MINUTES - Special Council - 19660510"-'~o:-.-_,
MAY 10,1966 AT 7.30 P.M.
,Mayor Davis advised that the purpose of themeeting was to complete the business of
the meeting of May 2,1966 •. He said tha~ Deputy-'Reeve Simmons was absent due to a
!r.c;eting at County., and that Councillor Williamson was absent due to illness.
li~'::2:1 '_':§liE::lU:1Jf::li~
: _jJ:ljQ':\T -.... ,
Cc''"~:.-, ~ . ., Eling1-rorth read the following brief
Reference is made to minutes of Council dated April 18th.l966 in
which a Notice of Motion vias presented to define "Single Family etc"
It is ~uite evident in view of subse~uent events as regards side yarfs
in residential areas, acessory buildings, attached garages, attached
garges with living ~uarters above, converted dwellings, etc, that our
Residential By-·law 1051 requires sb!he amendments. This is understood
when it is realized that By-law 1051 was approved in 1950 and ,last
amendment was Januarv 3rd.l966. When the Zoning By-law is final~r
approved , By-law 1051 and all it amendments will be repealed.
However, in the interval, there is an urgent need for By-law 1051
to be brought up to date.
With Council's permission, 1 would like to withdraw my Notice of
Motion as presented April 18th.l966 and to advise that a proposer'.
revision to By-law 1051 is in preparation and will be submitted ;,.:
Planning Committee for study within the next 2 or 3 weeks . It L
hoped that· such revision will clarify many of the settions that ~f
now open to misinterpration.and will fill the requirements until
the Zoning By-law is in effect.
Councillor Trent asked what had happened to the Fire REport
Mayor Davis said that the report had been handed to the Fire Committee
for study.
Councillor Davis reported that the Fire Committee had been unable to
set a date for a meeting because members of the Com.mittee were tied
May·or Davis said that he hoped Council would receive ao rep~"~P
._ .... ,, ..
L~-~--~ -------~----.. ................. . ... -. .. ........ -----.... . -----····-····-·····~-~-----·------~ .... -... ~. .
-2 -May lQ,l966
"Resolved that an adve:t'titsment be pUJ.ced in the
Aurora Banner and Ns'iiirlarket Era and Express for a
Parks Keeper for the ToWn of Aurora and that all
applications must be in by 5.oo p.m. May 25,1966.
That the !,bison Committee along with the Works
Superintendent be authorized to open such applications
and arrange to meet with.said.applicants. for the
purpose fo .hiring and that a report be SUbmitted to
Council for e.ction by the :30tl;t of May ,1966, and that
the Mayor call 'a special c.ouncil meeting for tb,e. above.·.·
Councillor Illingworth said that Council had approved the hiring of a Parks Keeper.
Councillor Murray said that as Chairman of the Parks COmlni""tee heca.naot see the need
for this position at this time. He wants ecerythirig he can get for parks, but this is
just another chief; by himself he can accorilplish nothing but will have to go to .:Works
Dept. for men. Let's hire a couple more men for the Works Dept. i:f' mer· help is ..
Councillor Trent said that last year he was Cha:l.rm&i of Parks Committee; and there
was so much to be done it is . almost imsurmountable. The parks have been badly neglepte4
for years,. and this is not right; they should be an asset to ow Town. We need someone:
to 'lay out the work. We ~ave $.24,000. for Centennial Progrll.mm~, and·so!n:eone has to ·
decide how it should be spent.: The Parkll can be improved ever a period of years,
In the winter there is equipmeint to be maintained and built and a man could be
1tilized ·in these fields. He will need assitance in the stinl!ner, and. he could use· S0llle·
of the Young people who need summer. empl()yment, paying thE! present rates df minimum
wages The man will not be a director, but a doer. · ·
Mayor Davis
We have the
said that this chap ifhired would have to work under
Centennial progra!l1llle .and he. would hate to ii~a:O more
the Town Superintendenil
on the Superintendent i
Councillor Illingworth referred to Council minutes. of Match 21 and read the resolution
accepting the report of the Parks Coltlfil:l.ttee; . He said tb:at .he WliJ.B disturbed because
we approve things ih prindipl~ but the1f never get finalized. I.f there is obJections;
it should be raised. at the Col!lini;ttee: · stage. A great dea,l of time a.nd work .is
Reeve Patrick said. that we. must have a traaesman withll:no:wledge of the job. · We can '·t ·
expect a layman to h.a<te knowledge .of: .trees B.l)S\ gr~sses, ·
Councillor Murrair ~aid that hE! was against tn:ts when ii> came up .inCotnftiittee and that :
he was on holiday :when it 0grn¢ v.p· .in Gotincil, . The Parks Committee tta,ve a budget, does ..
it cover .this? How muclq.re 'lf!j: gqing to paif Nm, h6w much extra work:will .. he nedded.
Maybe we'll have to .hire ~xt:ra )feip. ,: .· · · ·
Reeve Patriclc said. that the To"!n has Ceritenpial pl:'ogram and if it is going t9 pe
finished by 1967 we need an ¢xpert. If we l}~ve troub.le, sure we 'Wi;l;I, n~ed a~:r~f.· heq.:p.
pounciflor 'rren:ti Said tnll;i; it Wlil )lix'e e¥tra'h~i:P -&e can :PaY ;Part time help B!i oents an
hour, while we'~"'~':' men :l;n the Works Dept, $2.00 l?er hour, •.
. -----·---~-----~----~'-'"~== ~--···-··--~·-'-"' . • .,<oo<<~~•-•"''"''"-~==·""""""~--~ ... ,,,,,, 0 '''•~•oo MJOA,4 <·~'"W•' •-•~··---=
L ____ _
SPECIAL COUNCIL -3 -M:;zy 10,1966
Councillor Davis said that he dould see the need for a consultant but that he
couldn't see how he could be used in the winter.
Councillor Corbett asked if it would be fair to hire a man for only six months.
He couldn't see what the man would do in the winter.
Councillor Tieent said that .Councillor Corbett was l',te who agreed with this
before and he thought the Councillor had outlined some ideas of ;rhat could be done
in the winter. He would lik~ to see flowers in the parks, and the man could start
a greenhouse. There is a lot to be done in the winter.
... ''!"\~ p,~c.n TN rr,:.~ l)l(f'·TN_
Cuw.l".Lllor Illingvror·cl, urc.''"':+. forward another item of Unfinished B'"' "'.ess.
In Council minutes of November 19665 the questions of which roads had or had not been
assumed by the Town hac been referred to the Works Committee. This was probably
unfair, and it should have been referred to the Town Solicitor. The Town has become
responsibile for some roads which are not officially assumed by doing work on them.
"Resolved that the question of which roads have been assumEOd
be referred to the Town Solicitor."
"' ·-Murre" said that Councillor Illingworth ±.s a new member of Council, but
those Wl>v ··-'e bc.on on Council ofr some time known which roaCls have been assumed.
Councillor Illingworth siad that Councillor Murray didn't know 1-:'"''1 the matter was
b:t'ought up in November. He may be new o.n Council, but he was sure there are some
to'ads even Councillor Murray didn't know 'about, and it is imperative we do know.
There are a number of road,. which have not been officially assumed.
Mayor Davis asked w)\a;t U!l~flil. ~l:ttpd!'ie~ i16tUa ·be se1 y,ed by this report. If work
had been done on t~m~ the To'Wn is \ i'rts:'"!">O"'.>le for then . . :t~ .. _
A~ ~"T':'I"'\"fT\~11'~1\TT L...,, __ .. _.,_ .. _::~_:_. !IDRRAY:
"ResolVed that Councillor n:1ingworth bring a list of roads
in doul:yl; t.o the Work$ Conmlittee so they can be checked."
Mayor D.avis said: that Council;Lcit• Mutray has a point. It would be quite a chore even
. for the Solicitor to check ail roa.ils,
Councillor Illi11gworth said that he woilldJ;lreJ?~e the ibt 'but possibly it should be
done by sOilleone with greater ~xper;!.enae, _suoh ~s. Co\lncillor MW!'~~·
Coun.oillor MtWray replied. that h~ would. be glad to hell?, .
. "'-·-~
. May 10,1966
Councillor Davis said that he wasn't sure :l.t was unfinishedbusiness, but complaints
had been received around Mosley St. Parlt about people driving golf balls in the area..
The problem is getting serious and there is a danger o:t' children being hurt.
M~or Davis said that the park must beplaced out of bounds for golf.
Councillor Murray said Parks Committee would have signs painted.
"Resolved that the Parks Committee be authorized to purchase signs
outlaWing the paying and/or the driving of golf balls in the Town Parks.
Councillor Trent said that Cbuhcil had last year discussed air
pollution, and he read th~ following brief.
I feel the time has come to assess the air pollution problem in the Town of Atiro~a. It
is a known fact that we have a pollution problem at our Sewage Plant due to our
sewage plant's incapability to handle the present sewage. I can not image an:~~one
drinking from the stream in its present conditiqn. T!),ereifore I ask you,does it not
.stand to reason that people who would not drink from the contaminated stream, why they
should 'they be expected to breathe polluted afr.
' ··' n ••
Councillor Trent stated that Council hear ~ expert discuss needed
legislation to enable the Town to Control indutria.l pollution.
Councillor Trent expressed doubt if the·re any pro~ now torm this source but
agreed Council should know something about the subject•
TRENT: "REsolved that thit1 report be accepted.
Mayor Davis asked if the intent of the resoluUon was to invite Mr. Drowley to
!peak to us.
Councillor Trent replied that Council should take at! interest, and wi would not
cost anything to hear the man.
Mayor J3avis stated that Council would have to set a date aside for this •
~~~~·~-~. ··-· . ···=· =~=~~~==~~~·
··: ''''~'"· •\''
- 5 -. MAY 10,1966
Councillor Illingworth referred to the meeting Of January 17.66
and asked if there was anything further on tbe meeting with
King Township and the School Board re Kennedy St. West,
Mayor Davis advised that the Clerk was to Contact King Twp.
to set a date for the meeting.
"Resolved that leave be given to intodurce a
By-law to designate crosswalks and that the same
be now read a first time."
The By-law was then read a first time.
,,, ..
PA1'1RICK;.r .•i·,i
j ~--,-~ ..
"Resolved that the By-law now before the Council
be read a second time and hhat the Council resolve
itself into a committee of the whole for that
"Resolved that the second reading of the By-law
be t!loken as read,"
"That the By-law now before the Council be read
a th:i,rd time and tMt rule 2,? .,of .B;y:-,;Law 1468
be suspended f'or tbat pu!'pose," ·· ' ·· ·
. -:. (:··,;:: ~" .. -_, .. , ,. ·-·-·· -· _,··~ .. r· . ~~ -~
':'~hat the •third rea'ding of :.the, By,.law :be taken
as:O:I'ead. "•,: · ., ,.,.. ··:c ·
~ ',' _; ' . ' ' ~ ': ! 1_: 'I_. • ,,~ .. "i-:;
It W(l.S.J>ointed out that there are presently school crossing at these locations
and the police were afraid that c)lildren who were accustomed to using them during
the week might try to ·us·ec:ilhem when 'no. quards rwere .pres.ent. :.·•.co·• ··
BY-LAW 1682
., ., .. -~
--! :~ .• :-· '· ':· r: -;; ., -·----~ .. }', ,. -·: ;-. :·, i~. !: :·_, ::: .
CORBETT: "That leave be given to introduce a by-lil.w to
.Euthorize the exeG!lt'iPn of a Quit Claim Deed .and
· .. , that.thers:ame:be.now read a first time•
~ -; • ' ' • ' ' • ' " !
, .. , CARRIED .-...
Th'e' By-law was '.t,h~h fe~ ·a first t't.me. . -···· . ' ••\. ., ~-.·,:,:\.. . :· ('·. ·:·:.'.!.".
ILLU!GWOi1TH: . ' "" '-'. ·;, . -.
. ,.
'''l'h:a:i' 'the By-law n.ow before the CoUilcil 'be read
e.. o. .. • s,ec 911<1. tt)lle ~!lei. ~h~t. ,. 9"~1§!, .,Co.UJ;iq.q r!:'sO.:J::'!'e
~.ts~:l;'fAl:l:t6 <~-. Qolililiittee of the •whole f:Or ihat · ptirPose, ··.·· · ·. ··· ·
' -'-' -:~. 'i·. ':: -·:· ·::·· •
. ''llesOlYed that the second
l:le taken alii read. "
··'" ·""" .. I' •.• ··.-.; '•
read~pg of the By-::!,aw
: 'CARRIED. .. '.-
·:·_ ~~ { ; : ' :·:·:
--.. ,.:;.
-:; /~1---:~~ -{~:~~-~,{;.
BY-LAW # 1682-66
il _!.0:3-66
.bl"-"'·-~· ~1 1684-96
-0 -
May 10,1966
"That the By-law now before the Counc_il be read
a third time this day and that rule 22 of By'-law
1468 be suspended for that purpose."
"That the third reading of the By-law be taken
as read."
"That leave be giv.;on to introdnce a By-law to
Authorize the '~·c.-~:·'-'.on of lands for Highway
purposes, and the same be no;r read first time."
The By-law was then read a first time.
"T!)at tlj.e By-,la;r nm-r before the CoundJ. be read
a second time and that the Council resolve itsel.f
into a committee of the whole for that purpose.
"That the By ... la1-t ncM before the CounCil be read.
a third t:lme this day and that rule 22 of
By-law no. 1468 be suso>send"'d for that prupose."
11 TMt the third reading of the By-lim be tak_en
as read~ 11 · ·
d!J\JED •
nThat leave be given .lGo iOtl'oduce a B,y--1B8 to
Appoint a Town Superintendent and that the same be
now read a first time. "
"That the Dy-laH nov before the council be teacl
a secohd time and that the CoupcU resolve itself
J.rito a com.rni ttee of :che '·;rhole for that pru!;ose."
. "That the second reading of the By-,law be ta~en
as ;r-ea¢1. .• 11
BY-LAW # 1684-66
BY-LAW # 168,-66
:PUTI)!:S or
-7 -May 10,1966
"Resolved t.nat the By-law nwo before the Coucnil
be read a third time this day and that rule
22 of By-law # 146~ be suspended for that
purpose." ''
"Resolved that the By-law be taken as read."
11 That leave be given to introduce a By-law to
amend by-law 1487 by deleteing therein the
National Building Code of Canada 1960 and
substituting therefore the national building
code of Canada 1965 and that the same be now
J:'el!-d a first time."
The By-law was then read a first time.
"Tha.t tl;le BY-law now befo~e thll Council.be read
a s<;~pond tim<;~ and that tbe COU:ricil reSolve
itself into a committee of the whole for that
" That the S<;~$nd ):'eadin!l of the By-law be taken as read.• II .
"That the By-law now before tl:le Council be read
a third time this day arid that rule 22 of
By-law No. 1468 be suspended for that
."That the Third reading of tne By-law be taken
as read."
Councillor Corbett reported that he had a by~law which he.was
not presenting dealing with duties of Town IDftployees. This
brief was uspposed to go to the Chairman of' Works Committee.
It was circulated to all Councillors but was never disucsseC'
in Committee.
• ~-·~-•~• "'-'••··• '• ,,., •·• ""' ,,_ , •' '", < ~··• • •··~••• •·• , •••• ,._ ~•"<.,---~'-".,_,.,,~·r~~~----~···-· .... ._. ·•···~·•-
-8 -
MAY 10,1966
Councillor Illingworth pointed out '!~hat a matter of policy
all by-laws should originate in Committee. The proper pro-
cedure would have been for Worltil Committee to bring this in
as part of e. report. Some itciri)s require clarification.
Councillor Trent reminded Council that he moved that Council
go into Committee of the Whole to discuss the brief but this
was defeated. The Works Comtnittee did not ask for this report,
Council did, and it has never been discussed by Works Comm.
"Resolved that Council meet as Committee to discuss
the submission of the Town Superintendent and that
all members be advised to study this submiss-ion and
bring forward recommended changes."
Councillor Illingworth asked the present status of By-law 1672
MAYOR Davis advised that Council •rould meet as Committee on
Tuesday, May 17,1966.
"Resolved that a letter be sent to Newmarket
Council thanking them for an enjo~able
evening of bowling."
Councillor Corbett said that Cotincil had tallted at the l.ast
meeting of using cement blocks to protect a fence< He pointed
out that there were blocks at the old Arena site which would
be used for this purpose and he felt that these blocks should
be moved to the Works Yard.until needed.
!'Resolved that the Town· Works Dept. arrange to
pick up .the cement blocka at the former arena
site and store same at. the Works Dept,
until needed in ,the parkirtg lot behind the
Municipal Building."
·~~-o=,.-._.---.-• '-•+ ·-·-••"••+••••••+-v .• """""" ••~ .. """ •· ~ -·-
9 ' May 10,1966
Councillor Murray repQ;rted. that eiOiriething is happening _in
real estate in Town. No local realtors are irii/'olv'ed. hut
some realtors are en:f'orcing the fine print in the offer' to
purphase and. collecting commissions -everi if the d.ee.l falls
through. He knew of two cases where this> had happertd.ed, .and he
would like to see the practice received wide publicity to warn
Councillor Illingworth read the following brief on littel:'ing'.
With the disappearance of the snow the activities of the litter
bugs are evident once again. The sidewalks-and gutters are
strewn with chocolate bar wrappers, empty cigaret packages and.
other items that create quite a mess. This is especially
noticeable in the south end Shopping plaza and the Merrick and
Skinner Plaza. It was not as noticeable in the Gateway Garden
Place. and then it was noticed that trash cans were avaialbe in
the location.
In checking the main street of the town, it is noted that trash
cans are not avaiill.able. It is difficult for citizens not to
litter our streets as there is no place else for them to deposit
the trash.
Montreal has attractively d.esigned refuse containers hanging
from poles along the main thorough fares. No litterbug is -more
than a few feet away from a trash can. Our neighbour to the
south, Ricbmond Hill has a small trash can attached to the
utility poles and they are well used.
Sometimes during this month a seminar oa Community
improvements is being held unde~ the sponsorship of the
Centennial Commission. The Commission plans to use the seminar
to launch a national clean-up program, in preparation for next
year's centennial celebration.
We should not have to wait and.cbe asked. to clean up for
Centennial Year. Our· civic pride is all that should be necess-
ary. However, it is fifficult for citizens to make use of the
civic prid.e if we do not provide the facilities ,
"Resolved. that the following action be taken.
1. The property Committee investigage types and.
costs of trash cans and report to Council
2. A letter be written to Merridk & Skinner and tq
to Merkur and Sons request lng that they ·.
arrange for trash cans in tl:leir·p~l3.zas.
3. A letter be written to the :Board of Trade
requesting there co~operation df all s~ o;; /oA<?
owners in reduCing the litter problem.
. "•<" • ·-, ~"~'~<"·'·'-~' ----·. -. "=-"'·=;-,.,.,.,.,,,,.,"~'·c-o· ,.,.,,."-"""•'""-""~~-==·=?-•--
May 10,1966
-10 -
Councillor Trent said that h.": had itl't;etled to .bring this matter in
as a Committee report. He S!l,~d that he had obtained prices on
receptacles. Unfort'qpately pric":s were preceived from one firm
only' and this was $20. 00 each. ..
Councillor Murray ~aid that for a number of years the Ja.ycees sup:rtl;l.eq
receptacles. There is still one in front of tJ:le 'Post .. Office and one :
in front of the bank.
Councillo.r Trent. pointed out that . Gateway Gardens Shopping Plaza
was not mentioned in the resoi!J.ution;
Councillor Illingworth said that there were rsce)?tacles at this plaza.
Councillor Davis sa~d t,l1il:b Since we a.r<l diee.r)ing up trll.sk, we should
clean up the street a tH't<li' new bellats are excavated. . This is very
bad in new subliti visions irt the sout!J, where the dirt is b:t'oil.ijht out
on the street in the. dUal wheels and left to blow around.
Mayor Davis asked when the broom is .coming i.n.
Councillor Trent said that it was int•nded.to use a mechanical . ' :,._ ._, __ ._.-:-.:;, ·.
sweeper and we can have it .on two days· not;:!;~\'!.· It will be necessary
to use a scraper to loesen the dirt first. "'
Councillor Murray aaid that the builder should be given so many
hours to clean the street or the ToWU'cldill df) it and charge hime
with the cost.
Reeve Patrick said that the Police can enforce the clean-up of litter
Councillor Trent said that he would bring it to the attention of tile
Town Superintendent.
Councillor Illingworth reported that the Town sign on Wellington st
East is loeated on the south side of the street near Ind]ietry and
in part1al.;;:r hidden. It shouid be moved to the north side.
"Resolved that the Works Department relocate the
sign on Wellington St. East to a. more easterly
location and on the right hand side of the road."
L·--·~--··-······· ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·-··-.. ~.~. ~~~~· '""'"'~'''~'"''~'~~'' ............. '~--
L _____ _
-H!T May 10,1966
!Quncillor Illingworth s.aid. that h_e rad a report in the Era and the
Banner that Aurora is wlnerable to flooding. He asked if CoUllcil
had received a co'py of '!;.Iii's report.
Councillor Murray cmhe to tbe defence of the Conservation Authorty.
He had neve.r real~zed until he became a member Of the
Authority how much \rork iit did. He was .sure that nothing inad=
bertent had been dope. He could _.see Ij:othi:ng wrong in the report
being published. Maybe he sh6Uld have brought his CCIV to Council,
Counci!J:lor Illingloroi't~ sa:fc'f :he l}~l j~'st been advised 'by the Press
that the report .. hat! riot l:>'eEJn reptired bY the Authority, but by some
other group for the Aurhor:l.ty. He withdl:'ew h,is remarks.
TRENT: "Resolved that th(! ~ia.tl'ning Committee study the National
DAVIS:W: Building Code of c~nada and bring i!'l recommen&.tions
fol! changes."
Counp,1llor Trent ll!tid the he felt some improv$\rt~flt$ coUld be made :in
the' Code !tnd that w.;~ sn 0 u:j.d t~ to upg11Ei,de btttlo.fngs in the Town. of
Aurora. We are going by t.li.e C9de ·;;..other doilimunHies improve the
Cq~cillor Murray 11aid tbr!'.t b1,tacters are pll&!d:o:ty fol;t6wing the code
but that it wasn'-'Y very ljatil!:f'ac:ot~. He J?ointed out tHat there were
!t group o.:f' people Pz-ese!'lt wl'l(l had · aBked pel'l!lisllioli tio spee,k at
this meeting aboUt their proi:ilelll$. /ill:lo"ldn't we·l:le~ from tbelll.1
Reeve Patrie~ saiO. that we ha'{e -·~ fl!l,l"ln;l.n~. Comm1;t.tel whhh signs and
if! sues permits and we have a. lUildillg ':t:nspector. ~e Code was set
up. l:!y knowledgeable peopie, and we an. this Council are not quali:f'ied
to cl)ange it.
Co11-ncillor Trent asked Build.ing Inspector Jubb if th.e Na1;ipne.l
Bui~<fing Cdde called for f'ire-bree.ks in a.ll interio:r walls,
Mr, Jubb :;~aid that. it did. He ppinted cu~ tll&t Couo.p:Ll ppUld not
amend the Natiqnal Bu:!,lding Code, but it coUld. amenQ.' b;yo-,;J.aw 4.487,
Councillor Trent said tl:lat . present houses are built-L!l"ldel:' the
National Building Code, the Cqde is not adequate, •· · ·
Counc~llor Il,lingwol!'th said that the Planning Conuilittee would lqo~
irjto the Code. and by-l.a.w 1487. and call on speci~ize<i. asl!listance
where required. . . ' .
c:•.':A· .;\,.;• ·-.c:•·-~: .. -~
·~ .. -.._..;
• 11! .. May 10.1966
CouncUlor-·~ brought up the matter of the delegation
·£·-ro-m Golf Glen 'R~ As&OOi-e.t-ion~ lie· -pointed out that they
had given the required 48 hours notice, The problellll' are cu=ent
and they wish to bring them up to-night, not. next Monday.
Councillor Illingworth pointed out that Council was still dealing
with New Business. We should finish the Agena dirst and then
deal with coorespondence.
Councillor Illingworth presented the following brief:
There has been some consideration in the press and in government
circles about the possibility of the government declaring
February 15, as · Nationai Flag Day and a National Holiday.
It is not rrry wi.sh to precipitate another flag debat, but it is my
feeling that the idea hasmerit and should be supported, Not only
should we have a National Flag Day to recognize our o~ Canadian
Flag, and possibly heJ.p to instl!ll some patriotic pride in our
Country, but I thank we need a holiday in February.
' Six Of the nine national holidays fall in the last half of the
year, After New Years Day, the next holiday is Good Friday, which
is sometimes four months away. Normally, during this period moral~
is at its lowest, and a holiday may instil new spirit and '
activiity, It is hoped that the holiday, if approved, would
revelop into a real ~ational holiday and would commemorate our
national heritgge and triumphs.
• ILLIGNWORTH: That a resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minsite~
of Canada and the Yeaaral member of York North thaj
this Municipality would support any-action to name '·
15th. february, a National Flag Day." ··
Councillor Murray said that we needed anot~er killing weekend
like we need a nother head.
"Resolved that the Property Committee find a more
suitable loction in the Municipal Building for the
Councillor's Mail boxes and files."
Councillor Illingworth suggested that the Assessor's Office be
used as Councillor's Committee rooms.
L.~. . .-.~ ... · .• ··•·• ············•··· ... ~ ............ •···• • . ...... :
• I
-13,-MAY LO,l966
do~hcillb:t' Corbe~i; reported tMt he had obtained a copy of
l'lorth York's Arlt:l, ~hoise By-J..a.w, andt that he felt it was not as
good as Au1'6rli:f8J tle said th!i lly'•law Committee would study the
By-ll!:W' and report. to dounc!i11
"Resolved that parity be established in the wages of
Town Foremen."
~., •.• 1), < i.llor Murray asked if this shoUld not have gone to the
Finance Committee
Councillor Illingworth said that it 13hould have been brought in
as a Committee report.
AMENDMENT ILLINGWORTH "RESOLVED that this be referred back
to the Committees involved and be brought
No seconder. in as a Committee report.
Councillor Trent pointed out that the resolution was brought in by
the Chairman of the two principle committ.ees involved
The resolution was withdrawn by ~~e Mover and Seconder.
Councillor Trent presented the following orief: ...
!.n 1956 when my wife and I purchase a home in the Town'of Aurora we were young . ap,d unaware of such things as by .. law, · restrieti.ons,
etc. It was with great dismay that we were rud..,.1.)1' awakened. to. ··•
the lack of governing reJ;!Ulatione as to land use and lack of "'.,.,.,.,-,..;
rei!!trictive by-law, We bought a home in good faith thinking, we
were in an area devoted to .homes f 0 r .families. . You ~an i!llage our
surprise when a new neighbour niovea li.n and preceded to .~et up a
machine shop. Nov there ·is nothing wrl:aig with a 'h'bby fub when it
bec01nes a co!!lnt<:lrdial ent~'t'prizethis is'. a horse· of a different
colour. At· the. :W,me ! (;bliip1ainec1 to' 1;l;le. Town verbally . I was told 'PY so ··-'' . ' . ---' :• -._ -··' : <'. ' I' by some now obsctWe perllon, tha~.l!lj( neiglibo).U' was well within his ·
rights to proceed.' with this' yenture, particularly since it was
just" a hobby. Web_sirs :t wish 41 had a hobby that paid as well,
fori have seenbn:ts paid b!f. ii!lfs Counc.il to the neighbo).U'.
Unfortunate;ty thi.s pi'obiem became public when I appealed to the
Council seU'l!re.l years ago. I was told by that Council there was
nothing they could do since it was now in operation.
L-~~ ... ,. -·--··---' ·--~0~~~-~.-.. ~ .. ~. ~~~~~ --~~;
l ... ,.
' -~-
It was suggested that my neighbour could be .assesed as a commercial enterprixe,
whether this was done I have no idea, but this is small recompense to the person who
purchased a 'borne in what appeared to be a restricted resident;!;al area. Let it be
Ulderstood I am giving this experience as an illustration as to the frustration of
a homeowner 1vhen he se:es once stately homes become ·10 suite apartsments or a trucking
concern next door or an out of place apartment building forced upon him without
reguard to his personal feelings, I realize council has to assess every proposition
pre:seatoed but I am affaid that the appeal of added assessment sometimes outweighte
the best result for current homeowners. ·Unfortunately this situation doesn't
contribute to the best relations between· neighbours. But I cha:~ge the neighbours
shouldn 1 t bear any animosity towar\).s· e;>ch other. At present they are bqth within
there right to do as they see fit. I am even surprised that homeowners· approach
council. to let them know their intention -'of converting a .home. I am now going to lay
the blame on the very doorstep 1<here it bt;l;Longs. I charge that Councils of the past
and present are negligent i~t taking action to protect the homeowners, You realize
as recently as lat year our Planning Chairman brought a report to this council ';t
implying the Commi.ttee felt there was no necssity 'ip having a by-law governing the
conversion Of older homes, however, th~-same Co]lpc;Lllor is now making solJ,nds in
the opposite dirction. Let me point out some of the fallacies of permitting convers-
ions to not having regulation governing property lJ.!!.e. First I contenct that by
aLlowing conversions this is a forrunnt;lr of slum c¢nditions, 2. Which leads to loss
of assessment, Now there are two st!l>tements that requirt;l some qqnc· 1 •<~iva evidence.
The first statement can be best illlJ.strated by pointir;; to the ,city of Toronto. I
would point out such areas that have been most newsworthy, where property owners
are r<;>ferred to as "Slum L~;~ndlords'' Now dop 't say i}; _cannot happen here, yrhat
regulation power do we. hac·e over,the ~C,Qditi9)n a buil4~ng' :i..s allowed to fall in.
The answer is none. What regulation~ cit<;l !). single :family dwelling? Again, none,
although I understand sqme work is bfiling done in this area.
Secondly loss of assessment. :t can per!>Oil.allY VO]l<;hc-.sto this c:harge, for when I was
reflJ,sed by Council concerning my meighbnuts· machine shop I took my case to the
aSS<;lSS!hent court Of 'appeal and' WiJ.s granted a 10% reduction in my a~sessment cl,ue to
the machine shop "being next door. You wi:Ll gain a larger assessment on converted
property but you can see you might lqse it on several otbe,. housei;l. These. in my
mind are the most significient results from lack of regulations governing land use
and zoning in residential or what appears to be residential areas.
I feel until such time as a by-law, which I hope is not in the too distant future, is
prepared governing the above mentioned thoughts that council should adopt several
I guess by now you are wondering why this interest by Councillor Trent, well I-wouid
1 ike to improve my home to make it more livable '!lor my family, but I hesitate realizing
I could spend several thousand dollars and next week have a tEin rooirj, boarding house
or apartment near me and than how a can I enjCly the privacy tlf residence in a now
multi residnetial area with the added cohgesticri, traffic, noise and peope who do not
understand pride of ownership. The.re is a ·degrl=~ of self interest here but fortunat.ely ~
it fefleets vary similar situations here in Auroral Lets face it a home is one
of the largest financial undertakings that most folk~ are conf~onted with.
~-~•~c.-7•.-.-7'7<•>'0"•"'='""-'·, ;.,_ .. _.,.;,_.,;_,;~'-. :c.~::~•.•: : -··~·
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) .. ,.,,.,
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THEREFORE let it be resolved by Council
1. That a family consistof blood relations or marriage partner.
2. That no home can be converted to multipal use without permission of Council
3. That no commerclal enterprize be allowed to operate for from a home in a
residential area which would be annoying to the neighbourhood.
4. That a residential area be understood to mean a place where a person resides
and sets up housekeeping, a~d pays taxes on residential assessment. This of course
would exempt commercial establishments now paying commercial tax rate 7 business Dax.
5. rhat when a home is solt it revert back to a single family residence if it
now is classed as multiple dwelling.
No aoubt tome of the above resolutions are now in effect but ·rather than leave it to
chance I felt it was necessary to cover the proceeding points.
TRENT: "Resolved that the Planning Committee with the Planning Board proceed
ILLINGWORTH: with the preparation of a proposed regUlating by-law to be submitted
to Council governing restrictions in residential areas, as outlined in the forgoing
Councillor Illingworthreported that he had been working on this very type of thing and he
hoped to be able to present a report to the Planning Committee in two to three weeks.
Jlr·.· Trent said that he objected to b.usinessess operating out of homes. H~·'•·\.i.like eee ·
··someth~ng done to maintain the position of the older part of Town, or slum conditions
could r<;lsult.
Councillor Illingworth said that he had brought up the point that when a rpoerpty is
sold it should revert to residential. He was told that once a property was
ass_essed as commercial it could not change. He c.ould not see how a property could be
considered non conforming beof before a zoning by~law is passed.
-.,.;.......->--:--.... ... ~--,-, ----~.--
L •.•• -----------···· .... . ... •·-··-·····--·-··~·--··•••~•-~~• -• ~ ~-~'C'.-occ-.'7.-,""~'·"r~-
i< ,'
I -----------
-16 -
"Resolved that correspondence relating to the
Delegation be read."
A lett'er from Go'lf Glen Home Owners Association requesting permission
to appear before Council re grades, conditions of buildings, etc.
MURRAY: "Resomved that the delegation be allowed to speak."
Councillor Illingworth asked the delegtion had a. brief, and if copies
could be made available to all Councillors for study before discussion.
He felt that much of the letter referred to matters outside Council's
authority, and that Council should not get involved in a civil matter
between the builder and buyer unless a by-law has been violated.
Reeve Patrick pointed out that Council knew nothing about grades and
that the Town Engineer should be present to answer ~uestions.
Councillor Illingworth said that the sub-division agreement setting
out the grades was approved by the Town Engineer. If these grades
were wrong, it is a Town problem. If the builder did not follow the
grades it is a civil problem. The Town Engineer had already been
asked to check the grades and he would'much rather hold the brief
until his report is presented on Monday night.
Councillor Murray said-there had been a gread deal of talk about the
delegation but they hadn't spoken yet. He felt they had a problem
now which they didn't want expanded. What harm is there in listening
to the brief. They are not asking for long discussions tonight, but
let~s hear what their complaint is.
Reeve Patrick satd that Council knev· nothing about grades and buildings.
The Town has a B'-' '.lding Inspector and an Engineer. We should listen to
Councillor Trent said that what the delegation had to saymight help
the Engineer when he does his study.
Mayor Davis suggested that the delegation be premitted to present their
brief but that discussion be brought up on Monday night.
~-•~ ,-,--"-..r"=•~=-=•"•~--~
~-----" .,...
<> •. ,I ~
''·· ..
L ..... -.
MAY 10,1966
Dr. Castelo read the breif as follows:
May we state in our introduction to the main portion of the brief that the resarch
rone on the National Building Code of Canada Supplement No. 5, Residential Stanards
1965 as it applied to the Golf Glen Subdivision wa)3 executed by Mr. G. Gunton.
Mr. Gunton submitted to us a list of twenty points re building in our area which he
felt, in his opinion, were not in compliance with .. the requirements of the National
Building Code of Canada 1965. We have not liSted .~11 twenty points but have
reduced these to nine plus fibur that we feel s.J?e;.Grovered in the Subdivion AGreement
in order not to take too much of your most valuable time. Mr. Gunton would be
pLeased to discuss these other points at a more' convenient time with the Town of
Aurora ... Engineer •.
Your Worship, Memb.ers of Council, our purpO"se here tonight is to· endeavour to···
... establish five points, n8lllely:
1. . Is the subdivision agreeemnt between Golf·· Gillen Terraces Ltd. andthe To'Wn of
Aurora a legal document binding o)!i both parties.
2 •. Is.By-law No. 1528 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora, Onta~io
truly a law?
· 3, Is By-law .1487 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora trUly a ;LAW? ·"
4. If the answer to· questions 1 to 3 is in the affirmative, .then would· any
deviation from siad Subdivision AGreement, and/or by-laws 1528 and 1487
contravene the law as applied to the Town of Aurora? We have legal advice that
the answer to the above three questions is in the affirmative.
5· Having agreed that the answer to questions 1 to 4 is in the affirmative, it would
suggest that we propose the question, "What action may we expect of Council, as ;·
residents of this municipality, if there has been any contravention of the law
as applied to the Town of Aurora?
For further clarificati6n I trust it is agreed that By-law 1528 is known as
"A By-law to Standardize requirements in granting approval of subdivision plans and
Subdivision Agreements'' and that By-law 1487 stateds that by-law 1063 and its
Slllendments by-laws 1199 and 1416 be hereby repealed, and be replaced by the National
Building Code of Canada 1960 and Supplements thereto. Therefore any reference here-
after that we shall make to the National Building Code of Canada is, we would
believe, a reference to By-law 1487.
Before proceeding further may we state that we are not suggesting that any person or
persosn deliverateli contravened a By-law or that the Subdivision Agreement nor do
we suggest that any person or persons either as a member of this Council or as an
employee of the Town of Aurora deliverately condoned the contravention of a by-law
or the Subdivison Agreement. We are here as responsible citizens to bring certain
facts, as we see them to your attention.
fA ,,, "; .. saJ!lpling on Sunday, May ~ 1966 of the houses both construoted (!.nil, under
~onstruction. r~vealed the followin~ conditions. To.e~;~cp. of t)l.e~e <:Jon!l,:ltions we h(l.Ve
gjloted the section of By-law 152~ a.If<l./~r t)1e NtJ.tiPBa,l :Sui;ldiJ:l~ Qpqe, o:\ ~~tnlJ.~\1: "\;~13,1;·
we believe , in our opinion, would se.:m to app:;Ly. · ·
1. GENERAL ..,. The exterior garage walls do I)ot h1J.Ve two layer:> of vapor barrier paper
behii)d the briqk veneer walls. Nationa:;L Buil~ing Code of Canada, SectioJ:J. l~R ( 3~ ·
ste:J;es in part i;hat 1<fhen no sh.:tJ.tJ:lii)g is ucJ.ed, at lea~t g layers of shetJ.thip[l ~tJ.per
shall bt: a:pplied under siding or masonry v.:n.~er if the siding iS nqt tpe J?M:el tYJ?e.
2 •. L0T13 and 45 -The slab~ on g;fa~e:~r~ {levj,ng up with the frost. There i~ not the
r'1()_uired 5" of ston'l '\lnder. the <s:Lab for draipage. · No insulation around the perime:!tel!i'
of slabs . for c:raihag.:. . ... ' .· ... .. . .
N1),t~OJ:lal )3ui:;LdiJ:J.g Code of Canada, Section 10 )':>('2) The soil bene!l.th concrete :;;lab~
PJ:J. gl'aCJ.~ !3h!l.!p, pe ColJ1pacted. A~ lEltJ.St 5'~ ?:f' po!l.rse, cle!l.n gr!l,nular meteri!J.l (!ont!).iniJ:J.~
pot'. m(:)I'e i;ljan 15 :perqent by w~eght of mtJ.teritJ.l PlJ.flSiJ:lg 'the No. lq sieve ~hal:;L be .
providt:d bel}eath the slab 13,nd shall be COlJ1p8.Ct~4.; .
' ' _,· --, '' •.' ... '. ; ' ; ,,-'' -' . --: -, · .. ' ' ' -.~ -.. _. .._ -.;
)1~>tional J3ui~ding Code o:l! Canada, Se 0tiq!l 2QG (1) Ex?E>pt !l.S provided in (3),
~psulation shall l?e, :Provided betwee,n )leate,4 al:J.c1.. ul}heat€lil · ~pac:e and between heated
~p13.ce ancl. the ex);erior, 13.I)d !l.ro'\l.J:ld the Per±me:ter of Honc:rete, slabs ~m graqe,. · ' . ; - -. "' ' '·--' ' .. _.. ' .
3: QENERAL -Fire doors betw.een the garage and house w0uld appear t.o be hol:1,.cw. · . No
!j'ational ;suildin~ Code 0f Canad~, ~ect~op ~7 (F) (1) a de'?!' between an 13.ttac11~c1. qr
puilt in garage t:Lnq a hous~ Sh!l,ll pe Fght fi ~ping and haye a :fire endUI'iJ.nc~ rritj3, ():\
at ·leapt 20 in:i~1lte~ or ~>h!lll b~ a ~o~i<j. ?ore w~od door at leat 1-3/4" th~ek. Suyh • ~oors . snap 1e Wj3atherStJ:'ippecJ., ft'Jit~!f If~ W (l. S~:J_f cJ.o~ltp,g dev~c~ and shall not Op~~
~pto !3, J:'OOm i;pat if3 ~!ltemdj3d fpr. sf-:~~i9g• • . ·.' . . . . . . .
§J1bdivi~~bn Agre~l!l~pt, §!j!9t:i.on :1,3, ~up S~ction 3, Tpat fire re~itant con§tr\.l<>:~i()J\1
E:hal:;L prevai:;L for the • dwellii)gs tq Pli erected on thE! :l,!l,nds covj3ped by this Agreement.
·,-'• ', ' . ' -·. -, ' ., ' . ; : ,;· ,·-·:---·-'· ._,. :. ' -. " ' -·-' -· ' --;\
4. l :.' l::; -Access dqor f()r opening j.n garage, fire wa:;Ll of plFoocJ. con13truction. llo cJ.e>s ~r. -'r ' . . --. r
!'l~t:!n"~-1 Bui:Lding C9cl.Ei o:[' qap13,d!l., ~ec;Hcm ;27 F
~]1pdivif3iOn Agi'eiol!lE!nt .• s~ctic;m 13, sl;l'b Se;gtiqn
( J,) Sl'<= l'!o • 3
3..: §e,~ N9• ~·
5. QEl~~EAL -EF1;er~~r W9?~ ~oor~ al"~ not pa:i.ntj3d ?n th~ top aJ:ld bottom of th~ doqrs
)irhich c(){lld le~il tq warping; ~l1~ l)li3.Y qqm~ 13.~13.P:\< o' .· .. · ·. / .• · •.•. · .. · •·•• · .· _· : ·. · '· ·•·· P~H?n.a'l; l31lild~I)R so de qf q~~~cl~' §~Rt.~9R .. ·.··-~~-·. ~ ( 1) MJ. r1CP()~ed j3X~j3I'±or 1)1[1-tEll"~~l~
)?t]1er. ~h[1-!l ~Eidar) ~]lpj ~St n? ~7nel"":~P~HPP t!l t)l~if )l.J;!!?P9c~~9}ed llt!l,t¢ 1· !JU?J.1 a!'! •
w<;od . ( '-pclud;cng the tops·· an<j. bo~toms' 9f ypod · 9-qors) ! l!Jar9-P9!l.J:'cl. · a!ld ferrous. meta,J.· ~h13.il be pa~!lte:d or ot(!~r~~.s~· ~\\~t*~tlr 'fl#~~~e~o·.· ' • ic > . ·. · ·.• •' ··• ' ·
6. I,QT 13-Piei'~ for the fpoi)t ~J,li¥e~ce'p~st~haye, ~llf'P a~ l)lUCll ~s 11;() ~ i!lche:;; B.::Lo~r thj3 W09<J. l?os~s al:J,qv:i.ng; .~hEi &9~.a.. post • !!. tq. !+ajlg fr?~. 'o!!)le,s~ ~ptP~nce l;CStFl
R? I}Rt pave polt ~ .up t)lr?J1\Il\ ~l)e: l?:?J;~om• ~9 pol~ 1;]1~~\ ~1)-~et~l:l:{ OI)' j;o thi> ~!' semsr~t<:
:p~:csc; '!f':'tional Bi!.ilcl.~j1g 59d~ p;t' Pt!-~~cl.!!,l.§~q-1;-~pF" H . ~··· \ n ~~er;ipp COlUJll!lS ~clpost~
'j!l'ful"'n "'be apqhored ~() 1]!l:Oil3t upl:i.ft ai\.d J.l1;t<:>rlil:l move,!l\ent.: · .....
:··::·,<, •-},'
1... -·-·-----·-·~--.. ., -·-·
:--~~ ·:L:;-~! :LJC-(;·~ LJ ~\CJ.J...~ -19 MAY 10,1966
i •
':JC' :'.3·· Exte:r~oc· entrance slab has sunk away from the original level to approx.
~-·:~d. c?~acked in 2 ple-ces.
ltc', :i·J:-:al L·co..ilG.ing CoC~e oi' Cane.da, Section 10 B (2)
-See No. 2
i! 1t 11
" 20 c II
~·, ::2: ~; 4:•_ ,1,5, ':0 and 51 -Driveways do not have a base of cl·ushed stone, gravel or
•:· c:,::,·,·se ~lc"C,co gt·c_:_mlar material and therefore tb.e clay is coming through th"" surface
:''-)--"(': g:'?-'TC'!...
C;'t''~ ~ .. :.:.
2:L )~.--:L·~-''-ng Cool.e cf CrcnC\Cia, Section 35 B (6) The base or driveweys shall be
·. ".\. ;Jt .. Y':J;:~ :., ~~~;.'~~-vel OT ot~~er qoarse cles.n granular material.
_ _,-:;
c.::~& 5~:---:r~}:T.essi-,:·e accumula"cion of w·ater in the back yars o:' these lots.
~>:<:. .l :-~: C.c<n "\';Q the bae:}\. wall ofhouse, . . ·
J.:;· -::;
.:.. .:.:' -...... _; C.~-"' of CanaO.a Section 36 (2) Adequate surface water i!rainage shall
,_._---.. '. •.:-·cc:c-:.o:c· ·,, __ ,"' r.rea. of building site •
. :.:_::.v:'_c:,c; ::";;[:_; Ol ,_ '·nads., Section 36 A (4) The lost sl:lall be graded so as to
c tc.•.<c "'' ,_;,·e-eoc· a-,-c.y f!'c, 'l. t!J.e bu:i.J.oing. i1'here the grading will resnl:t in t_he
.. ): ·.·~-):!. :-r:::.tf'·:: .. cc T:'·::l~eJ.· c:::. ~Y]e iot, cs.tch Qasins ·8onrleCtE:~d ·--to carry Such Surface
· ",::· f:' :~ t-~: ~:1y3_.\l be inst :l18d or another acceptable method of 9-r.:d.nage
'-,-_ C";':"' • c-"' ·---~.-'-'.-.('.G --~·:::·:~J .... .:._ .... '·:it~:au.-t ;;.;o5.1 eroe:~_e.:._:_:.. s~}_"bC.i .,ri. s ior... ."·.g;r-:;2-r:~S!li.;
·--~ .,_ '· D/ ··--.!.ci·; ,stc.tes j_:;1 r\:::n't -~hat t~e the mmer must provide at his cost
.;!,_.. .-.--~-~_; \-o :~,c-_-· ·'c.. .. ~_:::d in suc:1 t: ma.nD :r as to permit rear and fron·S yard drainage to
~:t: (' -.' -) · ·.Jad (_ir le;~·g:: n.:::.:t.u"B,.:t~: 1rrat.ercourse.
;_..; _, J _, ~--_ .. e._;_lcl 5~~ -· A R-;orm dra n e~,a. catch basin is :."eq_u.i::.~ed i:i.1 fro!1+. of these
')'•'•' . ::.1 ( ·.:::-c>.::-c to d: .... ai::l t:.'.l.e :i.~oa(, a.::-ea. .
--~ :..·-D~-/~1 • ~.r.:G. ~1..:rb at the r::outh ea :t corner of F~in-ray D:ri ve and. Nisbett Dr .
. :· · ·::.'-:-' ~:· -l.::_r:_,,-:~ ~.:'1 t .. ~':"Ch~~: to e.l.lor:r the 'irate~r to fl.ovr away from the cu:(b --nto the
·,~_;:_. i):·-~~"···:: ..
"]·' ' h :_~,:~~~-::o;~. 1 u"? r··lC~S'-~··);.!_.1~ or.. B\.~9-,Jklt"'-nd. Ave.~ opposite Bloc~t D, needs e;radint;
··---·:'~1-· :L •• _...., 'i·iG .. '?.~hing ~-_:,veT tl!.e sir:1e-·:-ralk.
-;·_.c;...:>: .'3~~-i.J._ .. ;,_.\ 32 -~c.c'"ions of the nain sidevell: and curbs hav-e Oee:n cov.ereCl. by th~
· :. i :·:,_~ r>::· -· --::·:~. J. !'ron 'l'.::.L-· · ·ybs (l:1d -t-.he'1 c1ri ven o-·J"er by heavy cons·brtict·inh equ:i.:p;:mr~G
'"".· "·;··-'"--o· ,--,•oc~e<"o~-, "'n '1· o•·'·'on of th p ·•"1'cul .. "'re"" .ShC>'lJ .. d l., .. ,.~ ...... -'·-· ... :.l .. t 1.::,. .. ... .:: .·. -_ _,_ .~. '~ '-~ :t. 1Sp._..(._; v.J.. . esc _a.~. L, a.~ a. "'".) , . -..
. ,.e ~-:;~:.;c.~a..l £d ... tc:.:t.ion as t.o elevationr-:.
\ ~,,i_.
"-.',. Cc:,-·_.J:;c.l "Orill a.g:ree that i temn 10,11, l 2 and 13, are covered in the
_ ·' ·>_ ::''~.-r ·:o:·e sta:.e that ~~Te fff!el certain that Council will give this brief
cr:;:n:.-.:;.d~-~-~al~:Lo~1 :::.-::-:.6. having dor..e so will arrange for their competent engineer
--~-__;.' c_r; .. -,:~1 o:~· tJ:w points that we have listed. w~ therefore' request tha~ no' '
. c.>":: 1: ;-.iJ.din,s permi.ts ,' 'c:,::·,_,_-)J.,until the present unsatisfact_ory and inad.,'l_uate
.... ~:.-' _::_-~:-:~.:";:· .. s u.~~·,:: :L'ec-0ifil-:cl 'ty the builder.
,. ' ... ;:. --:;.::' ;:,}:~:~'.·::.l:. ~FC.i"L-1 :L'O.~.' ;';""OU!." time
-·-·-,, __ \ :.: .. :n ,f;:l.ich it v:a.s prescntec1.
and trust that this brief 'is accepted 'int he .gooc1
;·-· . .. ~~-;;;; "
7. LCT 13-Exterior entrance slab has sunk away from the original level to approx.
2" end CEacked in 2 places.
lio.tional Building Code of Co.nada, Section 10 B (2) -See No. 2
It 1f II II II 2Q C ( l) II
e. Lo:.:•s 41,45,50 and 51-Driveways do not have a base of crushed stone, gravel or
oc::.-s:' C(Cc.rse clez:cn granular material and therefore the clay is coming through the surface
c'-..·.:·_,~~·~ . .::e r:;:~avel.
::·c':-:C:J:'al Euildins Code of Canada, Section 35 B (6) The base c·or driveways shall be
erc:s:-:.c-:.d c·'~o:1e, gr!lvel or other coarse clean granular material.
9. I-c-:.s l>~ and 51>-Excessive accumulation of water in the back yars of these lots.
D~·-·-'"":;e c:.c Lot 5'-l is down to the back ><all ofhouse.
!.,. · •.oH:.J. :C.uiJ.C.i•.:g Coc·, of Canada Section 36 (2) Adequate surface water drainage shall
1'-; :c·.::v;r~ ::-;:-3. over· ~.De Vi.~.. '~ a.rea of building site.
;:.::".-Lo-•al Lcc:'.lding Code o:t' , ·nada, Section 36 A ( 4) The lost shall be graded so as to
(-·'··co:·i; sm.-face irater a>ray frc'1 the building. Where the grading will result in the
·" · 'oio"l o': surface 'rater on ~h.e lot, catch basins sonnected to carry such surface
, ...• c_ --" '·"e s::.te shall be inst ·.lled or another acceptable method of drainage
c-· ·' c:;c.d tc · spose of S1:rface 1rat ·r without soil erosion. Subdivision Agreement
'·: '::c•'n 4 (b) 1ich states in part ·.hat the the owner must provide at his cost
all lc·cs to be b '1\ded in such a mann 'r as to permit rear and front yard drainage to
recll ·che publ:Lc 1·~ad or large natuna). ;ratercourse.
'· T.JTS 50,51, and 52 -A storm dra n and catch basin is required in front of these
:p::::.~·e;;·ties in order to drain the roac. area.
ll. The road and curb at the south ea ;t corner of Fairway Drive and Nisbett Dr.
s;_·~·-co.l be raised in order to allow the ;.rater to flow away from the curb -nto the
\··--,. catch basin.
. -~·
1" -~--. 'J:·{;e area sou+.h of sidewalk on Brooklend Ave.,
·---::' '· · ·'"'-"h. 1. -~ washing over the sldewalk.
opposite Block D, needs grading
1:;. JOTS 31 and 32 -Po1· ·-.ions of the main sidewalk and curbs have been covered by the
eo:.'?Sc.tion of soil from bab, -'1ts and then driven over by heavy construction equipment
'l'ilile back filling. Therefore an inspection of these particular areas should
receivco special attention as to elevations.
vie tr"J.st that Council will agree that items 10,11, 1 2 and 13, are covered in the
S~bdivision Agreement.
I:1 closing may we state that we feel certain that Council will give this brief
serious consideration and having done so will arrange for their competent engineer
to check each of the points that we have listed. We therefore, request that no
fm·thel' builcling permits :-,., issued,until the present unsatisfactory and inadequate
a:mditions are rectified by the builder.
ltl2 vish to thank you for your time and trust that this brief is accepted int he good
faith in which it was presented.
'•'--o'<~C·:'""'''-::';-·-·i·''"' '' '' · ' -~---wr-;-:•;:---;:-:~7::-~~-·::'~-~ .... ,,.,_,;,-.·~,'·:-'-'•>CiV-''-"-"''''"'4~>;;;;_l;i;:'.lJ,{:<;-<d;j~<•;O_~·,.;.;_'-'/:.}:~•·;q;'X;·;:',:•·'i'(',"<'•'i'•:·:~-''·'-------·~·~;.~-;:.-:-:--;· --;-----·~-~-' ' .~. • • • •: '•""·':":~~;·~~-'-U ""'"' ""~--~'""~---·--·•
· ... ;_·)>'";
._;{ _i;·:·
Councillor Illingworth commended the delegation on bringing in specirttl ~bints.
:V, .t~~:_: t
Dr. Costello said that the bri<;f did not include all the things tl,ey :!'li:biJ were wrong.
"Resolved that a copy of the,.brief be given to each d~U~~!nor,
the Tcnm Engineer, and the Building Inspector and thd~ 'their
report and comments be submitted to Council as soon as possible.
ADJOURN PATRICK: "Resolved that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting then ajourned.
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