MINUTES - Special Council - 19630128"~' !,-1 ' ' i ' 'c.. •.• , .. v 1 J MINUTES OF SP:EX::tAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE OOUNC!L CllAMEERS ON MONDAY JANUARY 28TH AT 9.30 P,M, PRESENT MAYOR . REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS MANNING: CHILD: -.--- KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART CHILD, JONES, MANNING, MOFFAT,SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON, "That the 48 hout. written notice of Council meetings be waived," Carried:, Mayor Nisbet stated that the tender for the New Pu.mp House will be cut fr~:~m $18, ooo. to $11 ,Joo. and the tender awarded to J, Dol. BY-LAWS By-LAW 1557 All!J;NA BOARD DAVIS: "That leave be given to introduce STODDART: e. by-law to appoint members of the Aurora Memorial Arana Board and that the same be now read a first time." Carried, The By-law was then read a first time; DAVIS:. CHILD: DAVIS: MDFFAT: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committe& of the Whole for that purpose," Carried, "That the following -ed in Clause 1: J,A, BOLSBY A. TURNBULL A.K. BENNETT J , C HAPM.c\N A.E. GRAVES names be insert 1963 -1964 1963 -1964 1963 -1964 1963 1963 Councillor V, Councillor J, Jones 1963 Williamson 1963 Carried ,·~ ~· ,.~ .. '~ i SPECIAL COUNCIL BY:',.. LAWS BY-LAW 1557 BY-LAW 1556 PARKS BOARD -2-January 28 1 1963 MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the CHILD: Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No, "< 1468 be suspended for that purpose, DAVIS: MOFFAT: Carried, "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read," Carried, SINCLAIR: That leave be given to introudce MANNING: a by-law to appoint members of the Parks Boar d for the year 1963 and that the same be now read a first time," Carried, The by-law was then read a first time. MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the SINCLAIR: Council be read a second time and NISBET: CHILD: that the Council resolve itself intoa committee of the whole for that purpose," Carried, "That the following names be inserted in Clause 1: EARL WlARTIN HARRY MORLEY ROSS GARRELLS KEN BENNETT Carried, COUNCILLORS MOFFAT 1 J WILLIAMSON, J ]!JANNING, T • WILLIAMSON: "That the by-law now before th MANNING: Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law 1468 be suspended for that purpose," Carried, DAVIS: "That the third reading of the STODDART: By-law be taken as read," Carried, .~ '··~·~ '"·"""'''· ~· 1 SPEC,IAL COUNCIL BY.,LAW. NO_\·. i559 RECREATION COMMITTEE .. -3-January 28,1963 SINCLAIR: "That leave be given to in:t;roduce MOFFAT: a by-l~w to appoint members of the Aurora Recreation Committee and that the same be now read a first iiime." Carried, The by-law was then read a first time, MOFFAT: "That the by-law now before the WILLIAMSON: Council be read a second time NISBET: DAVIS: CHILD~ DAVIS: JONES: CHILD: and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." Carried. "That the following names be inserted in Clause 1: D, GLASS ROY DOWLING HER~ STAPLES J .. E. -BUCHANAN Wl'II. H • BELL R.J). ADGEY R, HOOKINGS Wl'/I, DINSMORE AUBREY LESLIE FRANK IVIACF:ALONE COUNCILLOR WILLIAWISON REEVE DAVIS Carried, 1963 1963 1963' 1963-l964 1963-1964 1963....;1964 1963-1.964 1963-1964 1963....;1964 1963-1964 1963 1963 ~That the by-law before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No •. 1468 be suspended for that purpose," Garried. "That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read," Carried, """"'"•-j. i l,:,_~J Y-: --·=··· I , i l --~ .. - ,,Ji,. I ,_, d _,,' SPECIAL COUNCIL BY-LAWS BY-LAW # 1558 PLANNING BOARD •• ,,·r _, ........ ·~-~ .. rH"1'~ .;· ' . ' . '' ·i''1-!-;: I~ 'I rr:. , :_~.\ 'i' SHILD: SINCLAIR: -4-January 28, 1963 "That leave be given to ,introduce a.by,..le,w to a:ppointe,.Plarming me.rd aJ:ld that the same .be now read a .first time. " · Carried, The by-l~w was then read a first time, CHILD DAVIS NISBET: DAVIS: • • "That the by-law now before the Council be read a seoond time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose, 11 Carried, "That thefollowing names be inserted in Clause-·1 : · W.S. FRY · J!IJ'lue.ry 1, 1964 A.J. BOLSBY " " A,M, WATSON January 1, 1965 D, HILL " " W, S, ]fiLLS January 1, 1966 F.J, WIMS COUNCILLOR CHILD COUNCILLOR MANNING Carried. " 1963 19o3 .. MANNING: ''That the by-law noyv befof'e the MOFFAT Council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of by-law "1468 'be suspend for that ptn:'pose." ·-" ' ... -. ' --·--- DAVIS CHILD! ' Carried~ "That the thud· ree.d:lJ:lg ofc the by,.,.laV'I' pe taken as read,, 11 Carried. ,, --------...... ~~-.-.----------~-~---~- SPECIAL COUNCIL DAVIS: STODDART: ~r.,..,, I 1 -5-January 28, l963 "That we carry on with the business re the new pump house .... Carried• i,~' Mayor Nisbet inquired as what can be done with cutting of the pipe. rc~ ... ! I . ·~ Reeve Davis will contact Mr. Huffman immediately after the o~ose of this meeting, STODDAR'F. .. DAVIS: "That this meeting adjourn" Carried, The meeting then adjourned," ~c~ (''' · .. · ' .....