MINUTES - Special Council - 19631230.. , .. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAl\ffiERS ON MONDAY DECEMBER 30TH, 1963 AT 8,30 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS ----------------------- I{EITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C.F, DAVIS W.H. STODDART CHILD 1 JONNES, MANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR 1 WILLIAMSON, ACCOUNTS POLICE ACCOUNTS CHILD: "That the following accounts be paid, WILLIAMSON: that the Ii[ayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Attorney General Lab. Aurora Automotive Ltd, Aurora Book Store Bell Telephone Co, Central Office Supplies E. &. R. Inc, E. J. Farr Motors Ltd, M.s. Macpherson Motors Magistrates Court Newmarket, Town of Provincial Fire Prevention Wilson Hardware Petty Cash Court Allowances TOTAL Kits for preservation of evidence Flares Binders, stamp holder, cards Staff phones (Dec • ) Verifax and office supplies 79.22 Typewriter service 7,76 Parkas and Hoods Cruiser rental Nov, & Dec, Windshield de-icer Transcript Dispatching services Recharge service Bulbs, crayons, fly bomb, varsol Nov. 27 to Dec, 18th,l963 December 4,00 12,86 7.22 24.25 86,98 257~53 340,00 1.34 19.95 500,00 4 63 '· 5. 07 38.89 117,00 ji1,419.72 . CHILD: STODDART: "Resolved that the account of the Magistrate's Court for a transcript @ ~~19.95 be dele ted until facts are ascertain," Carried, The motion that the accounts be paid was then voted on and Carried, Police Chairman 1ffinning was asked to check this item and also ascert- ain if Police witness fees are being turned over to the Town, Mayor Nisbet suggested a decision on $150.00 legal fees for defending . C~~ef Langman on an assualt charge be referred to a Council meeting ·with the Chief present, . . '···· ~-. ·---~~--·-··--·----:==~-~~~~~~~~---~ I I SPEC Hili COUNCIL GENERAL ACCOUNTS Attridge Lumber Co, Aurora Book & MUsic Store . Jhxrqra Greenhouse A~ora Janitor Service '"'2- DECEMBER 30,1963 STODDART: ETt.~t the following accounts be DAVIS: paid 1 that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto," Carried, Ten test (election) Stationery (Clerk) Presentation Polling booths service (Election) 5,93 3 .. 6.5 10 • .,30 30LQ0 Aurora Recreation Commission Ice Time Nov, 546,00 Canadian Institute Ce.ribonum Co~ Central Office Supplies Committee of Adjustment Dean J{unlop Gestetner Ltd, Grand ana Toy Lee and McPherson R.A. Ted Leonard Mary's Flower Store Metro Blueprint Ltd, Moore, John C · Municipal World Ltd~ Ontario Municipal 'Board H.I. Reid Taylor's Fuels TOTAL Bandmaster July to Dec, gao,oo Annual Dues (Engineer) Copifilm coying sheets (Engineer) Typewriter Service Engineer Clerk 3,88 5,91 Processing application Lot 72 1 plan 246 Cutting stencils and 2,000 copies Stencils, paper, in Clerk 29, 7 Engineer 63,67 Earnings record shee$s Register agreement Photos · Presentation Charts, and plot plans (Eng,) Plans(Engineer) Election supplies Application to borrow Land Sales list Gasoline 796.()0 t5.0Q 12,67 9 .. 79 22,84 30.50 93,34 8.24 37,00 5.25 15,45 6.59 4.41 13.62 10,00 2.96 365.00 $1.498.54 ~~ .. ·~·········· ······~··~ .. ~ •... ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ ~"-. . =-~-='=0"'-"''-"---~-'-~-==-~~~~ .... -~ L __ _ SPEO::Dl..L COUNCIL WORKS ACCOUNTS JONES: WILLIAJ\!ISON: J.G • .Alton A,S, Annan Ltd, Aurora Automotive Ltd, . Aur6ra Tank and Welding Ltd, Bakers Sand and Gravel. Ltd. Canadian Salt Ltd, Chas Cook Gnand and Toy Ltd, Hands Tire Ltd, l, I ;I :!I I I -3-December 301 1963 "That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be .. attached hereto," Carried Plow blade and nose piece Sewer pipe and. cement Wipers a~d truck and tractor parts Cutting and wolding 14.00 Demunrage .50 sahd fill (sewers) Highway coarse salt · MO'Wing weeds Labol.holdcrs· Truck tire repair . 3.75 Tractor tire & Tube 10;2,~4'8' 28.46 93.63 38.89 14.50 12,60 250.45 86,00 2. 04 Hanson Tra.nsport·Ltd, Keri'l.s Esse Station Sifto Salt Co Grader blades freight Repair tire ·· Highway coo.rse salt 106.23 B.20 1. 50 248.02 . 5 .• 60 · .... 39.28 T~y. Mo.c:binery Ltd •. Torontl:l Fuels Ltd, Wilson Ho.rdwo.re ' SUB TOTAL WATER ACCOUNTS . ~ ._. ~ JO"fES: WILLIAMSON Aur0ra Au.tomot·;iye Irt<l, Aurora Cashway Electric Ltd, '"--· '\ ·:-·· ~--. ·-· .. :. A•G·,<··Horn Pr~duot:s LtQ. •....•.. l:oj;eruation.ttl Wat>Jr Supply Ltd, !Vle•tro Blueprint Ltd, ·Mo.-del iBuild.ers. LtP., Neptune·• Meters. Ltd, SUB TOTAL ' ---. ~ . .., -~ .. , .. WORks ACObtrNT S .·· .··. WA-TER ACCOUHTS ".'~ f) TOTAL Chain so.w :po.rts FuH"oil , __ .,-: Keys~ chain, repair links,. wire, bolts, fuses L. ;:_. .... ~ "<;' ;:; .·· ~<-' 2.1. 94 •• l)957 .34 "That .. tbg• followi..l'lg. acco•unts. be Paicl•·• that the !Vlp.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the c:orporation be . attached hereto," :. -'-'· carr1ed~'' ,·. ; ": ·-, ··: ,-~, ----:·; . ScreVI'P:r,:i,yer 1 y:ice grips·.,_, Change control,, service tele- mete.'l;', reloca:i;e. equipmen~ .. , · :inst~;J. light and service , . . 6,25 7J.95 Super POJlS.j.,t · .. , • · D:rill:ing.-t~st wel:l.· Cil:l.ar.t s . . . .. Compressor .rental IV,!e.t.li'Jr {H:lghlaucll? ·G. _ .. , -. r'' 0 . $ 957,34. $3,3:32.49 ,, .$4,289~83 calnr· Ol,uJJ} . ' : 6~02 3,075.00 9.88 B~oo 153.39 $3 ,332 .• 49 --~----------~--~----~~ .. --~~~~-----·-· --------~--~-···---- l,' SPECIAL . ~ETING 4 December 30,1963 POLLUTION CONTROL CENTRE ACCOUNTS WILLIAMSON:: "That· the following accounts be JONES: paid, that the Mayor isslW orders on the Treasurer for the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried Aurora Autom otive Ltd, Seals, bearings, kleen flo belts Aurora Cashway Electric \ \ K.J. Beamish Con~;Jtruction CanadavVholesale Plumbing Ltd Ganadian Dust Control Ltd. Graham Transport Metro Blueprint Ltd. Wilson Hardware Service Control Service call, Honeywell ' 18.00 calls, heaters bearings 40.98 Rental of steamer Packing Cleaning supplies Delivery service Charts Maintenance supplies 42.72 58.98 49.00 39.01 3.00 4.50 .55 22.49 TOTAL S$220. 25 . Councillor Child asked why a "steamer was rented"?. Councillor Williamson stated he would enquire and report. PARKS ACCOUNTS Wilsons Hardware TOTAL l\10FFAT "That the following accounts be paid, WILLIAMSON that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached here- to," Carried Scraper, hose, couplings, bolts, washers, padlocks nozzles 94.76 ~)94. 76 ---.... -'"'''''"'~--~"------------~~-----~- SPEC IAL CO UNC IL -5-December 36 1 1963. TE~~ERANCE STREET PAVING STODDART: "That the following account be paid, that the Mayor issue DAVIS: orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto," Miller Paving Limited Progress payment # 1 29,.823.58 Release of holdback 15% 5,591.92 TOTAL ~B35, 415.50 Councillor C~ild questioned the expenditure of more than ~38,000. on this project when only a *t19,000 contract had been authorized by Council, and objected to additional expenditures by the Engineer without any prior approval by Council,, Mayor Nisbet stated that tenders had been asked for this paving in three sections so Council could decide how much of the project could be undertaken in 1963 and Council had no intention of ever spending this amount, Works Chairman J 0 nes said "The Engineer does as he likes and (dontt ) go by what I say, and that Council had not authorized any wor'k __ / on the parking lot, Also the Engineer had been advised by Council to not raise the section of the street adjacent to the parking lot by more than one foot but he had-.. ignred this instruction. Engineer Murray stated the additional expenditures were deeper excavation of top soil and more gravel, easements, paving of drive• ways, replacing sidewalks, extra drainage at Queen City Storage, temporary water main, additional cost on hill. G:e.neral diso.ussion by Council followed and the engineer was severely censored for his actions, Mayor Nisbet stated that Council had no alternative but to pay this account, The motion was then put and carried, '--------·--~----·---·-··-·-.-·--·---~~~~~~------~ ' I 'I' ,-,.,,, •.• -! SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS # 1577 Acceptance of Lands Dedicated by AUrqra Heights Limited # 1579 AGREElYIENT WITH AURORA HEIGWi:$ LTD, ACCE:l?TING ROADWAYS, ETC. ON PLAN 475 NEW BUSJNESS PRESENT ION OF PR1'! SETS ,\'• -6-December 30 1 1963, MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the Council be STODDART: read a third time," Carried, The By-law was then read a third time, MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the Council STODDART: be read a third time," Carried The by-law was then read .. a third time·, Reeve Davis ~on behalf of Council presented the engraved pen set to retiri:'lg members Mayor 'Nisbet and Councillor Sinclair, Mayor Nisbet thanked the Reeve and Councillors and said although most members had their own worries, everything had gone well and a lot had been done and he was proud. of tho auccessof CentennialYear, Councillor Sinclair expressed his thanks for the.· pen set and wished Reeve Davis, Deputy Reeve Stoddart and Councillor Moffat best wishes on their advance.- ment to higher officeB and all Council members a successful year in 1964. He would miss the personal relationship and had enjoyed his term very much with the harmonious 1963 Council, He was glad the Dean of Council, Vic Jones will be here for 1964 as his long experience will help. Mayor Nisbet displayed his brief cas_e which the Staff had presented to him at a party at the Clerk's home. ,-~-~~ ,. . "'""\.__:.___.. SPECIAL C OUNCJ IL -7-December 301 1963 n 'l?:~NKS TO II/IRS, NISBET DAVIS: STODDART: Councillor Moffat asked the Mayor to take Council's very best wishes to rllrs, Nisbet for her good appearances everywhere and her fullfilling the office of Aurora's First Lady with distinction, Deputy Reeve Stoddart said he thought a lot of marion as a graceful First Lady who had done a wonderful job, The Mayor thanked Deputy Reeve Stoddart and Councillor Il~offat and said he would convey these nice expressions to her. Reeve D~vis stated he would miss Mayor Nisbet and Councillor Sinclair when he takes on the mayoralty duties and was sorry they would not be here to help but wished to express his thanks for their assistance in being elected as warden and Mayor, "That the meeting adjourn." Carried, The meeting then adjourned, ~~~i ........ SJ .. ~ ............... . ( urd.~dtL· ) "' .. . .. \~ ••..• 1''-/. ''\ MAYOR CLERK ·-~~~ •..... ~ ... -·····~-~ ...... ~.~ .. -