MINUTES - Special Council - 19630923;'>': L MINUTES OF A SPh"CIAL ME~TING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY Sl!-::FTJJ:llffil~R 23,1963 AT 8. 00 P .Jill. -------~------------ PRESENT: MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W.H. STODDART CHILD, JONES, , MANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON, DAVIS: STODDART: "That the 48 written notice of council meetings be waived," Carried Mayor Nisbet referred to a letter from the Department of Highways which read as follows: September 23~J.963. The Town of Aurora, Aurora, Ontario. Attention Mr. Wm. Johnson ,. Clerk RE: Connecting Link Hw;y. No. t1 Dear Sir; As you are aware~ the Department has offered on various occasions to enter into a 'Jonnecting Link Agreement with the Town of Aurora respecting Hwy. No, t1 through the Town. We again propose the provision of a Connecting Link and request that you place our proposal before Council, Our proposal is condi ti~l on:- 1. The To\m annexing the East half of Yonge §treet, from the Railway Subway to Murray Drive, 2, The Town entering into a ConstJ:\Uotion and Maintenance Connecting Link Agreement vith the Department from the centre of tho road allowance near the Railway Subway to the North Town Limit • . . -~--~•·<~> .-.-.Y~>""'W""-"'"'"'-~~~~---·~---.-,·--··----c-o-.,~--..,~,...---~·•=•~··•··•·:-.·•->•·--.,·••-<"''-'·~C."'-••··T0•"·'>0-· · •. , •700 -"""·''""'-~~"~'~-~~-.,<~·=•·• '-'~·-···~·.,~~·----- L/ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING -2-~eptember 23 1 1963 Department of Highways Letter Continued There are a number of distinct advantages to the Town in the provision of such a Connecting Link Agreement, Some of these are; 1. The Highway comes completely within the jurisdiction of the Town and permits the Town to administer the following. (a) Entrances, including entrances to the Shopping Centre, (b) All signs adjacent to the highway. (c) All permits for building adjacent to Yonge Street, (d) Services in and under the highway, 2. At present the tov7n owns 0.86 miles of No. 11 and the Department nas assumed 1.20 miles of highways vdthin the Town. The Town receives only 50% subsidy on their portion, while the Department looks after the assumed portion, Under the proposed arrangement the Town would receive 90% subsidy on the. whole area under their jurisdiction, for summer pavement maintenance and winter maintenance. Tillis would result in a net saving of funds to the Town over the present arrangement, We also point out that other communities in your area, such as Richmond Hill, St.ouffville, and Bradford enjoy such agreements and find that they work in the interests of the local municipality, If Council are in agreement with our proposal,. we will require a resolution noting that Council will accept trans~er of the roads in question and execute the necessary agreement. Please advise us after our proposal has been considered, Yours very truly, C, Fraser, District Engineer. DAVISJi. "Resolved that Council of the Town of Aurora enter into a STODDART: Construction and Thfuintenance Connecting Link Agreement and the Department of Highways from the centre of the road allowance near the Railway Subway to the north Town Limit on Highway No, 11 provided that the Department of Highways provides a direct access from· Highway No, 11 into the .. Aurora Shopping Centre." Carried, ,-·· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING -3-September 23,1963 Councillor Manning presented several matters pertaining to tr~fic situations in this municipality, The following resolution wa~ subsequently enacted by Council: MANNING: CHILD: "Resolved that the Department of Transport·, be requested to undertake the studies hereunder listed. 1. Request a survey be made to ascertain whether a pedestrian crosslight is warranted at the intersection of AUrora Heights Drive and Yonge Street, 2/' Request a recommendation be submitted concerning the adequacy of the present stop lights at the inter- section of Wellington and Yonge Streets. 3. Request a recommendation be submitted based on a study of traffic conditions presently applicable to Yonge Street." Carried, Mayor Nisbet read a letter from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada which read. as follows: Dear Sir: September 20 91963, Files Nos, 28059,2 and 267<11,1549 -re Centre Street Crossing in Aurora, Ontario,. at mileage 30,04 Newmarket Subdivision,. 0 ,N .R. Reference is made to your letter of August 6,1963, and the at ;ached resolution, addressed to the Board coneerning the ;installation of protection at the above noted crossing. The Board has reeently issued order Np, 111980 dated August 26, 1963, which requires improvement to Centre Street crossing> Following a joint inspection of the crossing on May 16, _. 1963, referred to in the Board's joint letter of June 4th, the Board's Engineer advises that rail traffic· consists of 12 to 14 trains daily over the crossing, and highway traffic is in the neighbourhood of 1000 vehicles per day and that the sight lines are restricted in·. all angles of the crossing, The Board!e Engineer recommended that this ClUOssing be protected by installing two flashing light signals and on.e bell, -------··"'""·"~'''''"~~..,,, •• , •••• < .... ~ '~"'· ~-·~····--------· ,.-~' l '---~-· SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING -4-September 23 1 1963 Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada Letter Continued It is considered that the amount of rail and highway traffic at this crossing warrants the installation of the recommended protection. You are requested to let the Board have your further submissions,. CHILD: JONES: WILLIAMSON: DAVIS: Yours very truly, C .W. RUW!P SECTRETARY "Resolved that the Clerk write to Mr. Rump and ask if the Centre Street crossing has been confused with the Wellington Street crossing which is a main highway whereas the Centre Street crossing is only used a very few times per day, possibly ten vehicles in a twenty-four hour period." Carried. "That the meeting adjourn," Carried. The meet:i,.ng then adjourned. ~~~ ~~-:-m-'"hfi-# MAYOR CLERK '',' ------~-~-·"~-<~~-.-_, •.• _..,,..,_,_,-,"~-· "'"''~··""---~----·