MINUTES - Special Council - 19630114r.··~'- ( r=i Li · .... ~..t ..... ... _l,_,j.;t: ',, S:POOI.AL mEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAlVIBERS ON mONDAY JANUARY 14TH 1963 AT 8,00 P.m •. PRESENT mAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS CORRESPONDENCE -.....,..~--· -• I------~ KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C,F, DAVIS W,H, STODDART CHILD, JONES, mANNING, mOFFAT, SINCLAIR, WILLIAmSON. DAVIS: 9TODDART: "minutes of the 3rd and 17th approved as printed," Carried, THANK YOU LETTER A letter from mrs, G, Henderson thanking Council mRS. G. HENDERSON for the c&rd of sympathy in the death of their THANK YOU LETTER mR, W, ADAMS SUNNYBROOK SUB-DIVISION ... grandaughter, STODDART: "That this letter be filed, 11 DAVIS: Carried, A letter from mr, Wilfred Adams, thanking Council for their invitation to the impressive and enjoyable inaugural meeting, and extending his best wishes to Mayor and Council for the New (Centennial) Year, DAVIS: 11 That this letter be roGoivad::.s,ftd::fUed.V STODDART: Carried. A letter from Kelner and Cooper presenting to Council a comprehensive report on numberous lots in Sunnybrook Sub-Div.ision, WILLIAMSON: :"That this letter be referred to the CHILD; Planning Committee, 11 Carried, -:~.- . ..:.~-· ~ i ' I _, •·•,. •Jl) SPECIAL lVIEETING CORRESPONDENCE MR. J. ALLEN OFFERING TO SERVE AURORA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD NEW LIBRARY D~A.RTMJllN"T OF HI:GHWA.YS "" RE ··ACe !D:JlliifT RE USE OF OLD RED BJJ.RH B'Y G-'0 ' DAWSON., '. '.,,' ·-·.,.-,, ·, .· .. ;,. ·"'1. .~ ... : .e::~ -?'' ·. ~.\1!-~ ;·.. l -2-~~:'fl_ January 14, l963, .··f~~~; ... ~- ,., A letter from l\'fr. James Allen informing Council that he is willing, and would appreciate the opportunity of serving on the District High School Board;. CHILD: MOFF.lll': "~at a letter be fol'Warded to Mr. Allen advising him that he aust be appointed by Kip,g Town~:~hip, be:\,P.g a ree:i,.O,EHlt in tl'J.~t 'l,lllwnehip~ 11 ·• · •' ,_-;·, ' ''• ·•-··--,' ' . ,_ Carr;i.ed :'(<'·· :· i,_-,. A ;I,et-Fe:r frpm r:rving D~ BMe;o~ irifo:mning cp~l'lcil of tb,e cb,a,nges · .. in the pl~e f()I' · tne ·11\J"lW J.iQWf!J:'y, . ' .-_ _, - ' -.. - ' ' ' ''i< ' ' '' ,_ .: IJAVJ:S~ CH'JL:P'i !'~hat these ehange13 be approv,ed~" . -... , '' ' ' ' ,' ' -' --~ ca.rr~eo,, A :latter fpom the Dep~r"j;!.n)HJ.t of HighWl'I,YI3 in... :fol:'Jiling coun,pn, tb,!ll,t vl_ieit> ;f()rqe~ f;aV:~ be(:ln ;nf3'trW,}te~ ;j;o El te>p p;Lo)'l:;cng tliEl· po;rtJ.o!l q;f Yone;~ St. wli~ch i~ unde:t!i 'tM ~F'is\"i:ot;i.o:L<. .qf the Tq~, ~ a rel'f'IJ.l;t c:fl lillf a9P:LdeJ.Y~· ·. . .. . .. CHJ:LD: MPJ!':!l' :(!,m : "That this lette;r.' qe a.clp;1qwl.eO,g~a.nd filed •.i ·•· · · · • · · ···. · · · · ······• ··• • • ''· / "; -.•.-o-":. If . Cll!J'ried, ' ', ----~ ' '. ' ·_ -.. ... -: A letter f!lqm the AJ.!.rqra. f1.eg:re~t;i.on ~()J'4l)li,ssipn i~O~JR~fW ~()~n~g tha:j; ·· i;hi;l¢l" · (iaye gr~~t,!?%' .. · .. ~. :Pt!l.WS()n P!?;':'P:L$1;!io:ri. .~() J.!.§H? ~h~ o:j.q :1:'\'ld, p~lh ira. J;'ErtJ.!.i>n, :ffgr c;P,i:3 C§.r!?~~~~pg :3~cyic'ljl8 ;L:tl, tht') oJ.fi.·.·. R~rrti,ng~g4 fl.~nd Pl.!-:1,+51,~~~ ' · . .. ' ' ' " .. -•' ....... ---,.. -,, ~I~¥~~m ;''!~U~!;L$~9~~r~~i~9 ~h~§ll El.~Y 4 ~~?~! ·· · :vr,a.~' to· Pl]:~g~ ~eB fG?l:' Ji;L? s~:qi:l.!Jef\1 a.l1d tll:@ ilPWP.<w<l\llP. 'ql'i.~gQ ·• ~~· De,w:?o.A ·:t'o:& 1:he :wen;t;a2t "e:f' th~ 'b!lk1:L.i!' · ' · · · ··· t' . f <fo '' €J~;pi~l'J,. :, ~-- SP:EP IAL COUNCIL -3-dd~uary 14, 1963, /~,..,..,, ' : i CORRESPONDENCE -~'· BROTHERHOOD WEEK A letter from the Aurora Jaycees requesting the l\1ayor to proclaim the week of February 17-24 as Brotherhood Week, DAVIS: STODDART: "That the week of February 17 .. 24 be proclaimed Brotherhood week," Carried, USE OF TOWN PARK A letter from the Aurora Agricultural Society HORSE SHOW requesting permission to use the Town Park for their a~~ual Horse Show on June 8, 1963, THAID{ YOU LETTER AUROEA BOY SCOUTS JONES: SINCLAIR: 11 That permission to uso the Park for the Horse Show on June 8, 1963 be granted," Carried, A letter from the Boy Scouts Association thanking council for the contribution to the recent appeal, DAVIS: 11 That this letter be filed,'' STODDART: Carried, THANK YOU LETTER :A letter from Dr· G, W, Williams thanking Council DR. G, WILLIAmS for t.he lovely basket of flowers, the ocqasion being their Fiftieth Wedding AnniversarY and wi~hing Council a h~ppy and prospero1.1-s New (Oentennia.l ) Year, CHILD! STPDDART: ____ ...:~...' __......_.,/_ 11 That this letter be filed," Carried, ' . ~, \ ! c=-~~ '--..-~ SPECIAL COUNCIL CORREapON'DENCE HAROLD MATTHEWS RE: PROTEST .. 4-JANUARY 14, 1963 A letter from Mr. Harold r;,:a.tthewe S Algortqu~n " Cr~s.; protesting to council, the way in which. recent council meetings have been oond~cted, Mr. Matthews referred to the appearance of Mrs. C. Buck, which he felt was unJustified. CHILD: II That this, letter be filed, n STODDART: Carried,. EXAMINATIONS RESULTS A letter from the 6nt, Water Resources Oomm, RE: MR. JOE McGHEE addressed to MrJ J. McGhee, informing council that Mr.:McGhee has successfully passed exam- inations, and become a qualified Water Works Operator. STODDART: llThaj; a letter be sent to Mr. McGhee JONES: congratulating him on his achieve- ment.11 CHILD: MOFFAT: Carried. "~at a letter be forwarded to Dr • .A. E, Berry upon his retirement, extend- ing to him, ~ounoil's best wishes Wld appreciation for the work he has done for the town. II Carried, TWP. OF MARKHAM A letter from the Twp, of Markham, asking RE: VOLUNTEER FIREMEN council's support in endeavouring to give ample protectton to the volunteer firemen, as a re- sult of death of one of the firemen in Markham Village. DAVIS! 'I'IILLIAMSON! "That a letter be forwarded to the Village of.Markham, advising them of Council's endorsement of their resolutioJ;l. II Carried. 'i<' ''!ihi'"d» I •• ~~:.~:::. ·~-''""'' ........ , ---::-.:.~;;.:~_: '"' '"""" /~ ! \ i ·---- o,~.-' f"=, i \ ',___- ,, -5-JANUARY 14, 1963 SPECIAL COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES STRIKING COMMITTEE The Reeve then took the chair. Mayor Nisbet presented a report of the Striking Committee in which the committee respectfully submit the following; •· FINANCE: WORKBt PARKS: PLANNING: PROPERTY: FIRE: POLICE:· SERVICES: BY-LAWS: INDUSTRIAL: PARKS: RECREATION: . ARENA: PLANNING: . COUNCIL COMMITTEES CHAIRMAN VICE-CHAIRMAN MEMBER STODDART MOFFAT DAVIS JONES DAVIS WILLIAMSON MOFFAT WILLIAMSON ¥lANNING CHILD MANNING MOFFAT l'JILLIAMSON JONES SINCLAIR DAVIS CHILD WILLIAMSON MANNING SINCLAIR CHILD SINCLAIR MOFFAT STODDART SINCLAIR MOFFAT STODDART NISBET STODDART MOFFAT BOARD REPRESENTATIVES MOFFAT WILLIAMSON JONES CHILD wiLLIAMSON DAVIS WILLIAMSON MANNING MANNING . be Councillor Moffat stated that she willAunable to represent council on the Recreation Commission. SINCLAIR: "That Reeve Davis accept the position vacated MOFFAT: by Councillor Moffat. n ..... ,WY ~:*-""! '"-. ~·'(.. .\ Carried. .. ' ~~·. c.C-<":"~_';.;, "-;,:..."" -··-·-• ... · z£ .. ,~,-. .····;·" trb i ·. ;,: ;:,:;t:('~~·~·'-1 ·J '"' ·.,,__ ,,~ .. i ! '-./ SPECIAL COUNCIL REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: -6-JANUARY 14, 1963 STRIKING COIJ!YJ.!TTEES Cont 'd: DAVIS: STODDART:; UNFINISHED BUSI~: 11i'.A TER PUMP .ANr PUMPHOUSE nThat we accept the-recommendation of the Striking Committee.n Carried. Reeve Dav~s directed a que~ti9n to the Engineer and asked him how we stood re: Water Pump and Pumphouse. The Engineer Mr. S. Murray, reported the following: . . (1) The drawings were completed and available for council to obs\')rve. (2) Mr. Huffman will not be availablG for at least another week, (3) Tenders for the pumping station will be opened next Monday. (4) Explained tha'):; 9utters to be use.d in the removal of a portion of the pipe, will have to be rented from the U.S. and deliv\'lred by air, Mayor Nisbet suggested that Mr. Murray inter- view. Mr. Huffman immediately and pin him down, as to when he will be able to commence with the work, The general feeling of council was'that another firm be hireQ. to complete the project, however, very few companies have the machinery for this. type of work. Councillor Sinclair stated that last July he supported Mr. ~urr~y 1 s request for another.engin- eer to assist him in the,pumphouse at a cost not to exceed $500, Mr. Sinclair then asked Mr. Murray the ~eason for the delay, Mr. Murray replied that consulting engineers _ Proctor & Redfern were. immediately on the job ·",o assist him in the base for the pump, and their fee was under the $500, , Mr. Murray explained the error in the piping, and the work that had to be done to correct it. . . ;.. ,. •/- .·~-.. ~~it . •, j~i :·.,, ~i}:; -;~ ·• --* , . ..:..:,. r· •.7.' !_~ .. ·'' l-x;':-..:. # " ·-~ -~:_ __ -:.: ,,. ::~~~ -~"- '-" ·--.. , r=·, 1 I '---..o-' SPECIAL COUNCIL UNFINISHED BPSINESS WATER PUMP AND PUMPHOUSE CONT'Dr NEW BUSINESS DEATH OF MR.~ B. WALKER, STREET LIGHTING OUTDOOR RINK MARCH OF DIMES INAUGURAL MEETING -7-JANUARY 14, 196.3 Mr. Murray and Councillor Jones, the~ informed council that they •rould interview Mr. Huffman on Wednesday, and in the meantime Mr. Murray would contact +nternational Well Drillers, in the event Mr. Huffman would be unable to fulfil his commitment, Mayor Nisbet informed council that Mr. Ben Walker,.l6 Bailey Ores,, who.had been seriously ill~ and had returned to England, died on the <..reekend, The Mayor stated Mr, Walker had seen his children three times before he die~; and added how wonderful it was for the town, raising enough money to aid in flying him over, Mayor Nisbet brought to councills attention the.street lighting in town for the Centennial Year, and added the charge for power would be $66,00 per month, The Mayor also reported a contribution of $500,00 had been received from the Board of Trade for the purchase of the bulbs, Councillor Jones reported that there was a shortage of lumber for the construction of another rink in town, and asked council to sup- port the completion of the rinkt. Councillor Moffat informed council that a blitz for the March of Dimes, would be held shortly and asked for council's support of this . campaign,, Councillor Sinclair addressed council regard- ing inaugural meeting, stating how enjoyable .. the meeting w"s, that he would never forget it, and thought council should express. their appre- ciation to Dr. Rose for the incomparable way he conducted the .. most memorable event~ · .. ·--~--~-~--__ :_~'!': ;:· }::;~---~ -.,~;~ I u (='i I I .___, SPECIAI. COUNCIL UNFINISHED BUSINESS INAUGURAL MEETING CONTfDt . it~* ~O'Ulli!JILLO~S ~~s .. GOOD LUCK TO •. R.E:EV$ :OAVIS .i, l ~ -8 -J.ANUARX .14, 196.3 ' SINCLAIR: 11 That the clerk convey the MANNING: and Council's. appreciation , . ~ose 1 s contributiqn to the · gural meeting,!~ Carried, Mayori!'l of Prt inat\"'' Councillor Manning expressed his appreciation for accep);ance,in't;o tl;le new counc~l, a.n.;I. felt he had been associated with council for a long time, · · · · Councillor Williamson also expres~ed his appreciat:j.on for.the kind acceptance council members afforded him as a new membe~ ,,. ' . ' ,. . ' ' . Councillor Moffat ~rished. F(eeve Davis tne best of luck in the .~lection for wardenship, and was sure all members of council and staff were behind hi.m. · · · · · · · ' . t Reeve Davis then thanked Councillor Moffat for her kind wo~ds, and informed (3ouneil that he had worked. hard, and if not elected, lack · of effort v;ould.'not be the r~ason. . · STODDART; ~'That the meeting adjourn, n DAVIS; The meeting then adjourned, ! . . --- ~ ...................... ~ . ... --.......... . ...... ~..,,, __ __-;~;:,..~~ ..;.-"" ·""'' ----~ .. j:.:.,.-~~~L ...... ,..'" _,,._, I