BYLAW - Pool Tables REPEALED BY 872-41 - 19211031 - 528-1921Q
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" . _._ ice"t for hire or
:$ _ err Tables arid.
For preventingool
prufl't or other places of amusement other thaxi Pool, Bagatell and
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their possessionor on their premises axiy Pool, Bagatelle or Billiard
Taule's in the Town of Aurora.
'18t It shall not be lawful for any person or persuris to op en or
keep wq Pool, Bagatelle or Billiard Tables or have in their possessioLl
or on th'eir premises ur un Ler their control wlthloll this I
resort -whether such Poll, Bagatelle ur Billiard TaU le ur Tables is
usea or riot unless duly licensed so to du in accorcLance with the Pru—
visions of this, Bylawf
r CL It sh A any diib
'I riot be I
ire or gain or pro fit in axiy maxiner
either directly or indirectly preset or prospective in any place
of publi c resort or other place of amusement 'in this Municipa.1ity.
3rd. That in order to obtain a "Licerise to keep, have or use arij Pool
e s a w -�`
" xLication in writing
Ue maae to the Council of this Corporation by the party or parties
9-iterid*ng to keep or have in hios or her possession such
Table _
r place application shall set forth the room
where such 'ale or tables shall be used or kept and if such appl. "lea —
,.:- issue
r,: after
to such-Licaxit a License as applied for Out unly
id Mualocipa:li'tY tile sum ur
applicaut a a into 4
sums bnafter ® price ..
gnatea as the
s 'd Licerse to jaave, force and effect. for one jear from the- time of
ayment of said
4th Th at. the sum ko''r which a linense maj oe granted to* haVe or xeep
_ 4 :.
Table or Taules shall be the sum of $2-5e 00 per
le arid Bil.-Liard Table.,.- and - such