MINUTES - Special Council - 19650830I ~l.1jlfl'tJS. OF A SPECIAt MEli)1'ING OF COtmCIL .·mu) 'IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, Atititi13~ 3bji965 AT 8;00 PiM. . . . · ... ~illns~jcl!, MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REE'Vlr. COUNCILJJOi\S MAYOR DAVIS: • , .. ,, . ;··-':'f·i.;'"' ~J~j ~!~~~C~IN THE CHAm) ttisf~ ddRJJE~T J JjA1Jfs j :tttttmWORTH, TRENT, WILLIAMSON. CO'iJNCILtoR J"i MllRRATA:BSENT DUE TO ILLNESS. This is a Special Meeting of Council called for one specific purpose only -the awarding of a tender for the demolition of the Arena Building. Any other business may be entertained only by a majority vote of Council. REEVE PATRICK IN THE CHAIR •. Mayor Davis presented the report of Council in Committee: Council in Committee, Along with Mr.J. Reid, Town Engineer, met on Monday, August 30th 1965, for the purpose of opening tenders received for the demolition of the Arena Building. It is recommended that the Tender of Mervin De Geer., R.R. # 2, Stouffville, at a cost of $800.00 for the demolition of the Arena buildin,g in accordance with Alternate "B" as specified by the Town _Engineer and attached hereto '-be acepted," DAVIS:C: SIMMONS: "Resolved that the report of the Council in Committee re tender Acceptance for the demolition of the Arena Building to Mervin De Geer, R.R. # 2. Stouffville• at a cost of $800.00 per alternate "B" as specified by the Town Eningeer be and the same is hereby approved and the Seal of the Corporation be a.ttached hereto." Mayor Davis -Read the terms of reference re the demolition as prepared by the Town Engineer including in part the following: Should the Council of the Town of Aurora accept Alternate "A" , we understand that the Town of Aurora will retain ownership of the structural steel trusses, tie rods, columns and bracing and we hereby wave salvage ri'ghts or any other claim whatsoever to this material. Should the Council of the Town of Aurora accept Alternate "B", we understand that the Contractor retains the right for the disposal of all material including the Structural steel. ~~~" ....... m•~-~~ ........ ~·-··~~-··"·"· ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~~~~~~~~~· I I :l l i ! •,"'-~ SPECIAL COU~Cil> DISCUSSION _ .... ~- -2 -August 30 11965 COUNCILLOR TRENT-Council previously conSidered that the ated trusses :were good enough for use· in any future building·. proj eet. such as· a new Works DeparJillnent building. The trusses are worthc$36,000,00 and :feel that Mr. De GE)er is pl:itaiping a lot of .steel for $1,700.00 COUNCILLOR ILLINGWORTH -F_eel th,;_t the steel in the old arena with a very high roof MAYOR DAVIS :- are not the type of trusses suitable for another building. Also do not know the.presept.cpndition of the trusses; we have no innnediate use for them, and therefore would be stacked at the site and possibly remairi:.t:here for months. or years eventually becoming rusted and then scrapped. Should' make a ·clean br.eak and get rid o:f it. Do not know what type of building Councillor. Trent has in mind but the trend to-day is for laminated wood rather than steel. Do not know how·much fire damage they have received and therefore must agree with Councillor Illingworth, Also mentioned that Councillor Trent did not sign the report.of i;he Committee of the Whole now being discussed. ' COUNCILLOR DAVIS:-I agreed previously that the steel trusses may well be used for other .. building purposes but·; :following a thorough inspection q:f' the remains now feel that the steel is not safe to u~~ in aeyother place. COUNCILLOR WILLIAMSON:-Cannot compare new· steel with steel that has been in use for ·many years. ·Agree with Councillor Illingworth; we do. not know the strain and stress this steel has been subject to. We would be held responsible were we to use the old tru9ses and they colapsed or something happened. · ··MEW PATRICK~-Do not know-~bout the stress the old steel has had but now can see no use in our stockpiling and handling all this steel. Feel we should clear it out and start brand new. The motion was then Carried. t'i0R:ilE'rT: wiLLIAMSON: "Resolved that the meeting adjourn." Carried. • The meeting then adjourned. ~~~- ------------------~ .y .. ;.···. '" --;:- -"'1 ,,. -- (_