MINUTES - Special Council - 19660314., . ~;l f ',: . .;. PIJINUTES 0~ THE S~~{i:IAL 'MEET:tNG OF <COUNCIL ~ELD. IN Tm; COUNCIL Oti:AMBERS, MARCH 14TH, ·1966, AT 7, 30 P.M. . ... jfRESENT MAYOR REEVE C. F. DAVIS (In the Chair) S.G;..Pi\.TRICK DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS J>t;, SIMMONS ... W. DAVIS., CORBETT, ILLINGWORTH, TRENT, WILLIAMS CORRESPONDENCE PATRICK: ILLINGWORTH: PETITION TO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ---- TRENT: PATRICK: MAYOR JOHNSON CORRESPONDENCE , ~---~,· RE: CEREMONY .HONORING COUNTY OF YORK MAYOR "Resolved that the corres-~czr10· pondence ~x~~<t•!G!i~lf;!!'l§X~l\)!!'to be read." CARRIED ''Resolved that the Council of the Town of Aurora petition the Department of Highways under the provisions of the Highways Improve- ment Act for the statutory grant on expenditures made during the year 1965 of $64,781;47." "May be Mr. Johnson ca.h explain this resolution more clea':tly," "This is just a breakdoWn.'of these expenditures which have to be in by the end of the fiscal yea~, March 31st, This is why we need the approval of Council because we ·are later this .year than we usually ere.'' CARRIED Letter from The Queen's York Rangerffi conveying an invitation to attend a special ceremony honoring the County of York to be held at The Fort York Armoury, March 23rd,. 1966, "This. is an in vi tat ion, which, I believe, is something new.. This invitation is to attend the annual return of the colours. I think you are all aware of what. it entails and I believe that as many as possible should attend as the Colonel has gone out of his way to·extend the invitation." ' ; \ \ '\ if~ SPECIAL MEETING QQRRESPONDENCE CONTINUED - 2 - 14th March, 1966. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the letter be PATRICK: acknowledged with thanks," Several members stated their intention of attending the ceremony, RE: GEORGE HASKETT NIGHT Letter from Mr. G. Haskett to Members of Town Council thanking Council for its letter of congratulations. MAYOR ''This is an answer to the resolution of this Council to send him a letter of con- gratulations which was read at the George Haskett night," WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this letter be PATRICK: received and filed." CARRIED RE: AIR Letter from the 94 Stouffville District CADET TAG DAY Squadron, Newmarket, asking for per- mission to sell tags Saturday 30th April all day and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m~ on Thursday and Friday 28th and 29th April respectively. SIMMONS JOHNSON ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that permission be granted PATRICK: for the sale of tags on the above dates,'' "Does this conflict with any other dates previously made?11 "No, we check all these dates when they come in," CARRIED RE: PARK AND POND Letter from the Department of Highways, ON C.B.C. 's land District No, 6, Downsview, Ontario regarding the Department's approval to construct a park and pond on the former Consolidated Building Corpora- tion's land in Aurara._ WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that a copy of letter be ILLINGWORTH: turned over to the Holland Valley Conservation Authority." CARRIED ~'~-------c----~-·~~··••-·-~ • C--.~.--.~--- SPECIAL MEETING - 3 - ll~th March, 1966 RE: POLLUTION OF GREAT LAKES AREA Letter from the Corporation of Port Colborne enclosing two resolutions passed by that Council, and asking the support of Council in these resolutions, '"THAT WHEREAS the supply of clean and fresh waters in our Great Lakes System has been fast deteriora- ting; AND vJHEREAS such monies and studies have been made by the Provincial and Federal Governments to study the pollution and the recession ,pf .the Lake Levels: AND vJHE:rtEAS joint studies ha.ve been made by the Canadia.n and American Governments on the problems and conclusions reached by them of the realization of the ne~d for action: AND WHEREAS the millions of population that depend on this natural resource for their livelihood and existence: AND WHEREAS the latest repmrts from engineers and Directors of the Great Lakes Institute point out the fact that Lake Erie being the shallowest of the Great Lakes is p~luted near the point of no return: FURTHER THEREFORE be it resolved that we with increasing· urgency,., respectfuJLly request the Provincial, Federal Governments to take immediate action on this pollution and lake level crises which is upon us threatening the health of the citizens and the economy of the Southern portion of Ontario especially the Niagara Peninsula: BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Mayors and Reeves support this urgent request and point out to the proper authorities the dangers of inaction at this crucial problem: FURTHER that all municipalities that depend on lake waters for their livelihood within the jur- isdiction of the Province of Ontario be sent a copy of this resolution for their support and adoption and that they be read and willing to send confirmation to the executive secretary of the Association of Mayors and Reeves before April 30th to be processed by the Annual Con- vention on June 26th, 1966." ILLINGWORTH "It seems to me there was some in the press. have approved Erie." that on the weekend information on this I believe, they, a project for Lak& MAYOR "I see nothing wrong with this. It won't affect us though." ==="==~,~=------~-~--- SPECIAL MEETING CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED - 4 -14th !"'arch, 1966. ------ Re: POLLUTION OF GREAT L~KES AREA TRENT ''I believe that for this purpose, we are in the same watershed,'' ILLINGWORTH: ''Resolved to support the afore- mentioned resolution of the Corporation of Port Colbourne," TRENT: RE GRANTS FOR CENTENNIAL PROJECTS TRENT: CARRIED "That WHEREAS Canada will be celebrating its lOOth Anniversary in 1967: AND WHEREAS both Provincial and Federal Governments have urged municipalities to mark this. important event by building or expanding public buildings or parks to commemorate this special event: AND WHEREAS the Provincial and Federal Govern(llents have budgeted and'. promised the municipalities·participating $1.00 per capita from each level of government: WHEREAS all municipalities have not taken advantage of this assistance, therefore leaving sizeable surpluses still unclaimed in the Provincial and Federal Budgets: THEREFORE be it resolved that we seek the assistance and backing of the munici- palities of Ontario in support of this resolution at the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Convention in June to seek further financial assistance for those who have found that since initiating these wishes of our Governments in 1963 and 1964, building costs have risen by at least 20%, therefore reducing the projects planned, and in some cases abandoning the ideas of a commemorative proje.ct: FURTHER we seek from both Provincial and Federal Centennial Budgets additional grants from their unclaimed budgets to assist those municipalities who have taken heed and action on Centennial Pro- jects on the instructions of both Provincial and Federal Authorities." ''Resolved that Council backs WILLIAMS: up this resolution, where there is money available.'' CARRIED :--:· ··------·--··-~.-· ,----- •.. , 1............-.------~----~--- SPECIAL MEETING CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED RE: SEMI-DETACHED HOMES TO BE BUILT IN AREA WITH DETACHED HOMES ONLY. SIMMONS WILLIAMS ILLINGWOR'I'H - 5 - 14th March, 1966. Three letters were read to Council regarding homes on Dunham Crescent, which are all at present detached homes, and which objected to the proposed construction, on Lot 184, of semi-detached housing. Those letters were signed by: H. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Mr. & Mrs. R. E, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. David Palmired H. Lorenz Hoffland Shoniker Hamilton Fitz Patrick residents of Dunham Crescent ''In view of the fact that these people are questionning a By-Law,, I feel the matter should be refer- red to a Lawyer." "The original sub-division agree- ment, I believe, was set up in TI959, is this a supplementary sub-division agreement which permitted the change to semi- detached? I think the whole question is, does the by-law supercede the subdivision agree- ment?" "I think that we can feel sympathy for the people who have built single houses in this area in that the agreement was changed to per- mit certain semi-detached houses to be built. However, the lot in question, No. 184, is a 70' lot and is certainly much wider than required for a single family. I am amazed that this question has not come up before, particu- larly when the subdivision agree- ment was passed. I do not think it is a practical thing if, every- time a homeowner builds a home higher in value than is what is possibly required by the subdivi- sion agreement, and then later on expects Council to change this agreement. Whilst I have every sympathy for the people involved who have certainly built very beautiful homes up there. I can- not see why this has not come up 0~'""--. --------------~----~------ ~--- SPECIAL MEETING CORRESPONDENCE CONTINUED --·-------------- RE: SEMI-DETACHED HOMES DUNHAM CRESCENT ILLINGWORTH (cont.) MAYOR PATRICK ILLINGWORTH MAYOR MAYOR SOLICITOR T. McPHERSON ILLINGWORTH McPHERSON TRENT -------------·-.... -... ·-···---------- - 6 -14th March, 1966 ''before. There is no doubt about it, the sooner we get a zoning by-law and stick to it, the better." "Why was it changed?" "Because no one wanted to build there originally.'' "I thought at one time it was planned for apartments which would have made an ideal situa- tion, but the 35' height restric- tion in force at that time would not allow the apartments." ''No, I believe it was changed because, as Reeve Patrick stated, no one wanted to build there in the first place and changing the by-law facilitated the build- ing." "Mr. McPherson, we have just read the letters regarding the situa- tion on Dunham Crescent. The question was asked 'does the sub-division agreement super- code the by-law?''' "I would say 'yes', without look- ing into it too thoroughly. In my opinion, as it stated that· lots 177 to 188 are semi-lots you cannot change an agreement made by by-law. For instance, if the Town once makes a By-law they cannot say they have made a bad deal. I cannot see how you can get out of it." "Did it state that lots 177 to 188 were to be made semi-s not singles?'' II uy 8 s6 "I feel that the only question is that, was the supplementary agree- mont, made August 12th 1959, signed? The copy I saw was not. I ~ ,---~ SPECIAL MEETING Q£RR~§fQ~DENC~ CO~!I~UE~ RE: SEMI-DETACHED HOI"'ES DUNHAM CRESCENT JViAYOR TRENT JViAYOR McPHERSON ILLINGWORTH JOHNSON McPHERSON ILLINGWORTH TRENT DAVIS W. MAYOR McPHERSON MAYOR McPHERSON L___~-----~------------~~~ -~ "" 14th March, 1966 ''I cannot answer that,'' "I feel that we should know this before we pass judgement on these particular properties,'' ''There was authorization that it be." "It would be, any agreement that I have ever seen would be signed.'' "I think we should know whether this amending agreement was regis- tered," "As I believe I told you earlier today Councillor Trent, two copies were registered and one copy loft here," ''The 1959 copy was registered at the Registry Office, it is there." "If the original said "semi-s and it did not stipulate the lots, I do not see what we can do." "Mr. Jubb has had the map up in his room, on the distribution of tho lots." "I would like to propose a motion that the building inspector be inst~uctcd~ to hold up issuing a permit until further study has been given to the matter." "Are we within our rights in hold- ing up this permit for a week?" "So far as I know, there is no time limit to building permits.'' "I did not want to see the Town getting into a law suit,'' ''Maybe that isn't such a bad idea, if this goes before a Supremo Court Judge, he will decide whether you are acting in the public good." --·~,·---~------~~-~---~-----~~-~ i' SPECIAL MEETING CORRESPillNDENCE CONTINUED ---··M·-------------- RE: SEMI-DETACHED HOMES .DUNHA!ii CRESCENT . SIMl"iONS: TRENT: Re: RED SHIELD MONTH & PURCr~SE OF TOWN LAND BY SALVATION ARMY CORBETT: Pi~ TRICK: Capt. W. A. Wraight - 8 -l~th March, 1966. "Resolved that, as thoro are so many unknown quantities in this matter, and we have received so many·questions which are left unanswered, that the Planning Committee of Council, Mr. Jubb, the Town Clerk and the Solicitor check into this whole matter and bring back a report to the next meeting of Council. Also resolved that the building permits be held up.'' CARRIED A letter was read to Council request- ing permission to appear before Council on March l~th to discuss the purchase of Town property in Aurora Heights and permission to proclaim the month of May as Red Shield month. "Resolved that the month of May be proclaimed 'Rod Shield Month.'" CARRIED "First your Honour, Council members, my apologies for being late, I did not realize the meeting was to be at 7.30 •. I think you are all aware that we have opened a Sunday School in Aurora Heights and it has already mushroomed. Last week we had 1~0 children and we are expecting, eventually, to get 250 -300. Because of this, we have looked with some vision, as to build- ing in Aurora Heights. I do not know anything about the property, only that there is a parcel of land situa- ted just off Laurentide, and I under- stand that this is town property. We wore wondering if this is avail- oble for sole to us and if so, how much? I would like to know the size of the property and if it is serviced? In order that I can go back to my headquorters to present some concrete material," SPECIAL MEETING PURCHASE OF TO~JN LAND BY SALVATION ARMY (cont.) )VJAYOR CAPT. \VRAIGHT DAVIS \V. CAPT. 111RAIGHT MAYOR CAPI'AIN WRAIGHT MAYOR CAPTAIN \e/RAIGHT )V!AYOR CAPTAIN WRAIGHT ILLINGWORTH DAVIS W. flAY OR -----·-·------- - 9 -14th March, 1966 "How much ares is involved?" "I do not know tho size, only :that it is on top of a hill and it is an ideal location, as far as we are concerned." "How would you propose to got into this land?" "Thoro is a vacant lot, too small for o homo, which gives access to it. There is also a longer way in from Yonge Street, along through the orchard," "This is a lot that is too small for building? Have you any ides as to the size of this lot?'' "At a rough estimate, I would say 40' -45' wide." "If you build this, would you dis- pose of the present building?'' "Yes, I was going to say, our present land we are on is 155!4' x 85/2' wide. I was wondering if it was possible ••.. "Would you be interested in a deal for the present property?" "Yes, our present propurty has been asSBSSG~ at $18,000 without the buildings." ''In the event that tho access lot is not big enough, or that the land not available to you, have you thought of asking C,B,C, if other land is available, or if tho raodway could be extended to another place?" "Is there an agreement with the Department, that this land be kept for parkland:?" "I do not know." .SPECIAL ISEETING PURCHA.GE OF TO\e/N UND BY SAI,VATION ARJV!Y (cont.) CApri'AIN WRAIGHT PATRICK: SINMONS: PATRICK: SIJVJMONS: -10 ·-14th March, 1966 "~lr. Jubb did not know oi thor. 11 "He; solved that tho Planning ~._,.A\ Commi ttoe ~~~J!XX~~~ ~ < <( rv report back to Council in th:0oG weeks 0 11 • CARRIED ''Rcsdlvod thot Council bo adjourned." The mooting then adjourned. ::d~lb' MAYOR