MINUTES - Special Council - 19630325I , ~-" r-~~ I , '-.. -~ .... ~J_ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY MARCH 25TH 1963 AT 9,00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS NORTH END WETIL --~~~----~-~--'"' -----~ KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F DAVIS WM.H, STODDART CHILD, JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON. lVIr, J, Kirk repra,senting International Water Supply Company, reported to Council concerning the progress of work undertaken in placing the north end well in a satisfactory condition for pumping purposes, lVJr, Kirk's report indicated numerous items located that required rectifying and thereby creating costs in ,.;•xcess of original estimates and now estimated to total some $5,500, to ~t6, 000,00 when the work is completed, ].lfr, Kirk recommended that in order to allow certain gasses to escape that the well be pumped directly into the reservoir first and then into the mains rather than pumping directly into the ma:ilns, lVJr, Kirk also suggested double pumping by use of two smaller capacity pumps and utilizing the new large pump as a booster pump in the reservoir, General discussion followed and Council authorized l'r!r', Kirk to proceed as quickly as possible in order that the well may be placed in condit_ion to allow for the earliest erection of the pumphouse,. --, ==•-=,..,...,·~=-...,...,..,..·"'· __ .......... c~~'"··---"·. ="""' ~--=~--~-..,.,- SPECIAL COUNCIL 1963 BUDGET :·--···4 ·~--~ ~ .. _;,~ r.,..._, I ., ~~.:......, ~- \..__ ___ . ._ __ _ -2-march 25, 1963. DEPUTY REEVE STODDART: Mr;>, mayort Jllf.r, Reeve and members of Town Council: As you know, the presentation of the Budget for 1963 for our municipality was proposed for last week's general meeting of Council on march 18th, but was deferred in order to give the School Boards further time to reduce their record-break -ing requisitions for money from our taxpayers, Our hopes for reduc~ions have not been realized e .::Jept for a relatively light adjustment by the Public School _Board, We dan control our own Council expenditures, But we have no control at all over the budgetry expenditures of the School Boards. The law is such that we cannot reduce their demands by as much as a single dollar, This grim fact will explain the record-breaking figures I shall presently place before you, First, let me repeat a few observations I made at the last meeting of Council concerning our present Budget, which did not appear in the press but which I hope may now be published, so that our taxpayers may be made aware of the efforts we made to hold our mill R~te at the level of 1962,' What I said one week ago is even more important tonight, now that our final figures are to be made known. We began a study of our 1963 Budget in the first week of February and since then have held many committee meetings, all of them concerned with keeping down costs wherever possible. We have refused numerous requests for salary increases, and have cut departmental and committee estimates. To save taxpayers' money we have ruled out the purchase of town equipment, and in view of the demands by the School Boards, thE' plans we had for sidewalk and curb improvemen· .3 will now be severely modified if not completely eliminated, We had planned. to pave Temperance St, 1 one of our oldest and most. important streets 1 which is so obviously in need of overall attention. Be~ sides its residential character, it provideD also, an artery for traffic relief from Yonge St., This would have been a first-class undertaking in this our Centennial year, Other and small proj- ects will have to be abandoned in view of the staggering increase in the mill Rate arising mainly from the demands of the Schnol Boards over whihh we have no control as already stated, -----~~~~~~~~~-----~----------~~---- 'i·. ----~ ·~-.-~~ ·. 1 .. ~ ~o.-~-- ! ' ' SPECIAL COUNCIL 1963 BUDGET '---....,l.~-~---~-~. -~=~~ . -~ -- -2-March 25, 1963, DEPUTY REEVE STODDART: It :LI'l pleasan:t to note that by deferring for one week, the bringing down of this Budget the _ ~blic School ~oard revised their requisition to the extent that approximately one Mill has peen saved to the taxpayers in the total Mill Rate, Th:Ls Council appreciates such revision as much as it deplores the apparent inabil:Lty of the High School Board to reduce their demands by as much as a single dollar, The County of York has also increased its requirements from this municipality by some $9,000,00, The High School Board submitted to Council a breakdown of their colossal demands, which showed a total estimated expenditure for 1963, of $964,572., which included $508,900, for teachers salaries and $74,900. for transport- ation, among its many increased items, The net amountto be levied on taxpayers of the Townships of King and Whitchurch and the Town of Aurora, is $556,685. after reducing the estimated expenditures by the estimates for provincia+ grants and other revenues. Aurora taxpayers must raise 42.55% of this levy~ The Public School Board total estimated expenditures for 1963 total $:23,405. which produces an amount of $318,161, to be levied on the taxpayers of Aurora, after deducting estimated provincial gra~ts and other revenues from the above expenditure total. The 1962 levy was $261,381, for public school purposes and the increase in amount to be levied is, therefore, $56,780., which represents 3.8 mills in increase in taxes for this one item in our budget, The Public School Board provided the Council with detailed breakdown of their estimates and appear to have done their utmost to keep their budget as low as possible 1 con- sidering increased costs of instnuction and additional facilities that they must provide, -·.. ·------.. - ~: SPECIAL COUNCIL 1963 BUDGET ' r~-, l_, ·----~·--' c•••c.•~-~ ••• ~.~. ~~~~ -4-])![arch 25, 1963 DEPUTY REEVE STODDART The foregoing are figures in bulk, and your Finance Committee, N~. 1~or, now respectfully submits the following: The Mill Rates to be presented are 61,5 residential and 68,7 commercial, reflecting a .6~7 mill increase for a residential taxpayer over 1962, Although this represents a remark- able rise, it is nonetheless much lower than was feared, When we found that the High School requisitions were immovable, we again pared doWl;J. where at all·~possible 1 our own domestic budget reql~irements, · Deputy Reeve Stoddart presented a report of the Finance Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: "Subsequent to meetings of the Finance Committee and Council, the 1963 Budget estimates are recommended as follows: Total Assessment $15 • 046 ' 05 5 •.. 1, Real prop~rty assessment used as a bnsj.s for computing business assessment: $3,441 ;-413. 2. Business assessment $1,479,996. 3 • Rail way lands 1 pipe- lines and telephone assessment $ 286,145. 5,207.554 •. _ Assessment entitled to Benefit ~ 9,838,501. Based on the foregoing assessment, the Committee recomends the 1963 Taxation revenue be as follows: -------~~--~·-=·"'=·=·"=········~"·-- r~-- 1 : L..J N~IAL···c'O;{pNCIL "1.963 BU:OOET TAXATION Pub~io Sohool!l Separate Schoo.ll:) Schoo~!l County Rates Per Ce.ptia Gener~ Loc e.l Impr'ovement:a TOTAL MILL RATES -5- RESIDENTIAL MILL RATE 21-,77659 21·,77659 15 .. 15979 8.20463 ·-16.3-8580 - 61.52681 March 25, 1963. · COJY.IMERC IAL MILL RATE OF LEVY 24.~9621 $318,161. 24.19621 22,091. 16,84422 236,867. 8,20463 123,394. 3,11157 16,204. 16,3.8580 246,435. -10,741. 68,74243 Tot~ Revenue from Taxation Per Capita Grant ··- $973,893. 30,593. Other Revenue TOTAL EXPENDITURES STODDART: MOFFAT: 239 .• 950, $1,244,436. "Resolved that the report of the Finance Committee .re the 1963 Budget be accepted and the Se~ of the Corporation be attaclled thereto and the necessary by-law be pre~ ;p~ed .• 11 Carr.i.ed. ~~-..L-.---~~~~----~~"------~-~~-~~~ --------~--,···~-.. -~-=-~---~--~~~=~-- '---- l-'="~ i I SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS # 1567 TO LEVY TAXES FOR 1963 -6-March .25, 1963• DAVIS: 11 That leave be given to introduce a CHILD: by•law to Levy the Taxes for the year 1963 and to provide for the collection thereof, and that the same be now read a first time." Carried .• The By-law was then read a first time, STODDART: "That the by-law now before MOFFAT:the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose," NISBET: "That the second reading of the DAVIS: by-law be taken as read .• 11 Carried, MANNING: "That the by-law now before the JONES: Council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of by-law 1468 be suspended for that purpose," DAVIS: "That the third reading of the WILLIAMSON: by-law be taken as read." Carried. Ali in favour of the third reading of the by-law. DAVIS: STODDART: Carried, "That we continue on with other business," Carried, ~-'*''-''"''M• .~.c .. _,,"'·~-~"''"''~ •·='·"~~""'-'"M' ·--•-•--'-<~·-~----, '"~ •·•·n~ ,-~-., ,,~, •••<'•=<C;.";>,~v~= '''•o < =·~-"""""~M=•~~~~·•<'• SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAW # 1565 AlVlEND COUNCIL PROCEDURE BY-LAW # 1468 -:>' CHILD: DAVIS: -7-March 25, 1963. Second Reading CHILD: DAVIS: "That the.by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of theh whole for that :purpose,11 DAVIS: "That we only start reading at amended CHILD~· clause. 11 Carried, Counoil1or Sino1air read :peplacement po.i'ngraph, Carried, SINCLAIR: "That the by-law now before the Council MOFFAT: be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of by-law 1468 be suspended for that purpose, 11 DAVIS: 11 That the third reading of the by-law WILLIAMSON; be taken as read. 11 Carried, If That the meeting adjourn, n The meeting then ad~ourned, ... u.s. ~~-~~ , ....... -...... .. CLERK '~..;-.-----~--~--~----~--~ ------~~--~~--~--~~------·-------·----==~J-