MINUTES - Special Council - 19610925r . ·<:-~'· MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY SEPTEII'IBER 25TH 1961 AT 8.30 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE : COUNCILLORS: STODDART: CHILD: CORBETT: MOFFAT: --------------------------- ABSENT C.F. DAVIS W.H. STODDART CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, HAMMOND, JONES, MOFFAT. "That Reeve Davis take the chair." Carried • "Resolve that we convene as a Special Meeting of Council and that notice of meeting be waived." Carried. Reeve Davis explained that this special meeting had been called to discuss the report of Committee of the Whole regarding Regency Acres Subdivision. Reeve Davis presented a report of Committee of the Whole in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: The Committee of the Whole of Aurora Town Council, accompanied by the Town Engineer met at Murray Drive and Yonge Street (Loblaws Parking lotl on Friday September 22nd, 1961 at 7.00 p.m. The Committee toured Regency Acres Subdivision. The Town Engineer pointed out the feficiencies, and repairs still needed in this subdivision. ~ These included the crubs and sidewalks on Murray Drive; L ditches and shoulders on Davis Drive, Corbett <fue·sc.e:n:t :.;; the catchbasins at the north bend in Johnson Court; the influent and effluent ends of the 48" and 54" Storm Sewer near Seaton Drive. The worst condition was the road pavements due to base failures on (1) Richardson Drive from Murray Drive to Hutchinson Road (2) Adair Drive from Richardson Drive to Bailey Cresc. and (3) Lee Gate from Richardson Drive to the Subway Sidel'Toad. In order to complete the acceptances of the works in the subdivision as soon as possible, and thereby eliminate the problem of divided responsibilities inthe subdivision between the Subdivider and the Town, thus eliminating a lot of administration work on the part of the Town and everyone else concerned, it was decided that the Town would propse to the Subdiviaer that he arrange to completely repair Richardson Drive, Adair Drive and Lee Gate as outlined below, and on the complettion of this work to the Town Engineers satisfaction, certificates would be issued accepting these roads, on a one year's Maintenance period effective from the date of acceptance. J ' SPECIAL COUNCIL -2-EEPiEMBER 25, 1961 Certificates would also be issued at the same time, completely accepting and assuming the remainder of the works in the residential part of the subdivision, providing that all outstanding accounts between the subdivider and the Town of Aurora have been comp}etely settled, Specifications For the Repair of Richardson Drive, Adair Drive & Lee Gate. 1., 2. j: 4. 5, Dig out all soft spots. These will be mutually agreed upon by the &'c•:::r.c Engineer for Miller Paving Limited, the Subdividers ~ngineer and the Town Engineer. Fill holes created by excavation of soft spots to within eleven inches of final grade with D.H.O. Class "B" gravel. Samples must be taken and approved by D.H.O. Add 9" of D.H.O. Class "A" gravel. Again samples must be t.ested and approved. Add 2" .i!lot mix· l,lavement H.L.S. Completely resurface the roads on Richardson Drive, Adair Drive and Lee Gate, within the limits as outlined in this report, with a minimum of t" of Dix Seal pavement mis, in order to present a satisfactory new completely sealed surface. CHILD: "That the last two lines, paragraph 3 starting with the CORBETT: word "Providing and ending at Settled" be deleted. CHILD: MOFFAT: HAMMOND: CORBETT: Carried. "That the Committee of the Whole report regarding Regency Acres sub-division streets be approved as amended." Carried, "That the meeting adjourn." The meeting then·adjourned. . ' _.o;,..