MINUTES - General Committee - 20100615 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 10-13 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, June 15, 2010 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Gaertner in the Chair; Councillors Buck (arrived at 7:31 p.m.), Gallo, Granger, MacEachern, McRoberts, Wilson, and Mayor Morris MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Collins-Mrakas OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Customer and Legislative Services/Town Clerk, Director of Legal Services/Town Solicitor, Director of Building and By- law Services, Director of Parks and Recreation Services, Director of Planning and Development Services, Director of Infrastructure and Environmental Services, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer and Council/Committee Secretary Councillor Gaertner called the meeting to order at 7:26 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST At 9:07 p.m. Councillor MacEachern declared a conflict in items NB68 and CAO16 due to her involvement with a residents group and her participation in activities as they relate to these lands (Anne Bartley Smith Lands). II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Customer and Legislative Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES General Committee Meeting minutes of June 1, 2010 General Committee recommends: THAT the General Committee Meeting minutes of June 1, 2010 be adopted. CARRIED General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 2 of 8 IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 were identified for discussion. V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13 and 14 were identified as items not requiring separate discussion. General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. CAO10-009 – Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination THAT Council receive report CAO10-009 for information; and THAT the Town of Aurora join the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination; and THAT Council endorse the attached Declaration from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO on the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination. 3. BBS10-006 – Land and Property Management System Implementation THAT Council authorize staff to proceed with Capital Project #14042, an upgrade of our Land and Property Management System (Cityview); and THAT Council approve an increase in the budget of $35,000 for a total project cost of $185,000 plus applicable taxes from $150,000, to be funded from the Building Reserve Fund. 4. BBS10-007 – Aurora Farmers’ Market and Artisan Fair By-law THAT Council receive Report No. BBS10-007 for information; and THAT Council enact the Aurora Farmers’ Market and Artisans Fair By-law 5252-10 at the June 22, 2010 Council Meeting. 10. PR10-023 – Selection of the Aurora Rotary Club for the Management of the Beer Garden for Ribfest for 2010 THAT Council approve the selection of the Aurora Rotary Club for the Management of the Beer Garden for Ribfest for 2010. 12. PR10-025 – Stewart Burnett Park Additional Work Requirements THAT Council approve an increase in the budget of $97,094.00 for the additional work requirements for Stewart Burnett Park as outlined in this report; and General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 3 of 8 THAT, when appropriate, staff seek to recover the proportionate share of funds from the land owners benefitting from the enlarged capacity of the Storm Water Management Facilities at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC). 13. PL10-043 – Planning Applications Status List THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received for information. 14. PL10-044 – Application for Exemption from Part-Lot Control Royalcliff Homes Bayview Inc. Plan 65M-4079, Lot 42 File Number: D12-PLC-03-10 (Related File: D12-00-1A) THAT Council approve Application for Exemption from Part-Lot Control submitted by Royalcliff Homes Bayview Inc. to divide Lot 42 on Plan 65M- 4079 into two (2) separate lots; and THAT Council enact By-law 5255-10. CARRIED VI DELEGATIONS a) Ms. Christa Gampp Re: Legalization of Backyard Chickens within Residential Zones Ms. Gampp stated that the purpose of the delegation was to appeal to Council for support of an amendment to the zoning by-law to permit backyard chickens within residential zones. Ms. Gampp discussed eating healthy and reducing our carbon footprint. She stated that municipalities need to examine food production in their areas and provide local initiatives to assist on the path to global environmental sustainability. Ms. Gampp advised that chickens that are raised in backyard coops are usually raised in better, more humane conditions which helps to provide healthy, pesticide-free eggs. Ms. Gampp further stated that municipalities can issue permits which would allow for the monitoring and control of chicken keepers with strict guidelines and restrictions. There are over 86 cities in the United States that allow backyard chickens and 6 cities in Canada. Ms. Gampp stated that Aurora could be progressive and take the lead on helping to achieve these goals through the legalization of backyard chickens in residential zones. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received. CARRIED VII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE None General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 4 of 8 VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 2. CAO10-010 – Recommended Direction for Town-Owned Vacant Property and Buildings General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive report CAO10-010 for information; and THAT the recommendations, as outlined in Table 1 of this report, be adopted: Table 1: Status of Town-Owned Vacant Property and Buildings Property Current Status Recommended Action Park Street Property sold and consolidated with adjacent commercial client in 2009. No further action required. Ross Street Property under contract with closing anticipated in late summer 2010. Declare surplus and finalize sale when appropriate. 15286 Leslie Street Conditional Sale approved by Council in 2009 with closing anticipated spring 2010 with a final sale price of $888,264. No further action required. Jack Woods 95 Allaura Blvd Property listed with Cushman, Wakefield, Lepage since early 2009 at a $1.15 million asking price. The listing agreement with the realtor expires on June 30, 2010. Revise the listing to include only the portion of the property with direct Allaura Drive exposure (approx 1.8 acres). Retain remainder of property including environmental lands and the existing tree nursery. Revise listing price to $900,000 15059 Leslie Street Property listed with DTZ Barnicke since January 2010 at $16 million. The listing agreement with the realtor will expire on July 15, 2010. Extend listing, if necessary through to February 2011. Former Library 56 Victoria Street Property partially permitted to the 140 Aurora Air Cadets, the Aurora Bridge Club and a community church once weekly. The site is also used occasionally for seasonal community uses including summer day camps. It is also being considered for development/ redevelopment in the Aurora Promenade Study. Continue with current arrangements for up to three years. Retain site for temporary administrative uses related to the Town’s Space Accommodation Study for up to three years and review and develop long term plan within the context of the Aurora Promenade Study. Former Senior’s Centre 52 Victoria Street Property currently permitted to Blue Balloon Health Service. The site is also being considered for development/redevelopment in the Aurora Promenade Study. Continue with current lease arrangement. Consider property disposition based on the results of the Aurora Promenade Study. 215 Industrial Parkway S Lease negotiations in final stages with possible occupancy in summer 2010. Finalize lease agreement when appropriate. CARRIED General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 5 of 8 5. CFS10-018 – Council Compensation – Required Review of One-Third Tax Free Portion General Committee recommends: THAT the one-third tax-free “deemed expenses” portion of the remuneration of members of Council be continued; and, THAT draft By-law 5253-10 be adopted to perpetuate the one-third “deemed expenses” portion in a separate by-law. CARRIED Councillor Wilson left the meeting at 8:51 p.m. 6. CFS10-021 – Capital Projects Financial Position Report as of December 31, 2009 General Committee recommends: THAT report CFS10-021 be received from management; and, THAT the project closures and capital funding adjustments outlined in Attachments 1 and 2, as summarized in Attachment 3 be approved. CARRIED Councillor MacEachern declared a conflict in items NB68 and CAO16 due to her involvement with a residents group and her participation in activities as they relate to these lands (Anne Bartley Smith Lands). 7. CLS10-016 – Pending List General Committee recommends: THAT Item R7 be deleted, item completed. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Item NB68 and CAO16 be combined. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Item CFS27 be deleted, item completed. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Item CFS31 be deleted, item completed. CARRIED General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 6 of 8 General Committee recommends: THAT Item PDS41 be deleted, item completed. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT report CLS10-016 be received. CARRIED 8. PR10-019 – Land Acquisition Strategy – Terms of Reference General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the proposed Land Acquisition Strategy Terms of Reference as detailed within this report; and THAT the lands outside Aurora or adjacent to its borders not be looked at, at this time. CARRIED Councillor Gallo left the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Councillor Buck left the meeting at 10:06 p.m. 9. PR10-022 – Phased Implementation Plan of Nokiidaa Trail General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the Nokiidaa Trail and Hadley Grange Nature Reserve Phased Implementation Plan; and THAT the Capital Budget be increased by $241,561.00 to be funded 90% from the Development Charges Reserve Fund and 10% from the Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland Fund; and THAT Council approve proceeding with Phases 1 and 2 of the Implementation Plan consisting of project Design and Agency approvals prior to November 2010; and THAT staff be directed to continue to explore and investigate any other funding sources and availability of any funding for services in- kind and report back to Council. THAT Phases 3 and 4 be referred to the 2011 Capital Budget Process. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 7 of 8 11. PR10-024 – 2010 Aurora Borealis – Sponsorship Opportunity General Committee recommends: THAT Council endorse this event; and THAT the letter dated March 2010 regarding the issuance of tax receipts be reviewed by the Director of Corporate and Financial Services; and THAT the matter be referred to Corporate Communications for input. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the hour be extended. CARRIED VIII NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION – COUNCILLORS Councillor MacEachern provided a Notice of Motion regarding attendance. IX CLOSED SESSION RECOMMENDED: THAT General Committee resolve into a Closed Session, following adjournment, to consider:  Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; Re: Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Committee of Adjustment Variance Application Joseph and Judy Zver 87 Temperance Street File: D13-07-10 CARRIED X ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:55 p.m. CARRIED General Committee Minutes Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Page 8 of 8 THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 10-13 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM NO. 8 WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND AMENDED _______________________________ ________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR JOHN D. LEACH, TOWN CLERK