MINUTES - Special Council - 19650927'liNUTES OF A SPECIAL COUNCIL ~IEETIHG HELD IN THE COUllCIL CHAMBERS ON ~10liDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1965 AT 10.00 P.H. PlRESENT '·1AYOH REEVE DEPU"'TY REEVE COUNCILLORS PATRICK: SD1!'10HS: C.~. DAVIS (IN THE CP~.IR) S.G. PATRICK R.SD'IT10r!S DAVIS, ILLINGl~ORTE, HtJRRAY, TRENT, UILLIA.MSO~T "Resolved that the h8 hour notice, pursuant to the provisions of the procedure By-law, be and the sane is hereby waived:, and that Council entertain one specific ite~ that is -to award the Tender for the purchase of Ice Plant Equiunent. ;; CARlRED I!ayor Davis read the Tender Call ';Tenders for the Sale of Ice Plant Equipment. Tenders 1-rill be received by the undersi<;ned until 5.00 p.~. 'londay, September 27th 1965. for the sale of the ice nlant fon,erly used in the Aurora Arena, located at 99 Yonge St. South ,Aurora, Ontario. ) .. 11 pining~ valves, tanks, headers~ con:presser unit, electrical switch gear, and all other appurtenances are for sale as is. where is. The successful tender ghall be required to remove all equipment trom the buildinrc TJithin tvo (2) 1veeks of receivinr:t 1rritten notice. A certified cheque in the full aBount of the tender price must accompany each tender, Unsuccessful tender cheQues will be pr.op~ly returned. Further information '·1r. E .A. Batson. " ;,;~-~;}; ·; (t:__ y 2.!ld. inspection, please conta.ct the 'Recreational Director, 1_-Tm~ Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, Aurora ,Ontario. Mayor Davis informed Cou..'>"lcil that only one tenaer had been received . SI~-1H0}1J8: PATRICK: HILLif~.1SON: srt~r.,~orrs: . ,1'\esol ved that we accept the tender of Hr. D. Clark, of Designed Refriger2.tion Syster:is Ltd. Toronto, :for ~3,400.00 for the purchase of the Ice Plant Equipment." CARRIED. :rBesolved that the meetint~ adjourn. 'I CAHRIED THE MEETING THEtl ADJOURlillD. ; / !' ;.-'' ./!; !! t><-· ., _/ \ / (( \. (...C\A>ciC 'IAYOR ... / .. ::' Cf::~K (/SJtU&?