MINUTES - Special Council - 19650803i ..... -· ('' i " .. .---- -~---'~"-,.~-~ . ·--~~~~~--~~-~~~~~~"'"""'"""'~·-~'··~·=·=·"·'~' ~-~--- '<INUT::!:S OF i-.. ::;PECUL LJEETING OF CQU~ HSLD IN THE COUNCIL CHAliiBEIIS ON TUESDAY AUGUST ;$RD, 19§.5 AT ~.QP 'Pei,q• '' PRES3NT ;AAYOR REEVE C,F, DAVIS (in the chai~J S,G. PATRICK DEPUTY REEVE: R '• SIY.tli!JONS COUNCILLORS CORBETT 4 DAVIS~ ILLINGWORTH, IclURRIW ,TRENT ALSO IN ATTENDliNCE -BUILDING INSPECTO~ .A, JUBB ENGINR~R J, R':!:ID if!ayor Davis stated he had called this special meeting to consider: 1. 2. Report of special Arena Committee. Report of Planning Committee. · and ree.d a resolution passed in Council July 19th. "Resolved that we consider spending the least a'llount of' money as possible to put Arena in servi06&ble condition for next three years, until such time as a pompleJt.may be completed and a committee be set up by theStriking Comm, to study the eoet of this proposal and report to Council" and a resolution of the Striking Collllllittee passed in a special Council meeting held July 20th. "Resolved that Deputy Reeve Sim.nons, Reeve S,, ;ratrickl Councillors \'!, Davis, R. Illingworth, w .. 'l'r.en.t be appoilited members of Committee to study co$1; o'f spending the least amount of money as possible until .. su.ch time as a complex may be considered." The Mayor said. that Deputy Reeve Sirwnons, Chairman of the Special Committee informed him that.the report is ready tonight and asked .him to present it now. :JEPUTY RZEVE SI;G:;ONS Presented a report of the· special Arena Com;nittee in which the Committee respectfully submits the following; IN ACCOJ?~JLNCZ F!I'f~{ 1AINUTES OF' TEE 13T:i RJ:3ULJ.a: M~ETING OF COUNCIL 19TH JULY,l965t A MsETING OF THii: SPECIAL co·,';1'Ul"Z'EZ .l"' . .S HEL'J :sOI'IDAY, 26TH JU~LY, AT 7. .. 00 P.M. THE FOLLO:'JING PZR:SONLJL 0EPIITY REEVE SirlJ>JDNS RE~E PATRICK COIJNCILLORS W • DAVIS MR. E,. MR, A .. WR. J. MR. J. i\1f:t. J. IV2R.. D. R • ·ILLINGWORTH :g., TR~NT BATSON JUBB DOL REID OBEE R:~ED C. F, DAVIS CHAIR!JIJ..N 7!~:-tE ~?:1E3ENT ~· RECRZATION ;)IR8CTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILD 1m TOWN ENGINRER ~~ECTRICIAN SAFErY INSP}',i;C'Jl'OR MAYOR A TOIJR LND INSPECTION OF THE NZ~? fo.IIDITION:".':l'D TI-IIE ROIJJJl,N CATJBIOLIC P.ARISH HALL Al:D T~~E EIRtU !RENA. WAS'CiiiTUED OUT • . TH& OdlJ.IRi"l.AN R'3:lD THZ RESOLUTION )1EGARDING THE A-:>;porWT~!StiT :.----·~~~-~·~=~-~--~-~--~-·----------· ·····-·---- \ .. j r SPECIAL COUNCIL 2 -AUGUST 3,1965 OF THE SPECIAL COUTI\~iiTTZ:::5 AN.J LSX3J 'I'!2~ ~33P:ZCTIV2 ~·i.1Eli133:23 TO STL'I'~ T:-:EIR PERSO!'IJJ,JL OPINIONS J.S TC TlF!!E FELSJBILITY OF ~SPAJC:UNG: THE OLD ARENA. FOLLOiHNG THE STLTED OPINIONS, A G~Ei:!LL DISCUSSION TOOK PLACE. BJ.,SED ON ESTIIli:.TES PUT FORV!i.RD BY tiJJ.. DOL, l~;R. RZID, fAR. OBEE, AND F:~Ol!1 A LETT!~ FROI'!~ A.B.C. STEZL BUILDINGS LTD~ T:IZ FOLLOWING fl.PPRCXm.LTZ COSTS W8!1E OUTLINED: (a) TO REPAIR RINK SsCTION ONLY TO CONDITION ?RIOR TO FIRE (T:US ::JOES NOT INCLUDE DRZSSING .ROOL1S,PLUI.ill3ING, HZLTING ZCT.) (b) TO REP AIR RINK SECTION j;J.'w FR:lNT S'ZCTION TO CONDITION PRIOR TO F~E $ 40,000.00 $120,000.00 AS OUTLINED IN THE A..B.C, LZTT::<:R LND COiJFBI11ED BY ENGINE~, THE ABOVE FIGUR:':S cJES.E CONTING:l:NT ON TH!: MLIN i:.:.9:Ii!:N.L AND FOOTINGS B!:IHG PLSS:!:D AS ST"lUCTURALLY SOUND. IT IS THE OPINION OF TIE!: lilbJO:liTY OF 1llHE C01J:ili!ITTSE THAT THE COST TO DO ANY 2EPf;DS TO THE liRENA J.SE TOO HIGH Pl'ID THAT HO RE? AIR ACTION BE TAKEN. SIL11!10NS R. DAVIS W. nRESOLVill Tr.-JJ/[' T:-ZE R.Z?ORT OF TEE SP:!!CI.fL k:?~~NL. COI&JITTEE :JLT'W AUGUST 3RD,l965,BE: J:.PPROV:J:D. Mll.YOR DAVIS R::5J.D A RSPORT FROI!l BUIWING INSPECTOR A. JUBB ~ CONDEI/JiifLTION OF AURORA tc;BNP. JULY 28,l!i\~5 TH's AURO::{A TOJJN COUNCIL c/o 'lti.., JOHNSON -CLZRK-TcBJL3URER r RE: COND3Eil'Jf .. 'Jl'JIVN OF AURORA. .ARENA GENTLi~,~~N: The following is a report on why I have taken the above action at this time •. 1. The whole front block structure is unsafe, and must be completely demolished, 2. 3. The wind is progressively rolling back le.rge sections of the Aluminum root sheeting. These could quite easily rip loqoe, and do extensive property damage s.s well as being n dangGi:'ous:: human safety hazard. With the roll back of the roof sheeting, horizontal rafters are hanging loose and could fall at any time. 4. Sections of metal roofing are just draped over truss braces, just waiting to fall -~~~,_,_,~-'"·-·~c,,~, .... ,,. ··-·---- ' """"7"""""""""'-··~· -~--·········""""--~---· > .. , \._.: ;!', SPECIAL COUNCIL ..... 3-AUGUST 3 ,1965 5. Large ventile.tor lying at a prec~;.rious angle on roof ,r«)<edy to fall in or off at anytimel · 6-. Some trusses and vertical steel pillars are bad1y warped, others may have been affected strengthwise by the extreme heat and then being quenched with water froa the fire hoses vJhile stil1 hot. 7. " "'• A number of horizontal rafters burned and. charredj weru<ening the who-le roof structure I believe about 400 rafters to be so dame.gedi The laminated lower beam supporting the nol;'thwall.is rotted~ out; · 9. The walkway behind the seats is· only supporte-d by 2tt x 6" , spiked onto the vertical wall supports which are at 30" centres and to the seat stringers. 10. 'At approximately the centre of the ice surface the seats o:n both sides of the erena have heaved and separated enough for a child to get. its leg caught. 11-. . The sid.e walls on both sides of the arena have heave.d causing dangerous hollows in the roof structure over the seating area$·.~· 12 "· ,19""' 14. The' whole rear se·ction appears to be in poor shape, the walkwaybeing broken away and on an acute angle, which I am informed gets considerably worse when the ice is in the arena. It appears that all the drainage from Victoria St,. and Harrison Ave. has been allowe~ to pour over the b~ and right under the north ... east corner of the building, rotting out any wood supports and otherwise damaging the foundation or piers ... This, I believe, is what hs:s caused :~lost of tha r:JpeLted alternative., heaving and settling, with the ulth<ate result of wea!{eriing the foundations. The floors has hollows up to 6" or '7" deep. I have good reason to suspect that under the floor is hollow in places probably as a result of Hurricane ~-!Iazel and aggravated by .. the drainage problen described in item # 13. Also the floor is badly cracked. 15. The condition of the floor is such thEt one of the multiple freezing pipes in the floor may be cracked or leaking at e:: joint, and as am;.mnic:. is used as a freezing agent, this· could beco,ae extre;.;ely dangerous. 16. It is my opinion that wvhet is left of the whole arena complex is past economical repeir and should be demolished. 17. If council did decide to go al!llead and repeir the ice ,, __ , sm:'fs.ce peiJ:"t of the arena only, a written, detailed, inspection report of the whole part of the structure to be renovated, executed by' an authorized inspection firm of Engineers, would have to be presented before any renovations could begin• P.S. It is the writer's opinion that demolition should s"!;E;rt io;Mediately 1 as the burned out structure is getting to be progressively more of a dangerous safety hazard de.y by cl&y, and I would respectfully request council to act vrith the utmost urgency, If demolition is not going to be sterted L~:;Jediately, I suggest the wliwle exea be fenced, to 1~eep people out of the building and e_lso fro;.1 being near the .walls c:s a safety measure, as the situation at this ti;;;e is very dangerous, --·--------· ----------------~~-~~---·~·'·'"'·--,~,. . ·"'-·-~--. I ---c--c----"-------·· i'•. S~F~CILL-COUNCIL -4 .... LUGUST 3 1 1965 The reason this action was not t2l~en at an earlier decte; 1111~ in the first place, I had been. Gcpproached and asked to t() ;!ec-ove th.a building as was; until the insurance adjusters hi:td assessed the de.mage, and solicited tente,tive prices to put the structure back in its original condition, This I was told was just completed about a week ago.i Secondly, the condition of the structure has worsened greatly in the last short space of time• The above information is for your peru~al and necessary action if deemed necessary cc H. Jones. J. Reid, Yours very truly• A, E. JUBB 3UILJING INSPECTOR General discussion followed and Councillor Trent requested a recorded vote. I11AYOR C, F. DiVIS R~ZVE S. ?LTRICK DEPUTY REEVE SI~ ·]/iONS CotJNCI:LL::::;: COJ:B:ITT COUNCILLOR DA.VIS CGUNCILLOR ILLING'J!ORTH CCill<!CIJLLOR HJURR£.Y COUNCILLOH 'Jl'RENT nn"t'ATO.,.. ... ,. ,...= urrW: __ .,....,.. l'"'ll,..."'fl_T 00 014 O::t::JLJ:lbU,,t ~~ ::LLLS:llAOUl'IJ" The l!layor declared the motion ~ X X X X X X .!:!!! X X "C.AR::tiED 11 - Councillor Illingworth presented a Planning Committee report in which the committee respectfully submits the following; In Accorde.nce with. the minutes of the 13th J:egular meeting of Council held 19 July 1965, the Planning Com;:;ittee met to discuss the re:mest -.from i'1lr. Coulter for c Catering Business on ::Jells Street. !:teeve ?atrick and Councillor Il].ingwortb met on 26'J"uly 1965 (Councillor Vlilliamson ab~ent on va9ation) Mayor Davis, ueputy Reeve Simmons, Councillors Davis and Trent were in attendance. :m:'lile it was felt desirable to retain the Residential nature of \7elis Streot 1 The building under consideration is assessed as "COJ;JlAERC!f:L" 1 having been changed frorol residential by a previous council, therefore the request is primarily for change of use, and the Committ"i'e has no option but to reco~~end approval, although it does not agree with the principle of Commercial Properties in a residential area. . ') ' ) • -----·-·~~-~- • • ' • ·''"" --·-·==~-~ .•. ~ 1 I --- -~ . .-/ .. ,.,, SPECIAL COUNCIL - 5 - AUGUST 3 1 1965 However, th~ f'.ollowing restrictions:are • recomme.ndedo."· · (a) OnJ,.y a smallJ simple sign to·be allowed, which will state the business only. (lb) A maximum of two mobile units prid they must not be left out hours1 to be authorized after business T: __ l..T T-~-:~E RZPDRT OF Th-{E -'-'/ lLT ""T>M!WC""'T" n tt;o H'S-'>TV""' . · . ~AJ.11-ys:~~ .::\. J;Ji i<"'\. • ~ .• < •• ..;J· v.._, ..:.zjJ ?/l{f)iiiGK s. PLANJ'JING BUSINESS COi'E/IT'i\iE RE -._CGUJLTE] -C.P..I'iTIIPJG :J·L.T0D AUGUST 3, 1965 3E A:??RDVE.Jn "'I"~ :•nwo !-.;ll t1Li;;y_ ·9 DAVIS R. \ll. ::tSSOLV2:D THLT FfaAGRJl,.PH "B" BE STRUCK OUT OF TI-iE REPORT AND IT BE! LEFT TO .THE SERVIC:!.! C0i'JJ!/ITT3E AS TO HO"iJ lf.tLNY TRUCKS liJILL BE LIC:ZNSED FOR fi,UJRORA. The ).llotion.was then voted on and declered "Cfi;.;"lRIED 11 "Cf-RRI3D" DAVIS ILLINGWORTH: !PA.TIUCK: MURRJ,y 1FiESOLV,~ THAT VYE DISCUSS TI~'[2; P.B:,l~NJ,-, SITUATION. !?t:2SOLVED 1\iLT T~"-IE PREVIOUS TJJOTION BE Jil1':tJ~NJ·~) J..ND T:-il..T COUNCIL i=tESOLVE ITSETLF INTG COLITI:,~I'li'T~E CF T:-:E WHOLE F0:2 DISCUSSION OF T?:E AREN.L SITU.flTION. "CARRIED" Council resumed the meeting at 10.45 PM "' REEVE P A'1'RIC1{ IN THE CYiAIR. ~4ayor Davis presented a Committee of the whole report in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: THAT THIS COUNCIL A:?FROV3 TE3 REPORT OF THE TO-liN BUILDING II'JSPECTOR, ATTACHED HER.ETO J:.ND TENDER FOR THE DENiOLITION OF THE OLD ARENA Ul"IDEEE TEZ SPECIFICI.TIONS OF TEZ TO!!N 3:NGIN3ER. fi1AYOR DAVIS: SH!:.!ONS R THi:T TIB RZPORT OF COUNCIL IN CJiiil'lliTTgE: "'" "i":-"1'<' 'PT<''·'J· '='=!' PQl'T "'E• ''CCFPT·' ~ • ~rn """""" .li:,.__. ~:c ... -...1 Ji..t..\. • .::.Al'\1 .,. 18-.. u.:.. l~ .D r.. :.;.u. ~J:.I n.J.'\U.f Jl.dCJI.-..,;~ SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED THERETO. If C.fu"'.l~IED II MAYOR DAVIS IN THE CHAIR. DAVIS CORBETT; ILLINGWORTH: TR2NT RESOLVED TEfT t.;JE GO .AHEAD AND ML:KE iPREP.f'lallTIONS TO BUILD f., NE\J &'lENA ON THE OLD SITE~ RESOLVED THLT THE MOTION BE AI!iENDE1J Ji.ND TI1kT TmS COUNCIL HNESTIGA'i'E MORE FULLY WHAT THE RE-::UIRElAENTS l!I'I.E Rr:!: -A SITE ~·~TC. FOR TIE ERECTION OF AN ARENA. f,l\ID BRING BACK A REPORT eUTHIN 2 i'!'!.!EKS. · , .. ~··_(• . .r ' ~ '',"· ' '' -~ .. , -----~-------·-~· ---------~-~''"•~••••• ·.--70'::0?0. ,-,o;-=-o=-.o=•·-- ·\j ~· -~--------- S:?'ZCILL COUNCIL 6 -kUGUST 3, 1965 _COH3ETT: SIMi\10NS: RESOLVED THAT COUNCIL CONTINUE PAST THE HOUR OF 11,00 0 1 CLOCK IND TifAT RULE 3 OF BY-LAW 1468 BE SUSPENDE.D :?'OJ. THLT PU'ttPOSE. Recorded Vote on the amendment: MAYOR DAVIS REEVE P.!lTRICJK DEPUTY-REEVE SI1/il\10NS COUNCILLOR CORBETT COUNCILLOR DAVIS COUNCILLOR ILLING\lORTH COUNCILLOR liJUPJHY COUNCILLOR TRENT Y -:trt, ~ X X X Mayor Davis declared the amendment defeated. Recorded Vote on the main question: MAYOR DAVIS RE!::WE P 1-\'FRICK Dii:PUTY-REEVE STIA1!10NS CCUNCILLOR CORB~T COUNCILLOR DAVIS COUNCILLOR ILLINGY/J0::1TH COUNCILLOR MUR:;tiY COUNCILLOR TRENT Mayor Davis declare? the motion ~ X X X X X "c 'R_J_ l 7 D II ..t-A.!. '"' U ,. .... NAY - X X X X X Ni'cY ...,-- X X X ''.CiU:tdi~D" ILLING'iJOHTH: CORBETT: R~~SOLV2D TEi-.T THE OLD IRE~NA E7:U:IPMENT SUC:Pl J~S TH~ HELTI5::~~ S liND ICE PL.ANr BE LDVE?.TISED FOR SALE ON 1:, TENDSR BASIS IN co:...oRDINf,TJION 'I!ITH E. BJ\TSDN AND RSFEt.'rtktED TO THZ -FIN.ANC~ COL/ltY1ITT~-E. II Ct,RiR liED II siiiJMQN:~h PJ,TRICK:;_ RESOLVED THAT v!E DO NO\!i i'.DJOOON (11.20 JF'!Vl) n ,r ~:J?'::? Il<'D·· n '·--- <J .. £"-J::\.~-" J,_J THE MEE'flfni THEN /QJOQR!It-;;:D, ~~ ~~-J ~ .----~-.. ~-~--'"·· ... u.H .. · ..... -. __ ,..,_,.,..,.~·~~~