MINUTES - Special Council - 19660519SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MHURSDAY, MAY 19,1966 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS C.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) S.G. PATRICK R. SIMMONS CORBETT, W. DAVIS, ILLINGWORTH, MURRAY, TRENT , WILLIAMSON Mayor Davis explainted the reason for this Special Council meeting and etated that it had been agreed in Committee that Tenders for the Arena Complex would close at 4.00 p.m. on May 19,1966 and at 4.30 p.m. be opened so that the Architect and Engineer could make their reports, Mayor Davis stated that the tender for the Former Arena Site had closed yesterday, May 18,1966 and one tender had been received. PATRICK: ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that the tender for the former Arena site be opened first." CARRIED Tender received in the amount of $30,500.00 with a cheque of $3,050. enclosed. ILLINGWORTH: "Resolved that this tender be not accepted at this time." WILLIAMSON: CARRIED THE FOLLOWING TENDERS HERE RECEIVED ON THE COMMUNITY CENTRE COMPLEX CASEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. GORLSINE CONSTRUCTION CO CARRUTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO MODEL BUILDERS LTD. $610,400.00 $640,833.00 $646,300.00 $675,950.00 Mr. Schneider explained tenders and additions Mr.J. Reid advised that Architect and Engineering fees plus furniture were not included in above figures. WILLIAMSON: Be it Resolved that the Tender ,. PATRICK: to construct a proposed Community Centre Arena, including additions and alternatives,in a total amount of $647,250.00 ae submitted by Casey Construction Limited, Toronto, be and the same is hereby accepted, pending subsequent approval of this proposed project by the Ontario Municipal Board. / Be it further Resolved that a copy of this Resolution, to-gether with a Revised Five Year Forecast and an outlined on the complete. estimated costs of the proposed Community Centre Arena be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval." \ \ .. , -·~'"' SPECIAL COUNCIL - 2 - MAY 19,1966 Councillor Murray requested a recorded vote PARKING MET FRS SALE COMMITTEE RE ESTABLISHING A REGION FOR COLLECTIVE PARTICIAPTION. MAYOR C.F. DAVIS REEVE S.G.PATRICK DEPUTY REEVE SIMMONS COUNCILLOR C. CORBETT COUNCILLOR W. DAVIS COUNCILLOR R. ILLINGWORTH COUNCILLOR D.J.MURRAY COUNCILLOR W. TRENT COUNCILLOR J. WILLIAMSON The Motion was carried. YEA NAY X X X X X X X X X WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that we carry on with Council business." TRENT: CARRIED. Deputy Reeve Simmons presented a report of the Property Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: The following price was received from the Town of Newmarket for Parking meters. The Committee recommend that the price of $500.00 for 126 parking meters plus all spare parts be accepted." SIMMONS: CORBETT: "Resolved that the report of the Property Committee, dated May 19,1966 re parking meters be accepted." CARRIED. Mayor Davis brought forward a letter from the Town of Newmarket request: ing Two members of Council be appointed to a Committee re establishing a region for collective participation. PATRICK: SIMMONS: "Resolved that Councillors Illingworth and Murray be appointed to this· Committee." CARRIED. ----____ ,,., ··-~·-•.w,·,~---'""""-'"~''""'"~-'"''C''C''•''"',-'z'"'/,;.~c;C:;;,.•~~-~·~<A>'l-.-""'l:=>=,:;e<"=<:o:.C.o\ti)~'\-''-'\~"<::,........,.;oz;r~•-,;~::.:;;;;·; ;;;;..=-· -··-· _. -···-· --·.;o-"r"-.-;:~_;,~,..-• ..;:.=.:,:;;<"'-'~"'~5':;'i;o;::;<;:{i:,SC;iX . ·.~·. SPECIAL COUNCIL - 3 - May 19,1966 Nayor Davis read a letter from Lee & McPherson in answer to Council's queries re Golf Glen Homeowners Association's Brief • WILLIAMSON: PATRICK: ILLI1'!~9,~: WILLJ~ON: ·'·'' "Resolved that a copy of this letter be forward to the Planning Committee and to the Golf Glen Homeowners Association." CARRIED. "Resolved that in future any variation valid or otherwise-, 'fli th a Subdivision Agreement that Building Inspector report to the. Planning Committee who in turn will report same to Council." CARRIED. Mayor Davis read a letter from Lee & McPhrson re Consolidated Building Corporation Ltd. DAVIS:W: ILLINGWORTH: DAVIS:W: WILLIAMSON: "Resolved that this Council approve in princip!U a S]i\opping Plaza in north end of Town on the C.B.c. property:··,· · · And further be it resolved that a meeiii•n:g·'be heid on Thursday May 26, 1966 and Mr. L. Shankman, President of Consolidated Building Corp. -. ~ be asked to attend, and. further that the:·Shopping Plaza be discussed on its own merits. only." · CARRIED. "REsolved that the me;,ting adjourn. The meeting then adjourned. -----~-~- {__:· ~·-~ --~-------··