<hich the Committee respectfully submit the follmring: Committee in "That the application of Mr. lLA. Evans, Yonge St. S. Aurora for a Cab Driver's License be approved." ILLINGHORTH: \ULLIAMSON: "Resolved the,t the report of the Police Corrm1ittee dated April 25th.l966 re cab driver's license for !Vlr.H.A. Evans, Be accepted." CARRIED. L~""~ ·····"~~ ... ·~= ...... ··-~··· . ~·=·~·"~~-~ ... ".. . . -·· ( ,,•. ' ,<: ;;, ' SPECIAL COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES TRAFFIC LIGHTS YONGE AND WELLINGTON STS. 1oRoNTO & YORK ROAllS Tb BE CONTACTED F'E FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE RE THIS PROJEC'l' SPECIAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE L~~-~-~ ~--~~- -1m -April 2!$ ,1966 Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the Police Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: Four Yonge tenders were received for traffic lights e~uipment for and Wellington Sts. as follows: NORTHERN ELECTRIC CROUSE HINDS E.A.HORTON SALES $1,524.40 (part Only) $2,26[.00 $2,500.00 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC $2,350.32 THE COMMITTEE concur in the Town Engineer's recommendation to accept the tender of CROUSE HINDS LTD. ILLINGWORTH: CORBETT: ILLINGWORTH: PATRICK: "Resolved that the report of the Police Comm. re tender of Crouse Hinds Lt. at a cost of $~,267.00 for traffic Light E~uipment for the corner of Yonge and Wellington Sts. be accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." CARHIED. "Resolved that the Town Engineer contact Toronto and York Roads Comm. concerning the proposed instalation of these traffic lights and ascertain what arrangements may be made concerning their financial assistance towards the cost of this project." CARRIED. Councillor Illingworth presented a report of the S~ccial Community College Committee in which the Committee respect- fully su))mi t the following : ~ Councillor Murray and Illingworth attended a meeting of the Joint~Committee on Community Cfulleges in York County Committee Rooms on Wednesday, April 20,1966 at [.30 p.m. TPte progress of the Joint Committee brief was presented by the~ Chairman of tr -~ 1oint committee and the progress of the York County Brief was presented by Mr. C. Dowson. Mr. Dowson advised that the County brief would be presented to County Plann;i,ng Committee on April ~22,1966 and if acceptable to County Council on April 29th. 1966, ,-:--~·':'. ,, L .... -11- SPECIAL COUNCIL April 25,1966 SPECIAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE REPORT ' The Brief recommends the following: l. That a Community College be established in York Cc · ···' J. 2, That a site should be selected on the Yonge St. corridor between Steels Ave. on the south, and N~arket to the North, 3. That care should be taken to provide for an additi~nal college at a later date. 4. That the resources of the County should be made ave 't lable for future studies. The cri;;:Lnal formation of the Joint Committee was to prepare a brief to promote the build.ing of a Community College in the Aurora--lie ·· -~:;~:8t Area. subsequent to the formation of the Committee, the Goverrunent of Ontario passed an order in Council, which outlines the various co1: .. ege areas. The CJllege area which include York County also incluc\es the Township of Noc·th York and therfore it is felt that a brief on behalf of the ,;-hole of the Cmmty or' York would be in the best interests of al.,l Municipalities -;rithin the County. Therefor it is recommended that the Joint Cormnittee support the County Brief, until such time as a Board of Governors have been appointed for the College Area. and a selection of a site is to be raade, At that ti.me, it is considered necessary, the Joint Committee may be -re--activated to soli.rit support for selection of a site that will be in the best interest of the centr-al a:1d northern students of the County. ILLINGWORTH: MURRAY: NEW BUpiNESS "Resolved that the repoc:c of the Special CoJJLmunity College Committee dated, April 25 ,1966 be acce,?te<l .. " CARRIED. Councillor Illingwor·oh presented the foll01·ring: Now that the Budget has been settled for theyear and -;re know the amount of increase that ea.ch family i.n Aurora. will be required to pay for the maintenance of our educational system, our share of the County levy and the operation of the town, some thought should be given to the method of tax payment. Local taxes, continue to rise and in the forsseable future there is little likely hood of a. tax reduction. In Am·ora citizens are required to pay their taxes in 3 ·instalments , .. 1 .. • they are fortunate enough that they can pay them off at once. The increased taxes may possibly '·· ·' a hardship on some of our citizens. so that some thought should be given to payment of taxes in more instalments. It ha8 been suggested in the City of Toronto that taxes be paid in monthly inste,lments, which j_s more in line -;rith family budgetinp: , instead of the present six instalments. There may be many reasons that more instalments would not be advantar>;ous to the municipality e.g. addit;i.~nal administrative work, large period before money is avail- able, etc. but it is believed that this subject should be further investigated. Therefore, at the next regular meeting of Council, it is proposed to submit the following resolution for consideration. li1esolved that the Municipal, taRes for the Town bf Aurora, be payable in six instalments commencing in 1967, ~~---~-··-•..'--..-o.:..· ' •·n. . ;,~~"'·~·····" •;___ .. .;,_ -·-. --~ ~-,.,_-_•_.,-;!;,,;;:~A~" \J.i!'o =~%~··• ''<>' ""W-~.~~-~ SPECIAL COUNCIL FIRING OF 3 MEN OVERLAP BETWEEN • PARKS AND CENTENNIAL COMM. . -F. April 25 ,19~4 Councillor Davis stated that no report had been received from the Works Committee concerning the dis: missal of three men last week. This matter was deferred to Council in Committee of the Whole• Councillor Murray stated an overlap between the Parks and deritennial Committee appeared to exist and since some work must be undertaken now there should be some relief from the Centennial Committ~~ given to the Parks Committee. Councillor w. Davis advised he had attended the 1967 Centennial Wbrkshop held in Richmond hill and would report re same at next meeting. ADJOURNMENT . \---~:.- MAYOR 1 i_' ct ------------·------ Councillor Illingworth advised it was the responsibility of Council to now appoint an arbitrator to Act on behalf of the Town re the Police Arbitration. This matter was deferred to Council in Committee of the Whole. SIMMONS: "Resolved that this meeting adjourn. 9.45 p.m." PATRICK: CARRIED. The meeting then adjourned. ) ~~ ~/ CLERK~ '-<.._ _-: --- -~"'-'' ""'