MINUTES - Special Council - 19631028N!Il"'UTES OF A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAJ\'IBERS ON MONDAY OCTOBER 28, 1963 AT 8,15 P,Mr-. -. PRESENT !Vf.AYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS ,:_ .. ! ;;;;A.:;.;G E:;;:.N;.::D;;.:;A BY-LAWS DAVIS: STODD.ART: MANNING: WILLIAI:ISC' 't ~----~--.---~ .. ~--~--_. ____ ___ KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART CHILD, JONES, MAI'l"NING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON 1, Edward Street 2, New Library Debentures 3, Pump and Pump H6use Debentures 4, Consolidated By-law 5. Biennial elections, "Resolved that the 48 hour notice requirement be waived and other business be considered first." Carried, "Resolved that the Town Engineer is hereby instructed to release the ten lots number 126 1 13 0 1 135 1 136 1 137 141.1 143,153,154,155, Plan 475, on which Gar;freed Construction Limited has completed constnuction from the requirements of the sub-division agreement signed by Aurora Heights Limited," Carried, Mayor Nisbet explained that by-laws shown as item 1 to 4 on the agenda would not be read to-night pending further advice from the Ontario Municipal Board, BY-LAWS # 1581 MOFFAT: "That lcc-.ve be given to introduce a STODDART~ By-law to authorize the submission of a question to the electors re biennial elections and that the same be now read a first time." Carried, The by-law was then read a first time, WILLIAMSON: "That the by-law now before the ~~'mllli:j, CHILD: be read a second time a.11.d that t;h~ · · · Council resolve itself into a colllliiittee of the whole for that :purpose," Carried, The by-law was then read a second time. "TC-=->=' .-c.o:·o:v:: '""'~ .;c:=,'O'.-o""=-.~.·-----~=o--•:,:;rc.-.• -,_=>"'--~~"-'?-·~~·~<~=T·=-~· .. •-•-~-•·•··•·=~~=~~--~------~~• ·-.... SPECIAL COUNCIL ~--2-October 2i, 1963 BY-LAWS # 158, ' Biennieal Elections J\IIANNING: "That the by-law now before the WILLIAMSON: Council be read u third time J MANNING: , JONES: , -~ .. : STODDART: MOFFAT: this day and that rule 22 of by-law no, 1468 be suspended for thaj; purpose.11 "That the :third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Ca:rwi.ed, "Resolved that :f'ut>ther b1.1.siness be considered at this meeting, 11 · · Co.rried, Mayor Nisbet congratulated the Aurora Glenville ball team on winp.ing the Intermediate "'B" championship of the 0 ,A. S ,A, and rel!lli}:i:>ked that this ~s the first Ontario Soft Ball Championship for Aurora and the first Ontario Cha;mpions in any sport for some time-. Council will pres(mt each player w:l, th a windbreaker and ores;;-. Councillor Moffat thought the Parks' Committee may have the necessary funds, <Gouncillor Jones asked for direction on supplying a water service to a building in Aurora Orchards and the rate to be charged• NISBET: DAVIS: "Resolved that the works committee look after this matter~" Carried, -4 ••• Councillor Jones also asked if a water meter should be installed .at the AVrora Bowl, It was decided not to do so for the present but charge the, aommerc ial water rate .• Councillor Williamson asked that the Aurora Bowl owners be requested to have the broken blocks and rubble cleaned up, '··--.-, .. ,, .. ~~-~~-~ ··-··-··-· -=·-"""''''""''-··------"-=-. . .. ~------· " SPECIAL COUNCIL JIIIAYOR NISBET WILL NOT STAND FOR RTh--ELEC TION COUNCILLOR SINCLAIR UNDEC IDED "e; s;tJinuing.for re.:..ELECTION JIIIANNING: WILLIAMSON~ .. .. -3-October 28,1963. Mayor Nisbet announced that he would not be standing for re-election and thought it was only fair that he should state his intentions at this time to allow other members of Council to plan accordingly, Mayor Nisbet also stated he had received great pleasure and considered it an honour to have been the head of Council for the past 3 years, He thought it might be possible that he would return to Council some time in the future, Reeve Davis told the Mayor he was very sorry to see him go. Councillor Sinclair stated it was very indefinite whether he would stand for re.eleotion and at the present time he thought he would not but wilJ. defj.;oj.t.ely sto.te his intentions at the next Oounuil meeti;.'lg.- IIThat the meeting adjourn." The meeting then adjourned, ~h .«.~ .. -. ~ •.• .... f:)~ ·""-MAYOR CLERK ,,.-_,,• ~----""=<=·=--~---' ..... . ...... --=.-,-.-~o;-;:-,<:",.,.-~,'7=~