MINUTES - Special Council - 19650902i• --! ' ' MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1965 AT 7,30 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS C.F. DAVIS (IN THE CHAIR) S.G. PATRICK R. SIMMONS CORBETT, DAVIS, TRENT, WILLIAMSON. MR. JOHN O'ROURKE Mayor Davis explained that this Special Meeting of Council had been called to honor John O'Rourke for his recent act of herot••· It is a great pleasure and honor for me this evening, on behalf of the Council of the Town of Aurora, to welcome you, John O'Rourke, to this Special Meeting of Council We understand you are embarking for Ottawa University to-morrow and prior to leaviag, tliis Council was desirous of paying some small tribute to you for your recent ht~roism. It is certaillly a very special moment when one, with no apparent thought of the safety to himself, without hesitation undertook such a hazardous task to save the life of a young boy. In wartime this might be classed as "Above and Beyond the calll of Duty" -in peacetime it is certainly an act of utmost b.e::-oism. There is no doubt in my mind, and I am sure in all our minds; that you will go on in life and achieve the very highest of honors in whatever capacity you may choose. In this.respect you certainly are assured of our very best wishes for a successfull future. Now,to acknowledge your feat of heroism to mankind, this Council duly authorized to ready for this evening an award commemorating your heroic deed. May I now, on behalf of the Town of Aurora Council, make this distinctive presentation. An appropriate scroll will be forthcoming and duly forwarded to the University for presentation there. May this watch and the scroll always remind you of our deepest respect and admiration for a "Job Well Done." And now once again, our very best to you in your future endeavours. John O'Rourke thanked the members of Council for this reqognition. 1-IILLIA.MSO!~: CORBETT: SIMMONS: CORBETT: "Resolved that a copy of the Mayor's speach, inserted on CH'ficial Town Letterhead, be presented to Mr. J. O'Rourke." Carried. "Resolved that the meeting adjourn." Carried. (.~· The meeting then adjourned. -~~-~-~~-:J~/411£~ MAYOR CLE-'F!K