MINUTES - Special Council - 19630211·"""' i I S:D:n'AL ~!f!!al/.t"'O~.~,Q11N"CIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY FEBRU.A.Ri ·~1.,1963 AT' 7.3:0.l'.M. PRESENT lVIAYOR REEVE DEPU'l'Y REEVE COUNCILLORS KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) O.F, DAVIS W ,H. STODDART CHILD, JONES, lVIANNING, MOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAMSON. Mayor Nisbet explained that this special meeting of Council had been called with regards to cutting of the well casing, LLO~ Plro::'.lill.TY RELOCATING WILLIAlVISON: "Resolved that International Water Supply CHILD: Ltd, be hereby authorized to proceed with the cutting of the well casing, per the terms they stipulated provided they report to Council prior to their cost exceeding the amount of $2,ooo.oo ifsaid were to occur and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried .. · · WATERM.AIN ~~. Stu Del~ye who purchased the Lloyd property, asked Council to considcr~giving him approval to relocate the watermain presently situated on the proposed new Centre Street, over to Industry St, north of Wellington st. with an extension of the 8 11 main on old Centre St. to meet Induotry st. i '....__.-· ~ Council agreeO. to give Etr, Delahay tentative approval until such time when it becomes necessary to move the watermain. CHILD: "That the meeting adjourn," STODDAR~: The meeting then adjourned, ' "{}·~·~ ~ I(~ • • l Carried, ···vL·cJ~.------=.~. :~ /1 DEPUTY CLERK Q;