MINUTES - Special Council - 19590309l 49 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER ON MONDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1959 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: D.J. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS DEPUTY REEVE: C.K. NISBET: COUNCILLORS: ADAIR, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON PATRICK AND STODDART. Mayor Murray advised that this ·special Council Meeting had been called solely for the purpose of finalizing the 1959 Budget ~or the Town of Aurora. Mayor Murray presented a report of the Finance Committee: 1959 Budget Subsequent to meetings of the Finance Committee and Council the 1959 budget estimates are recommended as follows: Total Assessment for general purposes Assessment not entitled to benefit such as real property assessment used as a basis for computing business assessment, railway lands assessment Real property rented by Province of Ontario Business Assessment Assessment entitled to benefit Total estimated expenditures ~or 1959 Total estimated. revenues excluding unconditional grants of $13,596.00 $ 8,814,030.00 $ 3,666,788.00 $ 5,147,242.00 $ 621,099.00 $ 156,637 :oo Net requirements excluding unconditional grants $ 464,462.00 Mill rate required to produce $464,462.00 from total assessment of $8,814,030.00 is 52.6957 Mills· Unconditionar grants of $13,596.00 expressed as a mill rate on assessment of $5,147,242.00 is 2.6414 Mills Rate to be levied on assessment ent1tled to benefit 50.0543 Mills Therefore: A rate of 52.6957 Mills on $4,666,788.00 will produce $ 193,244.00 A rate of 50.0543 Mills on $5,1#7,242.00 $ will produce 257,642.00 SPECIAL 5.0 - 2 - Total is therefore equal to net requirements of $464,462.00 less unconditional grants of $13,596.00 $ 45o,e6€i.oo Included in the forgoing is the sum of $133,185.00 required for Public Schools. The Public School Assessment i 1s equal to $8,544,891.00 and expressed as a mill rate is 15.5863 Mills The total rates to be levied are therefore: Commercial and Industrial etc. 52.6954 50.0540 Residential and Agr:teultural The Separate School Board has requested a mill rate equivalent to that levied on Public School Supporters be levied on Separate ~chool supporters. Therefore 15.5863 Mills is recommended levied on Separate School supporters. By-Laws MURRAY: CHILD: NISBET: STODDART: "That a by-law be pre:l'lared to adopt the 1959 rates." Carried. "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to levy the taxes for the year 1959 and to provide for the collection taereof.and that the same be now read a first time." Carried. The by-law was then a first time. DAVIDSON: PATRICK: NISBET: DAVIS: CHILD: DAVIS: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council ··resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." Carried. "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By- law No. 862be suspended for that purpose." Carried. NISBET: DAVIS: - 3 - SPECIAL "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read. 11 Carried. 51. MURRAY: "All in favour of the third reading of the by-law." The following remarks were made following the passing of the by- law. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that he felt that various departments of the Town are being penalized each year due to rising school costs and felt that it was extremely important for the Town to obtain every bit of commercial assessment we are able to. Reeve Davis stated he would like to compliment the Finance Committee on their report although the report was not pleasant since it reflected an increase in the mill rate. However Reeve Davis felt that if the growth comes it should resolve some of this increase if the schools do not eat it up. Councillor Stoddart stated he was not happy about the increase in the mill rate and we had hoped that the growth would not cause the older part of Town.to increase in their taxes. Councillor Stoddart further felt that.the subdividers had not kept pace with the growth of residential houses and that we were unable to forsee such an increase in school costs, Councillor Stoddart further stated that we did not budget for a deficit. Councillor Child stated that the Town of Aurora should be in a much healthier position in 1960 and there:should no worry about schools .in this period. Councillor Child further stated that the engineering account of Proctor and Redfern and the deficit from last year were part responsible for the increase in taxes together with the rising costs of schools. Councillor Patrick stated that the high cost of education today will certainly raise taxes and that we must obtain the industrial and commercial assessment in order to rectify this situation. Councillor Davidson stated that tfie increase in· the mill rate was ceetainly a shock to everyone but felt it was not realistic to start from scratch and'expand without an increase in taxes. Councillor Davidson stated that he was extremely optimistic about 1960. Reeve Davis then took the Chair. Mayor Murray stated that when Council were aware of the increase in the mill rate Connell allowed themselves 15% cut in their remunerations. Mayor Murray stated that there are three basic reasons for the increase such as the deficit, the increase in school costs and the overestimated industrial and commercial assessment we actually derivedl Mayor Murray stated that a drive would be made this year to get this assessment in and although this year might reflect an increase in taxes thereafter this situation Bhould not obaain. ,. ') l) !.t -4-- Mayor Murray thanked each member of Council for their hard work and conscientious manner in which they delt with this years budget. Perm±ssion was then given to Deputy Reeve Nisbet re taxi licenses and the following motion was then passed. DAVIS: "That permission('be granted the Police Committee CORBETT: to Okey the form of application for taxi licenses." Carried. DAVIS: "That this meeting adjourn." The meeting then adjourned. ~ ,., -----------------------------------··-------·· ---·-·---·-·------------------------------~ ..-~<::- I ~-~ I I