MINUTES - Special Council - 19630610--~,.,/ \:~../ ·-. -~~-- MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY JUNE lOTH. l963 AT 7.30 P,M, PRESENT: • MAYOR' REEVE: Dc~l"UTY REEVE : COUNCILLORS: -·-..... - KEITH NISBET ( IN THE CHAIR ) C ,F •· DAVIS W ,H. STODDART CHILD, JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT, WILLIAMSON. Mayor Nisbet advised that this special meeting of Council had been called to deal with two matters concerning Town Planning, LIGHTING ON MACPHERSON MOTORS PROPERTY • Mayor Nisbet reported on the subject matter of . location of certain light poles at Macpherson Motors lot that are encroaching on Town property and that were discussed at the last regular meeting of Council and duly resolved that same be removed from Town property, Mayor Nisbet stated that since the council meeting it had been ascertained that numerous poles throughout Town were located on Town property and the situation was of a larger nature than first anticipated, Reeve Davis stated that l'l!r, Macpherson is improving his corner location; that the poles are not located as far on Town property as first thought and if the owner will insure responsibility for any liability arising from the location of these poles he would be in favour of their present location, CHILD: "Resolved that the owner be requested to MOFFAT: ensure in writing that the Town be absolved from all liability regarding the poles 1 enter into an agreement that the poles be removed on forty-eight hours notice if requested and subsequent to completion of the forgoing that approval of the location of poles be granted and Council's decision of June 3, 1963 be reversed," CARRIED. • -..... , SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING -2-JUNE 10,1963 RE: BUILDING LOTS SOUTH SIDE OF RANSOM STREET-PART LOT 72 PLAN 246 AURORA, Mayor Nisbet disclosed his interest in the above noted matter, vacated the chair and absented himself from the Council Chambers. REEVE DAVIS IN THE CHAIR DAVIS: STODDART: General discussion was entered into by members of Council and the following resolution was proposed, CHILD: MANNING: "Resolved that the Town of Aurora Council at this time does not feel that the extension of Temperance Street is likely to take place in the forseeable future; that the builders be required t.o ensure the set back of houses to be six feet more than ordinarily required or twenty-one feet in all; and further that the Aurora Planning Board Chairman and Secretary be requested to sign the deed transfers accordingly." Carried, "Resolved that the meeting adjourn," Carried. The meeting ~hen adjourned, .......... ,. mAYOR ?ft-~~~ .. ·